/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Task", "resource://gre/modules/Task.jsm"); const LAST_USED_ANNO = "bookmarkPropertiesDialog/folderLastUsed"; const MAX_FOLDER_ITEM_IN_MENU_LIST = 5; var gEditItemOverlay = { _observersAdded: false, _staticFoldersListBuilt: false, _paneInfo: null, _setPaneInfo(aInitInfo) { if (!aInitInfo) return this._paneInfo = null; if ("uris" in aInitInfo && "node" in aInitInfo) throw new Error("ambiguous pane info"); if (!("uris" in aInitInfo) && !("node" in aInitInfo)) throw new Error("Neither node nor uris set for pane info"); let node = "node" in aInitInfo ? aInitInfo.node : null; // Since there's no true UI for folder shortcuts (they show up just as their target // folders), when the pane shows for them it's opened in read-only mode, showing the // properties of the target folder. let itemId = node ? node.itemId : -1; let itemGuid = PlacesUIUtils.useAsyncTransactions && node ? PlacesUtils.getConcreteItemGuid(node) : null; let isItem = itemId != -1; let isFolderShortcut = isItem && node.type == Ci.nsINavHistoryResultNode.RESULT_TYPE_FOLDER_SHORTCUT; let isTag = node && PlacesUtils.nodeIsTagQuery(node); if (isTag) { itemId = PlacesUtils.getConcreteItemId(node); // For now we don't have access to the item guid synchronously for tags, // so we'll need to fetch it later. } let isURI = node && PlacesUtils.nodeIsURI(node); let uri = isURI ? NetUtil.newURI(node.uri) : null; let title = node ? node.title : null; let isBookmark = isItem && isURI; let bulkTagging = !node; let uris = bulkTagging ? aInitInfo.uris : null; let visibleRows = new Set(); let isParentReadOnly = false; let postData = aInitInfo.postData; if (node && "parent" in node) { let parent = node.parent; if (parent) { isParentReadOnly = !PlacesUtils.nodeIsFolder(parent) || PlacesUIUtils.isContentsReadOnly(parent); } } let focusedElement = aInitInfo.focusedElement; return this._paneInfo = { itemId, itemGuid, isItem, isURI, uri, title, isBookmark, isFolderShortcut, isParentReadOnly, bulkTagging, uris, visibleRows, postData, isTag, focusedElement }; }, get initialized() { return this._paneInfo != null; }, // Backwards-compatibility getters get itemId() { if (!this.initialized || this._paneInfo.bulkTagging) return -1; return this._paneInfo.itemId; }, get uri() { if (!this.initialized) return null; if (this._paneInfo.bulkTagging) return this._paneInfo.uris[0]; return this._paneInfo.uri; }, get multiEdit() { return this.initialized && this._paneInfo.bulkTagging; }, // Check if the pane is initialized to show only read-only fields. get readOnly() { // TODO (Bug 1120314): Folder shortcuts are currently read-only due to some // quirky implementation details (the most important being the "smart" // semantics of node.title that makes hard to edit the right entry). // This pane is read-only if: // * the panel is not initialized // * the node is a folder shortcut // * the node is not bookmarked and not a tag container // * the node is child of a read-only container and is not a bookmarked // URI nor a tag container return !this.initialized || this._paneInfo.isFolderShortcut || (!this._paneInfo.isItem && !this._paneInfo.isTag) || (this._paneInfo.isParentReadOnly && !this._paneInfo.isBookmark && !this._paneInfo.isTag); }, // the first field which was edited after this panel was initialized for // a certain item _firstEditedField: "", _initNamePicker() { if (this._paneInfo.bulkTagging) throw new Error("_initNamePicker called unexpectedly"); // title may by null, which, for us, is the same as an empty string. this._initTextField(this._namePicker, this._paneInfo.title || ""); }, _initLocationField() { if (!this._paneInfo.isURI) throw new Error("_initLocationField called unexpectedly"); this._initTextField(this._locationField, this._paneInfo.uri.spec); }, _initDescriptionField() { if (!this._paneInfo.isItem) throw new Error("_initDescriptionField called unexpectedly"); this._initTextField(this._descriptionField, PlacesUIUtils.getItemDescription(this._paneInfo.itemId)); }, _initKeywordField: Task.async(function* (aNewKeyword) { if (!this._paneInfo.isBookmark) throw new Error("_initKeywordField called unexpectedly"); let newKeyword = aNewKeyword; if (newKeyword === undefined) { let itemId = this._paneInfo.itemId; newKeyword = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getKeywordForBookmark(itemId); } this._initTextField(this._keywordField, newKeyword); }), _initLoadInSidebar: Task.async(function* () { if (!this._paneInfo.isBookmark) throw new Error("_initLoadInSidebar called unexpectedly"); this._loadInSidebarCheckbox.checked = PlacesUtils.annotations.itemHasAnnotation( this._paneInfo.itemId, PlacesUIUtils.LOAD_IN_SIDEBAR_ANNO); }), /** * Initialize the panel. * * @param aInfo * An object having: * 1. one of the following properties: * - node: either a result node or a node-like object representing the * item to be edited. A node-like object must have the following * properties (with values that match exactly those a result node * would have): itemId, bookmarkGuid, uri, title, type. * - uris: an array of uris for bulk tagging. * * 2. any of the following optional properties: * - hiddenRows (Strings array): list of rows to be hidden regardless * of the item edited. Possible values: "title", "location", * "description", "keyword", "loadInSidebar", "feedLocation", * "siteLocation", folderPicker" */ initPanel(aInfo) { if (typeof(aInfo) != "object" || aInfo === null) throw new Error("aInfo must be an object."); // For sanity ensure that the implementer has uninited the panel before // trying to init it again, or we could end up leaking due to observers. if (this.initialized) this.uninitPanel(false); let { itemId, itemGuid, isItem, isURI, uri, title, isBookmark, bulkTagging, uris, visibleRows, focusedElement } = this._setPaneInfo(aInfo); let showOrCollapse = (rowId, isAppropriateForInput, nameInHiddenRows = null) => { let visible = isAppropriateForInput; if (visible && "hiddenRows" in aInfo && nameInHiddenRows) visible &= aInfo.hiddenRows.indexOf(nameInHiddenRows) == -1; if (visible) visibleRows.add(rowId); return !(this._element(rowId).collapsed = !visible); }; if (showOrCollapse("nameRow", !bulkTagging, "name")) { this._initNamePicker(); this._namePicker.readOnly = this.readOnly; } // In some cases we want to hide the location field, since it's not // human-readable, but we still want to initialize it. showOrCollapse("locationRow", isURI, "location"); if (isURI) { this._initLocationField(); this._locationField.readOnly = this.readOnly; } // hide the description field for if (showOrCollapse("descriptionRow", isItem && !this.readOnly, "description")) { this._initDescriptionField(); this._descriptionField.readOnly = this.readOnly; } if (showOrCollapse("keywordRow", isBookmark, "keyword")) { this._initKeywordField(); this._keywordField.readOnly = this.readOnly; } // Collapse the tag selector if the item does not accept tags. if (showOrCollapse("tagsRow", isURI || bulkTagging, "tags")) this._initTagsField().catch(Components.utils.reportError); else if (!this._element("tagsSelectorRow").collapsed) this.toggleTagsSelector().catch(Components.utils.reportError); // Load in sidebar. if (showOrCollapse("loadInSidebarCheckbox", isBookmark, "loadInSidebar")) { this._initLoadInSidebar(); } // Folder picker. // Technically we should check that the item is not moveable, but that's // not cheap (we don't always have the parent), and there's no use case for // this (it's only the Star UI that shows the folderPicker) if (showOrCollapse("folderRow", isItem, "folderPicker")) { let containerId = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getFolderIdForItem(itemId); this._initFolderMenuList(containerId); } // Selection count. if (showOrCollapse("selectionCount", bulkTagging)) { this._element("itemsCountText").value = PlacesUIUtils.getPluralString("detailsPane.itemsCountLabel", uris.length, [uris.length]); } // Observe changes. if (!this._observersAdded) { PlacesUtils.bookmarks.addObserver(this, false); window.addEventListener("unload", this, false); this._observersAdded = true; } // The focusedElement possible values are: // * preferred: focus the field that the user touched first the last // time the pane was shown (either namePicker or tagsField) // * first: focus the first non collapsed textbox // Note: since all controls are collapsed by default, we don't get the // default XUL dialog behavior, that selects the first control, so we set // the focus explicitly. let elt; if (focusedElement === "preferred") { elt = this._element(gPrefService.getCharPref("browser.bookmarks.editDialog.firstEditField")); } else if (focusedElement === "first") { elt = document.querySelector("textbox:not([collapsed=true])"); } if (elt) { elt.focus(); elt.select(); } }, /** * Finds tags that are in common among this._currentInfo.uris; */ _getCommonTags() { if ("_cachedCommonTags" in this._paneInfo) return this._paneInfo._cachedCommonTags; let uris = [...this._paneInfo.uris]; let firstURI = uris.shift(); let commonTags = new Set(PlacesUtils.tagging.getTagsForURI(firstURI)); if (commonTags.size == 0) return this._cachedCommonTags = []; for (let uri of uris) { let curentURITags = PlacesUtils.tagging.getTagsForURI(uri); for (let tag of commonTags) { if (!curentURITags.includes(tag)) { commonTags.delete(tag) if (commonTags.size == 0) return this._paneInfo.cachedCommonTags = []; } } } return this._paneInfo._cachedCommonTags = [...commonTags]; }, _initTextField(aElement, aValue) { if (aElement.value != aValue) { aElement.value = aValue; // Clear the undo stack let editor = aElement.editor; if (editor) editor.transactionManager.clear(); } }, /** * Appends a menu-item representing a bookmarks folder to a menu-popup. * @param aMenupopup * The popup to which the menu-item should be added. * @param aFolderId * The identifier of the bookmarks folder. * @return the new menu item. */ _appendFolderItemToMenupopup(aMenupopup, aFolderId) { // First make sure the folders-separator is visible this._element("foldersSeparator").hidden = false; var folderMenuItem = document.createElement("menuitem"); var folderTitle = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getItemTitle(aFolderId) folderMenuItem.folderId = aFolderId; folderMenuItem.setAttribute("label", folderTitle); folderMenuItem.className = "menuitem-iconic folder-icon"; aMenupopup.appendChild(folderMenuItem); return folderMenuItem; }, _initFolderMenuList: function EIO__initFolderMenuList(aSelectedFolder) { // clean up first var menupopup = this._folderMenuList.menupopup; while (menupopup.childNodes.length > 6) menupopup.removeChild(menupopup.lastChild); const bms = PlacesUtils.bookmarks; const annos = PlacesUtils.annotations; // Build the static list var unfiledItem = this._element("unfiledRootItem"); if (!this._staticFoldersListBuilt) { unfiledItem.label = bms.getItemTitle(PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId); unfiledItem.folderId = PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId; var bmMenuItem = this._element("bmRootItem"); bmMenuItem.label = bms.getItemTitle(PlacesUtils.bookmarksMenuFolderId); bmMenuItem.folderId = PlacesUtils.bookmarksMenuFolderId; var toolbarItem = this._element("toolbarFolderItem"); toolbarItem.label = bms.getItemTitle(PlacesUtils.toolbarFolderId); toolbarItem.folderId = PlacesUtils.toolbarFolderId; this._staticFoldersListBuilt = true; } // List of recently used folders: var folderIds = annos.getItemsWithAnnotation(LAST_USED_ANNO); /** * The value of the LAST_USED_ANNO annotation is the time (in the form of * Date.getTime) at which the folder has been last used. * * First we build the annotated folders array, each item has both the * folder identifier and the time at which it was last-used by this dialog * set. Then we sort it descendingly based on the time field. */ this._recentFolders = []; for (let i = 0; i < folderIds.length; i++) { var lastUsed = annos.getItemAnnotation(folderIds[i], LAST_USED_ANNO); this._recentFolders.push({ folderId: folderIds[i], lastUsed: lastUsed }); } this._recentFolders.sort(function(a, b) { if (b.lastUsed < a.lastUsed) return -1; if (b.lastUsed > a.lastUsed) return 1; return 0; }); var numberOfItems = Math.min(MAX_FOLDER_ITEM_IN_MENU_LIST, this._recentFolders.length); for (let i = 0; i < numberOfItems; i++) { this._appendFolderItemToMenupopup(menupopup, this._recentFolders[i].folderId); } var defaultItem = this._getFolderMenuItem(aSelectedFolder); this._folderMenuList.selectedItem = defaultItem; // Set a selectedIndex attribute to show special icons this._folderMenuList.setAttribute("selectedIndex", this._folderMenuList.selectedIndex); // Hide the folders-separator if no folder is annotated as recently-used this._element("foldersSeparator").hidden = (menupopup.childNodes.length <= 6); this._folderMenuList.disabled = this.readOnly; }, QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Components.interfaces.nsIDOMEventListener, Components.interfaces.nsINavBookmarkObserver]), _element(aID) { return document.getElementById("editBMPanel_" + aID); }, uninitPanel(aHideCollapsibleElements) { if (aHideCollapsibleElements) { // Hide the folder tree if it was previously visible. var folderTreeRow = this._element("folderTreeRow"); if (!folderTreeRow.collapsed) this.toggleFolderTreeVisibility(); // Hide the tag selector if it was previously visible. var tagsSelectorRow = this._element("tagsSelectorRow"); if (!tagsSelectorRow.collapsed) this.toggleTagsSelector(); } if (this._observersAdded) { PlacesUtils.bookmarks.removeObserver(this); this._observersAdded = false; } this._setPaneInfo(null); this._firstEditedField = ""; }, onTagsFieldChange() { if (this._paneInfo.isURI || this._paneInfo.bulkTagging) { this._updateTags().then( anyChanges => { if (anyChanges) this._mayUpdateFirstEditField("tagsField"); }, Components.utils.reportError); } }, /** * For a given array of currently-set tags and the tags-input-field * value, returns which tags should be removed and which should be added in * the form of { removedTags: [...], newTags: [...] }. */ _getTagsChanges(aCurrentTags) { let inputTags = this._getTagsArrayFromTagsInputField(); // Optimize the trivial cases (which are actually the most common). if (inputTags.length == 0 && aCurrentTags.length == 0) return { newTags: [], removedTags: [] }; if (inputTags.length == 0) return { newTags: [], removedTags: aCurrentTags }; if (aCurrentTags.length == 0) return { newTags: inputTags, removedTags: [] }; let removedTags = aCurrentTags.filter(t => !inputTags.includes(t)); let newTags = inputTags.filter(t => !aCurrentTags.includes(t)); return { removedTags, newTags }; }, // Adds and removes tags for one or more uris. _setTagsFromTagsInputField: Task.async(function* (aCurrentTags, aURIs) { let { removedTags, newTags } = this._getTagsChanges(aCurrentTags); if (removedTags.length + newTags.length == 0) return false; if (!PlacesUIUtils.useAsyncTransactions) { let txns = []; for (let uri of aURIs) { if (removedTags.length > 0) txns.push(new PlacesUntagURITransaction(uri, removedTags)); if (newTags.length > 0) txns.push(new PlacesTagURITransaction(uri, newTags)); } PlacesUtils.transactionManager.doTransaction( new PlacesAggregatedTransaction("Update tags", txns)); return true; } let setTags = function* () { if (newTags.length > 0) { yield PlacesTransactions.Tag({ urls: aURIs, tags: newTags }) .transact(); } if (removedTags.length > 0) { yield PlacesTransactions.Untag({ urls: aURIs, tags: removedTags }) .transact(); } }; // Only in the library info-pane it's safe (and necessary) to batch these. // TODO bug 1093030: cleanup this mess when the bookmarksProperties dialog // and star UI code don't "run a batch in the background". if (window.document.documentElement.id == "places") PlacesTransactions.batch(setTags).catch(Components.utils.reportError); else Task.spawn(setTags).catch(Components.utils.reportError); return true; }), _updateTags: Task.async(function*() { let uris = this._paneInfo.bulkTagging ? this._paneInfo.uris : [this._paneInfo.uri]; let currentTags = this._paneInfo.bulkTagging ? yield this._getCommonTags() : PlacesUtils.tagging.getTagsForURI(uris[0]); let anyChanges = yield this._setTagsFromTagsInputField(currentTags, uris); if (!anyChanges) return false; // The panel could have been closed in the meanwhile. if (!this._paneInfo) return false; // Ensure the tagsField is in sync, clean it up from empty tags currentTags = this._paneInfo.bulkTagging ? this._getCommonTags() : PlacesUtils.tagging.getTagsForURI(this._paneInfo.uri); this._initTextField(this._tagsField, currentTags.join(", "), false); return true; }), /** * Stores the first-edit field for this dialog, if the passed-in field * is indeed the first edited field * @param aNewField * the id of the field that may be set (without the "editBMPanel_" * prefix) */ _mayUpdateFirstEditField(aNewField) { // * The first-edit-field behavior is not applied in the multi-edit case // * if this._firstEditedField is already set, this is not the first field, // so there's nothing to do if (this._paneInfo.bulkTagging || this._firstEditedField) return; this._firstEditedField = aNewField; // set the pref var prefs = Cc["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIPrefBranch); prefs.setCharPref("browser.bookmarks.editDialog.firstEditField", aNewField); }, onNamePickerChange() { if (this.readOnly || !(this._paneInfo.isItem || this._paneInfo.isTag)) return; // Here we update either the item title or its cached static title let newTitle = this._namePicker.value; if (!newTitle && PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getFolderIdForItem(this._paneInfo.itemId) == PlacesUtils.tagsFolderId) { // We don't allow setting an empty title for a tag, restore the old one. this._initNamePicker(); } else { this._mayUpdateFirstEditField("namePicker"); if (!PlacesUIUtils.useAsyncTransactions) { let txn = new PlacesEditItemTitleTransaction(this._paneInfo.itemId, newTitle); PlacesUtils.transactionManager.doTransaction(txn); return; } Task.spawn(function* () { let guid = this._paneInfo.isTag ? (yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemGuid(this._paneInfo.itemId)) : this._paneInfo.itemGuid; PlacesTransactions.EditTitle({ guid, title: newTitle }) .transact().catch(Components.utils.reportError); }).catch(Cu.reportError); } }, onDescriptionFieldChange() { if (this.readOnly || !this._paneInfo.isItem) return; let itemId = this._paneInfo.itemId; let description = this._element("descriptionField").value; if (description != PlacesUIUtils.getItemDescription(this._paneInfo.itemId)) { let annotation = { name: PlacesUIUtils.DESCRIPTION_ANNO, value: description }; if (!PlacesUIUtils.useAsyncTransactions) { let txn = new PlacesSetItemAnnotationTransaction(itemId, annotation); PlacesUtils.transactionManager.doTransaction(txn); return; } let guid = this._paneInfo.itemGuid; PlacesTransactions.Annotate({ guid, annotation }) .transact().catch(Components.utils.reportError); } }, onLocationFieldChange() { if (this.readOnly || !this._paneInfo.isBookmark) return; let newURI; try { newURI = PlacesUIUtils.createFixedURI(this._locationField.value); } catch(ex) { // TODO: Bug 1089141 - Provide some feedback about the invalid url. return; } if (this._paneInfo.uri.equals(newURI)) return; if (!PlacesUIUtils.useAsyncTransactions) { let itemId = this._paneInfo.itemId; let txn = new PlacesEditBookmarkURITransaction(this._paneInfo.itemId, newURI); PlacesUtils.transactionManager.doTransaction(txn); return; } let guid = this._paneInfo.itemGuid; PlacesTransactions.EditUrl({ guid, url: newURI }) .transact().catch(Components.utils.reportError); }, onKeywordFieldChange() { if (this.readOnly || !this._paneInfo.isBookmark) return; let itemId = this._paneInfo.itemId; let newKeyword = this._keywordField.value; if (!PlacesUIUtils.useAsyncTransactions) { let txn = new PlacesEditBookmarkKeywordTransaction(itemId, newKeyword, this._paneInfo.postData); PlacesUtils.transactionManager.doTransaction(txn); return; } let guid = this._paneInfo.itemGuid; PlacesTransactions.EditKeyword({ guid, keyword: newKeyword }) .transact().catch(Components.utils.reportError); }, onLoadInSidebarCheckboxCommand() { if (!this.initialized || !this._paneInfo.isBookmark) return; let annotation = { name : PlacesUIUtils.LOAD_IN_SIDEBAR_ANNO }; if (this._loadInSidebarCheckbox.checked) annotation.value = true; if (!PlacesUIUtils.useAsyncTransactions) { let itemId = this._paneInfo.itemId; let txn = new PlacesSetItemAnnotationTransaction(itemId, annotation); PlacesUtils.transactionManager.doTransaction(txn); return; } let guid = this._paneInfo.itemGuid; PlacesTransactions.Annotate({ guid, annotation }) .transact().catch(Components.utils.reportError); }, toggleFolderTreeVisibility() { var expander = this._element("foldersExpander"); var folderTreeRow = this._element("folderTreeRow"); if (!folderTreeRow.collapsed) { expander.className = "expander-down"; expander.setAttribute("tooltiptext", expander.getAttribute("tooltiptextdown")); folderTreeRow.collapsed = true; this._element("chooseFolderSeparator").hidden = this._element("chooseFolderMenuItem").hidden = false; } else { expander.className = "expander-up" expander.setAttribute("tooltiptext", expander.getAttribute("tooltiptextup")); folderTreeRow.collapsed = false; // XXXmano: Ideally we would only do this once, but for some odd reason, // the editable mode set on this tree, together with its collapsed state // breaks the view. const FOLDER_TREE_PLACE_URI = "place:excludeItems=1&excludeQueries=1&excludeReadOnlyFolders=1&folder=" + PlacesUIUtils.allBookmarksFolderId; this._folderTree.place = FOLDER_TREE_PLACE_URI; this._element("chooseFolderSeparator").hidden = this._element("chooseFolderMenuItem").hidden = true; var currentFolder = this._getFolderIdFromMenuList(); this._folderTree.selectItems([currentFolder]); this._folderTree.focus(); } }, _getFolderIdFromMenuList() { var selectedItem = this._folderMenuList.selectedItem; NS_ASSERT("folderId" in selectedItem, "Invalid menuitem in the folders-menulist"); return selectedItem.folderId; }, /** * Get the corresponding menu-item in the folder-menu-list for a bookmarks * folder if such an item exists. Otherwise, this creates a menu-item for the * folder. If the items-count limit (see MAX_FOLDERS_IN_MENU_LIST) is reached, * the new item replaces the last menu-item. * @param aFolderId * The identifier of the bookmarks folder. */ _getFolderMenuItem(aFolderId) { let menupopup = this._folderMenuList.menupopup; let menuItem = Array.prototype.find.call( menupopup.childNodes, menuItem => menuItem.folderId === aFolderId); if (menuItem !== undefined) return menuItem; // 3 special folders + separator + folder-items-count limit if (menupopup.childNodes.length == 4 + MAX_FOLDER_ITEM_IN_MENU_LIST) menupopup.removeChild(menupopup.lastChild); return this._appendFolderItemToMenupopup(menupopup, aFolderId); }, onFolderMenuListCommand(aEvent) { // Set a selectedIndex attribute to show special icons this._folderMenuList.setAttribute("selectedIndex", this._folderMenuList.selectedIndex); if (aEvent.target.id == "editBMPanel_chooseFolderMenuItem") { // reset the selection back to where it was and expand the tree // (this menu-item is hidden when the tree is already visible let containerId = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getFolderIdForItem(this._paneInfo.itemId); let item = this._getFolderMenuItem(containerId); this._folderMenuList.selectedItem = item; // XXXmano HACK: setTimeout 100, otherwise focus goes back to the // menulist right away setTimeout(() => this.toggleFolderTreeVisibility(), 100); return; } // Move the item let containerId = this._getFolderIdFromMenuList(); if (PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getFolderIdForItem(this._paneInfo.itemId) != containerId && this._paneInfo.itemId != containerId) { if (PlacesUIUtils.useAsyncTransactions) { Task.spawn(function* () { let newParentGuid = yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemGuid(containerId); let guid = this._paneInfo.itemGuid; yield PlacesTransactions.Move({ guid, newParentGuid }).transact(); }.bind(this)); } else { let txn = new PlacesMoveItemTransaction(this._paneInfo.itemId, containerId, PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX); PlacesUtils.transactionManager.doTransaction(txn); } // Mark the containing folder as recently-used if it isn't in the // static list if (containerId != PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId && containerId != PlacesUtils.toolbarFolderId && containerId != PlacesUtils.bookmarksMenuFolderId) { this._markFolderAsRecentlyUsed(containerId) .catch(Components.utils.reportError); } } // Update folder-tree selection var folderTreeRow = this._element("folderTreeRow"); if (!folderTreeRow.collapsed) { var selectedNode = this._folderTree.selectedNode; if (!selectedNode || PlacesUtils.getConcreteItemId(selectedNode) != containerId) this._folderTree.selectItems([containerId]); } }, onFolderTreeSelect() { var selectedNode = this._folderTree.selectedNode; // Disable the "New Folder" button if we cannot create a new folder this._element("newFolderButton") .disabled = !this._folderTree.insertionPoint || !selectedNode; if (!selectedNode) return; var folderId = PlacesUtils.getConcreteItemId(selectedNode); if (this._getFolderIdFromMenuList() == folderId) return; var folderItem = this._getFolderMenuItem(folderId); this._folderMenuList.selectedItem = folderItem; folderItem.doCommand(); }, _markFolderAsRecentlyUsed: Task.async(function* (aFolderId) { if (!PlacesUIUtils.useAsyncTransactions) { let txns = []; // Expire old unused recent folders. let annotation = this._getLastUsedAnnotationObject(false); while (this._recentFolders.length > MAX_FOLDER_ITEM_IN_MENU_LIST) { let folderId = this._recentFolders.pop().folderId; let annoTxn = new PlacesSetItemAnnotationTransaction(folderId, annotation); txns.push(annoTxn); } // Mark folder as recently used annotation = this._getLastUsedAnnotationObject(true); let annoTxn = new PlacesSetItemAnnotationTransaction(aFolderId, annotation); txns.push(annoTxn); let aggregate = new PlacesAggregatedTransaction("Update last used folders", txns); PlacesUtils.transactionManager.doTransaction(aggregate); return; } // Expire old unused recent folders. let guids = []; while (this._recentFolders.length > MAX_FOLDER_ITEM_IN_MENU_LIST) { let folderId = this._recentFolders.pop().folderId; let guid = yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemGuid(folderId); guids.push(guid); } if (guids.length > 0) { let annotation = this._getLastUsedAnnotationObject(false); PlacesTransactions.Annotate({ guids, annotation }) .transact().catch(Components.utils.reportError); } // Mark folder as recently used let annotation = this._getLastUsedAnnotationObject(true); let guid = yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemGuid(aFolderId); PlacesTransactions.Annotate({ guid, annotation }) .transact().catch(Components.utils.reportError); }), /** * Returns an object which could then be used to set/unset the * LAST_USED_ANNO annotation for a folder. * * @param aLastUsed * Whether to set or unset the LAST_USED_ANNO annotation. * @returns an object representing the annotation which could then be used * with the transaction manager. */ _getLastUsedAnnotationObject(aLastUsed) { return { name: LAST_USED_ANNO, value: aLastUsed ? new Date().getTime() : null }; }, _rebuildTagsSelectorList: Task.async(function* () { let tagsSelector = this._element("tagsSelector"); let tagsSelectorRow = this._element("tagsSelectorRow"); if (tagsSelectorRow.collapsed) return; // Save the current scroll position and restore it after the rebuild. let firstIndex = tagsSelector.getIndexOfFirstVisibleRow(); let selectedIndex = tagsSelector.selectedIndex; let selectedTag = selectedIndex >= 0 ? tagsSelector.selectedItem.label : null; while (tagsSelector.hasChildNodes()) { tagsSelector.removeChild(tagsSelector.lastChild); } let tagsInField = this._getTagsArrayFromTagsInputField(); let allTags = PlacesUtils.tagging.allTags; for (tag of allTags) { let elt = document.createElement("listitem"); elt.setAttribute("type", "checkbox"); elt.setAttribute("label", tag); if (tagsInField.includes(tag)) elt.setAttribute("checked", "true"); tagsSelector.appendChild(elt); if (selectedTag === tag) selectedIndex = tagsSelector.getIndexOfItem(elt); } // Restore position. // The listbox allows to scroll only if the required offset doesn't // overflow its capacity, thus need to adjust the index for removals. firstIndex = Math.min(firstIndex, tagsSelector.itemCount - tagsSelector.getNumberOfVisibleRows()); tagsSelector.scrollToIndex(firstIndex); if (selectedIndex >= 0 && tagsSelector.itemCount > 0) { selectedIndex = Math.min(selectedIndex, tagsSelector.itemCount - 1); tagsSelector.selectedIndex = selectedIndex; tagsSelector.ensureIndexIsVisible(selectedIndex); } }), toggleTagsSelector: Task.async(function* () { var tagsSelector = this._element("tagsSelector"); var tagsSelectorRow = this._element("tagsSelectorRow"); var expander = this._element("tagsSelectorExpander"); if (tagsSelectorRow.collapsed) { expander.className = "expander-up"; expander.setAttribute("tooltiptext", expander.getAttribute("tooltiptextup")); tagsSelectorRow.collapsed = false; yield this._rebuildTagsSelectorList(); // This is a no-op if we've added the listener. tagsSelector.addEventListener("CheckboxStateChange", this, false); } else { expander.className = "expander-down"; expander.setAttribute("tooltiptext", expander.getAttribute("tooltiptextdown")); tagsSelectorRow.collapsed = true; } }), /** * Splits "tagsField" element value, returning an array of valid tag strings. * * @return Array of tag strings found in the field value. */ _getTagsArrayFromTagsInputField() { let tags = this._element("tagsField").value; return tags.trim() .split(/\s*,\s*/) // Split on commas and remove spaces. .filter(tag => tag.length > 0); // Kill empty tags. }, newFolder: Task.async(function* () { let ip = this._folderTree.insertionPoint; // default to the bookmarks menu folder if (!ip || ip.itemId == PlacesUIUtils.allBookmarksFolderId) { ip = new InsertionPoint(PlacesUtils.bookmarksMenuFolderId, PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX, Ci.nsITreeView.DROP_ON); } // XXXmano: add a separate "New Folder" string at some point... let title = this._element("newFolderButton").label; if (PlacesUIUtils.useAsyncTransactions) { let parentGuid = yield ip.promiseGuid(); yield PlacesTransactions.NewFolder({ parentGuid, title, index: ip.index }) .transact().catch(Components.utils.reportError); } else { let txn = new PlacesCreateFolderTransaction(title, ip.itemId, ip.index); PlacesUtils.transactionManager.doTransaction(txn); } this._folderTree.focus(); this._folderTree.selectItems([ip.itemId]); PlacesUtils.asContainer(this._folderTree.selectedNode).containerOpen = true; this._folderTree.selectItems([this._lastNewItem]); this._folderTree.startEditing(this._folderTree.view.selection.currentIndex, this._folderTree.columns.getFirstColumn()); }), // nsIDOMEventListener handleEvent(aEvent) { switch (aEvent.type) { case "CheckboxStateChange": // Update the tags field when items are checked/unchecked in the listbox let tags = this._getTagsArrayFromTagsInputField(); let tagCheckbox = aEvent.target; let curTagIndex = tags.indexOf(tagCheckbox.label); let tagsSelector = this._element("tagsSelector"); tagsSelector.selectedItem = tagCheckbox; if (tagCheckbox.checked) { if (curTagIndex == -1) tags.push(tagCheckbox.label); } else { if (curTagIndex != -1) tags.splice(curTagIndex, 1); } this._element("tagsField").value = tags.join(", "); this._updateTags(); break; case "unload": this.uninitPanel(false); break; } }, _initTagsField: Task.async(function* () { let tags; if (this._paneInfo.isURI) tags = PlacesUtils.tagging.getTagsForURI(this._paneInfo.uri); else if (this._paneInfo.bulkTagging) tags = this._getCommonTags(); else throw new Error("_promiseTagsStr called unexpectedly"); this._initTextField(this._tagsField, tags.join(", ")); }), _onTagsChange(aItemId) { let paneInfo = this._paneInfo; let updateTagsField = false; if (paneInfo.isURI) { if (paneInfo.isBookmark && aItemId == paneInfo.itemId) { updateTagsField = true; } else if (!paneInfo.isBookmark) { let changedURI = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getBookmarkURI(aItemId); updateTagsField = changedURI.equals(paneInfo.uri); } } else if (paneInfo.bulkTagging) { let changedURI = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getBookmarkURI(aItemId); if (paneInfo.uris.some(uri => uri.equals(changedURI))) { updateTagsField = true; delete this._paneInfo._cachedCommonTags; } } else { throw new Error("_onTagsChange called unexpectedly"); } if (updateTagsField) this._initTagsField().catch(Components.utils.reportError); // Any tags change should be reflected in the tags selector. if (this._element("tagsSelector")) this._rebuildTagsSelectorList().catch(Components.utils.reportError); }, _onItemTitleChange(aItemId, aNewTitle) { if (!this._paneInfo.isBookmark) return; if (aItemId == this._paneInfo.itemId) { this._paneInfo.title = aNewTitle; this._initTextField(this._namePicker, aNewTitle); } else if (this._paneInfo.visibleRows.has("folderRow")) { // If the title of a folder which is listed within the folders // menulist has been changed, we need to update the label of its // representing element. let menupopup = this._folderMenuList.menupopup; for (menuitem of menupopup.childNodes) { if ("folderId" in menuitem && menuitem.folderId == aItemId) { menuitem.label = aNewTitle; break; } } } }, // nsINavBookmarkObserver onItemChanged(aItemId, aProperty, aIsAnnotationProperty, aValue, aLastModified, aItemType) { if (aProperty == "tags" && this._paneInfo.visibleRows.has("tagsRow")) { this._onTagsChange(aItemId); } else if (aProperty == "title" && this._paneInfo.isItem) { // This also updates titles of folders in the folder menu list. this._onItemTitleChange(aItemId, aValue); } else if (!this._paneInfo.isItem || this._paneInfo.itemId != aItemId) { return; } switch (aProperty) { case "uri": let newURI = NetUtil.newURI(aValue); if (!newURI.equals(this._paneInfo.uri)) { this._paneInfo.uri = newURI; if (this._paneInfo.visibleRows.has("locationRow")) this._initLocationField(); if (this._paneInfo.visibleRows.has("tagsRow")) { delete this._paneInfo._cachedCommonTags; this._onTagsChange(aItemId); } } break; case "keyword": if (this._paneInfo.visibleRows.has("keywordRow")) this._initKeywordField(aValue); break; case PlacesUIUtils.DESCRIPTION_ANNO: if (this._paneInfo.visibleRows.has("descriptionRow")) this._initDescriptionField(); break; case PlacesUIUtils.LOAD_IN_SIDEBAR_ANNO: if (this._paneInfo.visibleRows.has("loadInSidebarCheckbox")) this._initLoadInSidebar(); break; } }, onItemMoved(aItemId, aOldParent, aOldIndex, aNewParent, aNewIndex, aItemType) { if (!this._paneInfo.isItem || !this._paneInfo.visibleRows.has("folderPicker") || this._paneInfo.itemId != aItemOd || aNewParent == this._getFolderIdFromMenuList()) { return; } // Just setting selectItem _does not_ trigger oncommand, so we don't // recurse. this._folderMenuList.selectedItem = this._getFolderMenuItem(aNewParent); }, onItemAdded(aItemId, aParentId, aIndex, aItemType, aURI) { this._lastNewItem = aItemId; }, onItemRemoved() { }, onBeginUpdateBatch() { }, onEndUpdateBatch() { }, onItemVisited() { }, }; for (let elt of ["folderMenuList", "folderTree", "namePicker", "locationField", "descriptionField", "keywordField", "tagsField", "loadInSidebarCheckbox"]) { let eltScoped = elt; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(gEditItemOverlay, `_${eltScoped}`, () => gEditItemOverlay._element(eltScoped)); }