use clap::{CommandFactory, Parser}; mod flasher; #[derive(Parser, Debug)] #[command(version, about, long_about = None)] /// Zap - Lightning fast CLI image flasher struct Args { /// Enable interactive mode (Will ignore all other arguments) #[arg(short, long)] interactive: bool, /// Dry run, will not modify/write anything on disk #[arg(short, long)] dry_run: bool, /// Don't log to stdout, useful for GUI applications utilizing Zap #[arg(short, long)] quiet: bool, /// Use one of the predefined Operating Systems #[arg(short, long)] os: Option, /// Path to the ISO file #[arg(short, long)] file: Option, /// Specify the drive/partition to write the ISO to #[arg(short, long)] target: Option, } const VALID_OS_NAMES: &[&str] = &["Oreon"]; fn is_valid_os(os: &str) -> bool { VALID_OS_NAMES.contains(&os) } fn validate_args(args: &Args) -> Result<(), String> { if args.os.is_some() && args.file.is_some() { return Err("OS and File arguments cannot be passed at the same time".to_string()); } if args.file.is_some() && { return Err("Drive argument is required when a file is chosen".to_string()); } if let Some(ref file) = args.file { if !file.ends_with(".iso") { return Err("Invalid file! Please use an ISO file".to_string()); } if !std::path::Path::new(file).exists() { return Err("The file does not exist!".to_string()); } } if args.os.is_none() && args.file.is_none() && { return Err("Drive argument is required when no OS or file is chosen".to_string()); } Ok(()) } fn handle_interactive_mode() { println!("Interactive mode is enabled."); // TODO: Implement interactive mode } fn handle_os_selection(os: &str) { if is_valid_os(os) { println!("You chose a valid OS! {}", os); } else { println!("You chose an invalid OS! Please use an ISO file instead or one of the following OS choices:"); println!("Valid OS choices: {:?}", VALID_OS_NAMES); println!("More OS choices coming soon!"); } } fn main() { let args = Args::parse(); if args.interactive { handle_interactive_mode(); return; } if std::env::args().len() <= 1 { Args::command().print_help().unwrap(); return; } if let Err(error) = validate_args(&args) { println!("{}", error); std::process::exit(1); } if let (Some(ref file), Some(ref drive)) = (&args.file, & { println!("File: {}", file); println!("Drive: {}", drive); if !args.dry_run { match flasher::flash_iso(file, drive) { Ok(_) => println!("ISO flashed successfully!"), Err(e) => { eprintln!("Error flashing ISO: {}", e); std::process::exit(1); } } } else { println!("Dry run: Would flash {} to {}", file, drive); } } else if let Some(ref os) = args.os { handle_os_selection(os); } }