/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- * vim: sw=2 ts=2 sts=2 et */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const { classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, results: Cr, utils: Cu } = Components; const FILE_INPUT_STREAM_CID = "@mozilla.org/network/file-input-stream;1"; const S100NS_FROM1601TO1970 = 0x19DB1DED53E8000; const S100NS_PER_MS = 10; const AUTH_TYPE = { SCHEME_HTML: 0, SCHEME_BASIC: 1, SCHEME_DIGEST: 2 }; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Task.jsm"); Cu.import("resource:///modules/MigrationUtils.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "PlacesUtils", "resource://gre/modules/PlacesUtils.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "OSCrypto", "resource://gre/modules/OSCrypto.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Sqlite", "resource://gre/modules/Sqlite.jsm"); /** * Get an nsIFile instance representing the expected location of user data * for this copy of Chrome/Chromium/Canary on different OSes. * @param subfoldersWin {Array} an array of subfolders to use for Windows * @param subfoldersOSX {Array} an array of subfolders to use for OS X * @param subfoldersUnix {Array} an array of subfolders to use for *nix systems * @returns {nsIFile} the place we expect data to live. Might not actually exist! */ function getDataFolder(subfoldersWin, subfoldersOSX, subfoldersUnix) { let dirServiceID, subfolders; if (AppConstants.platform == "win") { dirServiceID = "LocalAppData"; subfolders = subfoldersWin.concat(["User Data"]); } else if (AppConstants.platform == "macosx") { dirServiceID = "ULibDir"; subfolders = ["Application Support"].concat(subfoldersOSX); } else { dirServiceID = "Home"; subfolders = [".config"].concat(subfoldersUnix); } return FileUtils.getDir(dirServiceID, subfolders, false); } /** * Convert Chrome time format to Date object * * @param aTime * Chrome time * @return converted Date object * @note Google Chrome uses FILETIME / 10 as time. * FILETIME is based on same structure of Windows. */ function chromeTimeToDate(aTime) { return new Date((aTime * S100NS_PER_MS - S100NS_FROM1601TO1970 ) / 10000); } /** * Insert bookmark items into specific folder. * * @param parentGuid * GUID of the folder where items will be inserted * @param items * bookmark items to be inserted * @param errorAccumulator * function that gets called with any errors thrown so we don't drop them on the floor. */ function* insertBookmarkItems(parentGuid, items, errorAccumulator) { for (let item of items) { try { if (item.type == "url") { if (item.url.trim().startsWith("chrome:")) { // Skip invalid chrome URIs. Creating an actual URI always reports // messages to the console, so we avoid doing that. continue; } yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ parentGuid, url: item.url, title: item.name }); } else if (item.type == "folder") { let newFolderGuid = (yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ parentGuid, type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER, title: item.name })).guid; yield insertBookmarkItems(newFolderGuid, item.children, errorAccumulator); } } catch (e) { Cu.reportError(e); errorAccumulator(e); } } } function ChromeProfileMigrator() { let chromeUserDataFolder = getDataFolder(["Google", "Chrome"], ["Google", "Chrome"], ["google-chrome"]); this._chromeUserDataFolder = chromeUserDataFolder.exists() ? chromeUserDataFolder : null; } ChromeProfileMigrator.prototype = Object.create(MigratorPrototype); ChromeProfileMigrator.prototype.getResources = function Chrome_getResources(aProfile) { if (this._chromeUserDataFolder) { let profileFolder = this._chromeUserDataFolder.clone(); profileFolder.append(aProfile.id); if (profileFolder.exists()) { let possibleResources = [ GetBookmarksResource(profileFolder), GetHistoryResource(profileFolder), GetCookiesResource(profileFolder), ]; if (AppConstants.platform == "win") { possibleResources.push(GetWindowsPasswordsResource(profileFolder)); } return possibleResources.filter(r => r != null); } } return []; }; Object.defineProperty(ChromeProfileMigrator.prototype, "sourceProfiles", { get: function Chrome_sourceProfiles() { if ("__sourceProfiles" in this) return this.__sourceProfiles; if (!this._chromeUserDataFolder) return []; let profiles = []; try { // Local State is a JSON file that contains profile info. let localState = this._chromeUserDataFolder.clone(); localState.append("Local State"); if (!localState.exists()) throw new Error("Chrome's 'Local State' file does not exist."); if (!localState.isReadable()) throw new Error("Chrome's 'Local State' file could not be read."); let fstream = Cc[FILE_INPUT_STREAM_CID].createInstance(Ci.nsIFileInputStream); fstream.init(localState, -1, 0, 0); let inputStream = NetUtil.readInputStreamToString(fstream, fstream.available(), { charset: "UTF-8" }); let info_cache = JSON.parse(inputStream).profile.info_cache; for (let profileFolderName in info_cache) { let profileFolder = this._chromeUserDataFolder.clone(); profileFolder.append(profileFolderName); profiles.push({ id: profileFolderName, name: info_cache[profileFolderName].name || profileFolderName, }); } } catch (e) { Cu.reportError("Error detecting Chrome profiles: " + e); // If we weren't able to detect any profiles above, fallback to the Default profile. let defaultProfileFolder = this._chromeUserDataFolder.clone(); defaultProfileFolder.append("Default"); if (defaultProfileFolder.exists()) { profiles = [{ id: "Default", name: "Default", }]; } } // Only list profiles from which any data can be imported return this.__sourceProfiles = profiles.filter(function(profile) { let resources = this.getResources(profile); return resources && resources.length > 0; }, this); } }); Object.defineProperty(ChromeProfileMigrator.prototype, "sourceHomePageURL", { get: function Chrome_sourceHomePageURL() { let prefsFile = this._chromeUserDataFolder.clone(); prefsFile.append("Preferences"); if (prefsFile.exists()) { // XXX reading and parsing JSON is synchronous. let fstream = Cc[FILE_INPUT_STREAM_CID]. createInstance(Ci.nsIFileInputStream); fstream.init(file, -1, 0, 0); try { return JSON.parse( NetUtil.readInputStreamToString(fstream, fstream.available(), { charset: "UTF-8" }) ).homepage; } catch(e) { Cu.reportError("Error parsing Chrome's preferences file: " + e); } } return ""; } }); Object.defineProperty(ChromeProfileMigrator.prototype, "sourceLocked", { get: function Chrome_sourceLocked() { // There is an exclusive lock on some SQLite databases. Assume they are locked for now. return true; }, }); function GetBookmarksResource(aProfileFolder) { let bookmarksFile = aProfileFolder.clone(); bookmarksFile.append("Bookmarks"); if (!bookmarksFile.exists()) return null; return { type: MigrationUtils.resourceTypes.BOOKMARKS, migrate: function(aCallback) { return Task.spawn(function* () { let gotErrors = false; let errorGatherer = () => gotErrors = true; let jsonStream = yield new Promise(resolve => NetUtil.asyncFetch({ uri: NetUtil.newURI(bookmarksFile), loadUsingSystemPrincipal: true }, (inputStream, resultCode) => { if (Components.isSuccessCode(resultCode)) { resolve(inputStream); } else { reject(new Error("Could not read Bookmarks file")); } } ) ); // Parse Chrome bookmark file that is JSON format let bookmarkJSON = NetUtil.readInputStreamToString( jsonStream, jsonStream.available(), { charset : "UTF-8" }); let roots = JSON.parse(bookmarkJSON).roots; // Importing bookmark bar items if (roots.bookmark_bar.children && roots.bookmark_bar.children.length > 0) { // Toolbar let parentGuid = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid; if (!MigrationUtils.isStartupMigration) { parentGuid = yield MigrationUtils.createImportedBookmarksFolder("Chrome", parentGuid); } yield insertBookmarkItems(parentGuid, roots.bookmark_bar.children, errorGatherer); } // Importing bookmark menu items if (roots.other.children && roots.other.children.length > 0) { // Bookmark menu let parentGuid = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid; if (!MigrationUtils.isStartupMigration) { parentGuid = yield MigrationUtils.createImportedBookmarksFolder("Chrome", parentGuid); } yield insertBookmarkItems(parentGuid, roots.other.children, errorGatherer); } if (gotErrors) { throw "The migration included errors."; } }.bind(this)).then(() => aCallback(true), e => aCallback(false)); } }; } function GetHistoryResource(aProfileFolder) { let historyFile = aProfileFolder.clone(); historyFile.append("History"); if (!historyFile.exists()) return null; return { type: MigrationUtils.resourceTypes.HISTORY, migrate(aCallback) { Task.spawn(function* () { let db = yield Sqlite.openConnection({ path: historyFile.path }); let rows = yield db.execute(`SELECT url, title, last_visit_time, typed_count FROM urls WHERE hidden = 0`); yield db.close(); let places = []; for (let row of rows) { try { // if having typed_count, we changes transition type to typed. let transType = PlacesUtils.history.TRANSITION_LINK; if (row.getResultByName("typed_count") > 0) transType = PlacesUtils.history.TRANSITION_TYPED; places.push({ uri: NetUtil.newURI(row.getResultByName("url")), title: row.getResultByName("title"), visits: [{ transitionType: transType, visitDate: chromeTimeToDate( row.getResultByName( "last_visit_time")) * 1000, }], }); } catch (e) { Cu.reportError(e); } } if (places.length > 0) { yield new Promise((resolve, reject) => { PlacesUtils.asyncHistory.updatePlaces(places, { _success: false, handleResult: function() { // Importing any entry is considered a successful import. this._success = true; }, handleError: function() {}, handleCompletion: function() { if (this._success) { resolve(); } else { reject(new Error("Couldn't add visits")); } } }); }); } }).then(() => { aCallback(true); }, ex => { Cu.reportError(ex); aCallback(false); }); } }; } function GetCookiesResource(aProfileFolder) { let cookiesFile = aProfileFolder.clone(); cookiesFile.append("Cookies"); if (!cookiesFile.exists()) return null; return { type: MigrationUtils.resourceTypes.COOKIES, migrate: function(aCallback) { let dbConn = Services.storage.openUnsharedDatabase(cookiesFile); // We don't support decrypting cookies yet so only import plaintext ones. let stmt = dbConn.createAsyncStatement(` SELECT host_key, name, value, path, expires_utc, secure, httponly, encrypted_value FROM cookies WHERE length(encrypted_value) = 0`); stmt.executeAsync({ handleResult : function(aResults) { for (let row = aResults.getNextRow(); row; row = aResults.getNextRow()) { let host_key = row.getResultByName("host_key"); if (host_key.match(/^\./)) { // 1st character of host_key may be ".", so we have to remove it host_key = host_key.substr(1); } try { let expiresUtc = chromeTimeToDate(row.getResultByName("expires_utc")) / 1000; Services.cookies.add(host_key, row.getResultByName("path"), row.getResultByName("name"), row.getResultByName("value"), row.getResultByName("secure"), row.getResultByName("httponly"), false, parseInt(expiresUtc)); } catch (e) { Cu.reportError(e); } } }, handleError : function(aError) { Cu.reportError("Async statement execution returned with '" + aError.result + "', '" + aError.message + "'"); }, handleCompletion : function(aReason) { dbConn.asyncClose(); aCallback(aReason == Ci.mozIStorageStatementCallback.REASON_FINISHED); }, }); stmt.finalize(); } } } function GetWindowsPasswordsResource(aProfileFolder) { let loginFile = aProfileFolder.clone(); loginFile.append("Login Data"); if (!loginFile.exists()) return null; return { type: MigrationUtils.resourceTypes.PASSWORDS, migrate(aCallback) { let dbConn = Services.storage.openUnsharedDatabase(loginFile); let stmt = dbConn.createAsyncStatement(` SELECT origin_url, action_url, username_element, username_value, password_element, password_value, signon_realm, scheme, date_created, times_used FROM logins WHERE blacklisted_by_user = 0`); let crypto = new OSCrypto(); stmt.executeAsync({ _rowToLoginInfo(row) { let loginInfo = { username: row.getResultByName("username_value"), password: crypto. decryptData(crypto.arrayToString(row.getResultByName("password_value")), null), hostName: NetUtil.newURI(row.getResultByName("origin_url")).prePath, submitURL: null, httpRealm: null, usernameElement: row.getResultByName("username_element"), passwordElement: row.getResultByName("password_element"), timeCreated: chromeTimeToDate(row.getResultByName("date_created") + 0).getTime(), timesUsed: row.getResultByName("times_used") + 0, }; switch (row.getResultByName("scheme")) { case AUTH_TYPE.SCHEME_HTML: loginInfo.submitURL = NetUtil.newURI(row.getResultByName("action_url")).prePath; break; case AUTH_TYPE.SCHEME_BASIC: case AUTH_TYPE.SCHEME_DIGEST: // signon_realm format is URIrealm, so we need remove URI loginInfo.httpRealm = row.getResultByName("signon_realm") .substring(loginInfo.hostName.length + 1); break; default: throw new Error("Login data scheme type not supported: " + row.getResultByName("scheme")); } return loginInfo; }, handleResult(aResults) { for (let row = aResults.getNextRow(); row; row = aResults.getNextRow()) { try { let loginInfo = this._rowToLoginInfo(row); let login = Cc["@mozilla.org/login-manager/loginInfo;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsILoginInfo); login.init(loginInfo.hostName, loginInfo.submitURL, loginInfo.httpRealm, loginInfo.username, loginInfo.password, loginInfo.usernameElement, loginInfo.passwordElement); login.QueryInterface(Ci.nsILoginMetaInfo); login.timeCreated = loginInfo.timeCreated; login.timeLastUsed = loginInfo.timeCreated; login.timePasswordChanged = loginInfo.timeCreated; login.timesUsed = loginInfo.timesUsed; // Add the login only if there's not an existing entry let logins = Services.logins.findLogins({}, login.hostname, login.formSubmitURL, login.httpRealm); // Bug 1187190: Password changes should be propagated depending on timestamps. if (!logins.some(l => login.matches(l, true))) { Services.logins.addLogin(login); } } catch (e) { Cu.reportError(e); } } }, handleError(aError) { Cu.reportError("Async statement execution returned with '" + aError.result + "', '" + aError.message + "'"); }, handleCompletion(aReason) { dbConn.asyncClose(); aCallback(aReason == Ci.mozIStorageStatementCallback.REASON_FINISHED); crypto.finalize(); }, }); stmt.finalize(); } }; } ChromeProfileMigrator.prototype.classDescription = "Chrome Profile Migrator"; ChromeProfileMigrator.prototype.contractID = "@mozilla.org/profile/migrator;1?app=browser&type=chrome"; ChromeProfileMigrator.prototype.classID = Components.ID("{4cec1de4-1671-4fc3-a53e-6c539dc77a26}"); /** * Chromium migration **/ function ChromiumProfileMigrator() { let chromiumUserDataFolder = getDataFolder(["Chromium"], ["Chromium"], ["chromium"]); this._chromeUserDataFolder = chromiumUserDataFolder.exists() ? chromiumUserDataFolder : null; } ChromiumProfileMigrator.prototype = Object.create(ChromeProfileMigrator.prototype); ChromiumProfileMigrator.prototype.classDescription = "Chromium Profile Migrator"; ChromiumProfileMigrator.prototype.contractID = "@mozilla.org/profile/migrator;1?app=browser&type=chromium"; ChromiumProfileMigrator.prototype.classID = Components.ID("{8cece922-9720-42de-b7db-7cef88cb07ca}"); var componentsArray = [ChromeProfileMigrator, ChromiumProfileMigrator]; /** * Chrome Canary * Not available on Linux **/ function CanaryProfileMigrator() { let chromeUserDataFolder = getDataFolder(["Google", "Chrome SxS"], ["Google", "Chrome Canary"]); this._chromeUserDataFolder = chromeUserDataFolder.exists() ? chromeUserDataFolder : null; } CanaryProfileMigrator.prototype = Object.create(ChromeProfileMigrator.prototype); CanaryProfileMigrator.prototype.classDescription = "Chrome Canary Profile Migrator"; CanaryProfileMigrator.prototype.contractID = "@mozilla.org/profile/migrator;1?app=browser&type=canary"; CanaryProfileMigrator.prototype.classID = Components.ID("{4bf85aa5-4e21-46ca-825f-f9c51a5e8c76}"); if (AppConstants.platform == "win" || AppConstants.platform == "macosx") { componentsArray.push(CanaryProfileMigrator); } this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory(componentsArray);