50 Menu position alignment Menu position alignment 0 = Left, 50 = Center, 100 = Right 'Default' menu layout Menu Layout 'Off' Force the menu to a specific location Force the menu to a specific location false disable hotkey on key release disable hotkey on key release. false show ArcMenu on primary monitor when using hotkey show ArcMenu on primary monitor when using hotkey. false show standalone Runner menu on primary monitor when using hotkey show standalone Runner menu monitor when using hotkey. 875 ArcMenu Settings Width ArcMenu Settings Width. 725 ArcMenu Settings Height ArcMenu Settings Height. [true, false, false] Keeps track of available placement for ArcMenu. [Main Panel, Dash to Panel, Dash to Dock] false = not avaliable, true = avaliable "Panel" Embed ArcMenu button into Dash instead of panel Embed ArcMenu button into Dash instead of panel 'Left' Raven layout position. 'Left' or 'Right' side of screen Raven layout position. 'Left' or 'Right' side of screen. true Enable Weather Widget raven layout Enable Weather Widget raven layout. true Enable Clocks Widget raven layout Enable Clocks Widget raven layout. false Enable Weather Widget Unity layout Enable Weather Widget Unity layout. false Enable Clocks Widget Unity layout Enable Clocks Widget Unity layout. false Enable Category Sub Menus Enable Category Sub Menus. 'Full_Color' Category icon type. Full_Color or Symbolic Category icon type. Full_Color or Symbolic 'Symbolic' Shortcut icon type. Full_Color or Symbolic Shortcut icon type. Full_Color or Symbolic false disable the fade effect on scrollviews ddisable the fade effect on scrollviews (may help improve performace) false Show a larger icon and extra app details Show a larger icon and extra app details. 5 The amount of search results to display. The amount of search results to display. false Highlight search results terms Highlight search results terms. false Show search result description label Show search result description label. false Show custom search provider - open windows Show custom search provider - open windows. false Show custom search provider - recent files Show custom search provider - recent files. false Show hidden recent files Show hidden recent files. false Activate Categories on Hover Activate Categories on Hover. false disable recently installed apps disable recently installed apps. false disable tooltips disable tooltips. true Separate All Programs by a Character Listing Separate All Programs by a Character Listing. true Multi-lined labels for large icon application grid layouts Multi-lined labels for large icon application grid layouts. 'Pinned_Apps' Set ArcMenu Layout Default View Set ArcMenu Layout Default View. 'Categories_List' Set Tognee Layout Default View Set Tognee Layout Default View. true Set Unity layout to display "Home Screen" as default Set Unity layout to display "Home Screen" as default. False = Show all Apps false Remove the themes menu arrow and displacement Remove the themes menu arrow and displacement false Remove border around the searchbox Remove border around the searchbox false Disable the user avatar icon from the menu Disable the user avatar icon from the menu false Enable an Activitities Overview Shortcut Enable an Activitities Overview Shortcut 'Bottom' Searchbar location for layouts with default searchbar on bottom Searchbar location for layouts with default searchbar on bottom 'Top' Searchbar location for layouts with default searchbar on top Searchbar location for layouts with default searchbar on top false Flip menu horizontally Flip menu horizontally false Windows layout - disable frequent apps Windows layout - disable frequent apps false Windows layout - disable pinned apps Windows layout - disable pinned apps false GNOME Dash Layout - Show Applications GNOME Dash Layout - Show Applications "rgb(61, 174, 235)" Plasma Selected Item Color Plasma Selected Item Color. "rgba(245, 245, 245, .05)" Plasma Selected Item Background Color Plasma Selected Item Background Color. true Plasma Menu Hover to activate item Plasma Menu Hover to activate item. false Runner layout - show frequent apps Runner layout - show frequent apps false Runner layout - use current shell theme gap Runner layout - use current shell theme gap 400 Runner layout - menu height Runner layout - menu height 500 Runner layout - menu width Runner layout - menu width 0 Runner layout - font size Runner layout - font size false Eleven Layout - disable frequent apps Eleven Layout - disable frequent apps false Used to reload theme Used to reload theme. false Enable a vertical separator Enable a vertical separator. "rgb(32,32,32)" Separator Color Separator Color. "rgba(53,53,53,0.987)" Menu Background Color Menu Background Color. "rgb(223,223,223)" Menu Foreground Color Menu Foreground Color. "rgb(32,32,32)" Border Color Border Color. "rgb(21,83,158)" Highlight/Active Menu Item Background Color Highlight/Active Menu Item Background Color. "rgba(255,255,255,1)" Highlight/Active Menu Item Foreground Color Highlight/Active Menu Item Foreground Color. 9 Menu font size Menu font size. 1 Menu border size Menu border size. 5 Menu corner radius Menu corner radius. 24 Menu margin Menu margin. 12 Menu arrow size Menu arrow size. 550 Menu Height Menu Height. 290 Menu width Menu width. 0 Menu Width Adjustement. Menu Width Adjustement. 0 Default. A negative value decreses the default width, positive increases width. 205 Right Panel width Right Panel width. 0 Gap Adjustment Gap Adjustment "rgb(41, 165, 249)" Recently Installed Application Inidcator Color Recently Installed Application Inidcator Color.. "rgba(196, 196, 196, 0.3)" Recently Installed Application Inidcator Text Background Color Recently Installed Application Inidcator Text Background Color.. false Enable Custom ArcMenu Theme Enable Custom ArcMenu Theme. false Enable Custom ArcMenu Layout Enable Custom ArcMenu Layout. false Show External Devices Show External Devices. false Show Bookmarks Show Bookmarks. [(0, true), (1, true), (2, true), (3, true), (4, false), (5, false), (6, false)] Power Options See Constants.js PowerOptions false Display on all monitors Display the menu on all monitors when using Dash to Panel. 'Default' Activities hotcorner action Activities hotcorner action. false Override action of activities hot corner Override action of activities hot corner. false Show/Hide Activities Button in panel Show/Hide Activities Button in panel. "sh -c 'notify-send \"$(date)\"'" Custom hot corner terminal command Custom hot corner terminal command. 'Undefined' Set a hotkey to open ArcMenu Set a hotkey to open ArcMenu. ["<Super>x"] Custom keybind to open ArcMenu Custom keybind to open ArcMenu. false Enable a standalone Runner menu. Enable a standalone Runner menu. 'Custom' Set a hotkey to open the standalone Runner menu. Set a hotkey to open the standalone Runner menu. ["<Alt>1"] Keybinding to open the standalone runner menu Keybinding to open the standalone runner menu. 'Left' The menu position in the panel The menu position in the panel. 'Top' Runner Menu Position Runner Menu Position. 'Icon_Text' Appearance of the menu button. Appearance of the menu button. 'Circular' Appearance of the avatar icon. Appearance of the avatar icon. false Enables the default menu button arrow. Enables the default menu button arrow. 'Default' Size of the menu items icon. Size of the menu items icon. Includes all application items, category items, search results. 'Default' Size of the menu grid icons. Size of the menu grid icon. 'Default' Size of the button items in ArcMenu. Size of the button items in ArcMenu. Includes all buttons inside the menu 'Default' Size of misc items in ArcMenu. Size of misc items in ArcMenu. Includes searchbox icons, back menu item, all applications menu item, usermenu item. 'Default' Size of quicklink items in ArcMenu. Size of quicklink items in ArcMenu. Includes places, shortcuts, external devices, bookmarks. 'Applications' Text of the menu button. Text of the menu button. 'Arc_Menu_Icon' Icon of the menu button. Icon of the menu button. 0 Icon of the menu button. Icon of the menu button. 0 Icon of the menu button. Icon of the menu button. '' File path of the custom icon for the menu button. File path of the custom icon for the menu button. 40 Size of the icon in percentage. Size of the icon in percentage. -1 Menu Button Padding. Menu Button Padding. 0 Menu button position offset for main panel Menu button position offset for main panel false Override border radius styling of the menu button Override border radius of the menu button. 0 The border radius size of the menu button The border radius size of the menu button. 'rgb(240,240,240)' Color for the menu button icon Color for the menu button icon. false Allows changing the menu button icon color Allows changing the menu button icon color. 'rgb(240,240,240)' Active color for the menu button icon Active color for the menu button icon. false Allows changing the menu button icon active color Allows changing the menu button icon active color. 'rgb(214,214,214)' Hover color for the menu button icon Hover color for the menu button icon. false Allows changing the menu button icon hover color Allows changing the menu button icon hover color. 'rgba(238,238,236,0.1)' Hover background color for the menu button icon Hover background color for the menu button icon. false Allows changing the menu button hover background color Allows changing the menu button hover background color. 'rgba(238,238,236,0.18)' Active background color for the menu button icon Active background color for the menu button icon. false Allows changing the menu button active background color Allows changing the menu button active background color. [(0, true), (1, true), (2, false), (3, false), (4, false)] Array of extra categories. See Constants.js - Categories Array of extra categories. See Constants.js - Categories [(0, false), (1, false), (2, false), (3, false), (4, false)] Array of extra categories links for ArcMenu layout. See Constants.js - Categories Array of extra categories for ArcMenu layout. See Constants.js - Categories 'Bottom' Display extra categories quick links on ArcMenu Layout home page Display extra categories quick links on ArcMenu Layout home page [] List of recently installed apps List of recently installed apps [ "ArcMenu_WebBrowser","WebBrowser", "WebBrowser", "Files", "", "org.gnome.Nautilus.desktop", "Terminal", "", "org.gnome.Terminal.desktop", "ArcMenu Settings", "ArcMenu_ArcMenuIcon", "gnome-extensions prefs arcmenu@arcmenu.com" ] List of Apps Pinned to Menu List of Apps Pinned to Menu false Toggle for enabling custom shortcuts. Toggle for enabling custom shortcuts. [["Home","ArcMenu_Home", "ArcMenu_Home"], ["Documents","ArcMenu_Documents", "ArcMenu_Documents"],["Downloads","ArcMenu_Downloads", "ArcMenu_Downloads"], ["Music","ArcMenu_Music", "ArcMenu_Music"],["Pictures","ArcMenu_Pictures", "ArcMenu_Pictures"],["Videos","ArcMenu_Videos", "ArcMenu_Videos"]] List of default directory paths used for links on the right side of ArcMenu List of default directory paths used for links on the right side of ArcMenu. [["Software","system-software-install-symbolic", "ArcMenu_Software"], ["Settings","preferences-system-symbolic", "gnome-control-center.desktop"], ["Tweaks","org.gnome.tweaks-symbolic", "org.gnome.tweaks.desktop"],["Terminal","utilities-terminal-symbolic", "org.gnome.Terminal.desktop"], ["Activities Overview", "view-fullscreen-symbolic", "ArcMenu_ActivitiesOverview"]] List of default directory paths used for links on the right side of ArcMenu List of default directory paths used for links on the right side of ArcMenu. [] List of Unity Layout Pinned Apps List of Uniity Layout Pinned Apps 5 Index of Unity Layout Pinned App Separator Index of Unity Layout Pinned App Separator, 0 = none ["Software","system-software-install-symbolic", "ArcMenu_Software", "Settings","preferences-system-symbolic", "gnome-control-center.desktop"] List of Brisk Layout Shortcuts List of Brisk Layout Shortcuts [] List of Mint Layout Pinned Apps List of Mint Layout Pinned Apps 5 Index of Mint Layout Pinned App Separator Index of Mint Layout Pinned App Separator, 0 = none [['ArcMenu Style', 'rgba(53,53,53,0.987)', 'rgb(223,223,223)', 'rgb(32,32,32)', 'rgb(21,83,158)', 'rgba(255,255,255,1)', 'rgb(32,32,32)', '9', '1', '5', '12', '24', 'false'], ['Simply Dark', 'rgba(28, 28, 28, 0.98)', 'rgba(211, 218, 227, 1)', 'rgb(63,62,64)', 'rgba(238, 238, 236, 0.1)', 'rgba(255,255,255,1)', 'rgb(63,62,64)', '9', '0', '0', '0', '0', 'false'], ['Dark Blue Theme', 'rgb(25,31,34)', 'rgb(189,230,251)', 'rgb(41,50,55)', 'rgb(41,50,55)', 'rgba(255,255,255,1)', 'rgb(41,50,55)', '9', '1', '5', '12', '24', 'true'], ['Light Blue Theme', 'rgb(255,255,255)', 'rgb(51,51,51)', 'rgb(235,235,235)', 'rgba(189,230,251,0.9)', 'rgba(89,89,89,1)', 'rgba(189,230,251,0.9)', '9', '1', '5', '12', '24', 'true']] List of color-themes List of color themes. 0 Handles which page to open in ArcMenu Settings See Constants.js PrefsVisiblePage