/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; /* exported startup, shutdown, install, uninstall */ const { interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, classes: Cc } = Components; const kNSXUL = "http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"; const kBrowserSharingNotificationId = "loop-sharing-notification"; const CURSOR_MIN_DELTA = 3; const CURSOR_MIN_INTERVAL = 100; const CURSOR_CLICK_DELAY = 1000; // Due to bug 1051238 frame scripts are cached forever, so we can't update them // as a restartless add-on. The Math.random() is the work around for this. const FRAME_SCRIPT = "chrome://loop/content/modules/tabFrame.js?" + Math.random(); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "PrivateBrowsingUtils", "resource://gre/modules/PrivateBrowsingUtils.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "CustomizableUI", "resource:///modules/CustomizableUI.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Task", "resource://gre/modules/Task.jsm"); // See LOG_LEVELS in Console.jsm. Common examples: "All", "Info", "Warn", & "Error". const PREF_LOG_LEVEL = "loop.debug.loglevel"; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "log", () => { let ConsoleAPI = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Console.jsm", {}).ConsoleAPI; let consoleOptions = { maxLogLevelPref: PREF_LOG_LEVEL, prefix: "Loop" }; return new ConsoleAPI(consoleOptions); }); /** * This window listener gets loaded into each browser.xul window and is used * to provide the required loop functions for the window. */ var WindowListener = { // Records the add-on version once we know it. addonVersion: "unknown", /** * Sets up the chrome integration within browser windows for Loop. * * @param {Object} window The window to inject the integration into. */ setupBrowserUI: function(window) { let document = window.document; let { gBrowser, gURLBar } = window; let xhrClass = Cc["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/xmlhttprequest;1"]; let FileReader = window.FileReader; let menuItem = null; let isSlideshowOpen = false; let titleChangedListener = null; // the "exported" symbols var LoopUI = { /** * @var {XULWidgetSingleWrapper} toolbarButton Getter for the Loop toolbarbutton * instance for this window. This should * not be used in the hidden window. */ get toolbarButton() { delete this.toolbarButton; return (this.toolbarButton = CustomizableUI.getWidget("loop-button").forWindow(window)); }, /** * @var {XULElement} panel Getter for the Loop panel element. */ get panel() { delete this.panel; return (this.panel = document.getElementById("loop-notification-panel")); }, /** * @var {XULElement|null} browser Getter for the Loop panel browser element. * Will be NULL if the panel hasn't loaded yet. */ get browser() { let browser = document.querySelector("#loop-notification-panel > #loop-panel-iframe"); if (browser) { delete this.browser; this.browser = browser; } return browser; }, get isSlideshowOpen() { return isSlideshowOpen; }, set isSlideshowOpen(aOpen) { isSlideshowOpen = aOpen; this.updateToolbarState(); }, /** * @return {Object} Getter for the Loop constants */ get constants() { if (!this._constants) { // GetAllConstants is synchronous even though it's using a callback. this.LoopAPI.sendMessageToHandler({ name: "GetAllConstants" }, result => { this._constants = result; }); } return this._constants; }, get mm() { return window.getGroupMessageManager("browsers"); }, /** * @return {Promise} */ promiseDocumentVisible(aDocument) { if (!aDocument.hidden) { return Promise.resolve(aDocument); } return new Promise((resolve) => { aDocument.addEventListener("visibilitychange", function onVisibilityChanged() { aDocument.removeEventListener("visibilitychange", onVisibilityChanged); resolve(aDocument); }); }); }, /** * Toggle between opening or hiding the Loop panel. * * @param {DOMEvent} [event] Optional event that triggered the call to this * function. * @return {Promise} */ togglePanel: function(event) { if (!this.panel) { // We're on the hidden window! What fun! let obs = win => { Services.obs.removeObserver(obs, "browser-delayed-startup-finished"); win.LoopUI.togglePanel(event); }; Services.obs.addObserver(obs, "browser-delayed-startup-finished", false); return window.OpenBrowserWindow(); } if (this.panel.state == "open") { return new Promise(resolve => { this.panel.hidePopup(); resolve(); }); } if (this.isSlideshowOpen) { return Promise.resolve(); } return this.openPanel(event).then(mm => { if (mm) { mm.sendAsyncMessage("Social:EnsureFocusElement"); } }).catch(err => { Cu.reportError(err); }); }, /** * Called when a closing room has just been created, so we offer the * user the chance to modify the name. For that we need to open the panel. * Showing the proper layout is done on panel.jsx */ renameRoom: function() { this.openPanel(); }, /** * Opens the panel for Loop and sizes it appropriately. * * @param {event} event The event opening the panel, used to anchor * the panel to the button which triggers it. * @return {Promise} */ openPanel: function(event) { if (PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate(window)) { return Promise.reject(); } return new Promise((resolve) => { let callback = iframe => { let mm = iframe.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFrameLoaderOwner).frameLoader.messageManager; if (!("messageManager" in iframe)) { iframe.messageManager = mm; } if (!this._panelInitialized) { this.hookWindowCloseForPanelClose(iframe); this._panelInitialized = true; } mm.sendAsyncMessage("Social:WaitForDocumentVisible"); mm.addMessageListener("Social:DocumentVisible", function onDocumentVisible() { mm.removeMessageListener("Social:DocumentVisible", onDocumentVisible); resolve(mm); }); let buckets = this.constants.LOOP_MAU_TYPE; this.LoopAPI.sendMessageToHandler({ name: "TelemetryAddValue", data: ["LOOP_ACTIVITY_COUNTER", buckets.OPEN_PANEL] }); }; // Used to clear the temporary "login" state from the button. Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "loop-status-changed", null); this.shouldResumeTour().then((resume) => { if (resume) { // Assume the conversation with the visitor wasn't open since we would // have resumed the tour as soon as the visitor joined if it was (and // the pref would have been set to false already. this.MozLoopService.resumeTour("waiting"); resolve(null); return; } this.LoopAPI.initialize(); let anchor = event ? event.target : this.toolbarButton.anchor; this.PanelFrame.showPopup( window, anchor, "loop", // Notification Panel Type null, // Origin "about:looppanel", // Source null, // Size callback); }); }); }, /** * Wrapper for openPanel - to support Firefox 46 and 45. * * @param {event} event The event opening the panel, used to anchor * the panel to the button which triggers it. * @return {Promise} */ openCallPanel: function(event) { return this.openPanel(event); }, /** * Method to know whether actions to open the panel should instead resume the tour. * * We need the panel to be opened via UITour so that it gets @noautohide. * * @return {Promise} resolving with a {Boolean} of whether the tour should be resumed instead of * opening the panel. */ shouldResumeTour: Task.async(function* () { // Resume the FTU tour if this is the first time a room was joined by // someone else since the tour. if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref("loop.gettingStarted.resumeOnFirstJoin")) { return false; } if (!this.LoopRooms.participantsCount) { // Nobody is in the rooms return false; } let roomsWithNonOwners = yield this.roomsWithNonOwners(); if (!roomsWithNonOwners.length) { // We were the only one in a room but we want to know about someone else joining. return false; } return true; }), /** * @return {Promise} resolved with an array of Rooms with participants (excluding owners) */ roomsWithNonOwners: function() { return new Promise(resolve => { this.LoopRooms.getAll((error, rooms) => { let roomsWithNonOwners = []; for (let room of rooms) { if (!("participants" in room)) { continue; } let numNonOwners = room.participants.filter(participant => !participant.owner).length; if (!numNonOwners) { continue; } roomsWithNonOwners.push(room); } resolve(roomsWithNonOwners); }); }); }, /** * Triggers the initialization of the loop service if necessary. * Also adds appropraite observers for the UI. */ init: function() { // This is a promise for test purposes, but we don't want to be logging // expected errors to the console, so we catch them here. this.MozLoopService.initialize(WindowListener.addonVersion).catch(ex => { if (!ex.message || (!ex.message.contains("not enabled") && !ex.message.contains("not needed"))) { console.error(ex); } }); // If we're in private browsing mode, then don't add the menu item, // also don't add the listeners as we don't want to update the button. if (PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate(window)) { return; } this.addMenuItem(); // Don't do the rest if this is for the hidden window - we don't // have a toolbar there. if (window == Services.appShell.hiddenDOMWindow) { return; } // Load the frame script into any tab, plus any that get created in the // future. this.mm.loadFrameScript(FRAME_SCRIPT, true); // Cleanup when the window unloads. window.addEventListener("unload", () => { Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "loop-status-changed"); }); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "loop-status-changed", false); this.maybeAddCopyPanel(); this.updateToolbarState(); }, /** * Adds a menu item to the browsers' Tools menu that open the Loop panel * when selected. */ addMenuItem: function() { let menu = document.getElementById("menu_ToolsPopup"); if (!menu || menuItem) { return; } menuItem = document.createElementNS(kNSXUL, "menuitem"); menuItem.setAttribute("id", "menu_openLoop"); menuItem.setAttribute("label", this._getString("loopMenuItem_label")); menuItem.setAttribute("accesskey", this._getString("loopMenuItem_accesskey")); menuItem.addEventListener("command", () => this.togglePanel()); menu.insertBefore(menuItem, document.getElementById("sync-setup")); }, /** * Removes the menu item from the browsers' Tools menu. */ removeMenuItem: function() { if (menuItem) { menuItem.parentNode.removeChild(menuItem); } }, /** * Maybe add the copy panel if it's not throttled and passes other checks. * @return {Promise} Resolved when decided and maybe panel-added. */ maybeAddCopyPanel() { // Don't bother adding the copy panel if we're in private browsing or // the user wants to never see it again or we've shown it enough times. if (PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate(window) || Services.prefs.getBoolPref("loop.copy.shown") || Services.prefs.getIntPref("loop.copy.showLimit") <= 0) { return Promise.resolve(); } return Throttler.check("loop.copy").then(() => this.addCopyPanel()); }, /** * Hook into the location bar copy command to open up the copy panel. * @param {Function} onClickHandled Optional callback for finished clicks. */ addCopyPanel(onClickHandled) { // Make a copy of the loop panel as a starting point for the copy panel. let copy = this.panel.cloneNode(false); copy.id = "loop-copy-notification-panel"; this.panel.parentNode.appendChild(copy); // Record a telemetry copy panel action. let addTelemetry = bucket => { this.LoopAPI.sendMessageToHandler({ data: ["LOOP_COPY_PANEL_ACTIONS", this.constants.COPY_PANEL[bucket]], name: "TelemetryAddValue" }); }; // Handle events from the copy panel iframe content. let onIframe = iframe => { // Watch for events from the copy panel when loaded. iframe.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function onLoad() { iframe.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", onLoad); // Size the panel to fit the rendered content adjusting for borders. iframe.contentWindow.requestAnimationFrame(() => { let height = iframe.contentDocument.documentElement.offsetHeight; height += copy.boxObject.height - iframe.boxObject.height; copy.style.height = height + "px"; }); // Hide the copy panel then show the loop panel. iframe.contentWindow.addEventListener("CopyPanelClick", event => { iframe.parentNode.hidePopup(); // Show the Loop panel if the user wants it. let { accept, stop } = event.detail; if (accept) { LoopUI.openPanel(); } // Stop showing the panel if the user says so. if (stop) { LoopUI.removeCopyPanel(); Services.prefs.setBoolPref("loop.copy.shown", true); } // Generate the appropriate NO_AGAIN, NO_NEVER, YES_AGAIN, // YES_NEVER probe based on the user's action. let probe = (accept ? "YES" : "NO") + "_" + (stop ? "NEVER" : "AGAIN"); addTelemetry(probe); // For testing, indicate that handling the click has finished. try { onClickHandled(event.detail); } catch (ex) { // Do nothing. } }); }); }; // Override the default behavior of the copy command. let controller = gURLBar._copyCutController; controller._doCommand = controller.doCommand; controller.doCommand = () => { // Do the normal behavior first. controller._doCommand.apply(controller, arguments); // Remove the panel if the user has seen it enough times. let showLimit = Services.prefs.getIntPref("loop.copy.showLimit"); if (showLimit <= 0) { LoopUI.removeCopyPanel(); return; } // Don't bother prompting the user if already sharing. if (this.MozLoopService.screenShareActive) { return; } // Update various counters. Services.prefs.setIntPref("loop.copy.showLimit", showLimit - 1); addTelemetry("SHOWN"); // Open up the copy panel at the loop button. LoopUI.PanelFrame.showPopup(window, LoopUI.toolbarButton.anchor, "loop-copy", null, "chrome://loop/content/panels/copy.html", null, onIframe); }; }, /** * Removes the copy panel copy hook and the panel. */ removeCopyPanel() { let controller = gURLBar && gURLBar._copyCutController; if (controller && controller._doCommand) { controller.doCommand = controller._doCommand; delete controller._doCommand; } let copy = document.getElementById("loop-copy-notification-panel"); if (copy) { copy.parentNode.removeChild(copy); } }, // Implements nsIObserver observe: function(subject, topic, data) { if (topic != "loop-status-changed") { return; } this.updateToolbarState(data); }, /** * Updates the toolbar/menu-button state to reflect Loop status. This should * not be called from the hidden window. * * @param {string} [aReason] Some states are only shown if * a related reason is provided. * * aReason="login": Used after a login is completed * successfully. This is used so the state can be * temporarily shown until the next state change. */ updateToolbarState: function(aReason = null) { if (!this.toolbarButton.node) { return; } let state = ""; let mozL10nId = "loop-call-button3"; let suffix = ".tooltiptext"; if (this.MozLoopService.errors.size) { state = "error"; mozL10nId += "-error"; } else if (this.isSlideshowOpen) { state = "slideshow"; } else if (this.MozLoopService.screenShareActive) { state = "action"; mozL10nId += "-screensharing"; } else if (aReason == "login" && this.MozLoopService.userProfile) { state = "active"; mozL10nId += "-active"; suffix += "2"; } else if (this.MozLoopService.doNotDisturb) { state = "disabled"; mozL10nId += "-donotdisturb"; } else if (this.MozLoopService.roomsParticipantsCount > 0) { state = "active"; this.roomsWithNonOwners().then(roomsWithNonOwners => { if (roomsWithNonOwners.length > 0) { mozL10nId += "-participantswaiting"; } else { mozL10nId += "-active"; } suffix += "2"; this.updateTooltiptext(mozL10nId + suffix); this.toolbarButton.node.setAttribute("state", state); }); return; } else { suffix += "2"; } this.toolbarButton.node.setAttribute("state", state); this.updateTooltiptext(mozL10nId + suffix); }, /** * Updates the tootltiptext to reflect Loop status. This should not be called * from the hidden window. * * @param {string} [mozL10nId] l10n ID that refelct the current * Loop status. */ updateTooltiptext: function(mozL10nId) { this.toolbarButton.node.setAttribute("tooltiptext", mozL10nId); var tooltiptext = CustomizableUI.getLocalizedProperty(this.toolbarButton, "tooltiptext"); this.toolbarButton.node.setAttribute("tooltiptext", tooltiptext); }, /** * Show a desktop notification when 'do not disturb' isn't enabled. * * @param {Object} options Set of options that may tweak the appearance and * behavior of the notification. * Option params: * - {String} title Notification title message * - {String} [message] Notification body text * - {String} [icon] Notification icon * - {String} [sound] Sound to play * - {String} [selectTab] Tab to select when the panel * opens * - {Function} [onclick] Callback to invoke when * the notification is clicked. * Opens the panel by default. */ showNotification: function(options) { if (this.MozLoopService.doNotDisturb) { return; } if (!options.title) { throw new Error("Missing title, can not display notification"); } let notificationOptions = { body: options.message || "" }; if (options.icon) { notificationOptions.icon = options.icon; } if (options.sound) { // This will not do anything, until bug bug 1105222 is resolved. notificationOptions.mozbehavior = { soundFile: "" }; this.playSound(options.sound); } let notification = new window.Notification(options.title, notificationOptions); notification.addEventListener("click", () => { if (window.closed) { return; } try { window.focus(); } catch (ex) { // Do nothing. } // We need a setTimeout here, otherwise the panel won't show after the // window received focus. window.setTimeout(() => { if (typeof options.onclick == "function") { options.onclick(); } else { // Open the Loop panel as a default action. this.openPanel(null, options.selectTab || null); } }, 0); }); }, /** * Play a sound in this window IF there's no sound playing yet. * * @param {String} name Name of the sound, like 'ringtone' or 'room-joined' */ playSound: function(name) { if (this.ActiveSound || this.MozLoopService.doNotDisturb) { return; } this.activeSound = new window.Audio(); this.activeSound.src = `chrome://loop/content/shared/sounds/${name}.ogg`; this.activeSound.load(); this.activeSound.play(); this.activeSound.addEventListener("ended", () => { this.activeSound = undefined; }, false); }, /** * Start listening to selected tab changes and notify any content page that's * listening to 'BrowserSwitch' push messages. Also sets up a "joined" * and "left" listener for LoopRooms so that we can toggle the infobar * sharing messages when people come and go. * * @param {(String)} roomToken The current room that the link generator is connecting to. */ startBrowserSharing: function(roomToken) { if (!this._listeningToTabSelect) { gBrowser.tabContainer.addEventListener("TabSelect", this); this._listeningToTabSelect = true; titleChangedListener = this.handleDOMTitleChanged.bind(this); this._roomsListener = this.handleRoomJoinedOrLeft.bind(this); this.LoopRooms.on("joined", this._roomsListener); this.LoopRooms.on("left", this._roomsListener); // Watch for title changes as opposed to location changes as more // metadata about the page is available when this event fires. this.mm.addMessageListener("loop@mozilla.org:DOMTitleChanged", titleChangedListener); this._browserSharePaused = false; // Add this event to the parent gBrowser to avoid adding and removing // it for each individual tab's browsers. gBrowser.addEventListener("mousemove", this); gBrowser.addEventListener("click", this); } this._currentRoomToken = roomToken; this._maybeShowBrowserSharingInfoBar(roomToken); // Get the first window Id for the listener. let browser = gBrowser.selectedBrowser; return new Promise(resolve => { if (browser.outerWindowID) { resolve(browser.outerWindowID); return; } browser.messageManager.addMessageListener("Browser:Init", function initListener() { browser.messageManager.removeMessageListener("Browser:Init", initListener); resolve(browser.outerWindowID); }); }).then(outerWindowID => this.LoopAPI.broadcastPushMessage("BrowserSwitch", outerWindowID)); }, /** * Stop listening to selected tab changes. */ stopBrowserSharing: function() { if (!this._listeningToTabSelect) { return; } this._hideBrowserSharingInfoBar(); gBrowser.tabContainer.removeEventListener("TabSelect", this); this.LoopRooms.off("joined", this._roomsListener); this.LoopRooms.off("left", this._roomsListener); if (titleChangedListener) { this.mm.removeMessageListener("loop@mozilla.org:DOMTitleChanged", titleChangedListener); titleChangedListener = null; } // Remove shared pointers related events gBrowser.removeEventListener("mousemove", this); gBrowser.removeEventListener("click", this); this.removeRemoteCursor(); this._listeningToTabSelect = false; this._browserSharePaused = false; this._currentRoomToken = null; this._sendTelemetryEventsIfNeeded(); }, /** * Sends telemetry events for pause/ resume buttons if needed. */ _sendTelemetryEventsIfNeeded: function() { // The user can't click Resume button without clicking Pause button first. if (!this._pauseButtonClicked) { return; } let buckets = this.constants.SHARING_SCREEN; this.LoopAPI.sendMessageToHandler({ name: "TelemetryAddValue", data: [ "LOOP_INFOBAR_ACTION_BUTTONS", buckets.PAUSED ] }); if (this._resumeButtonClicked) { this.LoopAPI.sendMessageToHandler({ name: "TelemetryAddValue", data: [ "LOOP_INFOBAR_ACTION_BUTTONS", buckets.RESUMED ] }); } this._pauseButtonClicked = false; this._resumeButtonClicked = false; }, /** * If sharing is active, paints and positions the remote cursor * over the screen * * @param cursorData Object with the correct position for the cursor * { * ratioX: position on the X axis (percentage value) * ratioY: position on the Y axis (percentage value) * } */ addRemoteCursor: function(cursorData) { if (this._browserSharePaused || !this._listeningToTabSelect) { return; } let browser = gBrowser.selectedBrowser; let cursor = document.getElementById("loop-remote-cursor"); if (!cursor) { // Create a container to keep the pointer inside. // This allows us to hide the overflow when out of bounds. let cursorContainer = document.createElement("div"); cursorContainer.setAttribute("id", "loop-remote-cursor-container"); cursor = document.createElement("img"); cursor.setAttribute("id", "loop-remote-cursor"); cursorContainer.appendChild(cursor); // Note that browser.parent is a xul:stack so container will use // 100% of space if no other constrains added. browser.parentNode.appendChild(cursorContainer); } // Update the cursor's position with CSS. cursor.style.left = Math.abs(cursorData.ratioX * browser.boxObject.width) + "px"; cursor.style.top = Math.abs(cursorData.ratioY * browser.boxObject.height) + "px"; }, /** * Adds the ripple effect animation to the cursor to show a click on the * remote end of the conversation. * Will only add it when: * - A click is received (cursorData = true) * - Sharing is active (this._listeningToTabSelect = true) * - Remote cursor is being painted (cursor != undefined) * * @param clickData bool click event */ clickRemoteCursor: function(clickData) { if (!clickData || !this._listeningToTabSelect) { return; } let class_name = "clicked"; let cursor = document.getElementById("loop-remote-cursor"); if (!cursor) { return; } cursor.classList.add(class_name); // after the proper time, we get rid of the animation window.setTimeout(() => { cursor.classList.remove(class_name); }, CURSOR_CLICK_DELAY); }, /** * Removes the remote cursor from the screen */ removeRemoteCursor: function() { let cursor = document.getElementById("loop-remote-cursor"); if (cursor) { cursor.parentNode.removeChild(cursor); } }, /** * Helper function to fetch a localized string via the MozLoopService API. * It's currently inconveniently wrapped inside a string of stringified JSON. * * @param {String} key The element id to get strings for. * @return {String} */ _getString: function(key) { let str = this.MozLoopService.getStrings(key); if (str) { str = JSON.parse(str).textContent; } return str; }, /** * Set correct strings for infobar notification based on if paused or empty. */ _setInfoBarStrings: function(nonOwnerParticipants, sharePaused) { let message; if (nonOwnerParticipants) { // More than just the owner in the room. message = this._getString( sharePaused ? "infobar_screenshare_stop_sharing_message2" : "infobar_screenshare_browser_message3"); } else { // Just the owner in the room. message = this._getString( sharePaused ? "infobar_screenshare_stop_no_guest_message" : "infobar_screenshare_no_guest_message"); } let label = this._getString( sharePaused ? "infobar_button_restart_label2" : "infobar_button_stop_label2"); let accessKey = this._getString( sharePaused ? "infobar_button_restart_accesskey" : "infobar_button_stop_accesskey"); return { message: message, label: label, accesskey: accessKey }; }, /** * Indicates if tab sharing is paused. * Set by tab pause button, startBrowserSharing and stopBrowserSharing. * Defaults to false as link generator(owner) enters room we are sharing tabs. */ _browserSharePaused: false, /** * Shows an infobar notification at the top of the browser window that warns * the user that their browser tabs are being broadcasted through the current * conversation. * @param {String} currentRoomToken Room we are currently joined. * @return {void} */ _maybeShowBrowserSharingInfoBar: function(currentRoomToken) { this._hideBrowserSharingInfoBar(); let participantsCount = this.LoopRooms.getNumParticipants(currentRoomToken); let initStrings = this._setInfoBarStrings(participantsCount > 1, this._browserSharePaused); let box = gBrowser.getNotificationBox(); let bar = box.appendNotification( initStrings.message, // label kBrowserSharingNotificationId, // value // Icon defined in browser theme CSS. null, // image box.PRIORITY_WARNING_LOW, // priority [{ // buttons (Pause, Stop) label: initStrings.label, accessKey: initStrings.accesskey, isDefault: false, callback: (event, buttonInfo, buttonNode) => { this._browserSharePaused = !this._browserSharePaused; let guestPresent = this.LoopRooms.getNumParticipants(this._currentRoomToken) > 1; let stringObj = this._setInfoBarStrings(guestPresent, this._browserSharePaused); bar.label = stringObj.message; bar.classList.toggle("paused", this._browserSharePaused); buttonNode.label = stringObj.label; buttonNode.accessKey = stringObj.accesskey; LoopUI.MozLoopService.toggleBrowserSharing(this._browserSharePaused); if (this._browserSharePaused) { this._pauseButtonClicked = true; // if paused we stop sharing remote cursors this.removeRemoteCursor(); } else { this._resumeButtonClicked = true; } return true; }, type: "pause" }, { label: this._getString("infobar_button_disconnect_label"), accessKey: this._getString("infobar_button_disconnect_accesskey"), isDefault: true, callback: () => { this.removeRemoteCursor(); this._hideBrowserSharingInfoBar(); LoopUI.MozLoopService.hangupAllChatWindows(); }, type: "stop" }] ); // Sets 'paused' class if needed. bar.classList.toggle("paused", !!this._browserSharePaused); // Keep showing the notification bar until the user explicitly closes it. bar.persistence = -1; }, /** * Hides the infobar, permanantly if requested. * * @param {Object} browser Optional link to the browser we want to * remove the infobar from. If not present, defaults * to current browser instance. * @return {Boolean} |true| if the infobar was hidden here. */ _hideBrowserSharingInfoBar: function(browser) { browser = browser || gBrowser.selectedBrowser; let box = gBrowser.getNotificationBox(browser); let notification = box.getNotificationWithValue(kBrowserSharingNotificationId); let removed = false; if (notification) { box.removeNotification(notification); removed = true; } return removed; }, /** * Broadcast 'BrowserSwitch' event. */ _notifyBrowserSwitch: function() { // Get the first window Id for the listener. this.LoopAPI.broadcastPushMessage("BrowserSwitch", gBrowser.selectedBrowser.outerWindowID); }, /** * Handles updating of the sharing infobar when the room participants * change. */ handleRoomJoinedOrLeft: function() { // Don't attempt to show it if we're not actively sharing. if (!this._listeningToTabSelect) { return; } this._maybeShowBrowserSharingInfoBar(this._currentRoomToken); }, /** * Handles events from the frame script. * * @param {Object} message The message received from the frame script. */ handleDOMTitleChanged: function(message) { if (!this._listeningToTabSelect || this._browserSharePaused) { return; } if (gBrowser.selectedBrowser == message.target) { // Get the new title of the shared tab this._notifyBrowserSwitch(); } }, /** * Handles events from gBrowser. */ handleEvent: function(event) { switch (event.type) { case "TabSelect": { let wasVisible = false; // Hide the infobar from the previous tab. if (event.detail.previousTab) { wasVisible = this._hideBrowserSharingInfoBar( event.detail.previousTab.linkedBrowser); // And remove the cursor. this.removeRemoteCursor(); } // We've changed the tab, so get the new window id. this._notifyBrowserSwitch(); if (wasVisible) { // If the infobar was visible before, we should show it again after the // switch. this._maybeShowBrowserSharingInfoBar(this._currentRoomToken); } break; } case "mousemove": this.handleMousemove(event); break; case "click": this.handleMouseClick(event); break; } }, /** * Handles mousemove events from gBrowser and send a broadcast message * with all the data needed for sending link generator cursor position * through the sdk. */ handleMousemove: function(event) { // Won't send events if not sharing (paused or not started). if (this._browserSharePaused || !this._listeningToTabSelect) { return; } // Only update every so often. let now = Date.now(); if (now - this.lastCursorTime < CURSOR_MIN_INTERVAL) { return; } this.lastCursorTime = now; // Skip the update if cursor is out of bounds or didn't move much. let browserBox = gBrowser.selectedBrowser.boxObject; let deltaX = event.screenX - browserBox.screenX; let deltaY = event.screenY - browserBox.screenY; if (deltaX < 0 || deltaX > browserBox.width || deltaY < 0 || deltaY > browserBox.height || (Math.abs(deltaX - this.lastCursorX) < CURSOR_MIN_DELTA && Math.abs(deltaY - this.lastCursorY) < CURSOR_MIN_DELTA)) { return; } this.lastCursorX = deltaX; this.lastCursorY = deltaY; this.LoopAPI.broadcastPushMessage("CursorPositionChange", { ratioX: deltaX / browserBox.width, ratioY: deltaY / browserBox.height }); }, /** * Handles mouse click events from gBrowser and send a broadcast message * with all the data needed for sending link generator cursor click position * through the sdk. */ handleMouseClick: function() { // We want to stop sending events if sharing is paused. if (this._browserSharePaused) { return; } this.LoopAPI.broadcastPushMessage("CursorClick"); }, /** * Fetch the favicon of the currently selected tab in the format of a data-uri. * * @param {Function} callback Function to be invoked with an error object as * its first argument when an error occurred or * a string as second argument when the favicon * has been fetched. */ getFavicon: function(callback) { let pageURI = gBrowser.selectedTab.linkedBrowser.currentURI.spec; // If the tab page’s url starts with http(s), fetch icon. if (!/^https?:/.test(pageURI)) { callback(); return; } this.PlacesUtils.promiseFaviconLinkUrl(pageURI).then(uri => { // We XHR the favicon to get a File object, which we can pass to the FileReader // object. The FileReader turns the File object into a data-uri. let xhr = xhrClass.createInstance(Ci.nsIXMLHttpRequest); xhr.open("get", uri.spec, true); xhr.responseType = "blob"; xhr.overrideMimeType("image/x-icon"); xhr.onload = () => { if (xhr.status != 200) { callback(new Error("Invalid status code received for favicon XHR: " + xhr.status)); return; } let reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = reader.onload = () => callback(null, reader.result); reader.onerror = callback; reader.readAsDataURL(xhr.response); }; xhr.onerror = callback; xhr.send(); }).catch(err => { callback(err || new Error("No favicon found")); }); } }; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(LoopUI, "hookWindowCloseForPanelClose", "resource://gre/modules/MozSocialAPI.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(LoopUI, "LoopAPI", "chrome://loop/content/modules/MozLoopAPI.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(LoopUI, "LoopRooms", "chrome://loop/content/modules/LoopRooms.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(LoopUI, "MozLoopService", "chrome://loop/content/modules/MozLoopService.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(LoopUI, "PanelFrame", "resource:///modules/PanelFrame.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(LoopUI, "PlacesUtils", "resource://gre/modules/PlacesUtils.jsm"); LoopUI.init(); window.LoopUI = LoopUI; // Export the Throttler to allow tests to overwrite parts of it. window.LoopThrottler = Throttler; }, /** * Take any steps to remove UI or anything from the browser window * document.getElementById() etc. will work here. * * @param {Object} window The window to remove the integration from. */ tearDownBrowserUI: function(window) { if (window.LoopUI) { window.LoopUI.removeCopyPanel(); window.LoopUI.removeMenuItem(); // This stops the frame script being loaded to new tabs, but doesn't // remove it from existing tabs (there's no way to do that). window.LoopUI.mm.removeDelayedFrameScript(FRAME_SCRIPT); // XXX Bug 1229352 - Add in tear-down of the panel. } }, // nsIWindowMediatorListener functions. onOpenWindow: function(xulWindow) { // A new window has opened. let domWindow = xulWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindow); // Wait for it to finish loading. domWindow.addEventListener("load", function listener() { domWindow.removeEventListener("load", listener, false); // If this is a browser window then setup its UI. if (domWindow.document.documentElement.getAttribute("windowtype") == "navigator:browser") { WindowListener.setupBrowserUI(domWindow); } }, false); }, onCloseWindow: function() { }, onWindowTitleChange: function() { } }; /** * Provide a way to throttle functionality using DNS to distribute 3 numbers for * various distributions channels. DNS is used to scale distribution of the * numbers as an A record pointing to a loopback address (127.*.*.*). Prefs are * used to control behavior (what domain to check) and keep state (a ticket * number to track if it needs to initialize, to wait for its turn, or is * completed). */ let Throttler = { // Each 8-bit block of the IP address allows for 0% rollout (value 0) to 100% // rollout (value 255). TICKET_LIMIT: 255, // Allow the DNS service to be overwritten for testing. _dns: Cc["@mozilla.org/network/dns-service;1"].getService(Ci.nsIDNSService), /** * Check if a given feature should be throttled or not. * @param {string} [prefPrefix] Start of the preference name for the feature. * @return {Promise} Resolved on success, and rejected on throttled. */ check(prefPrefix) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // Initialize the ticket (0-254) if it doesn't have a valid value yet. let prefTicket = prefPrefix + ".ticket"; let ticket = Services.prefs.getIntPref(prefTicket); if (ticket < 0) { ticket = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.TICKET_LIMIT); Services.prefs.setIntPref(prefTicket, ticket); } // Short circuit if the special ticket value indicates we're good to go. else if (ticket >= this.TICKET_LIMIT) { resolve(); return; } // Handle responses from the DNS resolution service request. let onDNS = (request, record) => { // Failed to get A-record, so skip for now. if (record === null) { reject(); return; } // Ensure we have a special loopback value before checking other blocks. let ipBlocks = record.getNextAddrAsString().split("."); if (ipBlocks[0] !== "127") { reject(); return; } // Use a specific part of the A-record IP address depending on the // channel. I.e., 127.[release/other].[beta].[aurora/nightly]. let index = 1; switch (Services.prefs.getCharPref("app.update.channel")) { case "beta": index = 2; break; case "aurora": case "nightly": index = 3; break; } // Select the 1 out of 4 parts of the "."-separated IP address to check // if the 8-bit threshold (0-255) exceeds the ticket (0-254). if (ticket < ipBlocks[index]) { // Remember that we're good to go to avoid future DNS checks. Services.prefs.setIntPref(prefTicket, this.TICKET_LIMIT); resolve(); } else { reject(); } }; // Look up the DNS A-record of a throttler hostname to decide to show. this._dns.asyncResolve(Services.prefs.getCharPref(prefPrefix + ".throttler"), this._dns.RESOLVE_DISABLE_IPV6, onDNS, Services.tm.mainThread); }); } }; /** * Creates the loop button on the toolbar. Due to loop being a system-addon * CustomizableUI already has a placement location for the button, so that * we can be on the toolbar. */ function createLoopButton() { CustomizableUI.createWidget({ id: "loop-button", type: "custom", label: "loop-call-button3.label", tooltiptext: "loop-call-button3.tooltiptext2", privateBrowsingTooltiptext: "loop-call-button3-pb.tooltiptext", defaultArea: CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR, removable: true, onBuild: function(aDocument) { // If we're not supposed to see the button, return zip. if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref("loop.enabled")) { return null; } let isWindowPrivate = PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate(aDocument.defaultView); let node = aDocument.createElementNS(kNSXUL, "toolbarbutton"); node.setAttribute("id", this.id); node.classList.add("toolbarbutton-1"); node.classList.add("chromeclass-toolbar-additional"); node.classList.add("badged-button"); node.setAttribute("label", CustomizableUI.getLocalizedProperty(this, "label")); if (isWindowPrivate) { node.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); } let tooltiptext = isWindowPrivate ? CustomizableUI.getLocalizedProperty(this, "privateBrowsingTooltiptext", [CustomizableUI.getLocalizedProperty(this, "label")]) : CustomizableUI.getLocalizedProperty(this, "tooltiptext"); node.setAttribute("tooltiptext", tooltiptext); node.setAttribute("removable", "true"); node.addEventListener("command", function(event) { aDocument.defaultView.LoopUI.togglePanel(event); }); return node; } }); } /** * Loads the default preferences from the prefs file. This loads the preferences * into the default branch, so they don't appear as user preferences. */ function loadDefaultPrefs() { var branch = Services.prefs.getDefaultBranch(""); Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript("chrome://loop/content/preferences/prefs.js", { pref: (key, val) => { // If a previously set default pref exists don't overwrite it. This can // happen for ESR or distribution.ini. if (branch.getPrefType(key) != branch.PREF_INVALID) { return; } switch (typeof val) { case "boolean": branch.setBoolPref(key, val); break; case "number": branch.setIntPref(key, val); break; case "string": branch.setCharPref(key, val); break; } } }); if (Services.vc.compare(Services.appinfo.version, "47.0a1") < 0) { branch.setBoolPref("loop.remote.autostart", false); } // Don't enable pop-outs in Firefox 47 - that's where e10s is enabled, and popping // out currently fails (bug 1245813). if (Services.vc.compare(Services.appinfo.version, "47.0a1") >= 0 && Services.vc.compare(Services.appinfo.version, "48.0a1") < 0) { branch.setBoolPref("loop.conversationPopOut.enabled", false); } } /** * Called when the add-on is started, e.g. when installed or when Firefox starts. */ function startup(data) { // Record the add-on version for when the UI is initialised. WindowListener.addonVersion = data.version; loadDefaultPrefs(); if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref("loop.enabled")) { return; } createLoopButton(); // Attach to hidden window (for OS X). if (AppConstants.platform == "macosx") { try { WindowListener.setupBrowserUI(Services.appShell.hiddenDOMWindow); } catch (ex) { // Hidden window didn't exist, so wait until startup is done. let topic = "browser-delayed-startup-finished"; Services.obs.addObserver(function observer() { Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, topic); WindowListener.setupBrowserUI(Services.appShell.hiddenDOMWindow); }, topic, false); } } // Attach to existing browser windows, for modifying UI. let wm = Cc["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"].getService(Ci.nsIWindowMediator); let windows = wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser"); while (windows.hasMoreElements()) { let domWindow = windows.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindow); WindowListener.setupBrowserUI(domWindow); } // Wait for any new browser windows to open. wm.addListener(WindowListener); // Load our stylesheets. let styleSheetService = Cc["@mozilla.org/content/style-sheet-service;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIStyleSheetService); let sheets = ["chrome://loop-shared/skin/loop.css"]; if (AppConstants.platform != "linux") { sheets.push("chrome://loop/skin/platform.css"); } for (let sheet of sheets) { let styleSheetURI = Services.io.newURI(sheet, null, null); styleSheetService.loadAndRegisterSheet(styleSheetURI, styleSheetService.AUTHOR_SHEET); } } /** * Called when the add-on is shutting down, could be for re-installation * or just uninstall. */ function shutdown(data, reason) { // Close any open chat windows Cu.import("resource:///modules/Chat.jsm"); let isLoopURL = ({ src }) => /^about:loopconversation#/.test(src); [...Chat.chatboxes].filter(isLoopURL).forEach(chatbox => { chatbox.content.contentWindow.close(); }); // Detach from hidden window (for OS X). if (AppConstants.platform == "macosx") { WindowListener.tearDownBrowserUI(Services.appShell.hiddenDOMWindow); } // Detach from browser windows. let wm = Cc["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"].getService(Ci.nsIWindowMediator); let windows = wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser"); while (windows.hasMoreElements()) { let domWindow = windows.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindow); WindowListener.tearDownBrowserUI(domWindow); } // Stop waiting for browser windows to open. wm.removeListener(WindowListener); // If the app is shutting down, don't worry about cleaning up, just let // it fade away... if (reason == APP_SHUTDOWN) { return; } CustomizableUI.destroyWidget("loop-button"); // Unload stylesheets. let styleSheetService = Cc["@mozilla.org/content/style-sheet-service;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIStyleSheetService); let sheets = ["chrome://loop/content/addon/css/loop.css", "chrome://loop/skin/platform.css"]; for (let sheet of sheets) { let styleSheetURI = Services.io.newURI(sheet, null, null); if (styleSheetService.sheetRegistered(styleSheetURI, styleSheetService.AUTHOR_SHEET)) { styleSheetService.unregisterSheet(styleSheetURI, styleSheetService.AUTHOR_SHEET); } } // Unload modules. Cu.unload("chrome://loop/content/modules/MozLoopAPI.jsm"); Cu.unload("chrome://loop/content/modules/LoopRooms.jsm"); Cu.unload("chrome://loop/content/modules/MozLoopService.jsm"); } function install() {} function uninstall() {}