/* ********************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2002-2014, International Business Machines * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved. ********************************************************************** * Author: Alan Liu * Created: October 30 2002 * Since: ICU 2.4 * 2010nov19 Markus Scherer Rewrite for formatVersion 2. ********************************************************************** */ #include "propname.h" #include "unicode/uchar.h" #include "unicode/udata.h" #include "unicode/uscript.h" #include "umutex.h" #include "cmemory.h" #include "cstring.h" #include "uarrsort.h" #include "uinvchar.h" #define INCLUDED_FROM_PROPNAME_CPP #include "propname_data.h" U_CDECL_BEGIN /** * Get the next non-ignorable ASCII character from a property name * and lowercases it. * @return ((advance count for the name)<<8)|character */ static inline int32_t getASCIIPropertyNameChar(const char *name) { int32_t i; char c; /* Ignore delimiters '-', '_', and ASCII White_Space */ for(i=0; (c=name[i++])==0x2d || c==0x5f || c==0x20 || (0x09<=c && c<=0x0d); ) {} if(c!=0) { return (i<<8)|(uint8_t)uprv_asciitolower((char)c); } else { return i<<8; } } /** * Get the next non-ignorable EBCDIC character from a property name * and lowercases it. * @return ((advance count for the name)<<8)|character */ static inline int32_t getEBCDICPropertyNameChar(const char *name) { int32_t i; char c; /* Ignore delimiters '-', '_', and EBCDIC White_Space */ for(i=0; (c=name[i++])==0x60 || c==0x6d || c==0x40 || c==0x05 || c==0x15 || c==0x25 || c==0x0b || c==0x0c || c==0x0d; ) {} if(c!=0) { return (i<<8)|(uint8_t)uprv_ebcdictolower((char)c); } else { return i<<8; } } /** * Unicode property names and property value names are compared "loosely". * * UCD.html 4.0.1 says: * For all property names, property value names, and for property values for * Enumerated, Binary, or Catalog properties, use the following * loose matching rule: * * LM3. Ignore case, whitespace, underscore ('_'), and hyphens. * * This function does just that, for (char *) name strings. * It is almost identical to ucnv_compareNames() but also ignores * C0 White_Space characters (U+0009..U+000d, and U+0085 on EBCDIC). * * @internal */ U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2 uprv_compareASCIIPropertyNames(const char *name1, const char *name2) { int32_t rc, r1, r2; for(;;) { r1=getASCIIPropertyNameChar(name1); r2=getASCIIPropertyNameChar(name2); /* If we reach the ends of both strings then they match */ if(((r1|r2)&0xff)==0) { return 0; } /* Compare the lowercased characters */ if(r1!=r2) { rc=(r1&0xff)-(r2&0xff); if(rc!=0) { return rc; } } name1+=r1>>8; name2+=r2>>8; } } U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2 uprv_compareEBCDICPropertyNames(const char *name1, const char *name2) { int32_t rc, r1, r2; for(;;) { r1=getEBCDICPropertyNameChar(name1); r2=getEBCDICPropertyNameChar(name2); /* If we reach the ends of both strings then they match */ if(((r1|r2)&0xff)==0) { return 0; } /* Compare the lowercased characters */ if(r1!=r2) { rc=(r1&0xff)-(r2&0xff); if(rc!=0) { return rc; } } name1+=r1>>8; name2+=r2>>8; } } U_CDECL_END U_NAMESPACE_BEGIN int32_t PropNameData::findProperty(int32_t property) { int32_t i=1; // valueMaps index, initially after numRanges for(int32_t numRanges=valueMaps[0]; numRanges>0; --numRanges) { // Read and skip the start and limit of this range. int32_t start=valueMaps[i]; int32_t limit=valueMaps[i+1]; i+=2; if(property0; --numRanges) { // Read and skip the start and limit of this range. int32_t start=valueMaps[valueMapIndex]; int32_t limit=valueMaps[valueMapIndex+1]; valueMapIndex+=2; if(value0; --nameIndex) { nameGroup=uprv_strchr(nameGroup, 0)+1; } if(*nameGroup==0) { return NULL; // no name (Property[Value]Aliases.txt has "n/a") } return nameGroup; } UBool PropNameData::containsName(BytesTrie &trie, const char *name) { if(name==NULL) { return FALSE; } UStringTrieResult result=USTRINGTRIE_NO_VALUE; char c; while((c=*name++)!=0) { c=uprv_invCharToLowercaseAscii(c); // Ignore delimiters '-', '_', and ASCII White_Space. if(c==0x2d || c==0x5f || c==0x20 || (0x09<=c && c<=0x0d)) { continue; } if(!USTRINGTRIE_HAS_NEXT(result)) { return FALSE; } result=trie.next((uint8_t)c); } return USTRINGTRIE_HAS_VALUE(result); } const char *PropNameData::getPropertyName(int32_t property, int32_t nameChoice) { int32_t valueMapIndex=findProperty(property); if(valueMapIndex==0) { return NULL; // Not a known property. } return getName(nameGroups+valueMaps[valueMapIndex], nameChoice); } const char *PropNameData::getPropertyValueName(int32_t property, int32_t value, int32_t nameChoice) { int32_t valueMapIndex=findProperty(property); if(valueMapIndex==0) { return NULL; // Not a known property. } int32_t nameGroupOffset=findPropertyValueNameGroup(valueMaps[valueMapIndex+1], value); if(nameGroupOffset==0) { return NULL; } return getName(nameGroups+nameGroupOffset, nameChoice); } int32_t PropNameData::getPropertyOrValueEnum(int32_t bytesTrieOffset, const char *alias) { BytesTrie trie(bytesTries+bytesTrieOffset); if(containsName(trie, alias)) { return trie.getValue(); } else { return UCHAR_INVALID_CODE; } } int32_t PropNameData::getPropertyEnum(const char *alias) { return getPropertyOrValueEnum(0, alias); } int32_t PropNameData::getPropertyValueEnum(int32_t property, const char *alias) { int32_t valueMapIndex=findProperty(property); if(valueMapIndex==0) { return UCHAR_INVALID_CODE; // Not a known property. } valueMapIndex=valueMaps[valueMapIndex+1]; if(valueMapIndex==0) { return UCHAR_INVALID_CODE; // The property does not have named values. } // valueMapIndex is the start of the property's valueMap, // where the first word is the BytesTrie offset. return getPropertyOrValueEnum(valueMaps[valueMapIndex], alias); } U_NAMESPACE_END //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public API implementation U_CAPI const char* U_EXPORT2 u_getPropertyName(UProperty property, UPropertyNameChoice nameChoice) { U_NAMESPACE_USE return PropNameData::getPropertyName(property, nameChoice); } U_CAPI UProperty U_EXPORT2 u_getPropertyEnum(const char* alias) { U_NAMESPACE_USE return (UProperty)PropNameData::getPropertyEnum(alias); } U_CAPI const char* U_EXPORT2 u_getPropertyValueName(UProperty property, int32_t value, UPropertyNameChoice nameChoice) { U_NAMESPACE_USE return PropNameData::getPropertyValueName(property, value, nameChoice); } U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2 u_getPropertyValueEnum(UProperty property, const char* alias) { U_NAMESPACE_USE return PropNameData::getPropertyValueEnum(property, alias); } U_CAPI const char* U_EXPORT2 uscript_getName(UScriptCode scriptCode){ return u_getPropertyValueName(UCHAR_SCRIPT, scriptCode, U_LONG_PROPERTY_NAME); } U_CAPI const char* U_EXPORT2 uscript_getShortName(UScriptCode scriptCode){ return u_getPropertyValueName(UCHAR_SCRIPT, scriptCode, U_SHORT_PROPERTY_NAME); }