/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.jsm"); Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/TelemetryStopwatch.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "MigrationUtils", "resource:///modules/MigrationUtils.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Task", "resource://gre/modules/Task.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "BookmarkJSONUtils", "resource://gre/modules/BookmarkJSONUtils.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "PlacesBackups", "resource://gre/modules/PlacesBackups.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "DownloadUtils", "resource://gre/modules/DownloadUtils.jsm"); const RESTORE_FILEPICKER_FILTER_EXT = "*.json;*.jsonlz4"; const HISTORY_LIBRARY_SEARCH_TELEMETRY = "PLACES_HISTORY_LIBRARY_SEARCH_TIME_MS"; var PlacesOrganizer = { _places: null, // IDs of fields from editBookmarkOverlay that should be hidden when infoBox // is minimal. IDs should be kept in sync with the IDs of the elements // observing additionalInfoBroadcaster. _additionalInfoFields: [ "editBMPanel_descriptionRow", "editBMPanel_loadInSidebarCheckbox", "editBMPanel_keywordRow", ], _initFolderTree: function() { var leftPaneRoot = PlacesUIUtils.leftPaneFolderId; this._places.place = "place:excludeItems=1&expandQueries=0&folder=" + leftPaneRoot; }, selectLeftPaneQuery: function PO_selectLeftPaneQuery(aQueryName) { var itemId = PlacesUIUtils.leftPaneQueries[aQueryName]; this._places.selectItems([itemId]); // Forcefully expand all-bookmarks if (aQueryName == "AllBookmarks" || aQueryName == "History") PlacesUtils.asContainer(this._places.selectedNode).containerOpen = true; }, /** * Opens a given hierarchy in the left pane, stopping at the last reachable * container. * * @param aHierarchy A single container or an array of containers, sorted from * the outmost to the innermost in the hierarchy. Each * container may be either an item id, a Places URI string, * or a named query. * @see PlacesUIUtils.leftPaneQueries for supported named queries. */ selectLeftPaneContainerByHierarchy: function PO_selectLeftPaneContainerByHierarchy(aHierarchy) { if (!aHierarchy) throw new Error("Invalid containers hierarchy"); let hierarchy = [].concat(aHierarchy); let selectWasSuppressed = this._places.view.selection.selectEventsSuppressed; if (!selectWasSuppressed) this._places.view.selection.selectEventsSuppressed = true; try { for (let container of hierarchy) { switch (typeof container) { case "number": this._places.selectItems([container], false); break; case "string": if (container.substr(0, 6) == "place:") this._places.selectPlaceURI(container); else if (container in PlacesUIUtils.leftPaneQueries) this.selectLeftPaneQuery(container); else throw new Error("Invalid container found: " + container); break; default: throw new Error("Invalid container type found: " + container); break; } PlacesUtils.asContainer(this._places.selectedNode).containerOpen = true; } } finally { if (!selectWasSuppressed) this._places.view.selection.selectEventsSuppressed = false; } }, init: function PO_init() { ContentArea.init(); this._places = document.getElementById("placesList"); this._initFolderTree(); var leftPaneSelection = "AllBookmarks"; // default to all-bookmarks if (window.arguments && window.arguments[0]) leftPaneSelection = window.arguments[0]; this.selectLeftPaneContainerByHierarchy(leftPaneSelection); if (leftPaneSelection === "History") { let historyNode = this._places.selectedNode; if (historyNode.childCount > 0) this._places.selectNode(historyNode.getChild(0)); } // clear the back-stack this._backHistory.splice(0, this._backHistory.length); document.getElementById("OrganizerCommand:Back").setAttribute("disabled", true); // Set up the search UI. PlacesSearchBox.init(); window.addEventListener("AppCommand", this, true); if (AppConstants.platform === "macosx") { // 1. Map Edit->Find command to OrganizerCommand_find:all. Need to map // both the menuitem and the Find key. let findMenuItem = document.getElementById("menu_find"); findMenuItem.setAttribute("command", "OrganizerCommand_find:all"); let findKey = document.getElementById("key_find"); findKey.setAttribute("command", "OrganizerCommand_find:all"); // 2. Disable some keybindings from browser.xul let elements = ["cmd_handleBackspace", "cmd_handleShiftBackspace"]; for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { document.getElementById(elements[i]).setAttribute("disabled", "true"); } } // remove the "Properties" context-menu item, we've our own details pane document.getElementById("placesContext") .removeChild(document.getElementById("placesContext_show:info")); ContentArea.focus(); }, QueryInterface: function PO_QueryInterface(aIID) { if (aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIDOMEventListener) || aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports)) return this; throw Components.results.NS_NOINTERFACE; }, handleEvent: function PO_handleEvent(aEvent) { if (aEvent.type != "AppCommand") return; aEvent.stopPropagation(); switch (aEvent.command) { case "Back": if (this._backHistory.length > 0) this.back(); break; case "Forward": if (this._forwardHistory.length > 0) this.forward(); break; case "Search": PlacesSearchBox.findAll(); break; } }, destroy: function PO_destroy() { }, _location: null, get location() { return this._location; }, set location(aLocation) { if (!aLocation || this._location == aLocation) return aLocation; if (this.location) { this._backHistory.unshift(this.location); this._forwardHistory.splice(0, this._forwardHistory.length); } this._location = aLocation; this._places.selectPlaceURI(aLocation); if (!this._places.hasSelection) { // If no node was found for the given place: uri, just load it directly ContentArea.currentPlace = aLocation; } this.updateDetailsPane(); // update navigation commands if (this._backHistory.length == 0) document.getElementById("OrganizerCommand:Back").setAttribute("disabled", true); else document.getElementById("OrganizerCommand:Back").removeAttribute("disabled"); if (this._forwardHistory.length == 0) document.getElementById("OrganizerCommand:Forward").setAttribute("disabled", true); else document.getElementById("OrganizerCommand:Forward").removeAttribute("disabled"); return aLocation; }, _backHistory: [], _forwardHistory: [], back: function PO_back() { this._forwardHistory.unshift(this.location); var historyEntry = this._backHistory.shift(); this._location = null; this.location = historyEntry; }, forward: function PO_forward() { this._backHistory.unshift(this.location); var historyEntry = this._forwardHistory.shift(); this._location = null; this.location = historyEntry; }, /** * Called when a place folder is selected in the left pane. * @param resetSearchBox * true if the search box should also be reset, false otherwise. * The search box should be reset when a new folder in the left * pane is selected; the search scope and text need to be cleared in * preparation for the new folder. Note that if the user manually * resets the search box, either by clicking its reset button or by * deleting its text, this will be false. */ _cachedLeftPaneSelectedURI: null, onPlaceSelected: function PO_onPlaceSelected(resetSearchBox) { // Don't change the right-hand pane contents when there's no selection. if (!this._places.hasSelection) return; var node = this._places.selectedNode; var queries = PlacesUtils.asQuery(node).getQueries(); // Items are only excluded on the left pane. var options = node.queryOptions.clone(); options.excludeItems = false; var placeURI = PlacesUtils.history.queriesToQueryString(queries, queries.length, options); // If either the place of the content tree in the right pane has changed or // the user cleared the search box, update the place, hide the search UI, // and update the back/forward buttons by setting location. if (ContentArea.currentPlace != placeURI || !resetSearchBox) { ContentArea.currentPlace = placeURI; this.location = node.uri; } // When we invalidate a container we use suppressSelectionEvent, when it is // unset a select event is fired, in many cases the selection did not really // change, so we should check for it, and return early in such a case. Note // that we cannot return any earlier than this point, because when // !resetSearchBox, we need to update location and hide the UI as above, // even though the selection has not changed. if (node.uri == this._cachedLeftPaneSelectedURI) return; this._cachedLeftPaneSelectedURI = node.uri; // At this point, resetSearchBox is true, because the left pane selection // has changed; otherwise we would have returned earlier. PlacesSearchBox.searchFilter.reset(); this._setSearchScopeForNode(node); this.updateDetailsPane(); }, /** * Sets the search scope based on aNode's properties. * @param aNode * the node to set up scope from */ _setSearchScopeForNode: function PO__setScopeForNode(aNode) { let itemId = aNode.itemId; if (PlacesUtils.nodeIsHistoryContainer(aNode) || itemId == PlacesUIUtils.leftPaneQueries["History"]) { PlacesQueryBuilder.setScope("history"); } else if (itemId == PlacesUIUtils.leftPaneQueries["Downloads"]) { PlacesQueryBuilder.setScope("downloads"); } else { // Default to All Bookmarks for all other nodes, per bug 469437. PlacesQueryBuilder.setScope("bookmarks"); } }, /** * Handle clicks on the places list. * Single Left click, right click or modified click do not result in any * special action, since they're related to selection. * @param aEvent * The mouse event. */ onPlacesListClick: function PO_onPlacesListClick(aEvent) { // Only handle clicks on tree children. if (aEvent.target.localName != "treechildren") return; let node = this._places.selectedNode; if (node) { let middleClick = aEvent.button == 1 && aEvent.detail == 1; if (middleClick && PlacesUtils.nodeIsContainer(node)) { // The command execution function will take care of seeing if the // selection is a folder or a different container type, and will // load its contents in tabs. PlacesUIUtils.openContainerNodeInTabs(selectedNode, aEvent, this._places); } } }, /** * Handle focus changes on the places list and the current content view. */ updateDetailsPane: function PO_updateDetailsPane() { if (!ContentArea.currentViewOptions.showDetailsPane) return; let view = PlacesUIUtils.getViewForNode(document.activeElement); if (view) { let selectedNodes = view.selectedNode ? [view.selectedNode] : view.selectedNodes; this._fillDetailsPane(selectedNodes); } }, openFlatContainer: function PO_openFlatContainerFlatContainer(aContainer) { if (aContainer.itemId != -1) { PlacesUtils.asContainer(this._places.selectedNode).containerOpen = true; this._places.selectItems([aContainer.itemId], false); } else if (PlacesUtils.nodeIsQuery(aContainer)) { this._places.selectPlaceURI(aContainer.uri); } }, /** * Returns the options associated with the query currently loaded in the * main places pane. */ getCurrentOptions: function PO_getCurrentOptions() { return PlacesUtils.asQuery(ContentArea.currentView.result.root).queryOptions; }, /** * Returns the queries associated with the query currently loaded in the * main places pane. */ getCurrentQueries: function PO_getCurrentQueries() { return PlacesUtils.asQuery(ContentArea.currentView.result.root).getQueries(); }, /** * Show the migration wizard for importing passwords, * cookies, history, preferences, and bookmarks. */ importFromBrowser: function PO_importFromBrowser() { // We pass in the type of source we're using for use in telemetry: MigrationUtils.showMigrationWizard(window, [MigrationUtils.MIGRATION_ENTRYPOINT_PLACES]); }, /** * Open a file-picker and import the selected file into the bookmarks store */ importFromFile: function PO_importFromFile() { let fp = Cc["@mozilla.org/filepicker;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFilePicker); let fpCallback = function fpCallback_done(aResult) { if (aResult != Ci.nsIFilePicker.returnCancel && fp.fileURL) { Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/BookmarkHTMLUtils.jsm"); BookmarkHTMLUtils.importFromURL(fp.fileURL.spec, false) .then(null, Components.utils.reportError); } }; fp.init(window, PlacesUIUtils.getString("SelectImport"), Ci.nsIFilePicker.modeOpen); fp.appendFilters(Ci.nsIFilePicker.filterHTML); fp.open(fpCallback); }, /** * Allows simple exporting of bookmarks. */ exportBookmarks: function PO_exportBookmarks() { let fp = Cc["@mozilla.org/filepicker;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFilePicker); let fpCallback = function fpCallback_done(aResult) { if (aResult != Ci.nsIFilePicker.returnCancel) { Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/BookmarkHTMLUtils.jsm"); BookmarkHTMLUtils.exportToFile(fp.file.path) .then(null, Components.utils.reportError); } }; fp.init(window, PlacesUIUtils.getString("EnterExport"), Ci.nsIFilePicker.modeSave); fp.appendFilters(Ci.nsIFilePicker.filterHTML); fp.defaultString = "bookmarks.html"; fp.open(fpCallback); }, /** * Populates the restore menu with the dates of the backups available. */ populateRestoreMenu: function PO_populateRestoreMenu() { let restorePopup = document.getElementById("fileRestorePopup"); let dateSvc = Cc["@mozilla.org/intl/scriptabledateformat;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIScriptableDateFormat); // Remove existing menu items. Last item is the restoreFromFile item. while (restorePopup.childNodes.length > 1) restorePopup.removeChild(restorePopup.firstChild); Task.spawn(function* () { let backupFiles = yield PlacesBackups.getBackupFiles(); if (backupFiles.length == 0) return; // Populate menu with backups. for (let i = 0; i < backupFiles.length; i++) { let fileSize = (yield OS.File.stat(backupFiles[i])).size; let [size, unit] = DownloadUtils.convertByteUnits(fileSize); let sizeString = PlacesUtils.getFormattedString("backupFileSizeText", [size, unit]); let sizeInfo; let bookmarkCount = PlacesBackups.getBookmarkCountForFile(backupFiles[i]); if (bookmarkCount != null) { sizeInfo = " (" + sizeString + " - " + PlacesUIUtils.getPluralString("detailsPane.itemsCountLabel", bookmarkCount, [bookmarkCount]) + ")"; } else { sizeInfo = " (" + sizeString + ")"; } let backupDate = PlacesBackups.getDateForFile(backupFiles[i]); let m = restorePopup.insertBefore(document.createElement("menuitem"), document.getElementById("restoreFromFile")); m.setAttribute("label", dateSvc.FormatDate("", Ci.nsIScriptableDateFormat.dateFormatLong, backupDate.getFullYear(), backupDate.getMonth() + 1, backupDate.getDate()) + sizeInfo); m.setAttribute("value", OS.Path.basename(backupFiles[i])); m.setAttribute("oncommand", "PlacesOrganizer.onRestoreMenuItemClick(this);"); } // Add the restoreFromFile item. restorePopup.insertBefore(document.createElement("menuseparator"), document.getElementById("restoreFromFile")); }); }, /** * Called when a menuitem is selected from the restore menu. */ onRestoreMenuItemClick: Task.async(function* (aMenuItem) { let backupName = aMenuItem.getAttribute("value"); let backupFilePaths = yield PlacesBackups.getBackupFiles(); for (let backupFilePath of backupFilePaths) { if (OS.Path.basename(backupFilePath) == backupName) { PlacesOrganizer.restoreBookmarksFromFile(backupFilePath); break; } } }), /** * Called when 'Choose File...' is selected from the restore menu. * Prompts for a file and restores bookmarks to those in the file. */ onRestoreBookmarksFromFile: function PO_onRestoreBookmarksFromFile() { let dirSvc = Cc["@mozilla.org/file/directory_service;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIProperties); let backupsDir = dirSvc.get("Desk", Ci.nsILocalFile); let fp = Cc["@mozilla.org/filepicker;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFilePicker); let fpCallback = function fpCallback_done(aResult) { if (aResult != Ci.nsIFilePicker.returnCancel) { this.restoreBookmarksFromFile(fp.file.path); } }.bind(this); fp.init(window, PlacesUIUtils.getString("bookmarksRestoreTitle"), Ci.nsIFilePicker.modeOpen); fp.appendFilter(PlacesUIUtils.getString("bookmarksRestoreFilterName"), RESTORE_FILEPICKER_FILTER_EXT); fp.appendFilters(Ci.nsIFilePicker.filterAll); fp.displayDirectory = backupsDir; fp.open(fpCallback); }, /** * Restores bookmarks from a JSON file. */ restoreBookmarksFromFile: function PO_restoreBookmarksFromFile(aFilePath) { // check file extension if (!aFilePath.toLowerCase().endsWith("json") && !aFilePath.toLowerCase().endsWith("jsonlz4")) { this._showErrorAlert(PlacesUIUtils.getString("bookmarksRestoreFormatError")); return; } // confirm ok to delete existing bookmarks var prompts = Cc["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIPromptService); if (!prompts.confirm(null, PlacesUIUtils.getString("bookmarksRestoreAlertTitle"), PlacesUIUtils.getString("bookmarksRestoreAlert"))) return; Task.spawn(function* () { try { yield BookmarkJSONUtils.importFromFile(aFilePath, true); } catch(ex) { PlacesOrganizer._showErrorAlert(PlacesUIUtils.getString("bookmarksRestoreParseError")); } }); }, _showErrorAlert: function PO__showErrorAlert(aMsg) { var brandShortName = document.getElementById("brandStrings"). getString("brandShortName"); Cc["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIPromptService). alert(window, brandShortName, aMsg); }, /** * Backup bookmarks to desktop, auto-generate a filename with a date. * The file is a JSON serialization of bookmarks, tags and any annotations * of those items. */ backupBookmarks: function PO_backupBookmarks() { let dirSvc = Cc["@mozilla.org/file/directory_service;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIProperties); let backupsDir = dirSvc.get("Desk", Ci.nsILocalFile); let fp = Cc["@mozilla.org/filepicker;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFilePicker); let fpCallback = function fpCallback_done(aResult) { if (aResult != Ci.nsIFilePicker.returnCancel) { // There is no OS.File version of the filepicker yet (Bug 937812). PlacesBackups.saveBookmarksToJSONFile(fp.file.path); } }; fp.init(window, PlacesUIUtils.getString("bookmarksBackupTitle"), Ci.nsIFilePicker.modeSave); fp.appendFilter(PlacesUIUtils.getString("bookmarksRestoreFilterName"), RESTORE_FILEPICKER_FILTER_EXT); fp.defaultString = PlacesBackups.getFilenameForDate(); fp.displayDirectory = backupsDir; fp.open(fpCallback); }, _detectAndSetDetailsPaneMinimalState: function PO__detectAndSetDetailsPaneMinimalState(aNode) { /** * The details of simple folder-items (as opposed to livemarks) or the * of livemark-children are not likely to fill the infoBox anyway, * thus we remove the "More/Less" button and show all details. * * the wasminimal attribute here is used to persist the "more/less" * state in a bookmark->folder->bookmark scenario. */ var infoBox = document.getElementById("infoBox"); var infoBoxExpander = document.getElementById("infoBoxExpander"); var infoBoxExpanderWrapper = document.getElementById("infoBoxExpanderWrapper"); var additionalInfoBroadcaster = document.getElementById("additionalInfoBroadcaster"); if (!aNode) { infoBoxExpanderWrapper.hidden = true; return; } if (aNode.itemId != -1 && PlacesUtils.nodeIsFolder(aNode) && !aNode._feedURI) { if (infoBox.getAttribute("minimal") == "true") infoBox.setAttribute("wasminimal", "true"); infoBox.removeAttribute("minimal"); infoBoxExpanderWrapper.hidden = true; } else { if (infoBox.getAttribute("wasminimal") == "true") infoBox.setAttribute("minimal", "true"); infoBox.removeAttribute("wasminimal"); infoBoxExpanderWrapper.hidden = this._additionalInfoFields.every(id => document.getElementById(id).collapsed); } additionalInfoBroadcaster.hidden = infoBox.getAttribute("minimal") == "true"; }, // NOT YET USED updateThumbnailProportions: function PO_updateThumbnailProportions() { var previewBox = document.getElementById("previewBox"); var canvas = document.getElementById("itemThumbnail"); var height = previewBox.boxObject.height; var width = height * (screen.width / screen.height); canvas.width = width; canvas.height = height; }, _fillDetailsPane: function PO__fillDetailsPane(aNodeList) { var infoBox = document.getElementById("infoBox"); var detailsDeck = document.getElementById("detailsDeck"); // Make sure the infoBox UI is visible if we need to use it, we hide it // below when we don't. infoBox.hidden = false; let selectedNode = aNodeList.length == 1 ? aNodeList[0] : null; // If a textbox within a panel is focused, force-blur it so its contents // are saved if (gEditItemOverlay.itemId != -1) { var focusedElement = document.commandDispatcher.focusedElement; if ((focusedElement instanceof HTMLInputElement || focusedElement instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement) && /^editBMPanel.*/.test(focusedElement.parentNode.parentNode.id)) focusedElement.blur(); // don't update the panel if we are already editing this node unless we're // in multi-edit mode if (selectedNode) { let concreteId = PlacesUtils.getConcreteItemId(selectedNode); var nodeIsSame = gEditItemOverlay.itemId == selectedNode.itemId || gEditItemOverlay.itemId == concreteId || (selectedNode.itemId == -1 && gEditItemOverlay.uri && gEditItemOverlay.uri == selectedNode.uri); if (nodeIsSame && detailsDeck.selectedIndex == 1 && !gEditItemOverlay.multiEdit) return; } } // Clean up the panel before initing it again. gEditItemOverlay.uninitPanel(false); if (selectedNode && !PlacesUtils.nodeIsSeparator(selectedNode)) { detailsDeck.selectedIndex = 1; // Using the concrete itemId is arguably wrong. The bookmarks API // does allow setting properties for folder shortcuts as well, but since // the UI does not distinct between the couple, we better just show // the concrete item properties for shortcuts to root nodes. let concreteId = PlacesUtils.getConcreteItemId(selectedNode); var isRootItem = concreteId != -1 && PlacesUtils.isRootItem(concreteId); var readOnly = isRootItem || selectedNode.parent.itemId == PlacesUIUtils.leftPaneFolderId; var useConcreteId = isRootItem || PlacesUtils.nodeIsTagQuery(selectedNode); var itemId = -1; if (concreteId != -1 && useConcreteId) itemId = concreteId; else if (selectedNode.itemId != -1) itemId = selectedNode.itemId; else itemId = PlacesUtils._uri(selectedNode.uri); gEditItemOverlay.initPanel({ node: selectedNode , hiddenRows: ["folderPicker"] }); this._detectAndSetDetailsPaneMinimalState(selectedNode); } else if (!selectedNode && aNodeList[0]) { if (aNodeList.every(PlacesUtils.nodeIsURI)) { let uris = aNodeList.map(node => PlacesUtils._uri(node.uri)); detailsDeck.selectedIndex = 1; gEditItemOverlay.initPanel({ uris , hiddenRows: ["folderPicker", "loadInSidebar", "location", "keyword", "description", "name"]}); this._detectAndSetDetailsPaneMinimalState(selectedNode); } else { detailsDeck.selectedIndex = 0; let selectItemDesc = document.getElementById("selectItemDescription"); let itemsCountLabel = document.getElementById("itemsCountText"); selectItemDesc.hidden = false; itemsCountLabel.value = PlacesUIUtils.getPluralString("detailsPane.itemsCountLabel", aNodeList.length, [aNodeList.length]); infoBox.hidden = true; } } else { detailsDeck.selectedIndex = 0; infoBox.hidden = true; let selectItemDesc = document.getElementById("selectItemDescription"); let itemsCountLabel = document.getElementById("itemsCountText"); let itemsCount = 0; if (ContentArea.currentView.result) { let rootNode = ContentArea.currentView.result.root; if (rootNode.containerOpen) itemsCount = rootNode.childCount; } if (itemsCount == 0) { selectItemDesc.hidden = true; itemsCountLabel.value = PlacesUIUtils.getString("detailsPane.noItems"); } else { selectItemDesc.hidden = false; itemsCountLabel.value = PlacesUIUtils.getPluralString("detailsPane.itemsCountLabel", itemsCount, [itemsCount]); } } }, // NOT YET USED _updateThumbnail: function PO__updateThumbnail() { var bo = document.getElementById("previewBox").boxObject; var width = bo.width; var height = bo.height; var canvas = document.getElementById("itemThumbnail"); var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); var notAvailableText = canvas.getAttribute("notavailabletext"); ctx.save(); ctx.fillStyle = "-moz-Dialog"; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); ctx.translate(width/2, height/2); ctx.fillStyle = "GrayText"; ctx.mozTextStyle = "12pt sans serif"; var len = ctx.mozMeasureText(notAvailableText); ctx.translate(-len/2,0); ctx.mozDrawText(notAvailableText); ctx.restore(); }, toggleAdditionalInfoFields: function PO_toggleAdditionalInfoFields() { var infoBox = document.getElementById("infoBox"); var infoBoxExpander = document.getElementById("infoBoxExpander"); var infoBoxExpanderLabel = document.getElementById("infoBoxExpanderLabel"); var additionalInfoBroadcaster = document.getElementById("additionalInfoBroadcaster"); if (infoBox.getAttribute("minimal") == "true") { infoBox.removeAttribute("minimal"); infoBoxExpanderLabel.value = infoBoxExpanderLabel.getAttribute("lesslabel"); infoBoxExpanderLabel.accessKey = infoBoxExpanderLabel.getAttribute("lessaccesskey"); infoBoxExpander.className = "expander-up"; additionalInfoBroadcaster.removeAttribute("hidden"); } else { infoBox.setAttribute("minimal", "true"); infoBoxExpanderLabel.value = infoBoxExpanderLabel.getAttribute("morelabel"); infoBoxExpanderLabel.accessKey = infoBoxExpanderLabel.getAttribute("moreaccesskey"); infoBoxExpander.className = "expander-down"; additionalInfoBroadcaster.setAttribute("hidden", "true"); } }, }; /** * A set of utilities relating to search within Bookmarks and History. */ var PlacesSearchBox = { /** * The Search text field */ get searchFilter() { return document.getElementById("searchFilter"); }, /** * Folders to include when searching. */ _folders: [], get folders() { if (this._folders.length == 0) { this._folders.push(PlacesUtils.bookmarksMenuFolderId, PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId, PlacesUtils.toolbarFolderId); } return this._folders; }, set folders(aFolders) { this._folders = aFolders; return aFolders; }, /** * Run a search for the specified text, over the collection specified by * the dropdown arrow. The default is all bookmarks, but can be * localized to the active collection. * @param filterString * The text to search for. */ search: function PSB_search(filterString) { var PO = PlacesOrganizer; // If the user empties the search box manually, reset it and load all // contents of the current scope. // XXX this might be to jumpy, maybe should search for "", so results // are ungrouped, and search box not reset if (filterString == "") { PO.onPlaceSelected(false); return; } let currentView = ContentArea.currentView; let currentOptions = PO.getCurrentOptions(); // Search according to the current scope, which was set by // PQB_setScope() switch (PlacesSearchBox.filterCollection) { case "bookmarks": currentView.applyFilter(filterString, this.folders); break; case "history": if (currentOptions.queryType != Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryOptions.QUERY_TYPE_HISTORY) { var query = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQuery(); query.searchTerms = filterString; var options = currentOptions.clone(); // Make sure we're getting uri results. options.resultType = currentOptions.RESULTS_AS_URI; options.queryType = Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryOptions.QUERY_TYPE_HISTORY; options.includeHidden = true; currentView.load([query], options); } else { TelemetryStopwatch.start(HISTORY_LIBRARY_SEARCH_TELEMETRY); currentView.applyFilter(filterString, null, true); TelemetryStopwatch.finish(HISTORY_LIBRARY_SEARCH_TELEMETRY); } break; case "downloads": if (currentView == ContentTree.view) { let query = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQuery(); query.searchTerms = filterString; query.setTransitions([Ci.nsINavHistoryService.TRANSITION_DOWNLOAD], 1); let options = currentOptions.clone(); // Make sure we're getting uri results. options.resultType = currentOptions.RESULTS_AS_URI; options.queryType = Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryOptions.QUERY_TYPE_HISTORY; options.includeHidden = true; currentView.load([query], options); } else { // The new downloads view doesn't use places for searching downloads. currentView.searchTerm = filterString; } break; default: throw "Invalid filterCollection on search"; } // Update the details panel PlacesOrganizer.updateDetailsPane(); }, /** * Finds across all history, downloads or all bookmarks. */ findAll: function PSB_findAll() { switch (this.filterCollection) { case "history": PlacesQueryBuilder.setScope("history"); break; case "downloads": PlacesQueryBuilder.setScope("downloads"); break; default: PlacesQueryBuilder.setScope("bookmarks"); break; } this.focus(); }, /** * Updates the display with the title of the current collection. * @param aTitle * The title of the current collection. */ updateCollectionTitle: function PSB_updateCollectionTitle(aTitle) { let title = ""; switch (this.filterCollection) { case "history": title = PlacesUIUtils.getString("searchHistory"); break; case "downloads": title = PlacesUIUtils.getString("searchDownloads"); break; default: title = PlacesUIUtils.getString("searchBookmarks"); } this.searchFilter.placeholder = title; }, /** * Gets/sets the active collection from the dropdown menu. */ get filterCollection() { return this.searchFilter.getAttribute("collection"); }, set filterCollection(collectionName) { if (collectionName == this.filterCollection) return collectionName; this.searchFilter.setAttribute("collection", collectionName); this.updateCollectionTitle(); return collectionName; }, /** * Focus the search box */ focus: function PSB_focus() { this.searchFilter.focus(); }, /** * Set up the gray text in the search bar as the Places View loads. */ init: function PSB_init() { this.updateCollectionTitle(); }, /** * Gets or sets the text shown in the Places Search Box */ get value() { return this.searchFilter.value; }, set value(value) { return this.searchFilter.value = value; }, }; /** * Functions and data for advanced query builder */ var PlacesQueryBuilder = { queries: [], queryOptions: null, /** * Sets the search scope. This can be called when no search is active, and * in that case, when the user does begin a search aScope will be used (see * PSB_search()). If there is an active search, it's performed again to * update the content tree. * @param aScope * The search scope: "bookmarks", "collection", "downloads" or * "history". */ setScope: function PQB_setScope(aScope) { // Determine filterCollection, folders, and scopeButtonId based on aScope. var filterCollection; var folders = []; switch (aScope) { case "history": filterCollection = "history"; break; case "bookmarks": filterCollection = "bookmarks"; folders.push(PlacesUtils.bookmarksMenuFolderId, PlacesUtils.toolbarFolderId, PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId); break; case "downloads": filterCollection = "downloads"; break; default: throw "Invalid search scope"; break; } // Update the search box. Re-search if there's an active search. PlacesSearchBox.filterCollection = filterCollection; PlacesSearchBox.folders = folders; var searchStr = PlacesSearchBox.searchFilter.value; if (searchStr) PlacesSearchBox.search(searchStr); } }; /** * Population and commands for the View Menu. */ var ViewMenu = { /** * Removes content generated previously from a menupopup. * @param popup * The popup that contains the previously generated content. * @param startID * The id attribute of an element that is the start of the * dynamically generated region - remove elements after this * item only. * Must be contained by popup. Can be null (in which case the * contents of popup are removed). * @param endID * The id attribute of an element that is the end of the * dynamically generated region - remove elements up to this * item only. * Must be contained by popup. Can be null (in which case all * items until the end of the popup will be removed). Ignored * if startID is null. * @returns The element for the caller to insert new items before, * null if the caller should just append to the popup. */ _clean: function VM__clean(popup, startID, endID) { if (endID) NS_ASSERT(startID, "meaningless to have valid endID and null startID"); if (startID) { var startElement = document.getElementById(startID); NS_ASSERT(startElement.parentNode == popup, "startElement is not in popup"); NS_ASSERT(startElement, "startID does not correspond to an existing element"); var endElement = null; if (endID) { endElement = document.getElementById(endID); NS_ASSERT(endElement.parentNode == popup, "endElement is not in popup"); NS_ASSERT(endElement, "endID does not correspond to an existing element"); } while (startElement.nextSibling != endElement) popup.removeChild(startElement.nextSibling); return endElement; } else { while(popup.hasChildNodes()) popup.removeChild(popup.firstChild); } return null; }, /** * Fills a menupopup with a list of columns * @param event * The popupshowing event that invoked this function. * @param startID * see _clean * @param endID * see _clean * @param type * the type of the menuitem, e.g. "radio" or "checkbox". * Can be null (no-type). * Checkboxes are checked if the column is visible. * @param propertyPrefix * If propertyPrefix is non-null: * propertyPrefix + column ID + ".label" will be used to get the * localized label string. * propertyPrefix + column ID + ".accesskey" will be used to get the * localized accesskey. * If propertyPrefix is null, the column label is used as label and * no accesskey is assigned. */ fillWithColumns: function VM_fillWithColumns(event, startID, endID, type, propertyPrefix) { var popup = event.target; var pivot = this._clean(popup, startID, endID); // If no column is "sort-active", the "Unsorted" item needs to be checked, // so track whether or not we find a column that is sort-active. var isSorted = false; var content = document.getElementById("placeContent"); var columns = content.columns; for (var i = 0; i < columns.count; ++i) { var column = columns.getColumnAt(i).element; var menuitem = document.createElement("menuitem"); menuitem.id = "menucol_" + column.id; menuitem.column = column; var label = column.getAttribute("label"); if (propertyPrefix) { var menuitemPrefix = propertyPrefix; // for string properties, use "name" as the id, instead of "title" // see bug #386287 for details var columnId = column.getAttribute("anonid"); menuitemPrefix += columnId == "title" ? "name" : columnId; label = PlacesUIUtils.getString(menuitemPrefix + ".label"); var accesskey = PlacesUIUtils.getString(menuitemPrefix + ".accesskey"); menuitem.setAttribute("accesskey", accesskey); } menuitem.setAttribute("label", label); if (type == "radio") { menuitem.setAttribute("type", "radio"); menuitem.setAttribute("name", "columns"); // This column is the sort key. Its item is checked. if (column.getAttribute("sortDirection") != "") { menuitem.setAttribute("checked", "true"); isSorted = true; } } else if (type == "checkbox") { menuitem.setAttribute("type", "checkbox"); // Cannot uncheck the primary column. if (column.getAttribute("primary") == "true") menuitem.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); // Items for visible columns are checked. if (!column.hidden) menuitem.setAttribute("checked", "true"); } if (pivot) popup.insertBefore(menuitem, pivot); else popup.appendChild(menuitem); } event.stopPropagation(); }, /** * Set up the content of the view menu. */ populateSortMenu: function VM_populateSortMenu(event) { this.fillWithColumns(event, "viewUnsorted", "directionSeparator", "radio", "view.sortBy.1."); var sortColumn = this._getSortColumn(); var viewSortAscending = document.getElementById("viewSortAscending"); var viewSortDescending = document.getElementById("viewSortDescending"); // We need to remove an existing checked attribute because the unsorted // menu item is not rebuilt every time we open the menu like the others. var viewUnsorted = document.getElementById("viewUnsorted"); if (!sortColumn) { viewSortAscending.removeAttribute("checked"); viewSortDescending.removeAttribute("checked"); viewUnsorted.setAttribute("checked", "true"); } else if (sortColumn.getAttribute("sortDirection") == "ascending") { viewSortAscending.setAttribute("checked", "true"); viewSortDescending.removeAttribute("checked"); viewUnsorted.removeAttribute("checked"); } else if (sortColumn.getAttribute("sortDirection") == "descending") { viewSortDescending.setAttribute("checked", "true"); viewSortAscending.removeAttribute("checked"); viewUnsorted.removeAttribute("checked"); } }, /** * Shows/Hides a tree column. * @param element * The menuitem element for the column */ showHideColumn: function VM_showHideColumn(element) { var column = element.column; var splitter = column.nextSibling; if (splitter && splitter.localName != "splitter") splitter = null; if (element.getAttribute("checked") == "true") { column.setAttribute("hidden", "false"); if (splitter) splitter.removeAttribute("hidden"); } else { column.setAttribute("hidden", "true"); if (splitter) splitter.setAttribute("hidden", "true"); } }, /** * Gets the last column that was sorted. * @returns the currently sorted column, null if there is no sorted column. */ _getSortColumn: function VM__getSortColumn() { var content = document.getElementById("placeContent"); var cols = content.columns; for (var i = 0; i < cols.count; ++i) { var column = cols.getColumnAt(i).element; var sortDirection = column.getAttribute("sortDirection"); if (sortDirection == "ascending" || sortDirection == "descending") return column; } return null; }, /** * Sorts the view by the specified column. * @param aColumn * The colum that is the sort key. Can be null - the * current sort column or the title column will be used. * @param aDirection * The direction to sort - "ascending" or "descending". * Can be null - the last direction or descending will be used. * * If both aColumnID and aDirection are null, the view will be unsorted. */ setSortColumn: function VM_setSortColumn(aColumn, aDirection) { var result = document.getElementById("placeContent").result; if (!aColumn && !aDirection) { result.sortingMode = Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryOptions.SORT_BY_NONE; return; } var columnId; if (aColumn) { columnId = aColumn.getAttribute("anonid"); if (!aDirection) { let sortColumn = this._getSortColumn(); if (sortColumn) aDirection = sortColumn.getAttribute("sortDirection"); } } else { let sortColumn = this._getSortColumn(); columnId = sortColumn ? sortColumn.getAttribute("anonid") : "title"; } // This maps the possible values of columnId (i.e., anonid's of treecols in // placeContent) to the default sortingMode and sortingAnnotation values for // each column. // key: Sort key in the name of one of the // nsINavHistoryQueryOptions.SORT_BY_* constants // dir: Default sort direction to use if none has been specified // anno: The annotation to sort by, if key is "ANNOTATION" var colLookupTable = { title: { key: "TITLE", dir: "ascending" }, tags: { key: "TAGS", dir: "ascending" }, url: { key: "URI", dir: "ascending" }, date: { key: "DATE", dir: "descending" }, visitCount: { key: "VISITCOUNT", dir: "descending" }, dateAdded: { key: "DATEADDED", dir: "descending" }, lastModified: { key: "LASTMODIFIED", dir: "descending" }, description: { key: "ANNOTATION", dir: "ascending", anno: PlacesUIUtils.DESCRIPTION_ANNO } }; // Make sure we have a valid column. if (!colLookupTable.hasOwnProperty(columnId)) throw("Invalid column"); // Use a default sort direction if none has been specified. If aDirection // is invalid, result.sortingMode will be undefined, which has the effect // of unsorting the tree. aDirection = (aDirection || colLookupTable[columnId].dir).toUpperCase(); var sortConst = "SORT_BY_" + colLookupTable[columnId].key + "_" + aDirection; result.sortingAnnotation = colLookupTable[columnId].anno || ""; result.sortingMode = Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryOptions[sortConst]; } } var ContentArea = { _specialViews: new Map(), init: function CA_init() { this._deck = document.getElementById("placesViewsDeck"); this._toolbar = document.getElementById("placesToolbar"); ContentTree.init(); this._setupView(); }, /** * Gets the content view to be used for loading the given query. * If a custom view was set by setContentViewForQueryString, that * view would be returned, else the default tree view is returned * * @param aQueryString * a query string * @return the view to be used for loading aQueryString. */ getContentViewForQueryString: function CA_getContentViewForQueryString(aQueryString) { try { if (this._specialViews.has(aQueryString)) { let { view, options } = this._specialViews.get(aQueryString); if (typeof view == "function") { view = view(); this._specialViews.set(aQueryString, { view: view, options: options }); } return view; } } catch(ex) { Components.utils.reportError(ex); } return ContentTree.view; }, /** * Sets a custom view to be used rather than the default places tree * whenever the given query is selected in the left pane. * @param aQueryString * a query string * @param aView * Either the custom view or a function that will return the view * the first (and only) time it's called. * @param [optional] aOptions * Object defining special options for the view. * @see ContentTree.viewOptions for supported options and default values. */ setContentViewForQueryString: function CA_setContentViewForQueryString(aQueryString, aView, aOptions) { if (!aQueryString || typeof aView != "object" && typeof aView != "function") throw new Error("Invalid arguments"); this._specialViews.set(aQueryString, { view: aView, options: aOptions || new Object() }); }, get currentView() { return PlacesUIUtils.getViewForNode(this._deck.selectedPanel); }, set currentView(aNewView) { let oldView = this.currentView; if (oldView != aNewView) { this._deck.selectedPanel = aNewView.associatedElement; // If the content area inactivated view was focused, move focus // to the new view. if (document.activeElement == oldView.associatedElement) aNewView.associatedElement.focus(); } return aNewView; }, get currentPlace() { return this.currentView.place; }, set currentPlace(aQueryString) { let oldView = this.currentView; let newView = this.getContentViewForQueryString(aQueryString); newView.place = aQueryString; if (oldView != newView) { oldView.active = false; this.currentView = newView; this._setupView(); newView.active = true; } return aQueryString; }, /** * Applies view options. */ _setupView: function CA__setupView() { let options = this.currentViewOptions; // showDetailsPane. let detailsDeck = document.getElementById("detailsDeck"); detailsDeck.hidden = !options.showDetailsPane; // toolbarSet. for (let elt of this._toolbar.childNodes) { // On Windows and Linux the menu buttons are menus wrapped in a menubar. if (elt.id == "placesMenu") { for (let menuElt of elt.childNodes) { menuElt.hidden = !options.toolbarSet.includes(menuElt.id); } } else { elt.hidden = !options.toolbarSet.includes(elt.id); } } }, /** * Options for the current view. * * @see ContentTree.viewOptions for supported options and default values. */ get currentViewOptions() { // Use ContentTree options as default. let viewOptions = ContentTree.viewOptions; if (this._specialViews.has(this.currentPlace)) { let { view, options } = this._specialViews.get(this.currentPlace); for (let option in options) { viewOptions[option] = options[option]; } } return viewOptions; }, focus: function() { this._deck.selectedPanel.focus(); } }; var ContentTree = { init: function CT_init() { this._view = document.getElementById("placeContent"); }, get view() { return this._view; }, get viewOptions() { return Object.seal({ showDetailsPane: true, toolbarSet: "back-button, forward-button, organizeButton, viewMenu, maintenanceButton, libraryToolbarSpacer, searchFilter" }); }, openSelectedNode: function CT_openSelectedNode(aEvent) { let view = this.view; PlacesUIUtils.openNodeWithEvent(view.selectedNode, aEvent, view); }, onClick: function CT_onClick(aEvent) { let node = this.view.selectedNode; if (node) { let doubleClick = aEvent.button == 0 && aEvent.detail == 2; let middleClick = aEvent.button == 1 && aEvent.detail == 1; if (PlacesUtils.nodeIsURI(node) && (doubleClick || middleClick)) { // Open associated uri in the browser. this.openSelectedNode(aEvent); } else if (middleClick && PlacesUtils.nodeIsContainer(node)) { // The command execution function will take care of seeing if the // selection is a folder or a different container type, and will // load its contents in tabs. PlacesUIUtils.openContainerNodeInTabs(node, aEvent, this.view); } } }, onKeyPress: function CT_onKeyPress(aEvent) { if (aEvent.keyCode == KeyEvent.DOM_VK_RETURN) this.openSelectedNode(aEvent); } };