/* jshint moz:true, browser:true */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr} = Components; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "PeerConnectionIdp", "resource://gre/modules/media/PeerConnectionIdp.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "convertToRTCStatsReport", "resource://gre/modules/media/RTCStatsReport.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "AppConstants", "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.jsm"); const PC_CONTRACT = "@mozilla.org/dom/peerconnection;1"; const PC_OBS_CONTRACT = "@mozilla.org/dom/peerconnectionobserver;1"; const PC_ICE_CONTRACT = "@mozilla.org/dom/rtcicecandidate;1"; const PC_SESSION_CONTRACT = "@mozilla.org/dom/rtcsessiondescription;1"; const PC_MANAGER_CONTRACT = "@mozilla.org/dom/peerconnectionmanager;1"; const PC_STATS_CONTRACT = "@mozilla.org/dom/rtcstatsreport;1"; const PC_STATIC_CONTRACT = "@mozilla.org/dom/peerconnectionstatic;1"; const PC_SENDER_CONTRACT = "@mozilla.org/dom/rtpsender;1"; const PC_RECEIVER_CONTRACT = "@mozilla.org/dom/rtpreceiver;1"; const PC_COREQUEST_CONTRACT = "@mozilla.org/dom/createofferrequest;1"; const PC_CID = Components.ID("{bdc2e533-b308-4708-ac8e-a8bfade6d851}"); const PC_OBS_CID = Components.ID("{d1748d4c-7f6a-4dc5-add6-d55b7678537e}"); const PC_ICE_CID = Components.ID("{02b9970c-433d-4cc2-923d-f7028ac66073}"); const PC_SESSION_CID = Components.ID("{1775081b-b62d-4954-8ffe-a067bbf508a7}"); const PC_MANAGER_CID = Components.ID("{7293e901-2be3-4c02-b4bd-cbef6fc24f78}"); const PC_STATS_CID = Components.ID("{7fe6e18b-0da3-4056-bf3b-440ef3809e06}"); const PC_STATIC_CID = Components.ID("{0fb47c47-a205-4583-a9fc-cbadf8c95880}"); const PC_SENDER_CID = Components.ID("{4fff5d46-d827-4cd4-a970-8fd53977440e}"); const PC_RECEIVER_CID = Components.ID("{d974b814-8fde-411c-8c45-b86791b81030}"); const PC_COREQUEST_CID = Components.ID("{74b2122d-65a8-4824-aa9e-3d664cb75dc2}"); // Global list of PeerConnection objects, so they can be cleaned up when // a page is torn down. (Maps inner window ID to an array of PC objects). function GlobalPCList() { this._list = {}; this._networkdown = false; // XXX Need to query current state somehow this._lifecycleobservers = {}; this._nextId = 1; Services.obs.addObserver(this, "inner-window-destroyed", true); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "profile-change-net-teardown", true); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "network:offline-about-to-go-offline", true); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "network:offline-status-changed", true); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "gmp-plugin-crash", true); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "PeerConnection:response:allow", true); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "PeerConnection:response:deny", true); if (Cc["@mozilla.org/childprocessmessagemanager;1"]) { let mm = Cc["@mozilla.org/childprocessmessagemanager;1"].getService(Ci.nsIMessageListenerManager); mm.addMessageListener("gmp-plugin-crash", this); } } GlobalPCList.prototype = { QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIObserver, Ci.nsIMessageListener, Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference, Ci.IPeerConnectionManager]), classID: PC_MANAGER_CID, _xpcom_factory: { createInstance: function(outer, iid) { if (outer) { throw Cr.NS_ERROR_NO_AGGREGATION; } return _globalPCList.QueryInterface(iid); } }, notifyLifecycleObservers: function(pc, type) { for (var key of Object.keys(this._lifecycleobservers)) { this._lifecycleobservers[key](pc, pc._winID, type); } }, addPC: function(pc) { let winID = pc._winID; if (this._list[winID]) { this._list[winID].push(Cu.getWeakReference(pc)); } else { this._list[winID] = [Cu.getWeakReference(pc)]; } pc._globalPCListId = this._nextId++; this.removeNullRefs(winID); }, findPC: function(globalPCListId) { for (let winId in this._list) { if (this._list.hasOwnProperty(winId)) { for (let pcref of this._list[winId]) { let pc = pcref.get(); if (pc && pc._globalPCListId == globalPCListId) { return pc; } } } } }, removeNullRefs: function(winID) { if (this._list[winID] === undefined) { return; } this._list[winID] = this._list[winID].filter( function (e,i,a) { return e.get() !== null; }); if (this._list[winID].length === 0) { delete this._list[winID]; } }, hasActivePeerConnection: function(winID) { this.removeNullRefs(winID); return this._list[winID] ? true : false; }, handleGMPCrash: function(data) { let broadcastPluginCrash = function(list, winID, pluginID, pluginName) { if (list.hasOwnProperty(winID)) { list[winID].forEach(function(pcref) { let pc = pcref.get(); if (pc) { pc._pc.pluginCrash(pluginID, pluginName); } }); } }; // a plugin crashed; if it's associated with any of our PCs, fire an // event to the DOM window for (let winId in this._list) { broadcastPluginCrash(this._list, winId, data.pluginID, data.pluginName); } }, receiveMessage: function(message) { if (message.name == "gmp-plugin-crash") { this.handleGMPCrash(message.data); } }, observe: function(subject, topic, data) { let cleanupPcRef = function(pcref) { let pc = pcref.get(); if (pc) { pc._pc.close(); delete pc._observer; pc._pc = null; } }; let cleanupWinId = function(list, winID) { if (list.hasOwnProperty(winID)) { list[winID].forEach(cleanupPcRef); delete list[winID]; } }; if (topic == "inner-window-destroyed") { let winID = subject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISupportsPRUint64).data; cleanupWinId(this._list, winID); if (this._lifecycleobservers.hasOwnProperty(winID)) { delete this._lifecycleobservers[winID]; } } else if (topic == "profile-change-net-teardown" || topic == "network:offline-about-to-go-offline") { // Delete all peerconnections on shutdown - mostly synchronously (we // need them to be done deleting transports and streams before we // return)! All socket operations must be queued to STS thread // before we return to here. // Also kill them if "Work Offline" is selected - more can be created // while offline, but attempts to connect them should fail. for (let winId in this._list) { cleanupWinId(this._list, winId); } this._networkdown = true; } else if (topic == "network:offline-status-changed") { if (data == "offline") { // this._list shold be empty here this._networkdown = true; } else if (data == "online") { this._networkdown = false; } } else if (topic == "network:app-offline-status-changed") { // App changed offline status. The subject contains the appId for which // we need to check the status let appId = subject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIAppOfflineInfo).appId; let ios = Cc['@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1'].getService(Ci.nsIIOService); for (let winId in this._list) { if (appId != this._list[winId]._appId) { continue; } if (ios.isAppOffline(appId)) { cleanupWinId(this._list, winId); } } } else if (topic == "gmp-plugin-crash") { if (subject instanceof Ci.nsIWritablePropertyBag2) { let pluginID = subject.getPropertyAsUint32("pluginID"); let pluginName = subject.getPropertyAsAString("pluginName"); let data = { pluginID, pluginName }; this.handleGMPCrash(data); } } else if (topic == "PeerConnection:response:allow" || topic == "PeerConnection:response:deny") { var pc = this.findPC(data); if (pc) { if (topic == "PeerConnection:response:allow") { pc._settlePermission.allow(); } else { let err = new pc._win.DOMException("The operation is insecure.", "SecurityError"); pc._settlePermission.deny(err); } } } }, _registerPeerConnectionLifecycleCallback: function(winID, cb) { this._lifecycleobservers[winID] = cb; }, }; var _globalPCList = new GlobalPCList(); function RTCIceCandidate() { this.candidate = this.sdpMid = this.sdpMLineIndex = null; } RTCIceCandidate.prototype = { classDescription: "RTCIceCandidate", classID: PC_ICE_CID, contractID: PC_ICE_CONTRACT, QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsISupports, Ci.nsIDOMGlobalPropertyInitializer]), init: function(win) { this._win = win; }, __init: function(dict) { this.candidate = dict.candidate; this.sdpMid = dict.sdpMid; this.sdpMLineIndex = ("sdpMLineIndex" in dict)? dict.sdpMLineIndex : null; } }; function RTCSessionDescription() { this.type = this.sdp = null; } RTCSessionDescription.prototype = { classDescription: "RTCSessionDescription", classID: PC_SESSION_CID, contractID: PC_SESSION_CONTRACT, QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsISupports, Ci.nsIDOMGlobalPropertyInitializer]), init: function(win) { this._win = win; }, __init: function(dict) { this.type = dict.type; this.sdp = dict.sdp; } }; function RTCStatsReport(win, dict) { this._win = win; this._pcid = dict.pcid; this._report = convertToRTCStatsReport(dict); } RTCStatsReport.prototype = { classDescription: "RTCStatsReport", classID: PC_STATS_CID, contractID: PC_STATS_CONTRACT, QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsISupports]), // TODO: Change to use webidl getters once available (Bug 952122) // // Since webidl getters are not available, we make the stats available as // enumerable read-only properties directly on our content-facing object. // Must be called after our webidl sandwich is made. makeStatsPublic: function() { let props = {}; this.forEach(function(stat) { props[stat.id] = { enumerable: true, configurable: false, writable: false, value: stat }; }); Object.defineProperties(this.__DOM_IMPL__.wrappedJSObject, props); }, forEach: function(cb, thisArg) { for (var key in this._report) { cb.call(thisArg || this._report, this.get(key), key, this._report); } }, get: function(key) { function publifyReadonly(win, obj) { let props = {}; for (let k in obj) { props[k] = {enumerable:true, configurable:false, writable:false, value:obj[k]}; } let pubobj = Cu.createObjectIn(win); Object.defineProperties(pubobj, props); return pubobj; } // Return a content object rather than a wrapped chrome one. return publifyReadonly(this._win, this._report[key]); }, has: function(key) { return this._report[key] !== undefined; }, get mozPcid() { return this._pcid; } }; function RTCPeerConnection() { this._senders = []; this._receivers = []; this._pc = null; this._observer = null; this._closed = false; this._onCreateOfferSuccess = null; this._onCreateOfferFailure = null; this._onCreateAnswerSuccess = null; this._onCreateAnswerFailure = null; this._onGetStatsSuccess = null; this._onGetStatsFailure = null; this._onReplaceTrackSender = null; this._onReplaceTrackWithTrack = null; this._onReplaceTrackSuccess = null; this._onReplaceTrackFailure = null; this._localType = null; this._remoteType = null; // http://rtcweb-wg.github.io/jsep/#rfc.section.4.1.9 // canTrickle == null means unknown; when a remote description is received it // is set to true or false based on the presence of the "trickle" ice-option this._canTrickle = null; // States this._iceGatheringState = this._iceConnectionState = "new"; } RTCPeerConnection.prototype = { classDescription: "RTCPeerConnection", classID: PC_CID, contractID: PC_CONTRACT, QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsISupports, Ci.nsIDOMGlobalPropertyInitializer]), init: function(win) { this._win = win; }, __init: function(rtcConfig) { this._winID = this._win.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils).currentInnerWindowID; // TODO: Update this code once we support pc.setConfiguration, to track // setting from content independently from pref (Bug 1181768). if (rtcConfig.iceTransportPolicy == "all" && Services.prefs.getBoolPref("media.peerconnection.ice.relay_only")) { rtcConfig.iceTransportPolicy = "relay"; } if (!rtcConfig.iceServers || !Services.prefs.getBoolPref("media.peerconnection.use_document_iceservers")) { try { rtcConfig.iceServers = JSON.parse(Services.prefs.getCharPref("media.peerconnection.default_iceservers") || "[]"); } catch (e) { this.logWarning( "Ignoring invalid media.peerconnection.default_iceservers in about:config", null, 0); rtcConfig.iceServers = []; } try { this._mustValidateRTCConfiguration(rtcConfig, "Ignoring invalid media.peerconnection.default_iceservers in about:config"); } catch (e) { this.logWarning(e.message, null, 0); rtcConfig.iceServers = []; } } else { // This gets executed in the typical case when iceServers // are passed in through the web page. this._mustValidateRTCConfiguration(rtcConfig, "RTCPeerConnection constructor passed invalid RTCConfiguration"); } // Save the appId var principal = Cu.getWebIDLCallerPrincipal(); this._appId = principal.appId; this._isChrome = Services.scriptSecurityManager.isSystemPrincipal(principal); // Get the offline status for this appId let appOffline = false; if (this._appId != Ci.nsIScriptSecurityManager.NO_APP_ID && this._appId != Ci.nsIScriptSecurityManager.UNKNOWN_APP_ID) { let ios = Cc['@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1'].getService(Ci.nsIIOService); appOffline = ios.isAppOffline(this._appId); } if (_globalPCList._networkdown || appOffline) { throw new this._win.DOMException( "Can't create RTCPeerConnections when the network is down", "InvalidStateError"); } this.makeGetterSetterEH("ontrack"); this.makeLegacyGetterSetterEH("onaddstream", "Use peerConnection.ontrack instead."); this.makeLegacyGetterSetterEH("onaddtrack", "Use peerConnection.ontrack instead."); this.makeGetterSetterEH("onicecandidate"); this.makeGetterSetterEH("onnegotiationneeded"); this.makeGetterSetterEH("onsignalingstatechange"); this.makeGetterSetterEH("onremovestream"); this.makeGetterSetterEH("ondatachannel"); this.makeGetterSetterEH("oniceconnectionstatechange"); this.makeGetterSetterEH("onidentityresult"); this.makeGetterSetterEH("onpeeridentity"); this.makeGetterSetterEH("onidpassertionerror"); this.makeGetterSetterEH("onidpvalidationerror"); this._pc = new this._win.PeerConnectionImpl(); this._operationsChain = this._win.Promise.resolve(); this.__DOM_IMPL__._innerObject = this; this._observer = new this._win.PeerConnectionObserver(this.__DOM_IMPL__); var location = "" + this._win.location; this._isLoop = location.startsWith("about:loop") || location.startsWith("https://hello.firefox.com/"); // Add a reference to the PeerConnection to global list (before init). _globalPCList.addPC(this); this._impl.initialize(this._observer, this._win, rtcConfig, Services.tm.currentThread); this._initCertificate(rtcConfig.certificates); this._initIdp(); _globalPCList.notifyLifecycleObservers(this, "initialized"); }, get _impl() { if (!this._pc) { throw new this._win.DOMException( "RTCPeerConnection is gone (did you enter Offline mode?)", "InvalidStateError"); } return this._pc; }, _initCertificate: function(certificates) { let certPromise; if (certificates && certificates.length > 0) { if (certificates.length > 1) { throw new this._win.DOMException( "RTCPeerConnection does not currently support multiple certificates", "NotSupportedError"); } let cert = certificates.find(c => c.expires > Date.now()); if (!cert) { throw new this._win.DOMException( "Unable to create RTCPeerConnection with an expired certificate", "InvalidParameterError"); } certPromise = Promise.resolve(cert); } else { certPromise = this._win.RTCPeerConnection.generateCertificate({ name: "ECDSA", namedCurve: "P-256" }); } this._certificateReady = certPromise .then(cert => this._impl.certificate = cert); }, _initIdp: function() { this._peerIdentity = new this._win.Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._resolvePeerIdentity = resolve; this._rejectPeerIdentity = reject; }); this._lastIdentityValidation = this._win.Promise.resolve(); let prefName = "media.peerconnection.identity.timeout"; let idpTimeout = Services.prefs.getIntPref(prefName); this._localIdp = new PeerConnectionIdp(this._win, idpTimeout); this._remoteIdp = new PeerConnectionIdp(this._win, idpTimeout); }, // Add a function to the internal operations chain. _chain: function(func) { this._checkClosed(); // out here DOMException line-numbers work. let p = this._operationsChain.then(() => { // Don't _checkClosed() inside the chain, because it throws, and spec // behavior as of this writing is to NOT reject outstanding promises on // close. This is what happens most of the time anyways, as the c++ code // stops calling us once closed, hanging the chain. However, c++ may // already have queued tasks on us, so if we're one of those then sit back. if (!this._closed) { return func(); } }); // don't propagate errors in the operations chain (this is a fork of p). this._operationsChain = p.catch(() => {}); return p; }, // This wrapper helps implement legacy callbacks in a manner that produces // correct line-numbers in errors, provided that methods validate their inputs // before putting themselves on the pc's operations chain. _legacyCatch: function(onSuccess, onError, func) { if (!onSuccess) { return func(); } try { return func().then(this._wrapLegacyCallback(onSuccess), this._wrapLegacyCallback(onError)); } catch (e) { this._wrapLegacyCallback(onError)(e); return this._win.Promise.resolve(); // avoid webidl TypeError } }, _wrapLegacyCallback: function(func) { return result => { try { func && func(result); } catch (e) { this.logErrorAndCallOnError(e); } }; }, /** * An RTCConfiguration may look like this: * * { "iceServers": [ { urls: "stun:stun.example.org", }, * { url: "stun:stun.example.org", }, // deprecated version * { urls: ["turn:turn1.x.org", "turn:turn2.x.org"], * username:"jib", credential:"mypass"} ] } * * This function normalizes the structure of the input for rtcConfig.iceServers for us, * so we test well-formed stun/turn urls before passing along to C++. * msg - Error message to detail which array-entry failed, if any. */ _mustValidateRTCConfiguration: function(rtcConfig, msg) { // Normalize iceServers input rtcConfig.iceServers.forEach(server => { if (typeof server.urls === "string") { server.urls = [server.urls]; } else if (!server.urls && server.url) { // TODO: Remove support for legacy iceServer.url eventually (Bug 1116766) server.urls = [server.url]; this.logWarning("RTCIceServer.url is deprecated! Use urls instead.", null, 0); } }); let ios = Cc['@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1'].getService(Ci.nsIIOService); let nicerNewURI = uriStr => { try { return ios.newURI(uriStr, null, null); } catch (e if (e.result == Cr.NS_ERROR_MALFORMED_URI)) { throw new this._win.DOMException(msg + " - malformed URI: " + uriStr, "SyntaxError"); } }; rtcConfig.iceServers.forEach(server => { if (!server.urls) { throw new this._win.DOMException(msg + " - missing urls", "InvalidAccessError"); } server.urls.forEach(urlStr => { let url = nicerNewURI(urlStr); if (url.scheme in { turn:1, turns:1 }) { if (!server.username) { throw new this._win.DOMException(msg + " - missing username: " + urlStr, "InvalidAccessError"); } if (!server.credential) { throw new this._win.DOMException(msg + " - missing credential: " + urlStr, "InvalidAccessError"); } if (server.credentialType != "password") { this.logWarning("RTCConfiguration TURN credentialType \""+ server.credentialType + "\" is not yet implemented. Treating as password."+ " https://bugzil.la/1247616", null, 0); } } else if (!(url.scheme in { stun:1, stuns:1 })) { throw new this._win.DOMException(msg + " - improper scheme: " + url.scheme, "SyntaxError"); } if (url.scheme in { stuns:1, turns:1 }) { this.logWarning(url.scheme.toUpperCase() + " is not yet supported.", null, 0); } }); }); }, // Ideally, this should be of the form _checkState(state), // where the state is taken from an enumeration containing // the valid peer connection states defined in the WebRTC // spec. See Bug 831756. _checkClosed: function() { if (this._closed) { throw new this._win.DOMException("Peer connection is closed", "InvalidStateError"); } }, dispatchEvent: function(event) { // PC can close while events are firing if there is an async dispatch // in c++ land if (!this._closed) { this.__DOM_IMPL__.dispatchEvent(event); } }, // Log error message to web console and window.onerror, if present. logErrorAndCallOnError: function(e) { this.logMsg(e.message, e.fileName, e.lineNumber, Ci.nsIScriptError.exceptionFlag); // Safely call onerror directly if present (necessary for testing) try { if (typeof this._win.onerror === "function") { this._win.onerror(e.message, e.fileName, e.lineNumber); } } catch(e) { // If onerror itself throws, service it. try { this.logError(e.message, e.fileName, e.lineNumber); } catch(e) {} } }, logError: function(msg, file, line) { this.logMsg(msg, file, line, Ci.nsIScriptError.errorFlag); }, logWarning: function(msg, file, line) { this.logMsg(msg, file, line, Ci.nsIScriptError.warningFlag); }, logMsg: function(msg, file, line, flag) { let scriptErrorClass = Cc["@mozilla.org/scripterror;1"]; let scriptError = scriptErrorClass.createInstance(Ci.nsIScriptError); scriptError.initWithWindowID(msg, file, null, line, 0, flag, "content javascript", this._winID); let console = Cc["@mozilla.org/consoleservice;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIConsoleService); console.logMessage(scriptError); }, getEH: function(type) { return this.__DOM_IMPL__.getEventHandler(type); }, setEH: function(type, handler) { this.__DOM_IMPL__.setEventHandler(type, handler); }, makeGetterSetterEH: function(name) { Object.defineProperty(this, name, { get:function() { return this.getEH(name); }, set:function(h) { return this.setEH(name, h); } }); }, makeLegacyGetterSetterEH: function(name, msg) { Object.defineProperty(this, name, { get:function() { return this.getEH(name); }, set:function(h) { this.logWarning(name + " is deprecated! " + msg, null, 0); return this.setEH(name, h); } }); }, _addIdentityAssertion: function(sdpPromise, origin) { if (!this._localIdp.enabled) { return sdpPromise; } return Promise.all([ this._certificateReady .then(() => this._localIdp.getIdentityAssertion(this._impl.fingerprint, origin)), sdpPromise ]).then(([,sdp]) => this._localIdp.addIdentityAttribute(sdp)); }, createOffer: function(optionsOrOnSuccess, onError, options) { // This entry-point handles both new and legacy call sig. Decipher which one let onSuccess; if (typeof optionsOrOnSuccess == "function") { onSuccess = optionsOrOnSuccess; } else { options = optionsOrOnSuccess; } return this._legacyCatch(onSuccess, onError, () => { // TODO: Remove error on constraint-like RTCOptions next cycle (1197021). // Note that webidl bindings make o.mandatory implicit but not o.optional. function convertLegacyOptions(o) { // Detect (mandatory OR optional) AND no other top-level members. let lcy = ((o.mandatory && Object.keys(o.mandatory).length) || o.optional) && Object.keys(o).length == (o.mandatory? 1 : 0) + (o.optional? 1 : 0); if (!lcy) { return false; } let old = o.mandatory || {}; if (o.mandatory) { delete o.mandatory; } if (o.optional) { o.optional.forEach(one => { // The old spec had optional as an array of objects w/1 attribute each. // Assumes our JS-webidl bindings only populate passed-in properties. let key = Object.keys(one)[0]; if (key && old[key] === undefined) { old[key] = one[key]; } }); delete o.optional; } o.offerToReceiveAudio = old.OfferToReceiveAudio; o.offerToReceiveVideo = old.OfferToReceiveVideo; o.mozDontOfferDataChannel = old.MozDontOfferDataChannel; o.mozBundleOnly = old.MozBundleOnly; Object.keys(o).forEach(k => { if (o[k] === undefined) { delete o[k]; } }); return true; } if (options && convertLegacyOptions(options)) { this.logError( "Mandatory/optional in createOffer options no longer works! Use " + JSON.stringify(options) + " instead (note the case difference)!", null, 0); options = {}; } let origin = Cu.getWebIDLCallerPrincipal().origin; return this._chain(() => { let p = Promise.all([this.getPermission(), this._certificateReady]) .then(() => new this._win.Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._onCreateOfferSuccess = resolve; this._onCreateOfferFailure = reject; this._impl.createOffer(options); })); p = this._addIdentityAssertion(p, origin); return p.then( sdp => new this._win.RTCSessionDescription({ type: "offer", sdp: sdp })); }); }); }, createAnswer: function(optionsOrOnSuccess, onError) { // This entry-point handles both new and legacy call sig. Decipher which one let onSuccess, options; if (typeof optionsOrOnSuccess == "function") { onSuccess = optionsOrOnSuccess; } else { options = optionsOrOnSuccess; } return this._legacyCatch(onSuccess, onError, () => { let origin = Cu.getWebIDLCallerPrincipal().origin; return this._chain(() => { let p = Promise.all([this.getPermission(), this._certificateReady]) .then(() => new this._win.Promise((resolve, reject) => { // We give up line-numbers in errors by doing this here, but do all // state-checks inside the chain, to support the legacy feature that // callers don't have to wait for setRemoteDescription to finish. if (!this.remoteDescription) { throw new this._win.DOMException("setRemoteDescription not called", "InvalidStateError"); } if (this.remoteDescription.type != "offer") { throw new this._win.DOMException("No outstanding offer", "InvalidStateError"); } this._onCreateAnswerSuccess = resolve; this._onCreateAnswerFailure = reject; this._impl.createAnswer(); })); p = this._addIdentityAssertion(p, origin); return p.then(sdp => { return new this._win.RTCSessionDescription({ type: "answer", sdp: sdp }); }); }); }); }, getPermission: function() { if (this._havePermission) { return this._havePermission; } if (this._isChrome || AppConstants.MOZ_B2G || Services.prefs.getBoolPref("media.navigator.permission.disabled")) { return this._havePermission = Promise.resolve(); } return this._havePermission = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._settlePermission = { allow: resolve, deny: reject }; let outerId = this._win.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor). getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils).outerWindowID; let chrome = new CreateOfferRequest(outerId, this._winID, this._globalPCListId, false); let request = this._win.CreateOfferRequest._create(this._win, chrome); Services.obs.notifyObservers(request, "PeerConnection:request", null); }); }, setLocalDescription: function(desc, onSuccess, onError) { return this._legacyCatch(onSuccess, onError, () => { this._localType = desc.type; let type; switch (desc.type) { case "offer": type = Ci.IPeerConnection.kActionOffer; break; case "answer": type = Ci.IPeerConnection.kActionAnswer; break; case "pranswer": throw new this._win.DOMException("pranswer not yet implemented", "NotSupportedError"); case "rollback": type = Ci.IPeerConnection.kActionRollback; break; default: throw new this._win.DOMException( "Invalid type " + desc.type + " provided to setLocalDescription", "InvalidParameterError"); } if (desc.type !== "rollback" && !desc.sdp) { throw new this._win.DOMException( "Empty or null SDP provided to setLocalDescription", "InvalidParameterError"); } return this._chain(() => this.getPermission() .then(() => new this._win.Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._onSetLocalDescriptionSuccess = resolve; this._onSetLocalDescriptionFailure = reject; this._impl.setLocalDescription(type, desc.sdp); }))); }); }, _validateIdentity: function(sdp, origin) { let expectedIdentity; // Only run a single identity verification at a time. We have to do this to // avoid problems with the fact that identity validation doesn't block the // resolution of setRemoteDescription(). let validation = this._lastIdentityValidation .then(() => this._remoteIdp.verifyIdentityFromSDP(sdp, origin)) .then(msg => { expectedIdentity = this._impl.peerIdentity; // If this pc has an identity already, then the identity in sdp must match if (expectedIdentity && (!msg || msg.identity !== expectedIdentity)) { this.close(); throw new this._win.DOMException( "Peer Identity mismatch, expected: " + expectedIdentity, "IncompatibleSessionDescriptionError"); } if (msg) { // Set new identity and generate an event. this._impl.peerIdentity = msg.identity; this._resolvePeerIdentity(Cu.cloneInto({ idp: this._remoteIdp.provider, name: msg.identity }, this._win)); } }) .catch(e => { this._rejectPeerIdentity(e); // If we don't expect a specific peer identity, failure to get a valid // peer identity is not a terminal state, so replace the promise to // allow another attempt. if (!this._impl.peerIdentity) { this._peerIdentity = new this._win.Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._resolvePeerIdentity = resolve; this._rejectPeerIdentity = reject; }); } throw e; }); this._lastIdentityValidation = validation.catch(() => {}); // Only wait for IdP validation if we need identity matching return expectedIdentity ? validation : this._win.Promise.resolve(); }, setRemoteDescription: function(desc, onSuccess, onError) { return this._legacyCatch(onSuccess, onError, () => { this._remoteType = desc.type; let type; switch (desc.type) { case "offer": type = Ci.IPeerConnection.kActionOffer; break; case "answer": type = Ci.IPeerConnection.kActionAnswer; break; case "pranswer": throw new this._win.DOMException("pranswer not yet implemented", "NotSupportedError"); case "rollback": type = Ci.IPeerConnection.kActionRollback; break; default: throw new this._win.DOMException( "Invalid type " + desc.type + " provided to setRemoteDescription", "InvalidParameterError"); } if (!desc.sdp && desc.type !== "rollback") { throw new this._win.DOMException( "Empty or null SDP provided to setRemoteDescription", "InvalidParameterError"); } // Get caller's origin before hitting the promise chain let origin = Cu.getWebIDLCallerPrincipal().origin; return this._chain(() => { let setRem = this.getPermission() .then(() => new this._win.Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._onSetRemoteDescriptionSuccess = resolve; this._onSetRemoteDescriptionFailure = reject; this._impl.setRemoteDescription(type, desc.sdp); })).then(() => { this._updateCanTrickle(); }); if (desc.type === "rollback") { return setRem; } // Do setRemoteDescription and identity validation in parallel let validId = this._validateIdentity(desc.sdp, origin); return this._win.Promise.all([setRem, validId]) .then(() => {}); // must return undefined }); }); }, setIdentityProvider: function(provider, protocol, username) { this._checkClosed(); this._localIdp.setIdentityProvider(provider, protocol, username); }, getIdentityAssertion: function() { let origin = Cu.getWebIDLCallerPrincipal().origin; return this._chain( () => this._certificateReady.then( () => this._localIdp.getIdentityAssertion(this._impl.fingerprint, origin) ) ); }, get canTrickleIceCandidates() { return this._canTrickle; }, _updateCanTrickle: function() { let containsTrickle = section => { let lines = section.toLowerCase().split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/); return lines.some(line => { let prefix = "a=ice-options:"; if (line.substring(0, prefix.length) !== prefix) { return false; } let tokens = line.substring(prefix.length).split(" "); return tokens.some(x => x === "trickle"); }); }; let desc = null; try { // The getter for remoteDescription can throw if the pc is closed. desc = this.remoteDescription; } catch (e) {} if (!desc) { this._canTrickle = null; return; } let sections = desc.sdp.split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)m=/); let topSection = sections.shift(); this._canTrickle = containsTrickle(topSection) || sections.every(containsTrickle); }, addIceCandidate: function(c, onSuccess, onError) { return this._legacyCatch(onSuccess, onError, () => { if (!c.candidate && !c.sdpMLineIndex) { throw new this._win.DOMException("Invalid candidate passed to addIceCandidate!", "InvalidParameterError"); } return this._chain(() => new this._win.Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._onAddIceCandidateSuccess = resolve; this._onAddIceCandidateError = reject; this._impl.addIceCandidate(c.candidate, c.sdpMid || "", c.sdpMLineIndex); })); }); }, addStream: function(stream) { stream.getTracks().forEach(track => this.addTrack(track, stream)); }, removeStream: function(stream) { // Bug 844295: Not implementing this functionality. throw new this._win.DOMException("removeStream not yet implemented", "NotSupportedError"); }, getStreamById: function(id) { throw new this._win.DOMException("getStreamById not yet implemented", "NotSupportedError"); }, addTrack: function(track, stream) { if (stream.currentTime === undefined) { throw new this._win.DOMException("invalid stream.", "InvalidParameterError"); } if (stream.getTracks().indexOf(track) < 0) { throw new this._win.DOMException("track is not in stream.", "InvalidParameterError"); } this._checkClosed(); this._senders.forEach(sender => { if (sender.track == track) { throw new this._win.DOMException("already added.", "InvalidParameterError"); } }); try { this._impl.addTrack(track, stream); } catch (e if (e.result == Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)) { throw new this._win.DOMException( "track in constructed stream not yet supported (see Bug 1259236).", "NotSupportedError"); } let sender = this._win.RTCRtpSender._create(this._win, new RTCRtpSender(this, track, stream)); this._senders.push(sender); return sender; }, removeTrack: function(sender) { this._checkClosed(); var i = this._senders.indexOf(sender); if (i >= 0) { this._senders.splice(i, 1); this._impl.removeTrack(sender.track); // fires negotiation needed } }, _replaceTrack: function(sender, withTrack) { // TODO: Do a (sender._stream.getTracks().indexOf(track) < 0) check // on both track args someday. // // The proposed API will be that both tracks must already be in the same // stream. However, since our MediaStreams currently are limited to one // track per type, we allow replacement with an outside track not already // in the same stream. // // Since a track may be replaced more than once, the track being replaced // may not be in the stream either, so we check neither arg right now. return new this._win.Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._onReplaceTrackSender = sender; this._onReplaceTrackWithTrack = withTrack; this._onReplaceTrackSuccess = resolve; this._onReplaceTrackFailure = reject; this._impl.replaceTrack(sender.track, withTrack); }); }, _setParameters: function(sender, parameters) { if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref("media.peerconnection.simulcast")) { return; } // validate parameters input var encodings = parameters.encodings || []; encodings.reduce((uniqueRids, encoding) => { if (encoding.scaleResolutionDownBy < 1.0) { throw new this._win.RangeError("scaleResolutionDownBy must be >= 1.0"); } if (!encoding.rid && encodings.length > 1) { throw new this._win.DOMException("Missing rid", "TypeError"); } if (uniqueRids[encoding.rid]) { throw new this._win.DOMException("Duplicate rid", "TypeError"); } uniqueRids[encoding.rid] = true; return uniqueRids; }, {}); this._impl.setParameters(sender.track, parameters); }, _getParameters: function(sender) { if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref("media.peerconnection.simulcast")) { return; } return this._impl.getParameters(sender.track); }, close: function() { if (this._closed) { return; } this.changeIceConnectionState("closed"); this._localIdp.close(); this._remoteIdp.close(); this._impl.close(); this._closed = true; }, getLocalStreams: function() { this._checkClosed(); return this._impl.getLocalStreams(); }, getRemoteStreams: function() { this._checkClosed(); return this._impl.getRemoteStreams(); }, getSenders: function() { return this._senders; }, getReceivers: function() { return this._receivers; }, mozSelectSsrc: function(receiver, ssrcIndex) { this._impl.selectSsrc(receiver.track, ssrcIndex); }, get localDescription() { this._checkClosed(); let sdp = this._impl.localDescription; if (sdp.length == 0) { return null; } sdp = this._localIdp.addIdentityAttribute(sdp); return new this._win.RTCSessionDescription({ type: this._localType, sdp: sdp }); }, get remoteDescription() { this._checkClosed(); let sdp = this._impl.remoteDescription; if (sdp.length == 0) { return null; } return new this._win.RTCSessionDescription({ type: this._remoteType, sdp: sdp }); }, get peerIdentity() { return this._peerIdentity; }, get idpLoginUrl() { return this._localIdp.idpLoginUrl; }, get id() { return this._impl.id; }, set id(s) { this._impl.id = s; }, get iceGatheringState() { return this._iceGatheringState; }, get iceConnectionState() { return this._iceConnectionState; }, get signalingState() { // checking for our local pc closed indication // before invoking the pc methods. if (this._closed) { return "closed"; } return { "SignalingInvalid": "", "SignalingStable": "stable", "SignalingHaveLocalOffer": "have-local-offer", "SignalingHaveRemoteOffer": "have-remote-offer", "SignalingHaveLocalPranswer": "have-local-pranswer", "SignalingHaveRemotePranswer": "have-remote-pranswer", "SignalingClosed": "closed" }[this._impl.signalingState]; }, changeIceGatheringState: function(state) { this._iceGatheringState = state; _globalPCList.notifyLifecycleObservers(this, "icegatheringstatechange"); }, changeIceConnectionState: function(state) { this._iceConnectionState = state; _globalPCList.notifyLifecycleObservers(this, "iceconnectionstatechange"); this.dispatchEvent(new this._win.Event("iceconnectionstatechange")); }, getStats: function(selector, onSuccess, onError) { return this._legacyCatch(onSuccess, onError, () => { return this._chain(() => new this._win.Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._onGetStatsSuccess = resolve; this._onGetStatsFailure = reject; this._impl.getStats(selector); })); }); }, createDataChannel: function(label, dict) { this._checkClosed(); if (dict == undefined) { dict = {}; } if (dict.maxRetransmitNum != undefined) { dict.maxRetransmits = dict.maxRetransmitNum; this.logWarning("Deprecated RTCDataChannelInit dictionary entry maxRetransmitNum used!", null, 0); } if (dict.outOfOrderAllowed != undefined) { dict.ordered = !dict.outOfOrderAllowed; // the meaning is swapped with // the name change this.logWarning("Deprecated RTCDataChannelInit dictionary entry outOfOrderAllowed used!", null, 0); } if (dict.preset != undefined) { dict.negotiated = dict.preset; this.logWarning("Deprecated RTCDataChannelInit dictionary entry preset used!", null, 0); } if (dict.stream != undefined) { dict.id = dict.stream; this.logWarning("Deprecated RTCDataChannelInit dictionary entry stream used!", null, 0); } if (dict.maxRetransmitTime !== null && dict.maxRetransmits !== null) { throw new this._win.DOMException( "Both maxRetransmitTime and maxRetransmits cannot be provided", "InvalidParameterError"); } let protocol; if (dict.protocol == undefined) { protocol = ""; } else { protocol = dict.protocol; } // Must determine the type where we still know if entries are undefined. let type; if (dict.maxRetransmitTime != undefined) { type = Ci.IPeerConnection.kDataChannelPartialReliableTimed; } else if (dict.maxRetransmits != undefined) { type = Ci.IPeerConnection.kDataChannelPartialReliableRexmit; } else { type = Ci.IPeerConnection.kDataChannelReliable; } // Synchronous since it doesn't block. let channel = this._impl.createDataChannel( label, protocol, type, !dict.ordered, dict.maxRetransmitTime, dict.maxRetransmits, dict.negotiated ? true : false, dict.id != undefined ? dict.id : 0xFFFF ); return channel; } }; // This is a separate object because we don't want to expose it to DOM. function PeerConnectionObserver() { this._dompc = null; } PeerConnectionObserver.prototype = { classDescription: "PeerConnectionObserver", classID: PC_OBS_CID, contractID: PC_OBS_CONTRACT, QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsISupports, Ci.nsIDOMGlobalPropertyInitializer]), init: function(win) { this._win = win; }, __init: function(dompc) { this._dompc = dompc._innerObject; }, newError: function(message, code) { // These strings must match those defined in the WebRTC spec. const reasonName = [ "", "InternalError", "InvalidCandidateError", "InvalidParameterError", "InvalidStateError", "InvalidSessionDescriptionError", "IncompatibleSessionDescriptionError", "InternalError", "IncompatibleMediaStreamTrackError", "InternalError" ]; let name = reasonName[Math.min(code, reasonName.length - 1)]; return new this._dompc._win.DOMException(message, name); }, dispatchEvent: function(event) { this._dompc.dispatchEvent(event); }, onCreateOfferSuccess: function(sdp) { this._dompc._onCreateOfferSuccess(sdp); }, onCreateOfferError: function(code, message) { this._dompc._onCreateOfferFailure(this.newError(message, code)); }, onCreateAnswerSuccess: function(sdp) { this._dompc._onCreateAnswerSuccess(sdp); }, onCreateAnswerError: function(code, message) { this._dompc._onCreateAnswerFailure(this.newError(message, code)); }, onSetLocalDescriptionSuccess: function() { this._dompc._onSetLocalDescriptionSuccess(); }, onSetRemoteDescriptionSuccess: function() { this._dompc._onSetRemoteDescriptionSuccess(); }, onSetLocalDescriptionError: function(code, message) { this._localType = null; this._dompc._onSetLocalDescriptionFailure(this.newError(message, code)); }, onSetRemoteDescriptionError: function(code, message) { this._remoteType = null; this._dompc._onSetRemoteDescriptionFailure(this.newError(message, code)); }, onAddIceCandidateSuccess: function() { this._dompc._onAddIceCandidateSuccess(); }, onAddIceCandidateError: function(code, message) { this._dompc._onAddIceCandidateError(this.newError(message, code)); }, onIceCandidate: function(level, mid, candidate) { if (candidate == "") { this.foundIceCandidate(null); } else { this.foundIceCandidate(new this._dompc._win.RTCIceCandidate( { candidate: candidate, sdpMid: mid, sdpMLineIndex: level } )); } }, onNegotiationNeeded: function() { this.dispatchEvent(new this._win.Event("negotiationneeded")); }, // This method is primarily responsible for updating iceConnectionState. // This state is defined in the WebRTC specification as follows: // // iceConnectionState: // ------------------- // new The ICE Agent is gathering addresses and/or waiting for // remote candidates to be supplied. // // checking The ICE Agent has received remote candidates on at least // one component, and is checking candidate pairs but has not // yet found a connection. In addition to checking, it may // also still be gathering. // // connected The ICE Agent has found a usable connection for all // components but is still checking other candidate pairs to // see if there is a better connection. It may also still be // gathering. // // completed The ICE Agent has finished gathering and checking and found // a connection for all components. Open issue: it is not // clear how the non controlling ICE side knows it is in the // state. // // failed The ICE Agent is finished checking all candidate pairs and // failed to find a connection for at least one component. // Connections may have been found for some components. // // disconnected Liveness checks have failed for one or more components. // This is more aggressive than failed, and may trigger // intermittently (and resolve itself without action) on a // flaky network. // // closed The ICE Agent has shut down and is no longer responding to // STUN requests. handleIceConnectionStateChange: function(iceConnectionState) { let pc = this._dompc; if (pc.iceConnectionState === 'new') { var checking_histogram = Services.telemetry.getHistogramById("WEBRTC_ICE_CHECKING_RATE"); if (iceConnectionState === 'checking') { checking_histogram.add(true); } else if (iceConnectionState === 'failed') { checking_histogram.add(false); } } else if (pc.iceConnectionState === 'checking') { var success_histogram = Services.telemetry.getHistogramById(pc._isLoop ? "LOOP_ICE_SUCCESS_RATE" : "WEBRTC_ICE_SUCCESS_RATE"); if (iceConnectionState === 'completed' || iceConnectionState === 'connected') { success_histogram.add(true); } else if (iceConnectionState === 'failed') { success_histogram.add(false); } } if (iceConnectionState === 'failed') { pc.logError("ICE failed, see about:webrtc for more details", null, 0); } pc.changeIceConnectionState(iceConnectionState); }, // This method is responsible for updating iceGatheringState. This // state is defined in the WebRTC specification as follows: // // iceGatheringState: // ------------------ // new The object was just created, and no networking has occurred // yet. // // gathering The ICE engine is in the process of gathering candidates for // this RTCPeerConnection. // // complete The ICE engine has completed gathering. Events such as adding // a new interface or a new TURN server will cause the state to // go back to gathering. // handleIceGatheringStateChange: function(gatheringState) { this._dompc.changeIceGatheringState(gatheringState); }, onStateChange: function(state) { switch (state) { case "SignalingState": this.dispatchEvent(new this._win.Event("signalingstatechange")); break; case "IceConnectionState": this.handleIceConnectionStateChange(this._dompc._pc.iceConnectionState); break; case "IceGatheringState": this.handleIceGatheringStateChange(this._dompc._pc.iceGatheringState); break; case "SdpState": // No-op break; case "ReadyState": // No-op break; case "SipccState": // No-op break; default: this._dompc.logWarning("Unhandled state type: " + state, null, 0); break; } }, onGetStatsSuccess: function(dict) { let pc = this._dompc; let chromeobj = new RTCStatsReport(pc._win, dict); let webidlobj = pc._win.RTCStatsReport._create(pc._win, chromeobj); chromeobj.makeStatsPublic(); pc._onGetStatsSuccess(webidlobj); }, onGetStatsError: function(code, message) { this._dompc._onGetStatsFailure(this.newError(message, code)); }, onAddStream: function(stream) { let ev = new this._dompc._win.MediaStreamEvent("addstream", { stream: stream }); this.dispatchEvent(ev); }, onRemoveStream: function(stream) { this.dispatchEvent(new this._dompc._win.MediaStreamEvent("removestream", { stream: stream })); }, onAddTrack: function(track, streams) { let pc = this._dompc; let receiver = pc._win.RTCRtpReceiver._create(pc._win, new RTCRtpReceiver(this, track)); pc._receivers.push(receiver); let ev = new pc._win.RTCTrackEvent("track", { receiver: receiver, track: track, streams: streams }); this.dispatchEvent(ev); // Fire legacy event as well for a little bit. ev = new pc._win.MediaStreamTrackEvent("addtrack", { track: track }); this.dispatchEvent(ev); }, onRemoveTrack: function(track) { let pc = this._dompc; let i = pc._receivers.findIndex(receiver => receiver.track == track); if (i >= 0) { pc._receivers.splice(i, 1); } }, onReplaceTrackSuccess: function() { var pc = this._dompc; pc._onReplaceTrackSender.track = pc._onReplaceTrackWithTrack; pc._onReplaceTrackWithTrack = null; pc._onReplaceTrackSender = null; pc._onReplaceTrackSuccess(); }, onReplaceTrackError: function(code, message) { var pc = this._dompc; pc._onReplaceTrackWithTrack = null; pc._onReplaceTrackSender = null; pc._onReplaceTrackFailure(this.newError(message, code)); }, foundIceCandidate: function(cand) { this.dispatchEvent(new this._dompc._win.RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent("icecandidate", { candidate: cand } )); }, notifyDataChannel: function(channel) { this.dispatchEvent(new this._dompc._win.RTCDataChannelEvent("datachannel", { channel: channel })); } }; function RTCPeerConnectionStatic() { } RTCPeerConnectionStatic.prototype = { classDescription: "RTCPeerConnectionStatic", QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsISupports, Ci.nsIDOMGlobalPropertyInitializer]), classID: PC_STATIC_CID, contractID: PC_STATIC_CONTRACT, init: function(win) { this._winID = win.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils).currentInnerWindowID; }, registerPeerConnectionLifecycleCallback: function(cb) { _globalPCList._registerPeerConnectionLifecycleCallback(this._winID, cb); }, }; function RTCRtpSender(pc, track, stream) { this._pc = pc; this.track = track; this._stream = stream; } RTCRtpSender.prototype = { classDescription: "RTCRtpSender", classID: PC_SENDER_CID, contractID: PC_SENDER_CONTRACT, QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsISupports]), replaceTrack: function(withTrack) { return this._pc._chain(() => this._pc._replaceTrack(this, withTrack)); }, setParameters: function(parameters) { return this._pc._win.Promise.resolve() .then(() => this._pc._setParameters(this, parameters)); }, getParameters: function() { return this._pc._getParameters(this); } }; function RTCRtpReceiver(pc, track) { this._pc = pc; this.track = track; } RTCRtpReceiver.prototype = { classDescription: "RTCRtpReceiver", classID: PC_RECEIVER_CID, contractID: PC_RECEIVER_CONTRACT, QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsISupports]), }; function CreateOfferRequest(windowID, innerWindowID, callID, isSecure) { this.windowID = windowID; this.innerWindowID = innerWindowID; this.callID = callID; this.isSecure = isSecure; } CreateOfferRequest.prototype = { classDescription: "CreateOfferRequest", classID: PC_COREQUEST_CID, contractID: PC_COREQUEST_CONTRACT, QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsISupports]), }; this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory( [GlobalPCList, RTCIceCandidate, RTCSessionDescription, RTCPeerConnection, RTCPeerConnectionStatic, RTCRtpReceiver, RTCRtpSender, RTCStatsReport, PeerConnectionObserver, CreateOfferRequest] );