/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "AppConstants", "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "PlacesUtils", "resource://gre/modules/PlacesUtils.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Task", "resource://gre/modules/Task.jsm"); const ENGINE_FLAVOR = "text/x-moz-search-engine"; document.addEventListener("Initialized", () => { if (!AppConstants.isPlatformAndVersionAtLeast("win", "10")) { document.getElementById("redirectSearchCheckbox").hidden = true; } }); var gEngineView = null; var gSearchPane = { /** * Initialize autocomplete to ensure prefs are in sync. */ _initAutocomplete: function () { let unifiedCompletePref = false; try { unifiedCompletePref = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.urlbar.unifiedcomplete"); } catch (ex) {} if (unifiedCompletePref) { Components.classes["@mozilla.org/autocomplete/search;1?name=unifiedcomplete"] .getService(Components.interfaces.mozIPlacesAutoComplete); } else { Components.classes["@mozilla.org/autocomplete/search;1?name=history"] .getService(Components.interfaces.mozIPlacesAutoComplete); } }, init: function () { gEngineView = new EngineView(new EngineStore()); document.getElementById("engineList").view = gEngineView; this.buildDefaultEngineDropDown(); window.addEventListener("click", this, false); window.addEventListener("command", this, false); window.addEventListener("dragstart", this, false); window.addEventListener("keypress", this, false); window.addEventListener("select", this, false); window.addEventListener("blur", this, true); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "browser-search-engine-modified", false); window.addEventListener("unload", () => { Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "browser-search-engine-modified", false); }); this._initAutocomplete(); let suggestsPref = document.getElementById("browser.search.suggest.enabled"); suggestsPref.addEventListener("change", () => { this.updateSuggestsCheckbox(); }); this.updateSuggestsCheckbox(); }, updateSuggestsCheckbox() { let urlbarSuggests = document.getElementById("urlBarSuggestion"); urlbarSuggests.hidden = !Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.urlbar.unifiedcomplete"); let suggestsPref = document.getElementById("browser.search.suggest.enabled"); let permanentPB = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.privatebrowsing.autostart"); urlbarSuggests.disabled = !suggestsPref.value || permanentPB; let urlbarSuggestsPref = document.getElementById("browser.urlbar.suggest.searches"); urlbarSuggests.checked = urlbarSuggestsPref.value; if (urlbarSuggests.disabled) { urlbarSuggests.checked = false; } let permanentPBLabel = document.getElementById("urlBarSuggestionPermanentPBLabel"); permanentPBLabel.hidden = urlbarSuggests.hidden || !permanentPB; }, buildDefaultEngineDropDown: function() { // This is called each time something affects the list of engines. let list = document.getElementById("defaultEngine"); // Set selection to the current default engine. let currentEngine = Services.search.currentEngine.name; // If the current engine isn't in the list any more, select the first item. let engines = gEngineView._engineStore._engines; if (!engines.some(e => e.name == currentEngine)) currentEngine = engines[0].name; // Now clean-up and rebuild the list. list.removeAllItems(); gEngineView._engineStore._engines.forEach(e => { let item = list.appendItem(e.name); item.setAttribute("class", "menuitem-iconic searchengine-menuitem menuitem-with-favicon"); if (e.iconURI) { item.setAttribute("image", e.iconURI.spec); } item.engine = e; if (e.name == currentEngine) list.selectedItem = item; }); }, handleEvent: function(aEvent) { switch (aEvent.type) { case "click": if (aEvent.target.id == "addEngines" && aEvent.button == 0) { Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow('navigator:browser') .BrowserSearch.loadAddEngines(); } break; case "command": switch (aEvent.target.id) { case "": if (aEvent.target.parentNode && aEvent.target.parentNode.parentNode && aEvent.target.parentNode.parentNode.id == "defaultEngine") { gSearchPane.setDefaultEngine(); } break; case "restoreDefaultSearchEngines": gSearchPane.onRestoreDefaults(); break; case "removeEngineButton": Services.search.removeEngine(gEngineView.selectedEngine.originalEngine); break; } break; case "dragstart": if (aEvent.target.id == "engineChildren") { onDragEngineStart(aEvent); } break; case "keypress": if (aEvent.target.id == "engineList") { gSearchPane.onTreeKeyPress(aEvent); } break; case "select": if (aEvent.target.id == "engineList") { gSearchPane.onTreeSelect(); } break; case "blur": if (aEvent.target.id == "engineList" && aEvent.target.inputField == document.getBindingParent(aEvent.originalTarget)) { gSearchPane.onInputBlur(); } break; } }, observe: function(aEngine, aTopic, aVerb) { if (aTopic == "browser-search-engine-modified") { aEngine.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsISearchEngine); switch (aVerb) { case "engine-added": gEngineView._engineStore.addEngine(aEngine); gEngineView.rowCountChanged(gEngineView.lastIndex, 1); gSearchPane.buildDefaultEngineDropDown(); break; case "engine-changed": gEngineView._engineStore.reloadIcons(); gEngineView.invalidate(); break; case "engine-removed": gSearchPane.remove(aEngine); break; case "engine-current": gSearchPane.buildDefaultEngineDropDown(); break; case "engine-default": // Not relevant break; } } }, onInputBlur: function() { let tree = document.getElementById("engineList"); tree.stopEditing(false); }, onTreeSelect: function() { document.getElementById("removeEngineButton").disabled = gEngineView.selectedIndex == -1 || gEngineView.lastIndex == 0; }, onTreeKeyPress: function(aEvent) { let index = gEngineView.selectedIndex; let tree = document.getElementById("engineList"); if (tree.hasAttribute("editing")) return; if (aEvent.charCode == KeyEvent.DOM_VK_SPACE) { // Space toggles the checkbox. let newValue = !gEngineView._engineStore.engines[index].shown; gEngineView.setCellValue(index, tree.columns.getFirstColumn(), newValue.toString()); } else { let isMac = Services.appinfo.OS == "Darwin"; if ((isMac && aEvent.keyCode == KeyEvent.DOM_VK_RETURN) || (!isMac && aEvent.keyCode == KeyEvent.DOM_VK_F2)) tree.startEditing(index, tree.columns.getLastColumn()); } }, onRestoreDefaults: function() { let num = gEngineView._engineStore.restoreDefaultEngines(); gEngineView.rowCountChanged(0, num); gEngineView.invalidate(); }, showRestoreDefaults: function(aEnable) { document.getElementById("restoreDefaultSearchEngines").disabled = !aEnable; }, remove: function(aEngine) { let index = gEngineView._engineStore.removeEngine(aEngine); gEngineView.rowCountChanged(index, -1); gEngineView.invalidate(); gEngineView.selection.select(Math.min(index, gEngineView.lastIndex)); gEngineView.ensureRowIsVisible(gEngineView.currentIndex); document.getElementById("engineList").focus(); }, editKeyword: Task.async(function* (aEngine, aNewKeyword) { if (aNewKeyword) { let eduplicate = false; let dupName = ""; // Check for duplicates in Places keywords. let bduplicate = !!(yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch(aNewKeyword)); // Check for duplicates in changes we haven't committed yet let engines = gEngineView._engineStore.engines; for (let engine of engines) { if (engine.alias == aNewKeyword && engine.name != aEngine.name) { eduplicate = true; dupName = engine.name; break; } } // Notify the user if they have chosen an existing engine/bookmark keyword if (eduplicate || bduplicate) { let strings = document.getElementById("engineManagerBundle"); let dtitle = strings.getString("duplicateTitle"); let bmsg = strings.getString("duplicateBookmarkMsg"); let emsg = strings.getFormattedString("duplicateEngineMsg", [dupName]); Services.prompt.alert(window, dtitle, eduplicate ? emsg : bmsg); return false; } } gEngineView._engineStore.changeEngine(aEngine, "alias", aNewKeyword); gEngineView.invalidate(); return true; }), saveOneClickEnginesList: function () { let hiddenList = []; for (let engine of gEngineView._engineStore.engines) { if (!engine.shown) hiddenList.push(engine.name); } document.getElementById("browser.search.hiddenOneOffs").value = hiddenList.join(","); }, setDefaultEngine: function () { Services.search.currentEngine = document.getElementById("defaultEngine").selectedItem.engine; } }; function onDragEngineStart(event) { var selectedIndex = gEngineView.selectedIndex; var tree = document.getElementById("engineList"); var row = { }, col = { }, child = { }; tree.treeBoxObject.getCellAt(event.clientX, event.clientY, row, col, child); if (selectedIndex >= 0 && !gEngineView.isCheckBox(row.value, col.value)) { event.dataTransfer.setData(ENGINE_FLAVOR, selectedIndex.toString()); event.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = "move"; } } function EngineStore() { let pref = document.getElementById("browser.search.hiddenOneOffs").value; this.hiddenList = pref ? pref.split(",") : []; this._engines = Services.search.getVisibleEngines().map(this._cloneEngine, this); this._defaultEngines = Services.search.getDefaultEngines().map(this._cloneEngine, this); // check if we need to disable the restore defaults button var someHidden = this._defaultEngines.some(e => e.hidden); gSearchPane.showRestoreDefaults(someHidden); } EngineStore.prototype = { _engines: null, _defaultEngines: null, get engines() { return this._engines; }, set engines(val) { this._engines = val; return val; }, _getIndexForEngine: function ES_getIndexForEngine(aEngine) { return this._engines.indexOf(aEngine); }, _getEngineByName: function ES_getEngineByName(aName) { return this._engines.find(engine => engine.name == aName); }, _cloneEngine: function ES_cloneEngine(aEngine) { var clonedObj={}; for (var i in aEngine) clonedObj[i] = aEngine[i]; clonedObj.originalEngine = aEngine; clonedObj.shown = this.hiddenList.indexOf(clonedObj.name) == -1; return clonedObj; }, // Callback for Array's some(). A thisObj must be passed to some() _isSameEngine: function ES_isSameEngine(aEngineClone) { return aEngineClone.originalEngine == this.originalEngine; }, addEngine: function ES_addEngine(aEngine) { this._engines.push(this._cloneEngine(aEngine)); }, moveEngine: function ES_moveEngine(aEngine, aNewIndex) { if (aNewIndex < 0 || aNewIndex > this._engines.length - 1) throw new Error("ES_moveEngine: invalid aNewIndex!"); var index = this._getIndexForEngine(aEngine); if (index == -1) throw new Error("ES_moveEngine: invalid engine?"); if (index == aNewIndex) return; // nothing to do // Move the engine in our internal store var removedEngine = this._engines.splice(index, 1)[0]; this._engines.splice(aNewIndex, 0, removedEngine); Services.search.moveEngine(aEngine.originalEngine, aNewIndex); }, removeEngine: function ES_removeEngine(aEngine) { let engineName = aEngine.name; let index = this._engines.findIndex(element => element.name == engineName); if (index == -1) throw new Error("invalid engine?"); this._engines.splice(index, 1); if (this._defaultEngines.some(this._isSameEngine, this._engines[index])) gSearchPane.showRestoreDefaults(true); gSearchPane.buildDefaultEngineDropDown(); return index; }, restoreDefaultEngines: function ES_restoreDefaultEngines() { var added = 0; for (var i = 0; i < this._defaultEngines.length; ++i) { var e = this._defaultEngines[i]; // If the engine is already in the list, just move it. if (this._engines.some(this._isSameEngine, e)) { this.moveEngine(this._getEngineByName(e.name), i); } else { // Otherwise, add it back to our internal store // The search service removes the alias when an engine is hidden, // so clear any alias we may have cached before unhiding the engine. e.alias = ""; this._engines.splice(i, 0, e); let engine = e.originalEngine; engine.hidden = false; Services.search.moveEngine(engine, i); added++; } } Services.search.resetToOriginalDefaultEngine(); gSearchPane.showRestoreDefaults(false); gSearchPane.buildDefaultEngineDropDown(); return added; }, changeEngine: function ES_changeEngine(aEngine, aProp, aNewValue) { var index = this._getIndexForEngine(aEngine); if (index == -1) throw new Error("invalid engine?"); this._engines[index][aProp] = aNewValue; aEngine.originalEngine[aProp] = aNewValue; }, reloadIcons: function ES_reloadIcons() { this._engines.forEach(function (e) { e.uri = e.originalEngine.uri; }); } }; function EngineView(aEngineStore) { this._engineStore = aEngineStore; } EngineView.prototype = { _engineStore: null, tree: null, get lastIndex() { return this.rowCount - 1; }, get selectedIndex() { var seln = this.selection; if (seln.getRangeCount() > 0) { var min = {}; seln.getRangeAt(0, min, {}); return min.value; } return -1; }, get selectedEngine() { return this._engineStore.engines[this.selectedIndex]; }, // Helpers rowCountChanged: function (index, count) { this.tree.rowCountChanged(index, count); }, invalidate: function () { this.tree.invalidate(); }, ensureRowIsVisible: function (index) { this.tree.ensureRowIsVisible(index); }, getSourceIndexFromDrag: function (dataTransfer) { return parseInt(dataTransfer.getData(ENGINE_FLAVOR)); }, isCheckBox: function(index, column) { return column.id == "engineShown"; }, // nsITreeView get rowCount() { return this._engineStore.engines.length; }, getImageSrc: function(index, column) { if (column.id == "engineName" && this._engineStore.engines[index].iconURI) { return this._engineStore.engines[index].iconURI.spec; } return ""; }, getCellText: function(index, column) { if (column.id == "engineName") return this._engineStore.engines[index].name; else if (column.id == "engineKeyword") return this._engineStore.engines[index].alias; return ""; }, setTree: function(tree) { this.tree = tree; }, canDrop: function(targetIndex, orientation, dataTransfer) { var sourceIndex = this.getSourceIndexFromDrag(dataTransfer); return (sourceIndex != -1 && sourceIndex != targetIndex && sourceIndex != targetIndex + orientation); }, drop: function(dropIndex, orientation, dataTransfer) { var sourceIndex = this.getSourceIndexFromDrag(dataTransfer); var sourceEngine = this._engineStore.engines[sourceIndex]; const nsITreeView = Components.interfaces.nsITreeView; if (dropIndex > sourceIndex) { if (orientation == nsITreeView.DROP_BEFORE) dropIndex--; } else { if (orientation == nsITreeView.DROP_AFTER) dropIndex++; } this._engineStore.moveEngine(sourceEngine, dropIndex); gSearchPane.showRestoreDefaults(true); gSearchPane.buildDefaultEngineDropDown(); // Redraw, and adjust selection this.invalidate(); this.selection.select(dropIndex); }, selection: null, getRowProperties: function(index) { return ""; }, getCellProperties: function(index, column) { return ""; }, getColumnProperties: function(column) { return ""; }, isContainer: function(index) { return false; }, isContainerOpen: function(index) { return false; }, isContainerEmpty: function(index) { return false; }, isSeparator: function(index) { return false; }, isSorted: function(index) { return false; }, getParentIndex: function(index) { return -1; }, hasNextSibling: function(parentIndex, index) { return false; }, getLevel: function(index) { return 0; }, getProgressMode: function(index, column) { }, getCellValue: function(index, column) { if (column.id == "engineShown") return this._engineStore.engines[index].shown; return undefined; }, toggleOpenState: function(index) { }, cycleHeader: function(column) { }, selectionChanged: function() { }, cycleCell: function(row, column) { }, isEditable: function(index, column) { return column.id != "engineName"; }, isSelectable: function(index, column) { return false; }, setCellValue: function(index, column, value) { if (column.id == "engineShown") { this._engineStore.engines[index].shown = value == "true"; gEngineView.invalidate(); gSearchPane.saveOneClickEnginesList(); } }, setCellText: function(index, column, value) { if (column.id == "engineKeyword") { gSearchPane.editKeyword(this._engineStore.engines[index], value) .then(valid => { if (!valid) document.getElementById("engineList").startEditing(index, column); }); } }, performAction: function(action) { }, performActionOnRow: function(action, index) { }, performActionOnCell: function(action, index, column) { } };