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# makebumpver - Increment version number and add in RPM spec file changelog
# block. Ensures rhel*-branch commits reference RHEL bugs.
# Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Red Hat, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import logging
log = logging.getLogger("bugzilla")
# This is only place where bugzilla library is used. Exclude from dependencies and
# ignore pylint.
import bugzilla # pylint: disable=import-error
import datetime
import argparse
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import textwrap
def run_program(*args):
"""Run a program with universal newlines on"""
# pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
return subprocess.Popen(*args, universal_newlines=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
class ParseCommaSeparatedList(argparse.Action):
"""A parsing action that parses a comma separated list from the value provided to the option into a list."""
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
value_list = []
for value in values.split(","):
# strip any whitespace prefix/suffix
value = value.strip()
# add what remains to the list
# (" ".strip() -> "")
if value:
setattr(namespace, self.dest, value_list)
class MakeBumpVer:
def __init__(self):
cwd = os.getcwd()
self.configure = os.path.realpath(cwd + '/configure.ac')
self.spec = os.path.realpath(cwd + '/anaconda.spec.in')
with open(self.configure, "rt") as f:
config_ac = f.read()
# get current package name, version & bug reporting email from configure.ac in case they are needed
# It looks like false positive raised on python 3.6
# pylint: disable=no-member
regexp = re.compile(r"AC_INIT\(\[(.*)\], \[(.*)\], \[(.*)\]\)", flags=re.MULTILINE)
values = re.search(regexp, config_ac).groups()
current_name = values[0]
current_version = values[1]
current_bug_reporting_mail = values[2]
# also get the current release number
regexp = re.compile(r"ANACONDA_RELEASE, \[(.*)\]")
self.current_release = re.search(regexp, config_ac).groups()[0]
#argument parsing
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Increments version number and adds the RPM spec file changelog block. "
"Also runs some checks such as ensuring rhel*-branch commits correctly "
"reference RHEL bugs.",
epilog="The -i switch is intended for use with utility commits that we do not need to "
"reference in the spec file changelog.\n"
"The -m switch is used to map a Fedora BZ number to a RHEL BZ number for "
"the spec file changelog.\n"
"Use -m if you have a commit that needs to reference a RHEL bug and have cloned "
"the bug, but the original commit was already pushed to the central repo.")
parser.add_argument("-n", "--name", dest="name", default=current_name, metavar="PACKAGE NAME", help="Package name.")
parser.add_argument("-v", "--version", dest="version", default=current_version, metavar="CURRENT PACKAGE VERSION",
help="Current package version number.")
parser.add_argument("-r", "--release", dest="release", default=1, metavar="PACKAGE RELEASE NUMBER",
help="Package release number.")
parser.add_argument("--newrelease", dest="new_release", default=None, help="Value for release in the .spec file.")
parser.add_argument("-b", "--bugreport", dest="bugreporting_email", default=current_bug_reporting_mail, metavar="EMAIL ADDRESS",
help="Bug reporting email address.")
parser.add_argument("-i", "--ignore", dest="ignored_commits", default=[], action=ParseCommaSeparatedList,
metavar="COMMA SEAPARATED COMMIT IDS", help="Comma separated list of git commits to ignore.")
parser.add_argument("-m", "--map", dest="fedora_rhel_bz_map", default=[], action=ParseCommaSeparatedList,
metavar="COMMA SEPARATED BZ MAPPINGS", help="Comma separated list of FEDORA_BZ=RHEL_BZ mappings.")
parser.add_argument("-s", "--skip-acks", dest="skip_acks", action="store_true", default=False,
help="Skip checking for rhel-X.X.X ack flags.")
parser.add_argument("-S", "--skip-all", dest="skip_all_acks", action="store_true", default=False,
help="Skip all checks.")
parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", action="store_true", default=False,
help="Enable debug logging to stdout.")
parser.add_argument("--dry-run", dest="dry_run", action="store_true", default=False,
help="Do not change any files, only run checks.")
parser.add_argument("-c", "--commit-and-tag", dest="commit_and_tag", action="store_true",
help="Create and tag a release commit once bumping the Anaconda version.")
parser.add_argument("--bump-major-version", dest="bump_major_version", action="store_true",
help="Bump Anaconda major version and reset minor version to 1.")
parser.add_argument("--add-version-number", dest="add_version_number", action="store_true",
help="Add another . separated version number starting at 1. Typically used for branching from Rawhide.")
# gather all unprocessed command line arguments
parser.add_argument(nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, dest="unknown_arguments")
self.args = parser.parse_args()
if self.args.debug:
if self.args.bump_major_version and self.args.add_version_number:
sys.stderr.write("The --bump-major-version and --add-version-number options can't be used at the same time.\n")
if self.args.unknown_arguments:
args_string = " ".join(self.args.unknown_arguments)
sys.stderr.write("unknown arguments: %s\n" % args_string)
if not os.path.isfile(self.configure) and not os.path.isfile(self.spec):
sys.stderr.write("You must be at the top level of the anaconda source tree.\n")
# general initialization
log.debug("%s", self.args)
self.bzserver = 'bugzilla.redhat.com'
self.bzurl = "https://%s/xmlrpc.cgi" % self.bzserver
self.bz = None
self._bz_cache = {}
self.gituser = self._gitConfig('user.name')
self.gitemail = self._gitConfig('user.email')
self.name = self.args.name
self.version = self.args.version
self.release = self.args.release
self.new_release = self.args.new_release or self.release
self.bugreport = self.args.bugreporting_email
self.ignore = self.args.ignored_commits
# apply the bug map
self.bugmap = {}
for mapping in self.args.fedora_rhel_bz_map:
bugs = mapping.split('=')
if len(bugs) == 2:
self.bugmap[bugs[0]] = bugs[1]
self.skip_acks = self.args.skip_acks
self.skip_all = self.args.skip_all_acks
self.dry_run = self.args.dry_run
if self.skip_all:
self.skip_acks = True
self.git_branch = None
# RHEL release number or None (also fills in self.git_branch)
self.rhel = self._isRHEL()
def _gitConfig(self, field):
proc = run_program(['git', 'config', field])
return proc[0].strip('\n')
def _incrementVersion(self, bump_major_version=False, add_version_number=False):
fields = self.version.split('.')
if add_version_number: # add another version number to the end
elif bump_major_version: # increment major version
fields[0] = str(int(fields[0]) + VERSION_NUMBER_INCREMENT) # bump major version
fields[1] = str(int(DEFAULT_MINOR_VERSION_NUMBER)) # reset minor version to 1
else: # minor version bump
fields[-1] = str(int(fields[-1]) + VERSION_NUMBER_INCREMENT)
new = ".".join(fields)
return new
def _isRHEL(self):
proc = run_program(['git', 'branch'])
lines = [x for x in proc[0].strip('\n').split('\n') if x.startswith('*')]
if lines == [] or len(lines) > 1:
return False
fields = lines[0].split(' ')
if len(fields) == 2:
self.git_branch = fields[1]
return False
if self.git_branch.startswith('rhel'):
branch_pattern = r"^rhel(\d+)-(.*)"
m = re.match(branch_pattern, self.git_branch)
if m:
return m.group(1)
rhel8_branch_pattern = r"^rhel-(\d+)(.*)"
m = re.match(rhel8_branch_pattern, self.git_branch)
if m:
return m.group(1)
return False
def _getCommitDetail(self, commit, field):
proc = run_program(['git', 'log', '-1', "--pretty=format:%s" % field, commit])
ret = proc[0].strip('\n').split('\n')
if len(ret) == 1 and ret[0].find('@') != -1:
ret = [ret[0].split('@')[0]]
elif len(ret) == 1:
ret = [ret[0]]
ret = [x for x in ret if x != '']
return ret
def _queryBug(self, bugid):
if not self.bz:
sys.stdout.write("Connecting to %s...\n" % self.bzserver)
self.bz = bugzilla.Bugzilla(url=self.bzurl)
if not self.bz.logged_in:
"Provide an API key from https://{}/userprefs.cgi?tab=apikey"
if bugid in self._bz_cache:
return self._bz_cache[bugid]
bug = self.bz.getbug(bugid, extra_fields="flags")
log.debug("bug = %s", bug)
if not bug:
return None
self._bz_cache[bugid] = bug
return bug
def _isRHELBug(self, bug, commit, summary):
bzentry = self._queryBug(bug)
if not bzentry:
print("*** Bugzilla query for %s failed.\n" % bug)
return False
if bzentry.product.startswith('Red Hat Enterprise Linux'):
return True
print("*** Bug %s is not a RHEL bug." % bug)
print("*** Commit: %s" % commit)
print("*** %s\n" % summary)
return False
def _isRHELBugInCorrectState(self, bug, commit, summary):
bzentry = self._queryBug(bug)
if not bzentry:
print("*** Bugzilla query for %s failed.\n" % bug)
return False
if bzentry.bug_status in ['POST', 'MODIFIED', 'ON_QA']:
return True
print("*** Bug %s is not in POST, MODIFIED or ON_QA." % bug)
print("*** Commit: %s" % commit)
print("*** %s\n" % summary)
return False
def _isRHELBugAcked(self, bug, commit, summary):
""" Check the bug's ack state
if not self.rhel or self.skip_acks:
return True
bzentry = self._queryBug(bug)
for f in bzentry.flags:
if f['name'] == 'release' and f['status'] == '+':
return True
print("*** Bug %s does not have ACK" % bug)
print("*** Commit: %s" % commit)
print("*** %s\n" % summary)
return False
def _rpmLog(self, fixedIn):
git_range = "%s-%s-%s.." % (self.name, self.version, self.release)
proc = run_program(['git', 'log', '--no-merges', '--pretty=oneline', git_range])
lines = proc[0].strip('\n').split('\n')
for commit in self.ignore:
lines = [x for x in lines if not x.startswith(commit)]
rpm_log = []
bad_bump = False
bad = False
for line in lines:
if not line:
fields = line.split(' ')
commit = fields[0]
summary = self._getCommitDetail(commit, "%s")[0]
body = self._getCommitDetail(commit, "%b")
author = self._getCommitDetail(commit, "%aE")[0]
if re.match(r".*(#infra).*", summary):
print("*** Ignoring (#infra) commit %s\n" % commit)
if re.match(r".*(#test).*", summary):
print("*** Ignoring (#test) commit %s\n" % commit)
if self.rhel:
rhbz = set()
bad = False
# look for a bug in the summary line, validate if found
m = re.search(r"\(#\d+(\,.*)*\)", summary)
if m:
fullbug = summary[m.start():m.end()]
bugstr = summary[m.start() + 2:m.end() - 1]
bug = ''
for c in bugstr:
if c.isdigit():
bug += c
if len(bugstr) > len(bug):
tmp = bugstr[len(bug):]
for c in tmp:
if not c.isalpha():
tmp = tmp[1:]
if len(tmp) > 0:
author = tmp
ckbug = self.bugmap.get(bug, bug)
valid = self.skip_all or self._isRHELBug(ckbug, commit, summary)
if valid:
summary = summary.replace(fullbug, "(%s)" % author)
rhbz.add("Resolves: rhbz#%s" % ckbug)
if not self.skip_all:
if not self._isRHELBugInCorrectState(ckbug, commit,
bad = True
if not self._isRHELBugAcked(ckbug, commit, summary):
bad = True
bad = True
summary_bug = ckbug
summary = summary.strip()
summary += " (%s)" % author
summary_bug = None
for bodyline in body:
m = re.match(r"^(Resolves|Related|Conflicts):\ +rhbz#\d+.*$",
if not m:
actionre = re.search("(Resolves|Related|Conflicts)",
bugre = re.search(r"\d+", bodyline)
if actionre and bugre:
action = actionre.group()
bug = bugre.group()
ckbug = self.bugmap.get(bug, bug)
valid = self.skip_all or self._isRHELBug(ckbug, commit, summary)
if valid:
rhbz.add("%s: rhbz#%s" % (action, ckbug))
# Remove the summary bug's Resolves action if it is for the same bug
if action != 'Resolves':
summary_str = "Resolves: rhbz#%s" % summary_bug
if summary_bug and ckbug == summary_bug and summary_str in rhbz:
bad = True
if self.skip_all:
print("*** Bug %s Related commit %s is allowed\n" % (bug, commit))
not_correct = not self._isRHELBugInCorrectState(ckbug, commit, summary)
not_acked = not self._isRHELBugAcked(ckbug, commit, summary)
if valid and action == 'Resolves' and (not_correct or not_acked):
bad = True
elif valid and action == 'Related':
# A related bug needs to have acks, and if it is the same as the summary
# It overrides the summary having different fixed-in or state
if self._isRHELBugAcked(ckbug, commit, summary):
print("*** Bug %s Related commit %s is allowed\n" % (bug, commit))
if ckbug == summary_bug:
bad = False
bad = True
if len(rhbz) == 0 and not self.skip_all:
print("*** No bugs referenced in commit %s\n" % commit)
bad = True
rpm_log.append((summary.strip(), list(rhbz)))
rpm_log.append(("%s (%s)" % (summary.strip(), author), None))
if bad:
bad_bump = True
if bad_bump:
return rpm_log
def _writeNewConfigure(self, newVersion):
f = open(self.configure, 'r')
l = f.readlines()
i = l.index("AC_INIT([%s], [%s], [%s])\n" % (self.name,
l[i] = "AC_INIT([%s], [%s], [%s])\n" % (self.name,
i = l.index("AC_ARG_VAR(ANACONDA_RELEASE, [%s])\n" % self.current_release)
l[i] = "AC_ARG_VAR(ANACONDA_RELEASE, [%s])\n" % self.new_release
f = open(self.configure, 'w')
def _writeNewSpec(self, newVersion, rpmlog):
f = open(self.spec, 'r')
l = f.readlines()
i = l.index('%changelog\n')
top = l[:i]
bottom = l[i + 1:]
f = open(self.spec, 'w')
today = datetime.date.today()
stamp = today.strftime("%a %b %d %Y")
f.write("* %s %s <%s> - %s-%s\n" % (stamp, self.gituser, self.gitemail,
newVersion, self.new_release))
for msg, rhbz in rpmlog:
msg = re.sub('(?<!%)%%(?!%)|(?<!%%)%(?!%%)', '%%', msg)
sublines = textwrap.wrap(msg, 77)
f.write("- %s\n" % sublines[0])
if len(sublines) > 1:
for subline in sublines[1:]:
f.write(" %s\n" % subline)
if rhbz:
for entry in rhbz:
f.write(" %s\n" % entry)
def _do_release_commit(self, new_version):
log.info("creating a tagged release commit")
commit_message = "New version - %s" % new_version
release_tag = "anaconda-%s-%s" % (new_version, self.new_release)
# stage configure.ac and the spec file
run_program(['git', 'add', self.configure, self.spec])
# log the changes that will be commited
proc = run_program(['git', 'diff', '--cached'])
#lines = commit_proc[0].strip('\n').split('\n')
log.info("changes to be commited:\n%s", proc[0])
# make the release commit
run_program(['git', 'commit', '-m', commit_message])
# tag the release
run_program(['git', 'tag', release_tag])
# log the commit message & tag
log.info("commit message: %s", commit_message)
log.info("tag: %s", release_tag)
def run(self):
newVersion = self._incrementVersion(bump_major_version=self.args.bump_major_version,
fixedIn = "%s-%s-%s" % (self.name, newVersion, self.new_release)
rpmlog = self._rpmLog(fixedIn)
if not self.dry_run:
self._writeNewSpec(newVersion, rpmlog)
# do a release commit and tag it with the appropriate tag
if self.args.commit_and_tag:
if __name__ == "__main__":
mbv = MakeBumpVer()