/* ********************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2002-2014, International Business Machines * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved. ********************************************************************** * Author: Alan Liu * Created: November 11 2002 * Since: ICU 2.4 ********************************************************************** */ #include "utypeinfo.h" // for 'typeid' to work #include "unicode/ustring.h" #include "unicode/strenum.h" #include "unicode/putil.h" #include "uenumimp.h" #include "ustrenum.h" #include "cstring.h" #include "cmemory.h" #include "uassert.h" U_NAMESPACE_BEGIN // StringEnumeration implementation ---------------------------------------- *** StringEnumeration::StringEnumeration() : chars(charsBuffer), charsCapacity(sizeof(charsBuffer)) { } StringEnumeration::~StringEnumeration() { if (chars != NULL && chars != charsBuffer) { uprv_free(chars); } } // StringEnumeration base class clone() default implementation, does not clone StringEnumeration * StringEnumeration::clone() const { return NULL; } const char * StringEnumeration::next(int32_t *resultLength, UErrorCode &status) { const UnicodeString *s=snext(status); if(U_SUCCESS(status) && s!=NULL) { unistr=*s; ensureCharsCapacity(unistr.length()+1, status); if(U_SUCCESS(status)) { if(resultLength!=NULL) { *resultLength=unistr.length(); } unistr.extract(0, INT32_MAX, chars, charsCapacity, US_INV); return chars; } } return NULL; } const UChar * StringEnumeration::unext(int32_t *resultLength, UErrorCode &status) { const UnicodeString *s=snext(status); if(U_SUCCESS(status) && s!=NULL) { unistr=*s; if(resultLength!=NULL) { *resultLength=unistr.length(); } return unistr.getTerminatedBuffer(); } return NULL; } const UnicodeString * StringEnumeration::snext(UErrorCode &status) { int32_t length; const char *s=next(&length, status); return setChars(s, length, status); } void StringEnumeration::ensureCharsCapacity(int32_t capacity, UErrorCode &status) { if(U_SUCCESS(status) && capacity>charsCapacity) { if(capacity<(charsCapacity+charsCapacity/2)) { // avoid allocation thrashing capacity=charsCapacity+charsCapacity/2; } if(chars!=charsBuffer) { uprv_free(chars); } chars=(char *)uprv_malloc(capacity); if(chars==NULL) { chars=charsBuffer; charsCapacity=sizeof(charsBuffer); status=U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; } else { charsCapacity=capacity; } } } UnicodeString * StringEnumeration::setChars(const char *s, int32_t length, UErrorCode &status) { if(U_SUCCESS(status) && s!=NULL) { if(length<0) { length=(int32_t)uprv_strlen(s); } UChar *buffer=unistr.getBuffer(length+1); if(buffer!=NULL) { u_charsToUChars(s, buffer, length); buffer[length]=0; unistr.releaseBuffer(length); return &unistr; } else { status=U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; } } return NULL; } UBool StringEnumeration::operator==(const StringEnumeration& that)const { return typeid(*this) == typeid(that); } UBool StringEnumeration::operator!=(const StringEnumeration& that)const { return !operator==(that); } // UStringEnumeration implementation --------------------------------------- *** UStringEnumeration * U_EXPORT2 UStringEnumeration::fromUEnumeration( UEnumeration *uenumToAdopt, UErrorCode &status) { if (U_FAILURE(status)) { uenum_close(uenumToAdopt); return NULL; } UStringEnumeration *result = new UStringEnumeration(uenumToAdopt); if (result == NULL) { status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; uenum_close(uenumToAdopt); return NULL; } return result; } UStringEnumeration::UStringEnumeration(UEnumeration* _uenum) : uenum(_uenum) { U_ASSERT(_uenum != 0); } UStringEnumeration::~UStringEnumeration() { uenum_close(uenum); } int32_t UStringEnumeration::count(UErrorCode& status) const { return uenum_count(uenum, &status); } const char *UStringEnumeration::next(int32_t *resultLength, UErrorCode &status) { return uenum_next(uenum, resultLength, &status); } const UnicodeString* UStringEnumeration::snext(UErrorCode& status) { int32_t length; const UChar* str = uenum_unext(uenum, &length, &status); if (str == 0 || U_FAILURE(status)) { return 0; } return &unistr.setTo(str, length); } void UStringEnumeration::reset(UErrorCode& status) { uenum_reset(uenum, &status); } UOBJECT_DEFINE_RTTI_IMPLEMENTATION(UStringEnumeration) U_NAMESPACE_END // C wrapper --------------------------------------------------------------- *** #define THIS(en) ((icu::StringEnumeration*)(en->context)) U_CDECL_BEGIN /** * Wrapper API to make StringEnumeration look like UEnumeration. */ static void U_CALLCONV ustrenum_close(UEnumeration* en) { delete THIS(en); uprv_free(en); } /** * Wrapper API to make StringEnumeration look like UEnumeration. */ static int32_t U_CALLCONV ustrenum_count(UEnumeration* en, UErrorCode* ec) { return THIS(en)->count(*ec); } /** * Wrapper API to make StringEnumeration look like UEnumeration. */ static const UChar* U_CALLCONV ustrenum_unext(UEnumeration* en, int32_t* resultLength, UErrorCode* ec) { return THIS(en)->unext(resultLength, *ec); } /** * Wrapper API to make StringEnumeration look like UEnumeration. */ static const char* U_CALLCONV ustrenum_next(UEnumeration* en, int32_t* resultLength, UErrorCode* ec) { return THIS(en)->next(resultLength, *ec); } /** * Wrapper API to make StringEnumeration look like UEnumeration. */ static void U_CALLCONV ustrenum_reset(UEnumeration* en, UErrorCode* ec) { THIS(en)->reset(*ec); } /** * Pseudo-vtable for UEnumeration wrapper around StringEnumeration. * The StringEnumeration pointer will be stored in 'context'. */ static const UEnumeration USTRENUM_VT = { NULL, NULL, // store StringEnumeration pointer here ustrenum_close, ustrenum_count, ustrenum_unext, ustrenum_next, ustrenum_reset }; U_CDECL_END /** * Given a StringEnumeration, wrap it in a UEnumeration. The * StringEnumeration is adopted; after this call, the caller must not * delete it (regardless of error status). */ U_CAPI UEnumeration* U_EXPORT2 uenum_openFromStringEnumeration(icu::StringEnumeration* adopted, UErrorCode* ec) { UEnumeration* result = NULL; if (U_SUCCESS(*ec) && adopted != NULL) { result = (UEnumeration*) uprv_malloc(sizeof(UEnumeration)); if (result == NULL) { *ec = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; } else { uprv_memcpy(result, &USTRENUM_VT, sizeof(USTRENUM_VT)); result->context = adopted; } } if (result == NULL) { delete adopted; } return result; } // C wrapper --------------------------------------------------------------- *** U_CDECL_BEGIN typedef struct UCharStringEnumeration { UEnumeration uenum; int32_t index, count; } UCharStringEnumeration; static void U_CALLCONV ucharstrenum_close(UEnumeration* en) { uprv_free(en); } static int32_t U_CALLCONV ucharstrenum_count(UEnumeration* en, UErrorCode* /*ec*/) { return ((UCharStringEnumeration*)en)->count; } static const UChar* U_CALLCONV ucharstrenum_unext(UEnumeration* en, int32_t* resultLength, UErrorCode* /*ec*/) { UCharStringEnumeration *e = (UCharStringEnumeration*) en; if (e->index >= e->count) { return NULL; } const UChar* result = ((const UChar**)e->uenum.context)[e->index++]; if (resultLength) { *resultLength = (int32_t)u_strlen(result); } return result; } static const char* U_CALLCONV ucharstrenum_next(UEnumeration* en, int32_t* resultLength, UErrorCode* /*ec*/) { UCharStringEnumeration *e = (UCharStringEnumeration*) en; if (e->index >= e->count) { return NULL; } const char* result = ((const char**)e->uenum.context)[e->index++]; if (resultLength) { *resultLength = (int32_t)uprv_strlen(result); } return result; } static void U_CALLCONV ucharstrenum_reset(UEnumeration* en, UErrorCode* /*ec*/) { ((UCharStringEnumeration*)en)->index = 0; } static const UEnumeration UCHARSTRENUM_VT = { NULL, NULL, // store StringEnumeration pointer here ucharstrenum_close, ucharstrenum_count, uenum_unextDefault, ucharstrenum_next, ucharstrenum_reset }; static const UEnumeration UCHARSTRENUM_U_VT = { NULL, NULL, // store StringEnumeration pointer here ucharstrenum_close, ucharstrenum_count, ucharstrenum_unext, uenum_nextDefault, ucharstrenum_reset }; U_CDECL_END U_CAPI UEnumeration* U_EXPORT2 uenum_openCharStringsEnumeration(const char* const strings[], int32_t count, UErrorCode* ec) { UCharStringEnumeration* result = NULL; if (U_SUCCESS(*ec) && count >= 0 && (count == 0 || strings != 0)) { result = (UCharStringEnumeration*) uprv_malloc(sizeof(UCharStringEnumeration)); if (result == NULL) { *ec = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; } else { U_ASSERT((char*)result==(char*)(&result->uenum)); uprv_memcpy(result, &UCHARSTRENUM_VT, sizeof(UCHARSTRENUM_VT)); result->uenum.context = (void*)strings; result->index = 0; result->count = count; } } return (UEnumeration*) result; } U_CAPI UEnumeration* U_EXPORT2 uenum_openUCharStringsEnumeration(const UChar* const strings[], int32_t count, UErrorCode* ec) { UCharStringEnumeration* result = NULL; if (U_SUCCESS(*ec) && count >= 0 && (count == 0 || strings != 0)) { result = (UCharStringEnumeration*) uprv_malloc(sizeof(UCharStringEnumeration)); if (result == NULL) { *ec = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; } else { U_ASSERT((char*)result==(char*)(&result->uenum)); uprv_memcpy(result, &UCHARSTRENUM_U_VT, sizeof(UCHARSTRENUM_U_VT)); result->uenum.context = (void*)strings; result->index = 0; result->count = count; } } return (UEnumeration*) result; } // end C Wrapper