/* ******************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2003 - 2013, International Business Machines Corporation and * others. All Rights Reserved. ******************************************************************************* */ #include "unicode/utypes.h" #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING #include "umutex.h" #include "ethpccal.h" #include "cecal.h" #include U_NAMESPACE_BEGIN UOBJECT_DEFINE_RTTI_IMPLEMENTATION(EthiopicCalendar) //static const int32_t JD_EPOCH_OFFSET_AMETE_ALEM = -285019; static const int32_t JD_EPOCH_OFFSET_AMETE_MIHRET = 1723856; static const int32_t AMETE_MIHRET_DELTA = 5500; // 5501 - 1 (Amete Alem 5501 = Amete Mihret 1) //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructors... //------------------------------------------------------------------------- EthiopicCalendar::EthiopicCalendar(const Locale& aLocale, UErrorCode& success, EEraType type /*= AMETE_MIHRET_ERA*/) : CECalendar(aLocale, success), eraType(type) { } EthiopicCalendar::EthiopicCalendar(const EthiopicCalendar& other) : CECalendar(other), eraType(other.eraType) { } EthiopicCalendar::~EthiopicCalendar() { } Calendar* EthiopicCalendar::clone() const { return new EthiopicCalendar(*this); } const char * EthiopicCalendar::getType() const { if (isAmeteAlemEra()) { return "ethiopic-amete-alem"; } return "ethiopic"; } void EthiopicCalendar::setAmeteAlemEra(UBool onOff) { eraType = onOff ? AMETE_ALEM_ERA : AMETE_MIHRET_ERA; } UBool EthiopicCalendar::isAmeteAlemEra() const { return (eraType == AMETE_ALEM_ERA); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Calendar framework //------------------------------------------------------------------------- int32_t EthiopicCalendar::handleGetExtendedYear() { // Ethiopic calendar uses EXTENDED_YEAR aligned to // Amelete Hihret year always. int32_t eyear; if (newerField(UCAL_EXTENDED_YEAR, UCAL_YEAR) == UCAL_EXTENDED_YEAR) { eyear = internalGet(UCAL_EXTENDED_YEAR, 1); // Default to year 1 } else if (isAmeteAlemEra()) { eyear = internalGet(UCAL_YEAR, 1 + AMETE_MIHRET_DELTA) - AMETE_MIHRET_DELTA; // Default to year 1 of Amelete Mihret } else { // The year defaults to the epoch start, the era to AMETE_MIHRET int32_t era = internalGet(UCAL_ERA, AMETE_MIHRET); if (era == AMETE_MIHRET) { eyear = internalGet(UCAL_YEAR, 1); // Default to year 1 } else { eyear = internalGet(UCAL_YEAR, 1) - AMETE_MIHRET_DELTA; } } return eyear; } void EthiopicCalendar::handleComputeFields(int32_t julianDay, UErrorCode &/*status*/) { int32_t eyear, month, day, era, year; jdToCE(julianDay, getJDEpochOffset(), eyear, month, day); if (isAmeteAlemEra()) { era = AMETE_ALEM; year = eyear + AMETE_MIHRET_DELTA; } else { if (eyear > 0) { era = AMETE_MIHRET; year = eyear; } else { era = AMETE_ALEM; year = eyear + AMETE_MIHRET_DELTA; } } internalSet(UCAL_EXTENDED_YEAR, eyear); internalSet(UCAL_ERA, era); internalSet(UCAL_YEAR, year); internalSet(UCAL_MONTH, month); internalSet(UCAL_DATE, day); internalSet(UCAL_DAY_OF_YEAR, (30 * month) + day); } int32_t EthiopicCalendar::handleGetLimit(UCalendarDateFields field, ELimitType limitType) const { if (isAmeteAlemEra() && field == UCAL_ERA) { return 0; // Only one era in this mode, era is always 0 } return CECalendar::handleGetLimit(field, limitType); } /** * The system maintains a static default century start date and Year. They are * initialized the first time they are used. Once the system default century date * and year are set, they do not change. */ static UDate gSystemDefaultCenturyStart = DBL_MIN; static int32_t gSystemDefaultCenturyStartYear = -1; static icu::UInitOnce gSystemDefaultCenturyInit = U_INITONCE_INITIALIZER; static void U_CALLCONV initializeSystemDefaultCentury() { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; EthiopicCalendar calendar(Locale("@calendar=ethiopic"), status); if (U_SUCCESS(status)) { calendar.setTime(Calendar::getNow(), status); calendar.add(UCAL_YEAR, -80, status); gSystemDefaultCenturyStart = calendar.getTime(status); gSystemDefaultCenturyStartYear = calendar.get(UCAL_YEAR, status); } // We have no recourse upon failure unless we want to propagate the failure // out. } UDate EthiopicCalendar::defaultCenturyStart() const { // lazy-evaluate systemDefaultCenturyStart umtx_initOnce(gSystemDefaultCenturyInit, &initializeSystemDefaultCentury); return gSystemDefaultCenturyStart; } int32_t EthiopicCalendar::defaultCenturyStartYear() const { // lazy-evaluate systemDefaultCenturyStartYear umtx_initOnce(gSystemDefaultCenturyInit, &initializeSystemDefaultCentury); if (isAmeteAlemEra()) { return gSystemDefaultCenturyStartYear + AMETE_MIHRET_DELTA; } return gSystemDefaultCenturyStartYear; } int32_t EthiopicCalendar::getJDEpochOffset() const { return JD_EPOCH_OFFSET_AMETE_MIHRET; } #if 0 // We do not want to introduce this API in ICU4C. // It was accidentally introduced in ICU4J as a public API. //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Calendar system Conversion methods... //------------------------------------------------------------------------- int32_t EthiopicCalendar::ethiopicToJD(int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t date) { return ceToJD(year, month, date, JD_EPOCH_OFFSET_AMETE_MIHRET); } #endif U_NAMESPACE_END #endif