/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 4 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ var gConnectionsDialog = { beforeAccept: function () { var proxyTypePref = document.getElementById("network.proxy.type"); if (proxyTypePref.value == 2) { this.doAutoconfigURLFixup(); return true; } if (proxyTypePref.value != 1) return true; var httpProxyURLPref = document.getElementById("network.proxy.http"); var httpProxyPortPref = document.getElementById("network.proxy.http_port"); var shareProxiesPref = document.getElementById("network.proxy.share_proxy_settings"); // If the port is 0 and the proxy server is specified, focus on the port and cancel submission. for (let prefName of ["http","ssl","ftp","socks"]) { let proxyPortPref = document.getElementById("network.proxy." + prefName + "_port"); let proxyPref = document.getElementById("network.proxy." + prefName); // Only worry about ports which are currently active. If the share option is on, then ignore // all ports except the HTTP port if (proxyPref.value != "" && proxyPortPref.value == 0 && (prefName == "http" || !shareProxiesPref.value)) { document.getElementById("networkProxy" + prefName.toUpperCase() + "_Port").focus(); return false; } } // In the case of a shared proxy preference, backup the current values and update with the HTTP value if (shareProxiesPref.value) { var proxyPrefs = ["ssl", "ftp", "socks"]; for (var i = 0; i < proxyPrefs.length; ++i) { var proxyServerURLPref = document.getElementById("network.proxy." + proxyPrefs[i]); var proxyPortPref = document.getElementById("network.proxy." + proxyPrefs[i] + "_port"); var backupServerURLPref = document.getElementById("network.proxy.backup." + proxyPrefs[i]); var backupPortPref = document.getElementById("network.proxy.backup." + proxyPrefs[i] + "_port"); backupServerURLPref.value = backupServerURLPref.value || proxyServerURLPref.value; backupPortPref.value = backupPortPref.value || proxyPortPref.value; proxyServerURLPref.value = httpProxyURLPref.value; proxyPortPref.value = httpProxyPortPref.value; } } this.sanitizeNoProxiesPref(); return true; }, checkForSystemProxy: function () { if ("@mozilla.org/system-proxy-settings;1" in Components.classes) document.getElementById("systemPref").removeAttribute("hidden"); }, proxyTypeChanged: function () { var proxyTypePref = document.getElementById("network.proxy.type"); // Update http var httpProxyURLPref = document.getElementById("network.proxy.http"); httpProxyURLPref.disabled = proxyTypePref.value != 1; var httpProxyPortPref = document.getElementById("network.proxy.http_port"); httpProxyPortPref.disabled = proxyTypePref.value != 1; // Now update the other protocols this.updateProtocolPrefs(); var shareProxiesPref = document.getElementById("network.proxy.share_proxy_settings"); shareProxiesPref.disabled = proxyTypePref.value != 1; var autologinProxyPref = document.getElementById("signon.autologin.proxy"); autologinProxyPref.disabled = proxyTypePref.value == 0; var noProxiesPref = document.getElementById("network.proxy.no_proxies_on"); noProxiesPref.disabled = proxyTypePref.value != 1; var autoconfigURLPref = document.getElementById("network.proxy.autoconfig_url"); autoconfigURLPref.disabled = proxyTypePref.value != 2; this.updateReloadButton(); }, updateDNSPref: function () { var socksVersionPref = document.getElementById("network.proxy.socks_version"); var socksDNSPref = document.getElementById("network.proxy.socks_remote_dns"); var proxyTypePref = document.getElementById("network.proxy.type"); var isDefinitelySocks4 = !socksVersionPref.disabled && socksVersionPref.value == 4; socksDNSPref.disabled = (isDefinitelySocks4 || proxyTypePref.value == 0); return undefined; }, updateReloadButton: function () { // Disable the "Reload PAC" button if the selected proxy type is not PAC or // if the current value of the PAC textbox does not match the value stored // in prefs. Likewise, disable the reload button if PAC is not configured // in prefs. var typedURL = document.getElementById("networkProxyAutoconfigURL").value; var proxyTypeCur = document.getElementById("network.proxy.type").value; var prefs = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]. getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch); var pacURL = prefs.getCharPref("network.proxy.autoconfig_url"); var proxyType = prefs.getIntPref("network.proxy.type"); var disableReloadPref = document.getElementById("pref.advanced.proxies.disable_button.reload"); disableReloadPref.disabled = (proxyTypeCur != 2 || proxyType != 2 || typedURL != pacURL); }, readProxyType: function () { this.proxyTypeChanged(); return undefined; }, updateProtocolPrefs: function () { var proxyTypePref = document.getElementById("network.proxy.type"); var shareProxiesPref = document.getElementById("network.proxy.share_proxy_settings"); var proxyPrefs = ["ssl", "ftp", "socks"]; for (var i = 0; i < proxyPrefs.length; ++i) { var proxyServerURLPref = document.getElementById("network.proxy." + proxyPrefs[i]); var proxyPortPref = document.getElementById("network.proxy." + proxyPrefs[i] + "_port"); // Restore previous per-proxy custom settings, if present. if (!shareProxiesPref.value) { var backupServerURLPref = document.getElementById("network.proxy.backup." + proxyPrefs[i]); var backupPortPref = document.getElementById("network.proxy.backup." + proxyPrefs[i] + "_port"); if (backupServerURLPref.hasUserValue) { proxyServerURLPref.value = backupServerURLPref.value; backupServerURLPref.reset(); } if (backupPortPref.hasUserValue) { proxyPortPref.value = backupPortPref.value; backupPortPref.reset(); } } proxyServerURLPref.updateElements(); proxyPortPref.updateElements(); proxyServerURLPref.disabled = proxyTypePref.value != 1 || shareProxiesPref.value; proxyPortPref.disabled = proxyServerURLPref.disabled; } var socksVersionPref = document.getElementById("network.proxy.socks_version"); socksVersionPref.disabled = proxyTypePref.value != 1 || shareProxiesPref.value; this.updateDNSPref(); return undefined; }, readProxyProtocolPref: function (aProtocol, aIsPort) { var shareProxiesPref = document.getElementById("network.proxy.share_proxy_settings"); if (shareProxiesPref.value) { var pref = document.getElementById("network.proxy.http" + (aIsPort ? "_port" : "")); return pref.value; } var backupPref = document.getElementById("network.proxy.backup." + aProtocol + (aIsPort ? "_port" : "")); return backupPref.hasUserValue ? backupPref.value : undefined; }, reloadPAC: function () { Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/protocol-proxy-service;1"]. getService().reloadPAC(); }, doAutoconfigURLFixup: function () { var autoURL = document.getElementById("networkProxyAutoconfigURL"); var autoURLPref = document.getElementById("network.proxy.autoconfig_url"); var URIFixup = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/docshell/urifixup;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIURIFixup); try { autoURLPref.value = autoURL.value = URIFixup.createFixupURI(autoURL.value, 0).spec; } catch(ex) {} }, sanitizeNoProxiesPref: function() { var noProxiesPref = document.getElementById("network.proxy.no_proxies_on"); // replace substrings of ; and \n with commas if they're neither immediately // preceded nor followed by a valid separator character noProxiesPref.value = noProxiesPref.value.replace(/([^, \n;])[;\n]+(?![,\n;])/g, '$1,'); // replace any remaining ; and \n since some may follow commas, etc. noProxiesPref.value = noProxiesPref.value.replace(/[;\n]/g, ''); }, readHTTPProxyServer: function () { var shareProxiesPref = document.getElementById("network.proxy.share_proxy_settings"); if (shareProxiesPref.value) this.updateProtocolPrefs(); return undefined; }, readHTTPProxyPort: function () { var shareProxiesPref = document.getElementById("network.proxy.share_proxy_settings"); if (shareProxiesPref.value) this.updateProtocolPrefs(); return undefined; } };