/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr} = Components; this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["CustomizableWidgets"]; Cu.import("resource:///modules/CustomizableUI.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "BrowserUITelemetry", "resource:///modules/BrowserUITelemetry.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "PlacesUtils", "resource://gre/modules/PlacesUtils.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "PlacesUIUtils", "resource:///modules/PlacesUIUtils.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "RecentlyClosedTabsAndWindowsMenuUtils", "resource:///modules/sessionstore/RecentlyClosedTabsAndWindowsMenuUtils.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "ShortcutUtils", "resource://gre/modules/ShortcutUtils.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "CharsetMenu", "resource://gre/modules/CharsetMenu.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "PrivateBrowsingUtils", "resource://gre/modules/PrivateBrowsingUtils.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "SyncedTabs", "resource://services-sync/SyncedTabs.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "CharsetBundle", function() { const kCharsetBundle = "chrome://global/locale/charsetMenu.properties"; return Services.strings.createBundle(kCharsetBundle); }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "BrandBundle", function() { const kBrandBundle = "chrome://branding/locale/brand.properties"; return Services.strings.createBundle(kBrandBundle); }); const kNSXUL = "http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"; const kPrefCustomizationDebug = "browser.uiCustomization.debug"; const kWidePanelItemClass = "panel-wide-item"; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "log", () => { let scope = {}; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Console.jsm", scope); let debug; try { debug = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(kPrefCustomizationDebug); } catch (ex) {} let consoleOptions = { maxLogLevel: debug ? "all" : "log", prefix: "CustomizableWidgets", }; return new scope.ConsoleAPI(consoleOptions); }); function setAttributes(aNode, aAttrs) { let doc = aNode.ownerDocument; for (let [name, value] of Iterator(aAttrs)) { if (!value) { if (aNode.hasAttribute(name)) aNode.removeAttribute(name); } else { if (name == "shortcutId") { continue; } if (name == "label" || name == "tooltiptext") { let stringId = (typeof value == "string") ? value : name; let additionalArgs = []; if (aAttrs.shortcutId) { let shortcut = doc.getElementById(aAttrs.shortcutId); if (shortcut) { additionalArgs.push(ShortcutUtils.prettifyShortcut(shortcut)); } } value = CustomizableUI.getLocalizedProperty({id: aAttrs.id}, stringId, additionalArgs); } aNode.setAttribute(name, value); } } } function updateCombinedWidgetStyle(aNode, aArea, aModifyCloseMenu) { let inPanel = (aArea == CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL); let cls = inPanel ? "panel-combined-button" : "toolbarbutton-1 toolbarbutton-combined"; let attrs = {class: cls}; if (aModifyCloseMenu) { attrs.closemenu = inPanel ? "none" : null; } for (let i = 0, l = aNode.childNodes.length; i < l; ++i) { if (aNode.childNodes[i].localName == "separator") continue; setAttributes(aNode.childNodes[i], attrs); } } function fillSubviewFromMenuItems(aMenuItems, aSubview) { let attrs = ["oncommand", "onclick", "label", "key", "disabled", "command", "observes", "hidden", "class", "origin", "image", "checked"]; let doc = aSubview.ownerDocument; let fragment = doc.createDocumentFragment(); for (let menuChild of aMenuItems) { if (menuChild.hidden) continue; let subviewItem; if (menuChild.localName == "menuseparator") { // Don't insert duplicate or leading separators. This can happen if there are // menus (which we don't copy) above the separator. if (!fragment.lastChild || fragment.lastChild.localName == "menuseparator") { continue; } subviewItem = doc.createElementNS(kNSXUL, "menuseparator"); } else if (menuChild.localName == "menuitem") { subviewItem = doc.createElementNS(kNSXUL, "toolbarbutton"); CustomizableUI.addShortcut(menuChild, subviewItem); let item = menuChild; if (!item.hasAttribute("onclick")) { subviewItem.addEventListener("click", event => { let newEvent = new doc.defaultView.MouseEvent(event.type, event); item.dispatchEvent(newEvent); }); } if (!item.hasAttribute("oncommand")) { subviewItem.addEventListener("command", event => { let newEvent = doc.createEvent("XULCommandEvent"); newEvent.initCommandEvent( event.type, event.bubbles, event.cancelable, event.view, event.detail, event.ctrlKey, event.altKey, event.shiftKey, event.metaKey, event.sourceEvent); item.dispatchEvent(newEvent); }); } } else { continue; } for (let attr of attrs) { let attrVal = menuChild.getAttribute(attr); if (attrVal) subviewItem.setAttribute(attr, attrVal); } // We do this after so the .subviewbutton class doesn't get overriden. if (menuChild.localName == "menuitem") { subviewItem.classList.add("subviewbutton"); } fragment.appendChild(subviewItem); } aSubview.appendChild(fragment); } function clearSubview(aSubview) { let parent = aSubview.parentNode; // We'll take the container out of the document before cleaning it out // to avoid reflowing each time we remove something. parent.removeChild(aSubview); while (aSubview.firstChild) { aSubview.firstChild.remove(); } parent.appendChild(aSubview); } const CustomizableWidgets = [ { id: "history-panelmenu", type: "view", viewId: "PanelUI-history", shortcutId: "key_gotoHistory", tooltiptext: "history-panelmenu.tooltiptext2", defaultArea: CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL, onViewShowing: function(aEvent) { // Populate our list of history const kMaxResults = 15; let doc = aEvent.detail.ownerDocument; let win = doc.defaultView; let options = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQueryOptions(); options.excludeQueries = true; options.queryType = options.QUERY_TYPE_HISTORY; options.sortingMode = options.SORT_BY_DATE_DESCENDING; options.maxResults = kMaxResults; let query = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQuery(); let items = doc.getElementById("PanelUI-historyItems"); // Clear previous history items. while (items.firstChild) { items.firstChild.remove(); } // Get all statically placed buttons to supply them with keyboard shortcuts. let staticButtons = items.parentNode.getElementsByTagNameNS(kNSXUL, "toolbarbutton"); for (let i = 0, l = staticButtons.length; i < l; ++i) CustomizableUI.addShortcut(staticButtons[i]); PlacesUtils.history.QueryInterface(Ci.nsPIPlacesDatabase) .asyncExecuteLegacyQueries([query], 1, options, { handleResult: function (aResultSet) { let onItemCommand = function (aEvent) { // Only handle the click event for middle clicks, we're using the command // event otherwise. if (aEvent.type == "click" && aEvent.button != 1) { return; } let item = aEvent.target; win.openUILink(item.getAttribute("targetURI"), aEvent); CustomizableUI.hidePanelForNode(item); }; let fragment = doc.createDocumentFragment(); let row; while ((row = aResultSet.getNextRow())) { let uri = row.getResultByIndex(1); let title = row.getResultByIndex(2); let icon = row.getResultByIndex(6); let item = doc.createElementNS(kNSXUL, "toolbarbutton"); item.setAttribute("label", title || uri); item.setAttribute("targetURI", uri); item.setAttribute("class", "subviewbutton"); item.addEventListener("command", onItemCommand); item.addEventListener("click", onItemCommand); if (icon) { let iconURL = "moz-anno:favicon:" + icon; item.setAttribute("image", iconURL); } fragment.appendChild(item); } items.appendChild(fragment); }, handleError: function (aError) { log.debug("History view tried to show but had an error: " + aError); }, handleCompletion: function (aReason) { log.debug("History view is being shown!"); }, }); let recentlyClosedTabs = doc.getElementById("PanelUI-recentlyClosedTabs"); while (recentlyClosedTabs.firstChild) { recentlyClosedTabs.removeChild(recentlyClosedTabs.firstChild); } let recentlyClosedWindows = doc.getElementById("PanelUI-recentlyClosedWindows"); while (recentlyClosedWindows.firstChild) { recentlyClosedWindows.removeChild(recentlyClosedWindows.firstChild); } let utils = RecentlyClosedTabsAndWindowsMenuUtils; let tabsFragment = utils.getTabsFragment(doc.defaultView, "toolbarbutton", true, "menuRestoreAllTabsSubview.label"); let separator = doc.getElementById("PanelUI-recentlyClosedTabs-separator"); let elementCount = tabsFragment.childElementCount; separator.hidden = !elementCount; while (--elementCount >= 0) { tabsFragment.children[elementCount].classList.add("subviewbutton"); } recentlyClosedTabs.appendChild(tabsFragment); let windowsFragment = utils.getWindowsFragment(doc.defaultView, "toolbarbutton", true, "menuRestoreAllWindowsSubview.label"); separator = doc.getElementById("PanelUI-recentlyClosedWindows-separator"); elementCount = windowsFragment.childElementCount; separator.hidden = !elementCount; while (--elementCount >= 0) { windowsFragment.children[elementCount].classList.add("subviewbutton"); } recentlyClosedWindows.appendChild(windowsFragment); }, onCreated: function(aNode) { // Middle clicking recently closed items won't close the panel - cope: let onRecentlyClosedClick = function(aEvent) { if (aEvent.button == 1) { CustomizableUI.hidePanelForNode(this); } }; let doc = aNode.ownerDocument; let recentlyClosedTabs = doc.getElementById("PanelUI-recentlyClosedTabs"); let recentlyClosedWindows = doc.getElementById("PanelUI-recentlyClosedWindows"); recentlyClosedTabs.addEventListener("click", onRecentlyClosedClick); recentlyClosedWindows.addEventListener("click", onRecentlyClosedClick); }, onViewHiding: function(aEvent) { log.debug("History view is being hidden!"); } }, { id: "sync-button", label: "remotetabs-panelmenu.label", tooltiptext: "remotetabs-panelmenu.tooltiptext", type: "view", viewId: "PanelUI-remotetabs", defaultArea: CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL, deckIndices: { DECKINDEX_TABS: 0, DECKINDEX_TABSDISABLED: 1, DECKINDEX_FETCHING: 2, DECKINDEX_NOCLIENTS: 3, }, onCreated(aNode) { // Add an observer to the button so we get the animation during sync. // (Note the observer sets many attributes, including label and // tooltiptext, but we only want the 'syncstatus' attribute for the // animation) let doc = aNode.ownerDocument; let obnode = doc.createElementNS(kNSXUL, "observes"); obnode.setAttribute("element", "sync-status"); obnode.setAttribute("attribute", "syncstatus"); aNode.appendChild(obnode); // A somewhat complicated dance to format the mobilepromo label. let bundle = doc.getElementById("bundle_browser"); let formatArgs = ["android", "ios"].map(os => { let link = doc.createElement("label"); link.textContent = bundle.getString(`appMenuRemoteTabs.mobilePromo.${os}`) link.setAttribute("mobile-promo-os", os); link.className = "text-link remotetabs-promo-link"; return link.outerHTML; }); // Put it all together... let contents = bundle.getFormattedString("appMenuRemoteTabs.mobilePromo", formatArgs); let promoParentElt = doc.getElementById("PanelUI-remotetabs-mobile-promo"); promoParentElt.innerHTML = contents; // We manually manage the "click" event to open the promo links because // allowing the "text-link" widget handle it has 2 problems: (1) it only // supports button 0 and (2) it's tricky to intercept when it does the // open and auto-close the panel. (1) can probably be fixed, but (2) is // trickier without hard-coding here the knowledge of exactly what buttons // it does support. // So we allow left and middle clicks to open the link in a new tab and // close the panel; not setting a "href" attribute prevents the text-link // widget handling it, and we build the final URL in the click handler to // make testing easier (ie, so tests can change the pref after the links // were created and have the new pref value used.) promoParentElt.addEventListener("click", e => { let os = e.target.getAttribute("mobile-promo-os"); if (!os || e.button > 1) { return; } let link = Services.prefs.getCharPref(`identity.mobilepromo.${os}`) + "synced-tabs"; doc.defaultView.openUILinkIn(link, "tab"); CustomizableUI.hidePanelForNode(e.target); }); }, onViewShowing(aEvent) { let doc = aEvent.target.ownerDocument; this._tabsList = doc.getElementById("PanelUI-remotetabs-tabslist"); Services.obs.addObserver(this, SyncedTabs.TOPIC_TABS_CHANGED, false); if (SyncedTabs.isConfiguredToSyncTabs) { if (SyncedTabs.hasSyncedThisSession) { this.setDeckIndex(this.deckIndices.DECKINDEX_TABS); } else { // Sync hasn't synced tabs yet, so show the "fetching" panel. this.setDeckIndex(this.deckIndices.DECKINDEX_FETCHING); } // force a background sync. SyncedTabs.syncTabs().catch(ex => { Cu.reportError(ex); }); // show the current list - it will be updated by our observer. this._showTabs(); } else { // not configured to sync tabs, so no point updating the list. this.setDeckIndex(this.deckIndices.DECKINDEX_TABSDISABLED); } }, onViewHiding() { Services.obs.removeObserver(this, SyncedTabs.TOPIC_TABS_CHANGED); this._tabsList = null; }, _tabsList: null, observe(subject, topic, data) { switch (topic) { case SyncedTabs.TOPIC_TABS_CHANGED: this._showTabs(); break; default: break; } }, setDeckIndex(index) { let deck = this._tabsList.ownerDocument.getElementById("PanelUI-remotetabs-deck"); // We call setAttribute instead of relying on the XBL property setter due // to things going wrong when we try and set the index before the XBL // binding has been created - see bug 1241851 for the gory details. deck.setAttribute("selectedIndex", index); }, _showTabsPromise: Promise.resolve(), // Update the tab list after any existing in-flight updates are complete. _showTabs() { this._showTabsPromise = this._showTabsPromise.then(() => { return this.__showTabs(); }); }, // Return a new promise to update the tab list. __showTabs() { let doc = this._tabsList.ownerDocument; return SyncedTabs.getTabClients().then(clients => { // The view may have been hidden while the promise was resolving. if (!this._tabsList) { return; } if (clients.length === 0 && !SyncedTabs.hasSyncedThisSession) { // the "fetching tabs" deck is being shown - let's leave it there. // When that first sync completes we'll be notified and update. return; } if (clients.length === 0) { this.setDeckIndex(this.deckIndices.DECKINDEX_NOCLIENTS); return; } this.setDeckIndex(this.deckIndices.DECKINDEX_TABS); this._clearTabList(); this._sortFilterClientsAndTabs(clients); let fragment = doc.createDocumentFragment(); for (let client of clients) { // add a menu separator for all clients other than the first. if (fragment.lastChild) { let separator = doc.createElementNS(kNSXUL, "menuseparator"); fragment.appendChild(separator); } this._appendClient(client, fragment); } this._tabsList.appendChild(fragment); }).catch(err => { Cu.reportError(err); }).then(() => { // an observer for tests. Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "synced-tabs-menu:test:tabs-updated", null); }); }, _clearTabList () { let list = this._tabsList; while (list.lastChild) { list.lastChild.remove(); } }, _showNoClientMessage() { this._appendMessageLabel("notabslabel"); }, _appendMessageLabel(messageAttr, appendTo = null) { if (!appendTo) { appendTo = this._tabsList; } let message = this._tabsList.getAttribute(messageAttr); let doc = this._tabsList.ownerDocument; let messageLabel = doc.createElementNS(kNSXUL, "label"); messageLabel.textContent = message; appendTo.appendChild(messageLabel); return messageLabel; }, _appendClient: function (client, attachFragment) { let doc = attachFragment.ownerDocument; // Create the element for the remote client. let clientItem = doc.createElementNS(kNSXUL, "label"); clientItem.setAttribute("itemtype", "client"); clientItem.textContent = client.name; attachFragment.appendChild(clientItem); if (client.tabs.length == 0) { let label = this._appendMessageLabel("notabsforclientlabel", attachFragment); label.setAttribute("class", "PanelUI-remotetabs-notabsforclient-label"); } else { for (let tab of client.tabs) { let tabEnt = this._createTabElement(doc, tab); attachFragment.appendChild(tabEnt); } } }, _createTabElement(doc, tabInfo) { let win = doc.defaultView; let item = doc.createElementNS(kNSXUL, "toolbarbutton"); item.setAttribute("itemtype", "tab"); item.setAttribute("class", "subviewbutton"); item.setAttribute("targetURI", tabInfo.url); item.setAttribute("label", tabInfo.title != "" ? tabInfo.title : tabInfo.url); item.setAttribute("image", tabInfo.icon); // We need to use "click" instead of "command" here so openUILink // respects different buttons (eg, to open in a new tab). item.addEventListener("click", e => { doc.defaultView.openUILink(tabInfo.url, e); CustomizableUI.hidePanelForNode(item); }); return item; }, _sortFilterClientsAndTabs(clients) { // First sort and filter the list of tabs for each client. Note that the // SyncedTabs module promises that the objects it returns are never // shared, so we are free to mutate those objects directly. const maxTabs = 50; for (let client of clients) { let tabs = client.tabs; tabs.sort((a, b) => b.lastUsed - a.lastUsed); client.tabs = tabs.slice(0, maxTabs); } // Now sort the clients - the clients are sorted in the order of the // most recent tab for that client (ie, it is important the tabs for // each client are already sorted.) clients.sort((a, b) => { if (a.tabs.length == 0) { return 1; // b comes first. } if (b.tabs.length == 0) { return -1; // a comes first. } return b.tabs[0].lastUsed - a.tabs[0].lastUsed; }); }, }, { id: "privatebrowsing-button", shortcutId: "key_privatebrowsing", defaultArea: CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL, onCommand: function(e) { if (e.target && e.target.ownerDocument && e.target.ownerDocument.defaultView) { let win = e.target.ownerDocument.defaultView; if (typeof win.OpenBrowserWindow == "function") { win.OpenBrowserWindow({private: true}); } } } }, { id: "save-page-button", shortcutId: "key_savePage", tooltiptext: "save-page-button.tooltiptext3", defaultArea: CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL, onCommand: function(aEvent) { let win = aEvent.target && aEvent.target.ownerDocument && aEvent.target.ownerDocument.defaultView; if (win && typeof win.saveBrowser == "function") { win.saveBrowser(win.gBrowser.selectedBrowser); } } }, { id: "find-button", shortcutId: "key_find", tooltiptext: "find-button.tooltiptext3", defaultArea: CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL, onCommand: function(aEvent) { let win = aEvent.target && aEvent.target.ownerDocument && aEvent.target.ownerDocument.defaultView; if (win && win.gFindBar) { win.gFindBar.onFindCommand(); } } }, { id: "open-file-button", shortcutId: "openFileKb", tooltiptext: "open-file-button.tooltiptext3", defaultArea: CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL, onCommand: function(aEvent) { let win = aEvent.target && aEvent.target.ownerDocument && aEvent.target.ownerDocument.defaultView; if (win && typeof win.BrowserOpenFileWindow == "function") { win.BrowserOpenFileWindow(); } } }, { id: "developer-button", type: "view", viewId: "PanelUI-developer", shortcutId: "key_devToolboxMenuItem", tooltiptext: "developer-button.tooltiptext2", defaultArea: AppConstants.MOZ_DEV_EDITION ? CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR : CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL, onViewShowing: function(aEvent) { // Populate the subview with whatever menuitems are in the developer // menu. We skip menu elements, because the menu panel has no way // of dealing with those right now. let doc = aEvent.target.ownerDocument; let win = doc.defaultView; let menu = doc.getElementById("menuWebDeveloperPopup"); let itemsToDisplay = [...menu.children]; // Hardcode the addition of the "work offline" menuitem at the bottom: itemsToDisplay.push({localName: "menuseparator", getAttribute: () => {}}); itemsToDisplay.push(doc.getElementById("goOfflineMenuitem")); let developerItems = doc.getElementById("PanelUI-developerItems"); clearSubview(developerItems); fillSubviewFromMenuItems(itemsToDisplay, developerItems); } }, { id: "sidebar-button", type: "view", viewId: "PanelUI-sidebar", tooltiptext: "sidebar-button.tooltiptext2", onViewShowing: function(aEvent) { // Largely duplicated from the developer-button above with a couple minor // alterations. // Populate the subview with whatever menuitems are in the // sidebar menu. We skip menu elements, because the menu panel has no way // of dealing with those right now. let doc = aEvent.target.ownerDocument; let win = doc.defaultView; let menu = doc.getElementById("viewSidebarMenu"); // First clear any existing menuitems then populate. Social sidebar // options may not have been added yet, so we do that here. Add it to the // standard menu first, then copy all sidebar options to the panel. win.SocialSidebar.clearProviderMenus(); let providerMenuSeps = menu.getElementsByClassName("social-provider-menu"); if (providerMenuSeps.length > 0) win.SocialSidebar.populateProviderMenu(providerMenuSeps[0]); let sidebarItems = doc.getElementById("PanelUI-sidebarItems"); clearSubview(sidebarItems); fillSubviewFromMenuItems([...menu.children], sidebarItems); } }, { id: "social-share-button", // custom build our button so we can attach to the share command type: "custom", onBuild: function(aDocument) { let node = aDocument.createElementNS(kNSXUL, "toolbarbutton"); node.setAttribute("id", this.id); node.classList.add("toolbarbutton-1"); node.classList.add("chromeclass-toolbar-additional"); node.setAttribute("label", CustomizableUI.getLocalizedProperty(this, "label")); node.setAttribute("tooltiptext", CustomizableUI.getLocalizedProperty(this, "tooltiptext")); node.setAttribute("removable", "true"); node.setAttribute("observes", "Social:PageShareOrMark"); node.setAttribute("command", "Social:SharePage"); let listener = { onWidgetAdded: (aWidgetId) => { if (aWidgetId != this.id) return; Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "social:" + this.id + "-added", null); }, onWidgetRemoved: aWidgetId => { if (aWidgetId != this.id) return; Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "social:" + this.id + "-removed", null); }, onWidgetInstanceRemoved: (aWidgetId, aDoc) => { if (aWidgetId != this.id || aDoc != aDocument) return; CustomizableUI.removeListener(listener); } }; CustomizableUI.addListener(listener); return node; } }, { id: "add-ons-button", shortcutId: "key_openAddons", tooltiptext: "add-ons-button.tooltiptext3", defaultArea: CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL, onCommand: function(aEvent) { let win = aEvent.target && aEvent.target.ownerDocument && aEvent.target.ownerDocument.defaultView; if (win && typeof win.BrowserOpenAddonsMgr == "function") { win.BrowserOpenAddonsMgr(); } } }, { id: "zoom-controls", type: "custom", tooltiptext: "zoom-controls.tooltiptext2", defaultArea: CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL, onBuild: function(aDocument) { const kPanelId = "PanelUI-popup"; let areaType = CustomizableUI.getAreaType(this.currentArea); let inPanel = areaType == CustomizableUI.TYPE_MENU_PANEL; let inToolbar = areaType == CustomizableUI.TYPE_TOOLBAR; let buttons = [{ id: "zoom-out-button", command: "cmd_fullZoomReduce", label: true, tooltiptext: "tooltiptext2", shortcutId: "key_fullZoomReduce", }, { id: "zoom-reset-button", command: "cmd_fullZoomReset", tooltiptext: "tooltiptext2", shortcutId: "key_fullZoomReset", }, { id: "zoom-in-button", command: "cmd_fullZoomEnlarge", label: true, tooltiptext: "tooltiptext2", shortcutId: "key_fullZoomEnlarge", }]; let node = aDocument.createElementNS(kNSXUL, "toolbaritem"); node.setAttribute("id", "zoom-controls"); node.setAttribute("label", CustomizableUI.getLocalizedProperty(this, "label")); node.setAttribute("title", CustomizableUI.getLocalizedProperty(this, "tooltiptext")); // Set this as an attribute in addition to the property to make sure we can style correctly. node.setAttribute("removable", "true"); node.classList.add("chromeclass-toolbar-additional"); node.classList.add("toolbaritem-combined-buttons"); node.classList.add(kWidePanelItemClass); buttons.forEach(function(aButton, aIndex) { if (aIndex != 0) node.appendChild(aDocument.createElementNS(kNSXUL, "separator")); let btnNode = aDocument.createElementNS(kNSXUL, "toolbarbutton"); setAttributes(btnNode, aButton); node.appendChild(btnNode); }); // The middle node is the 'Reset Zoom' button. let zoomResetButton = node.childNodes[2]; let window = aDocument.defaultView; function updateZoomResetButton() { let updateDisplay = true; // Label should always show 100% in customize mode, so don't update: if (aDocument.documentElement.hasAttribute("customizing")) { updateDisplay = false; } //XXXgijs in some tests we get called very early, and there's no docShell on the // tabbrowser. This breaks the zoom toolkit code (see bug 897410). Don't let that happen: let zoomFactor = 100; try { zoomFactor = Math.round(window.ZoomManager.zoom * 100); } catch (e) {} zoomResetButton.setAttribute("label", CustomizableUI.getLocalizedProperty( buttons[1], "label", [updateDisplay ? zoomFactor : 100] )); } // Register ourselves with the service so we know when the zoom prefs change. Services.obs.addObserver(updateZoomResetButton, "browser-fullZoom:zoomChange", false); Services.obs.addObserver(updateZoomResetButton, "browser-fullZoom:zoomReset", false); Services.obs.addObserver(updateZoomResetButton, "browser-fullZoom:location-change", false); if (inPanel) { let panel = aDocument.getElementById(kPanelId); panel.addEventListener("popupshowing", updateZoomResetButton); } else { if (inToolbar) { let container = window.gBrowser.tabContainer; container.addEventListener("TabSelect", updateZoomResetButton); } updateZoomResetButton(); } updateCombinedWidgetStyle(node, this.currentArea, true); let listener = { onWidgetAdded: function(aWidgetId, aArea, aPosition) { if (aWidgetId != this.id) return; updateCombinedWidgetStyle(node, aArea, true); updateZoomResetButton(); let areaType = CustomizableUI.getAreaType(aArea); if (areaType == CustomizableUI.TYPE_MENU_PANEL) { let panel = aDocument.getElementById(kPanelId); panel.addEventListener("popupshowing", updateZoomResetButton); } else if (areaType == CustomizableUI.TYPE_TOOLBAR) { let container = window.gBrowser.tabContainer; container.addEventListener("TabSelect", updateZoomResetButton); } }.bind(this), onWidgetRemoved: function(aWidgetId, aPrevArea) { if (aWidgetId != this.id) return; let areaType = CustomizableUI.getAreaType(aPrevArea); if (areaType == CustomizableUI.TYPE_MENU_PANEL) { let panel = aDocument.getElementById(kPanelId); panel.removeEventListener("popupshowing", updateZoomResetButton); } else if (areaType == CustomizableUI.TYPE_TOOLBAR) { let container = window.gBrowser.tabContainer; container.removeEventListener("TabSelect", updateZoomResetButton); } // When a widget is demoted to the palette ('removed'), it's visual // style should change. updateCombinedWidgetStyle(node, null, true); updateZoomResetButton(); }.bind(this), onWidgetReset: function(aWidgetNode) { if (aWidgetNode != node) return; updateCombinedWidgetStyle(node, this.currentArea, true); updateZoomResetButton(); }.bind(this), onWidgetMoved: function(aWidgetId, aArea) { if (aWidgetId != this.id) return; updateCombinedWidgetStyle(node, aArea, true); updateZoomResetButton(); }.bind(this), onWidgetInstanceRemoved: function(aWidgetId, aDoc) { if (aWidgetId != this.id || aDoc != aDocument) return; CustomizableUI.removeListener(listener); Services.obs.removeObserver(updateZoomResetButton, "browser-fullZoom:zoomChange"); Services.obs.removeObserver(updateZoomResetButton, "browser-fullZoom:zoomReset"); Services.obs.removeObserver(updateZoomResetButton, "browser-fullZoom:location-change"); let panel = aDoc.getElementById(kPanelId); panel.removeEventListener("popupshowing", updateZoomResetButton); let container = aDoc.defaultView.gBrowser.tabContainer; container.removeEventListener("TabSelect", updateZoomResetButton); }.bind(this), onCustomizeStart: function(aWindow) { if (aWindow.document == aDocument) { updateZoomResetButton(); } }, onCustomizeEnd: function(aWindow) { if (aWindow.document == aDocument) { updateZoomResetButton(); } }, onWidgetDrag: function(aWidgetId, aArea) { if (aWidgetId != this.id) return; aArea = aArea || this.currentArea; updateCombinedWidgetStyle(node, aArea, true); }.bind(this) }; CustomizableUI.addListener(listener); return node; } }, { id: "edit-controls", type: "custom", tooltiptext: "edit-controls.tooltiptext2", defaultArea: CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL, onBuild: function(aDocument) { let buttons = [{ id: "cut-button", command: "cmd_cut", label: true, tooltiptext: "tooltiptext2", shortcutId: "key_cut", }, { id: "copy-button", command: "cmd_copy", label: true, tooltiptext: "tooltiptext2", shortcutId: "key_copy", }, { id: "paste-button", command: "cmd_paste", label: true, tooltiptext: "tooltiptext2", shortcutId: "key_paste", }]; let node = aDocument.createElementNS(kNSXUL, "toolbaritem"); node.setAttribute("id", "edit-controls"); node.setAttribute("label", CustomizableUI.getLocalizedProperty(this, "label")); node.setAttribute("title", CustomizableUI.getLocalizedProperty(this, "tooltiptext")); // Set this as an attribute in addition to the property to make sure we can style correctly. node.setAttribute("removable", "true"); node.classList.add("chromeclass-toolbar-additional"); node.classList.add("toolbaritem-combined-buttons"); node.classList.add(kWidePanelItemClass); buttons.forEach(function(aButton, aIndex) { if (aIndex != 0) node.appendChild(aDocument.createElementNS(kNSXUL, "separator")); let btnNode = aDocument.createElementNS(kNSXUL, "toolbarbutton"); setAttributes(btnNode, aButton); node.appendChild(btnNode); }); updateCombinedWidgetStyle(node, this.currentArea); let listener = { onWidgetAdded: function(aWidgetId, aArea, aPosition) { if (aWidgetId != this.id) return; updateCombinedWidgetStyle(node, aArea); }.bind(this), onWidgetRemoved: function(aWidgetId, aPrevArea) { if (aWidgetId != this.id) return; // When a widget is demoted to the palette ('removed'), it's visual // style should change. updateCombinedWidgetStyle(node); }.bind(this), onWidgetReset: function(aWidgetNode) { if (aWidgetNode != node) return; updateCombinedWidgetStyle(node, this.currentArea); }.bind(this), onWidgetMoved: function(aWidgetId, aArea) { if (aWidgetId != this.id) return; updateCombinedWidgetStyle(node, aArea); }.bind(this), onWidgetInstanceRemoved: function(aWidgetId, aDoc) { if (aWidgetId != this.id || aDoc != aDocument) return; CustomizableUI.removeListener(listener); }.bind(this), onWidgetDrag: function(aWidgetId, aArea) { if (aWidgetId != this.id) return; aArea = aArea || this.currentArea; updateCombinedWidgetStyle(node, aArea); }.bind(this) }; CustomizableUI.addListener(listener); return node; } }, { id: "feed-button", type: "view", viewId: "PanelUI-feeds", tooltiptext: "feed-button.tooltiptext2", defaultArea: CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL, onClick: function(aEvent) { let win = aEvent.target.ownerDocument.defaultView; let feeds = win.gBrowser.selectedBrowser.feeds; // Here, we only care about the case where we have exactly 1 feed and the // user clicked... let isClick = (aEvent.button == 0 || aEvent.button == 1); if (feeds && feeds.length == 1 && isClick) { aEvent.preventDefault(); aEvent.stopPropagation(); win.FeedHandler.subscribeToFeed(feeds[0].href, aEvent); CustomizableUI.hidePanelForNode(aEvent.target); } }, onViewShowing: function(aEvent) { let doc = aEvent.detail.ownerDocument; let container = doc.getElementById("PanelUI-feeds"); let gotView = doc.defaultView.FeedHandler.buildFeedList(container, true); // For no feeds or only a single one, don't show the panel. if (!gotView) { aEvent.preventDefault(); aEvent.stopPropagation(); return; } }, onCreated: function(node) { let win = node.ownerDocument.defaultView; let selectedBrowser = win.gBrowser.selectedBrowser; let feeds = selectedBrowser && selectedBrowser.feeds; if (!feeds || !feeds.length) { node.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); } } }, { id: "characterencoding-button", label: "characterencoding-button2.label", type: "view", viewId: "PanelUI-characterEncodingView", tooltiptext: "characterencoding-button2.tooltiptext", defaultArea: CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL, maybeDisableMenu: function(aDocument) { let window = aDocument.defaultView; return !(window.gBrowser && window.gBrowser.selectedBrowser.mayEnableCharacterEncodingMenu); }, populateList: function(aDocument, aContainerId, aSection) { let containerElem = aDocument.getElementById(aContainerId); containerElem.addEventListener("command", this.onCommand, false); let list = this.charsetInfo[aSection]; for (let item of list) { let elem = aDocument.createElementNS(kNSXUL, "toolbarbutton"); elem.setAttribute("label", item.label); elem.setAttribute("type", "checkbox"); elem.section = aSection; elem.value = item.value; elem.setAttribute("class", "subviewbutton"); containerElem.appendChild(elem); } }, updateCurrentCharset: function(aDocument) { let currentCharset = aDocument.defaultView.gBrowser.selectedBrowser.characterSet; currentCharset = CharsetMenu.foldCharset(currentCharset); let pinnedContainer = aDocument.getElementById("PanelUI-characterEncodingView-pinned"); let charsetContainer = aDocument.getElementById("PanelUI-characterEncodingView-charsets"); let elements = [...(pinnedContainer.childNodes), ...(charsetContainer.childNodes)]; this._updateElements(elements, currentCharset); }, updateCurrentDetector: function(aDocument) { let detectorContainer = aDocument.getElementById("PanelUI-characterEncodingView-autodetect"); let currentDetector; try { currentDetector = Services.prefs.getComplexValue( "intl.charset.detector", Ci.nsIPrefLocalizedString).data; } catch (e) {} this._updateElements(detectorContainer.childNodes, currentDetector); }, _updateElements: function(aElements, aCurrentItem) { if (!aElements.length) { return; } let disabled = this.maybeDisableMenu(aElements[0].ownerDocument); for (let elem of aElements) { if (disabled) { elem.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); } else { elem.removeAttribute("disabled"); } if (elem.value.toLowerCase() == aCurrentItem.toLowerCase()) { elem.setAttribute("checked", "true"); } else { elem.removeAttribute("checked"); } } }, onViewShowing: function(aEvent) { let document = aEvent.target.ownerDocument; let autoDetectLabelId = "PanelUI-characterEncodingView-autodetect-label"; let autoDetectLabel = document.getElementById(autoDetectLabelId); if (!autoDetectLabel.hasAttribute("value")) { let label = CharsetBundle.GetStringFromName("charsetMenuAutodet"); autoDetectLabel.setAttribute("value", label); this.populateList(document, "PanelUI-characterEncodingView-pinned", "pinnedCharsets"); this.populateList(document, "PanelUI-characterEncodingView-charsets", "otherCharsets"); this.populateList(document, "PanelUI-characterEncodingView-autodetect", "detectors"); } this.updateCurrentDetector(document); this.updateCurrentCharset(document); }, onCommand: function(aEvent) { let node = aEvent.target; if (!node.hasAttribute || !node.section) { return; } let window = node.ownerDocument.defaultView; let section = node.section; let value = node.value; // The behavior as implemented here is directly based off of the // `MultiplexHandler()` method in browser.js. if (section != "detectors") { window.BrowserSetForcedCharacterSet(value); } else { // Set the detector pref. try { let str = Cc["@mozilla.org/supports-string;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsISupportsString); str.data = value; Services.prefs.setComplexValue("intl.charset.detector", Ci.nsISupportsString, str); } catch (e) { Cu.reportError("Failed to set the intl.charset.detector preference."); } // Prepare a browser page reload with a changed charset. window.BrowserCharsetReload(); } }, onCreated: function(aNode) { const kPanelId = "PanelUI-popup"; let document = aNode.ownerDocument; let updateButton = () => { if (this.maybeDisableMenu(document)) aNode.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); else aNode.removeAttribute("disabled"); }; if (this.currentArea == CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL) { let panel = document.getElementById(kPanelId); panel.addEventListener("popupshowing", updateButton); } let listener = { onWidgetAdded: (aWidgetId, aArea) => { if (aWidgetId != this.id) return; if (aArea == CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL) { let panel = document.getElementById(kPanelId); panel.addEventListener("popupshowing", updateButton); } }, onWidgetRemoved: (aWidgetId, aPrevArea) => { if (aWidgetId != this.id) return; aNode.removeAttribute("disabled"); if (aPrevArea == CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL) { let panel = document.getElementById(kPanelId); panel.removeEventListener("popupshowing", updateButton); } }, onWidgetInstanceRemoved: (aWidgetId, aDoc) => { if (aWidgetId != this.id || aDoc != document) return; CustomizableUI.removeListener(listener); let panel = aDoc.getElementById(kPanelId); panel.removeEventListener("popupshowing", updateButton); } }; CustomizableUI.addListener(listener); if (!this.charsetInfo) { this.charsetInfo = CharsetMenu.getData(); } } }, { id: "email-link-button", tooltiptext: "email-link-button.tooltiptext3", onCommand: function(aEvent) { let win = aEvent.view; win.MailIntegration.sendLinkForBrowser(win.gBrowser.selectedBrowser) } }]; let preferencesButton = { id: "preferences-button", defaultArea: CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL, onCommand: function(aEvent) { let win = aEvent.target && aEvent.target.ownerDocument && aEvent.target.ownerDocument.defaultView; if (win && typeof win.openPreferences == "function") { win.openPreferences(); } } }; if (AppConstants.platform == "win") { preferencesButton.label = "preferences-button.labelWin"; preferencesButton.tooltiptext = "preferences-button.tooltipWin2"; } else if (AppConstants.platform == "macosx") { preferencesButton.tooltiptext = "preferences-button.tooltiptext.withshortcut"; preferencesButton.shortcutId = "key_preferencesCmdMac"; } else { preferencesButton.tooltiptext = "preferences-button.tooltiptext2"; } CustomizableWidgets.push(preferencesButton); if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref("privacy.panicButton.enabled")) { CustomizableWidgets.push({ id: "panic-button", type: "view", viewId: "PanelUI-panicView", _sanitizer: null, _ensureSanitizer: function() { if (!this.sanitizer) { let scope = {}; Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript("chrome://browser/content/sanitize.js", scope); this._Sanitizer = scope.Sanitizer; this._sanitizer = new scope.Sanitizer(); this._sanitizer.ignoreTimespan = false; } }, _getSanitizeRange: function(aDocument) { let group = aDocument.getElementById("PanelUI-panic-timeSpan"); return this._Sanitizer.getClearRange(+group.value); }, forgetButtonCalled: function(aEvent) { let doc = aEvent.target.ownerDocument; this._ensureSanitizer(); this._sanitizer.range = this._getSanitizeRange(doc); let group = doc.getElementById("PanelUI-panic-timeSpan"); BrowserUITelemetry.countPanicEvent(group.selectedItem.id); group.selectedItem = doc.getElementById("PanelUI-panic-5min"); let itemsToClear = [ "cookies", "history", "openWindows", "formdata", "sessions", "cache", "downloads" ]; let newWindowPrivateState = PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate(doc.defaultView) ? "private" : "non-private"; this._sanitizer.items.openWindows.privateStateForNewWindow = newWindowPrivateState; let promise = this._sanitizer.sanitize(itemsToClear); promise.then(function() { let otherWindow = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser"); if (otherWindow.closed) { Cu.reportError("Got a closed window!"); } if (otherWindow.PanicButtonNotifier) { otherWindow.PanicButtonNotifier.notify(); } else { otherWindow.PanicButtonNotifierShouldNotify = true; } }); }, handleEvent: function(aEvent) { switch (aEvent.type) { case "command": this.forgetButtonCalled(aEvent); break; } }, onViewShowing: function(aEvent) { let forgetButton = aEvent.target.querySelector("#PanelUI-panic-view-button"); forgetButton.addEventListener("command", this); }, onViewHiding: function(aEvent) { let forgetButton = aEvent.target.querySelector("#PanelUI-panic-view-button"); forgetButton.removeEventListener("command", this); }, }); } if (AppConstants.E10S_TESTING_ONLY) { if (Services.appinfo.browserTabsRemoteAutostart) { CustomizableWidgets.push({ id: "e10s-button", defaultArea: CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL, onBuild: function(aDocument) { node.setAttribute("label", CustomizableUI.getLocalizedProperty(this, "label")); node.setAttribute("tooltiptext", CustomizableUI.getLocalizedProperty(this, "tooltiptext")); }, onCommand: function(aEvent) { let win = aEvent.view; if (win && typeof win.OpenBrowserWindow == "function") { win.OpenBrowserWindow({remote: false}); } }, }); } }