## Policy for MySQL ###################################### ## ## Execute MySQL in the mysql domain. ## ## ## ## Domain allowed to transition. ## ## # interface(`mysql_domtrans',` gen_require(` type mysqld_t, mysqld_exec_t; ') domtrans_pattern($1, mysqld_exec_t, mysqld_t) ') ###################################### ## ## Execute MySQL in the caller domain. ## ## ## ## Domain allowed access. ## ## # interface(`mysql_exec',` gen_require(` type mysqld_exec_t; ') can_exec($1, mysqld_exec_t) ') ######################################## ## ## Send a generic signal to MySQL. ## ## ## ## Domain allowed access. ## ## # interface(`mysql_signal',` gen_require(` type mysqld_t; ') allow $1 mysqld_t:process signal; ') ####################################### ## ## Send a null signal to mysql. ## ## ## ## Domain allowed access. ## ## # interface(`mysql_signull',` gen_require(` type mysqld_t; ') allow $1 mysqld_t:process signull; ') ######################################## ## ## Allow the specified domain to connect to postgresql with a tcp socket. ## ## ## ## Domain allowed access. ## ## # interface(`mysql_tcp_connect',` gen_require(` type mysqld_t; ') corenet_tcp_recvfrom_labeled($1, mysqld_t) corenet_tcp_sendrecv_mysqld_port($1) corenet_tcp_connect_mysqld_port($1) corenet_sendrecv_mysqld_client_packets($1) ') ######################################## ## ## Connect to MySQL using a unix domain stream socket. ## ## ## ## Domain allowed access. ## ## ## # interface(`mysql_stream_connect',` gen_require(` type mysqld_t, mysqld_var_run_t, mysqld_db_t; ') files_search_pids($1) stream_connect_pattern($1, mysqld_var_run_t, mysqld_var_run_t, mysqld_t) stream_connect_pattern($1, mysqld_db_t, mysqld_var_run_t, mysqld_t) ') ######################################## ## ## Read MySQL configuration files. ## ## ## ## Domain allowed access. ## ## ## # interface(`mysql_read_config',` gen_require(` type mysqld_etc_t; ') allow $1 mysqld_etc_t:dir list_dir_perms; allow $1 mysqld_etc_t:file read_file_perms; allow $1 mysqld_etc_t:lnk_file read_lnk_file_perms; ') ######################################## ## ## Search the directories that contain MySQL ## database storage. ## ## ## ## Domain allowed access. ## ## # # cjp: "_dir" in the name is added to clarify that this # is not searching the database itself. interface(`mysql_search_db',` gen_require(` type mysqld_db_t; ') files_search_var_lib($1) allow $1 mysqld_db_t:dir search_dir_perms; ') ######################################## ## ## List the directories that contain MySQL ## database storage. ## ## ## ## Domain allowed access. ## ## # interface(`mysql_list_db',` gen_require(` type mysqld_db_t; ') files_search_var_lib($1) allow $1 mysqld_db_t:dir list_dir_perms; ') ######################################## ## ## Read and write to the MySQL database directory. ## ## ## ## Domain allowed access. ## ## # interface(`mysql_rw_db_dirs',` gen_require(` type mysqld_db_t; ') files_search_var_lib($1) allow $1 mysqld_db_t:dir rw_dir_perms; ') ######################################## ## ## Create, read, write, and delete MySQL database directories. ## ## ## ## Domain allowed access. ## ## # interface(`mysql_manage_db_dirs',` gen_require(` type mysqld_db_t; ') files_search_var_lib($1) allow $1 mysqld_db_t:dir manage_dir_perms; ') ####################################### ## ## Append to the MySQL database directory. ## ## ## ## Domain allowed access. ## ## # interface(`mysql_append_db_files',` gen_require(` type mysqld_db_t; ') files_search_var_lib($1) append_files_pattern($1, mysqld_db_t, mysqld_db_t) ') ####################################### ## ## Read and write to the MySQL database directory. ## ## ## ## Domain allowed access. ## ## # interface(`mysql_read_db_lnk_files',` gen_require(` type mysqld_db_t; ') files_search_var_lib($1) read_lnk_files_pattern($1, mysqld_db_t, mysqld_db_t) ') ####################################### ## ## Read and write to the MySQL database directory. ## ## ## ## Domain allowed access. ## ## # interface(`mysql_rw_db_files',` gen_require(` type mysqld_db_t; ') files_search_var_lib($1) rw_files_pattern($1, mysqld_db_t, mysqld_db_t) ') ####################################### ## ## Create, read, write, and delete MySQL database files. ## ## ## ## Domain allowed access. ## ## # interface(`mysql_manage_db_files',` gen_require(` type mysqld_db_t; ') files_search_var_lib($1) manage_files_pattern($1, mysqld_db_t, mysqld_db_t) ') ######################################## ## ## Read and write to the MySQL database ## named socket. ## ## ## ## Domain allowed access. ## ## # interface(`mysql_rw_db_sockets',` gen_require(` type mysqld_db_t; ') files_search_var_lib($1) allow $1 mysqld_db_t:dir search_dir_perms; allow $1 mysqld_db_t:sock_file rw_sock_file_perms; ') ######################################## ## ## Allow the specified domain to append to MySQL log files. ## ## ## ## Domain allowed access. ## ## # interface(`mysql_append_log',` gen_require(` type mysqld_log_t; ') logging_search_logs($1) allow $1 mysqld_log_t:dir list_dir_perms; append_files_pattern($1, mysqld_log_t, mysqld_log_t) ') ######################################## ## ## Do not audit attempts to append to the MySQL logs. ## ## ## ## Domain to not audit. ## ## # interface(`mysql_dontaudit_append_log',` gen_require(` type mysqld_log_t; ') dontaudit $1 mysqld_log_t:file append_file_perms; ') ######################################## ## ## Allow the specified domain to read MySQL log files. ## ## ## ## Domain allowed access. ## ## ## # interface(`mysql_read_log',` gen_require(` type mysqld_log_t; ') logging_search_logs($1) allow $1 mysqld_log_t:dir list_dir_perms; read_files_pattern($1, mysqld_log_t, mysqld_log_t) read_lnk_files_pattern($1, mysqld_log_t, mysqld_log_t) ') ######################################## ## ## dontaudit attempts to read MySQL log files. ## ## ## ## Domain to not audit. ## ## ## # interface(`mysql_dontaudit_read_log',` gen_require(` type mysqld_log_t; ') dontaudit $1 mysqld_log_t:file read_file_perms; dontaudit $1 mysqld_log_t:lnk_file read_lnk_file_perms; ') ######################################## ## ## Write to the MySQL log. ## ## ## ## Domain allowed access. ## ## # interface(`mysql_write_log',` gen_require(` type mysqld_log_t; ') logging_search_logs($1) allow $1 mysqld_log_t:file { write_file_perms setattr_file_perms }; ') ######################################## ## ## dontaudit attempts to write to the MySQL log files. ## ## ## ## Domain to not audit. ## ## ## # interface(`mysql_dontaudit_write_log',` gen_require(` type mysqld_log_t; ') dontaudit $1 mysqld_log_t:file { write_file_perms setattr_file_perms }; ') ######################################## ## ## dontaudit attempts to read/write to the MySQL db files. ## ## ## ## Domain to not audit. ## ## ## # interface(`mysql_dontaudit_rw_db',` gen_require(` type mysqld_db_t; ') dontaudit $1 mysqld_db_t:file rw_file_perms; ') ###################################### ## ## Execute MySQL safe script in the mysql safe domain. ## ## ## ## Domain allowed to transition. ## ## # interface(`mysql_domtrans_mysql_safe',` gen_require(` type mysqld_safe_t, mysqld_safe_exec_t; ') domtrans_pattern($1, mysqld_safe_exec_t, mysqld_safe_t) ') ###################################### ## ## Execute MySQL_safe in the caller domain. ## ## ## ## Domain allowed access. ## ## # interface(`mysql_safe_exec',` gen_require(` type mysqld_safe_exec_t; ') can_exec($1, mysqld_safe_exec_t) ') ##################################### ## ## Read MySQL PID files. ## ## ## ## Domain allowed access. ## ## # interface(`mysql_read_pid_files',` gen_require(` type mysqld_var_run_t; ') mysql_search_pid_files($1) read_files_pattern($1, mysqld_var_run_t, mysqld_var_run_t) ') ##################################### ## ## Search MySQL PID files. ## ## ## ## Domain allowed access. ## ## ## # interface(`mysql_search_pid_files',` gen_require(` type mysqld_var_run_t; ') search_dirs_pattern($1, mysqld_var_run_t, mysqld_var_run_t) ') ######################################## ## ## Execute mysqld server in the mysqld domain. ## ## ## ## Domain allowed to transition. ## ## # interface(`mysql_systemctl',` gen_require(` type mysqld_unit_file_t; type mysqld_t; ') systemd_exec_systemctl($1) init_reload_services($1) allow $1 mysqld_unit_file_t:file read_file_perms; allow $1 mysqld_unit_file_t:service manage_service_perms; ps_process_pattern($1, mysqld_t) ') ######################################## ## ## read mysqld homedir content (.k5login) ## ## ## ## Domain allowed access. ## ## # interface(`mysql_read_home_content',` gen_require(` type mysqld_home_t; ') userdom_search_user_home_dirs($1) read_files_pattern($1, mysqld_home_t, mysqld_home_t) ') ######################################## ## ## Transition to mysqld named content ## ## ## ## Domain allowed access. ## ## # interface(`mysql_filetrans_named_content',` gen_require(` type mysqld_home_t; type mysqld_var_run_t; ') userdom_admin_home_dir_filetrans($1, mysqld_home_t, file, ".my.cnf") userdom_user_home_dir_filetrans($1, mysqld_home_t, file, ".my.cnf") files_pid_filetrans($1, mysqld_var_run_t, {dir}, "mysqld") files_pid_filetrans($1, mysqld_var_run_t, {dir}, "mysql") ') ######################################## ## ## All of the rules required to administrate an mysql environment ## ## ## ## Domain allowed access. ## ## ## ## ## The role to be allowed to manage the mysql domain. ## ## ## # interface(`mysql_admin',` gen_require(` type mysqld_t, mysqld_var_run_t, mysqld_initrc_exec_t; type mysqld_tmp_t, mysqld_db_t, mysqld_log_t; type mysqld_etc_t; type mysqld_home_t; type mysqld_unit_file_t; ') allow $1 mysqld_t:process signal_perms; ps_process_pattern($1, mysqld_t) tunable_policy(`deny_ptrace',`',` allow $1 mysqld_t:process ptrace; ') init_labeled_script_domtrans($1, mysqld_initrc_exec_t) domain_system_change_exemption($1) role_transition $2 mysqld_initrc_exec_t system_r; allow $2 system_r; files_list_pids($1) admin_pattern($1, mysqld_var_run_t) admin_pattern($1, mysqld_db_t) files_list_etc($1) admin_pattern($1, mysqld_etc_t) logging_list_logs($1) admin_pattern($1, mysqld_log_t) files_list_tmp($1) admin_pattern($1, mysqld_tmp_t) userdom_search_user_home_dirs($1) files_list_root($1) admin_pattern($1, mysqld_home_t) mysql_systemctl($1) admin_pattern($1, mysqld_unit_file_t) allow $1 mysqld_unit_file_t:service all_service_perms; mysql_stream_connect($1) ')