/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; this.ContentSearchUIController = (function () { const MAX_DISPLAYED_SUGGESTIONS = 6; const SUGGESTION_ID_PREFIX = "searchSuggestion"; const ONE_OFF_ID_PREFIX = "oneOff"; const CSS_URI = "chrome://browser/content/contentSearchUI.css"; const HTML_NS = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; /** * Creates a new object that manages search suggestions and their UI for a text * box. * * The UI consists of an html:table that's inserted into the DOM after the given * text box and styled so that it appears as a dropdown below the text box. * * @param inputElement * Search suggestions will be based on the text in this text box. * Assumed to be an html:input. xul:textbox is untested but might work. * @param tableParent * The suggestion table is appended as a child to this element. Since * the table is absolutely positioned and its top and left values are set * to be relative to the top and left of the page, either the parent and * all its ancestors should not be positioned elements (i.e., their * positions should be "static"), or the parent's position should be the * top left of the page. * @param healthReportKey * This will be sent with the search data for FHR to record the search. * @param searchPurpose * Sent with search data, see nsISearchEngine.getSubmission. * @param idPrefix * The IDs of elements created by the object will be prefixed with this * string. */ function ContentSearchUIController(inputElement, tableParent, healthReportKey, searchPurpose, idPrefix="") { this.input = inputElement; this._idPrefix = idPrefix; this._healthReportKey = healthReportKey; this._searchPurpose = searchPurpose; let tableID = idPrefix + "searchSuggestionTable"; this.input.autocomplete = "off"; this.input.setAttribute("aria-autocomplete", "true"); this.input.setAttribute("aria-controls", tableID); tableParent.appendChild(this._makeTable(tableID)); this.input.addEventListener("keypress", this); this.input.addEventListener("input", this); this.input.addEventListener("focus", this); this.input.addEventListener("blur", this); window.addEventListener("ContentSearchService", this); this._stickyInputValue = ""; this._hideSuggestions(); this._getSearchEngines(); this._getStrings(); } ContentSearchUIController.prototype = { // The timeout (ms) of the remote suggestions. Corresponds to // SearchSuggestionController.remoteTimeout. Uses // SearchSuggestionController's default timeout if falsey. remoteTimeout: undefined, _oneOffButtons: [], // Setting up the one off buttons causes an uninterruptible reflow. If we // receive the list of engines while the newtab page is loading, this reflow // may regress performance - so we set this flag and only set up the buttons // if it's set when the suggestions table is actually opened. _pendingOneOffRefresh: undefined, get defaultEngine() { return this._defaultEngine; }, set defaultEngine(engine) { let icon; if (engine.iconBuffer) { icon = this._getFaviconURIFromBuffer(engine.iconBuffer); } else { icon = this._getImageURIForCurrentResolution( "chrome://mozapps/skin/places/defaultFavicon.png"); } this._defaultEngine = { name: engine.name, icon: icon, }; this._updateDefaultEngineHeader(); if (engine && document.activeElement == this.input) { this._speculativeConnect(); } }, get engines() { return this._engines; }, set engines(val) { this._engines = val; this._pendingOneOffRefresh = true; }, // The selectedIndex is the index of the element with the "selected" class in // the list obtained by concatenating the suggestion rows, one-off buttons, and // search settings button. get selectedIndex() { let allElts = [...this._suggestionsList.children, ...this._oneOffButtons, document.getElementById("contentSearchSettingsButton")]; for (let i = 0; i < allElts.length; ++i) { let elt = allElts[i]; if (elt.classList.contains("selected")) { return i; } } return -1; }, set selectedIndex(idx) { // Update the table's rows, and the input when there is a selection. this._table.removeAttribute("aria-activedescendant"); this.input.removeAttribute("aria-activedescendant"); let allElts = [...this._suggestionsList.children, ...this._oneOffButtons, document.getElementById("contentSearchSettingsButton")]; // If we are selecting a suggestion and a one-off is selected, don't deselect it. let excludeIndex = idx < this.numSuggestions && this.selectedButtonIndex > -1 ? this.numSuggestions + this.selectedButtonIndex : -1; for (let i = 0; i < allElts.length; ++i) { let elt = allElts[i]; let ariaSelectedElt = i < this.numSuggestions ? elt.firstChild : elt; if (i == idx) { elt.classList.add("selected"); ariaSelectedElt.setAttribute("aria-selected", "true"); this.input.setAttribute("aria-activedescendant", ariaSelectedElt.id); } else if (i != excludeIndex) { elt.classList.remove("selected"); ariaSelectedElt.setAttribute("aria-selected", "false"); } } }, get selectedButtonIndex() { let elts = [...this._oneOffButtons, document.getElementById("contentSearchSettingsButton")]; for (let i = 0; i < elts.length; ++i) { if (elts[i].classList.contains("selected")) { return i; } } return -1; }, set selectedButtonIndex(idx) { let elts = [...this._oneOffButtons, document.getElementById("contentSearchSettingsButton")]; for (let i = 0; i < elts.length; ++i) { let elt = elts[i]; if (i == idx) { elt.classList.add("selected"); elt.setAttribute("aria-selected", "true"); } else { elt.classList.remove("selected"); elt.setAttribute("aria-selected", "false"); } } }, get selectedEngineName() { let selectedElt = this._oneOffsTable.querySelector(".selected"); if (selectedElt) { return selectedElt.engineName; } return this.defaultEngine.name; }, get numSuggestions() { return this._suggestionsList.children.length; }, selectAndUpdateInput: function (idx) { this.selectedIndex = idx; let newValue = this.suggestionAtIndex(idx) || this._stickyInputValue; // Setting the input value when the value has not changed commits the current // IME composition, which we don't want to do. if (this.input.value != newValue) { this.input.value = newValue; } this._updateSearchWithHeader(); }, suggestionAtIndex: function (idx) { let row = this._suggestionsList.children[idx]; return row ? row.textContent : null; }, deleteSuggestionAtIndex: function (idx) { // Only form history suggestions can be deleted. if (this.isFormHistorySuggestionAtIndex(idx)) { let suggestionStr = this.suggestionAtIndex(idx); this._sendMsg("RemoveFormHistoryEntry", suggestionStr); this._suggestionsList.children[idx].remove(); this.selectAndUpdateInput(-1); } }, isFormHistorySuggestionAtIndex: function (idx) { let row = this._suggestionsList.children[idx]; return row && row.classList.contains("formHistory"); }, addInputValueToFormHistory: function () { this._sendMsg("AddFormHistoryEntry", this.input.value); }, handleEvent: function (event) { this["_on" + event.type[0].toUpperCase() + event.type.substr(1)](event); }, _onCommand: function(aEvent) { if (this.selectedButtonIndex == this._oneOffButtons.length) { // Settings button was selected. this._sendMsg("ManageEngines"); return; } this.search(aEvent); if (aEvent) { aEvent.preventDefault(); } }, search: function (aEvent) { if (!this.defaultEngine) { return; // Not initialized yet. } let searchText = this.input; let searchTerms; if (this._table.hidden || aEvent.originalTarget.id == "contentSearchDefaultEngineHeader" || aEvent instanceof KeyboardEvent) { searchTerms = searchText.value; } else { searchTerms = this.suggestionAtIndex(this.selectedIndex) || searchText.value; } // Send an event that will perform a search and Firefox Health Report will // record that a search from the healthReportKey passed to the constructor. let eventData = { engineName: this.selectedEngineName, searchString: searchTerms, healthReportKey: this._healthReportKey, searchPurpose: this._searchPurpose, originalEvent: { shiftKey: aEvent.shiftKey, ctrlKey: aEvent.ctrlKey, metaKey: aEvent.metaKey, altKey: aEvent.altKey, button: aEvent.button, }, }; if (this.suggestionAtIndex(this.selectedIndex)) { eventData.selection = { index: this.selectedIndex, kind: undefined, }; if (aEvent instanceof MouseEvent) { eventData.selection.kind = "mouse"; } else if (aEvent instanceof KeyboardEvent) { eventData.selection.kind = "key"; } } this._sendMsg("Search", eventData); this.addInputValueToFormHistory(); }, _onInput: function () { if (!this.input.value) { this._stickyInputValue = ""; this._hideSuggestions(); } else if (this.input.value != this._stickyInputValue) { // Only fetch new suggestions if the input value has changed. this._getSuggestions(); this.selectAndUpdateInput(-1); } this._updateSearchWithHeader(); }, _onKeypress: function (event) { let selectedIndexDelta = 0; let selectedSuggestionDelta = 0; let selectedOneOffDelta = 0; switch (event.keyCode) { case event.DOM_VK_UP: if (this._table.hidden) { return; } if (event.getModifierState("Accel")) { if (event.shiftKey) { selectedSuggestionDelta = -1; break; } this._cycleCurrentEngine(true); break; } if (event.altKey) { selectedOneOffDelta = -1; break; } selectedIndexDelta = -1; break; case event.DOM_VK_DOWN: if (this._table.hidden) { this._getSuggestions(); return; } if (event.getModifierState("Accel")) { if (event.shiftKey) { selectedSuggestionDelta = 1; break; } this._cycleCurrentEngine(false); break; } if (event.altKey) { selectedOneOffDelta = 1; break; } selectedIndexDelta = 1; break; case event.DOM_VK_TAB: if (this._table.hidden) { return; } // Shift+tab when either the first or no one-off is selected, as well as // tab when the settings button is selected, should change focus as normal. if ((this.selectedButtonIndex <= 0 && event.shiftKey) || this.selectedButtonIndex == this._oneOffButtons.length && !event.shiftKey) { return; } selectedOneOffDelta = event.shiftKey ? -1 : 1; break; case event.DOM_VK_RIGHT: // Allow normal caret movement until the caret is at the end of the input. if (this.input.selectionStart != this.input.selectionEnd || this.input.selectionEnd != this.input.value.length) { return; } if (this.numSuggestions && this.selectedIndex >= 0 && this.selectedIndex < this.numSuggestions) { this.input.value = this.suggestionAtIndex(this.selectedIndex); this.input.setAttribute("selection-index", this.selectedIndex); this.input.setAttribute("selection-kind", "key"); } else { // If we didn't select anything, make sure to remove the attributes // in case they were populated last time. this.input.removeAttribute("selection-index"); this.input.removeAttribute("selection-kind"); } this._stickyInputValue = this.input.value; this._hideSuggestions(); return; case event.DOM_VK_RETURN: this._onCommand(event); return; case event.DOM_VK_DELETE: if (this.selectedIndex >= 0) { this.deleteSuggestionAtIndex(this.selectedIndex); } return; case event.DOM_VK_ESCAPE: if (!this._table.hidden) { this._hideSuggestions(); } return; default: return; } let currentIndex = this.selectedIndex; if (selectedIndexDelta) { let newSelectedIndex = currentIndex + selectedIndexDelta; if (newSelectedIndex < -1) { newSelectedIndex = this.numSuggestions + this._oneOffButtons.length; } // If are moving up from the first one off, we have to deselect the one off // manually because the selectedIndex setter tries to exclude the selected // one-off (which is desirable for accel+shift+up/down). if (currentIndex == this.numSuggestions && selectedIndexDelta == -1) { this.selectedButtonIndex = -1; } this.selectAndUpdateInput(newSelectedIndex); } else if (selectedSuggestionDelta) { let newSelectedIndex; if (currentIndex >= this.numSuggestions || currentIndex == -1) { // No suggestion already selected, select the first/last one appropriately. newSelectedIndex = selectedSuggestionDelta == 1 ? 0 : this.numSuggestions - 1; } else { newSelectedIndex = currentIndex + selectedSuggestionDelta; } if (newSelectedIndex >= this.numSuggestions) { newSelectedIndex = -1; } this.selectAndUpdateInput(newSelectedIndex); } else if (selectedOneOffDelta) { let newSelectedIndex; let currentButton = this.selectedButtonIndex; if (currentButton == -1 || currentButton == this._oneOffButtons.length) { // No one-off already selected, select the first/last one appropriately. newSelectedIndex = selectedOneOffDelta == 1 ? 0 : this._oneOffButtons.length - 1; } else { newSelectedIndex = currentButton + selectedOneOffDelta; } // Allow selection of the settings button via the tab key. if (newSelectedIndex == this._oneOffButtons.length && event.keyCode != event.DOM_VK_TAB) { newSelectedIndex = -1; } this.selectedButtonIndex = newSelectedIndex; } // Prevent the input's caret from moving. event.preventDefault(); }, _currentEngineIndex: -1, _cycleCurrentEngine: function (aReverse) { if ((this._currentEngineIndex == this._oneOffButtons.length - 1 && !aReverse) || (this._currentEngineIndex < 0 && aReverse)) { return; } this._currentEngineIndex += aReverse ? -1 : 1; let engineName = this._currentEngineIndex > -1 ? this._oneOffButtons[this._currentEngineIndex].engineName : this._originalDefaultEngine.name; this._sendMsg("SetCurrentEngine", engineName); }, _onFocus: function () { if (this._mousedown) { return; } // When the input box loses focus to something in our table, we refocus it // immediately. This causes the focus highlight to flicker, so we set a // custom attribute which consumers should use for focus highlighting. This // attribute is removed only when we do not immediately refocus the input // box, thus eliminating flicker. this.input.setAttribute("keepfocus", "true"); this._speculativeConnect(); }, _onBlur: function () { if (this._mousedown) { // At this point, this.input has lost focus, but a new element has not yet // received it. If we re-focus this.input directly, the new element will // steal focus immediately, so we queue it instead. setTimeout(() => this.input.focus(), 0); return; } this.input.removeAttribute("keepfocus"); this._hideSuggestions(); }, _onMousemove: function (event) { let idx = this._indexOfTableItem(event.target); if (idx >= this.numSuggestions) { this.selectedButtonIndex = idx - this.numSuggestions; return; } this.selectedIndex = idx; }, _onMouseup: function (event) { if (event.button == 2) { return; } this._onCommand(event); }, _onMouseout: function (event) { // We only deselect one-off buttons and the settings button when they are // moused out. let idx = this._indexOfTableItem(event.originalTarget); if (idx >= this.numSuggestions) { this.selectedButtonIndex = -1; } }, _onClick: function (event) { this._onMouseup(event); }, _onContentSearchService: function (event) { let methodName = "_onMsg" + event.detail.type; if (methodName in this) { this[methodName](event.detail.data); } }, _onMsgFocusInput: function (event) { this.input.focus(); }, _onMsgSuggestions: function (suggestions) { // Ignore the suggestions if their search string or engine doesn't match // ours. Due to the async nature of message passing, this can easily happen // when the user types quickly. if (this._stickyInputValue != suggestions.searchString || this.defaultEngine.name != suggestions.engineName) { return; } this._clearSuggestionRows(); // Position and size the table. let { left } = this.input.getBoundingClientRect(); this._table.style.top = this.input.offsetHeight + "px"; this._table.style.minWidth = this.input.offsetWidth + "px"; this._table.style.maxWidth = (window.innerWidth - left - 40) + "px"; // Add the suggestions to the table. let searchWords = new Set(suggestions.searchString.trim().toLowerCase().split(/\s+/)); for (let i = 0; i < MAX_DISPLAYED_SUGGESTIONS; i++) { let type, idx; if (i < suggestions.formHistory.length) { [type, idx] = ["formHistory", i]; } else { let j = i - suggestions.formHistory.length; if (j < suggestions.remote.length) { [type, idx] = ["remote", j]; } else { break; } } this._suggestionsList.appendChild( this._makeTableRow(type, suggestions[type][idx], i, searchWords)); } if (this._table.hidden) { this.selectedIndex = -1; if (this._pendingOneOffRefresh) { this._setUpOneOffButtons(); delete this._pendingOneOffRefresh; } this._table.hidden = false; this.input.setAttribute("aria-expanded", "true"); this._originalDefaultEngine = { name: this.defaultEngine.name, icon: this.defaultEngine.icon, }; } }, _onMsgSuggestionsCancelled: function () { if (!this._table.hidden) { this._hideSuggestions(); } }, _onMsgState: function (state) { this.engines = state.engines; // No point updating the default engine (and the header) if there's no change. if (this.defaultEngine && this.defaultEngine.name == state.currentEngine.name && this.defaultEngine.icon == state.currentEngine.icon) { return; } this.defaultEngine = state.currentEngine; }, _onMsgCurrentState: function (state) { this._onMsgState(state); }, _onMsgCurrentEngine: function (engine) { this.defaultEngine = engine; this._pendingOneOffRefresh = true; }, _onMsgStrings: function (strings) { this._strings = strings; this._updateDefaultEngineHeader(); this._updateSearchWithHeader(); document.getElementById("contentSearchSettingsButton").textContent = this._strings.searchSettings; this.input.setAttribute("placeholder", this._strings.searchPlaceholder); }, _updateDefaultEngineHeader: function () { let header = document.getElementById("contentSearchDefaultEngineHeader"); header.firstChild.setAttribute("src", this.defaultEngine.icon); if (!this._strings) { return; } while (header.firstChild.nextSibling) { header.firstChild.nextSibling.remove(); } header.appendChild(document.createTextNode( this._strings.searchHeader.replace("%S", this.defaultEngine.name))); }, _updateSearchWithHeader: function () { if (!this._strings) { return; } let searchWithHeader = document.getElementById("contentSearchSearchWithHeader"); if (this.input.value) { searchWithHeader.innerHTML = this._strings.searchForSomethingWith; searchWithHeader.querySelector('.contentSearchSearchWithHeaderSearchText').textContent = this.input.value; } else { searchWithHeader.textContent = this._strings.searchWithHeader; } }, _speculativeConnect: function () { if (this.defaultEngine) { this._sendMsg("SpeculativeConnect", this.defaultEngine.name); } }, _makeTableRow: function (type, suggestionStr, currentRow, searchWords) { let row = document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "tr"); row.dir = "auto"; row.classList.add("contentSearchSuggestionRow"); row.classList.add(type); row.setAttribute("role", "presentation"); row.addEventListener("mousemove", this); row.addEventListener("mouseup", this); let entry = document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "td"); let img = document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "div"); img.setAttribute("class", "historyIcon"); entry.appendChild(img); entry.classList.add("contentSearchSuggestionEntry"); entry.setAttribute("role", "option"); entry.id = this._idPrefix + SUGGESTION_ID_PREFIX + currentRow; entry.setAttribute("aria-selected", "false"); let suggestionWords = suggestionStr.trim().toLowerCase().split(/\s+/); for (let i = 0; i < suggestionWords.length; i++) { let word = suggestionWords[i]; let wordSpan = document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "span"); if (searchWords.has(word)) { wordSpan.classList.add("typed"); } wordSpan.textContent = word; entry.appendChild(wordSpan); if (i < suggestionWords.length - 1) { entry.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" ")); } } row.appendChild(entry); return row; }, // Converts favicon array buffer into a data URI. _getFaviconURIFromBuffer: function (buffer) { let blob = new Blob([buffer]); return URL.createObjectURL(blob); }, // Adds "@2x" to the name of the given PNG url for "retina" screens. _getImageURIForCurrentResolution: function (uri) { if (window.devicePixelRatio > 1) { return uri.replace(/\.png$/, "@2x.png"); } return uri; }, _getSearchEngines: function () { this._sendMsg("GetState"); }, _getStrings: function () { this._sendMsg("GetStrings"); }, _getSuggestions: function () { this._stickyInputValue = this.input.value; if (this.defaultEngine) { this._sendMsg("GetSuggestions", { engineName: this.defaultEngine.name, searchString: this.input.value, remoteTimeout: this.remoteTimeout, }); } }, _clearSuggestionRows: function() { while (this._suggestionsList.firstElementChild) { this._suggestionsList.firstElementChild.remove(); } }, _hideSuggestions: function () { this.input.setAttribute("aria-expanded", "false"); this.selectedIndex = -1; this.selectedButtonIndex = -1; this._currentEngineIndex = -1; this._table.hidden = true; }, _indexOfTableItem: function (elt) { if (elt.classList.contains("contentSearchOneOffItem")) { return this.numSuggestions + this._oneOffButtons.indexOf(elt); } if (elt.classList.contains("contentSearchSettingsButton")) { return this.numSuggestions + this._oneOffButtons.length; } while (elt && elt.localName != "tr") { elt = elt.parentNode; } if (!elt) { throw new Error("Element is not a row"); } return elt.rowIndex; }, _makeTable: function (id) { this._table = document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "table"); this._table.id = id; this._table.hidden = true; this._table.classList.add("contentSearchSuggestionTable"); this._table.setAttribute("role", "presentation"); // When the search input box loses focus, we want to immediately give focus // back to it if the blur was because the user clicked somewhere in the table. // onBlur uses the _mousedown flag to detect this. this._table.addEventListener("mousedown", () => { this._mousedown = true; }); document.addEventListener("mouseup", () => { delete this._mousedown; }); // Deselect the selected element on mouseout if it wasn't a suggestion. this._table.addEventListener("mouseout", this); // If a search is loaded in the same tab, ensure the suggestions dropdown // is hidden immediately when the page starts loading and not when it first // appears, in order to provide timely feedback to the user. window.addEventListener("beforeunload", () => { this._hideSuggestions(); }); let headerRow = document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "tr"); let header = document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "td"); headerRow.setAttribute("class", "contentSearchHeaderRow"); header.setAttribute("class", "contentSearchHeader"); let iconImg = document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "img"); header.appendChild(iconImg); header.id = "contentSearchDefaultEngineHeader"; headerRow.appendChild(header); headerRow.addEventListener("click", this); this._table.appendChild(headerRow); let row = document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "tr"); row.setAttribute("class", "contentSearchSuggestionsContainer"); let cell = document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "td"); cell.setAttribute("class", "contentSearchSuggestionsContainer"); this._suggestionsList = document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "table"); this._suggestionsList.setAttribute("class", "contentSearchSuggestionsList"); cell.appendChild(this._suggestionsList); row.appendChild(cell); this._table.appendChild(row); this._suggestionsList.setAttribute("role", "listbox"); this._oneOffsTable = document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "table"); this._oneOffsTable.setAttribute("class", "contentSearchOneOffsTable"); this._oneOffsTable.classList.add("contentSearchSuggestionsContainer"); this._oneOffsTable.setAttribute("role", "group"); this._table.appendChild(this._oneOffsTable); headerRow = document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "tr"); header = document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "td"); headerRow.setAttribute("class", "contentSearchHeaderRow"); header.setAttribute("class", "contentSearchHeader"); headerRow.appendChild(header); header.id = "contentSearchSearchWithHeader"; this._oneOffsTable.appendChild(headerRow); let button = document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "button"); button.setAttribute("class", "contentSearchSettingsButton"); button.classList.add("contentSearchHeaderRow"); button.classList.add("contentSearchHeader"); button.id = "contentSearchSettingsButton"; button.addEventListener("click", this); button.addEventListener("mousemove", this); this._table.appendChild(button); return this._table; }, _setUpOneOffButtons: function () { // Sometimes we receive a CurrentEngine message from the ContentSearch service // before we've received a State message - i.e. before we have our engines. if (!this._engines) { return; } while (this._oneOffsTable.firstChild.nextSibling) { this._oneOffsTable.firstChild.nextSibling.remove(); } this._oneOffButtons = []; let engines = this._engines.filter(aEngine => aEngine.name != this.defaultEngine.name); if (!engines.length) { this._oneOffsTable.hidden = true; return; } const kDefaultButtonWidth = 49; // 48px + 1px border. let rowWidth = this.input.offsetWidth - 2; // 2px border. let enginesPerRow = Math.floor(rowWidth / kDefaultButtonWidth); let buttonWidth = Math.floor(rowWidth / enginesPerRow); let row = document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "tr"); let cell = document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "td"); row.setAttribute("class", "contentSearchSuggestionsContainer"); cell.setAttribute("class", "contentSearchSuggestionsContainer"); for (let i = 0; i < engines.length; ++i) { let engine = engines[i]; if (i > 0 && i % enginesPerRow == 0) { row.appendChild(cell); this._oneOffsTable.appendChild(row); row = document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "tr"); cell = document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "td"); row.setAttribute("class", "contentSearchSuggestionsContainer"); cell.setAttribute("class", "contentSearchSuggestionsContainer"); } let button = document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "button"); button.setAttribute("class", "contentSearchOneOffItem"); let img = document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "img"); let uri; if (engine.iconBuffer) { uri = this._getFaviconURIFromBuffer(engine.iconBuffer); } else { uri = this._getImageURIForCurrentResolution( "chrome://browser/skin/search-engine-placeholder.png"); } img.setAttribute("src", uri); button.appendChild(img); button.style.width = buttonWidth + "px"; button.setAttribute("title", engine.name); button.engineName = engine.name; button.addEventListener("click", this); button.addEventListener("mousemove", this); if (engines.length - i <= enginesPerRow - (i % enginesPerRow)) { button.classList.add("last-row"); } if ((i + 1) % enginesPerRow == 0) { button.classList.add("end-of-row"); } button.id = ONE_OFF_ID_PREFIX + i; cell.appendChild(button); this._oneOffButtons.push(button); } row.appendChild(cell); this._oneOffsTable.appendChild(row); this._oneOffsTable.hidden = false; }, _sendMsg: function (type, data=null) { dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("ContentSearchClient", { detail: { type: type, data: data, }, })); }, }; return ContentSearchUIController; })();