# helper tools AWK ?= gawk INSTALL ?= install M4 ?= m4 SED ?= sed EINFO ?= echo PYTHON ?= python3 CUT ?= cut NAME ?= $(shell $(AWK) -F= '/^SELINUXTYPE/{ print $$2 }' /etc/selinux/config) SHAREDIR ?= /usr/share/selinux HEADERDIR ?= $(SHAREDIR)/$(NAME)/include include $(HEADERDIR)/build.conf # executables PREFIX := /usr BINDIR := $(PREFIX)/bin SBINDIR := $(PREFIX)/sbin CHECKMODULE := $(BINDIR)/checkmodule SEMODULE := $(SBINDIR)/semodule SEMOD_PKG := $(BINDIR)/semodule_package XMLLINT := $(BINDIR)/xmllint # set default build options if missing TYPE ?= standard DIRECT_INITRC ?= n QUIET ?= y genxml := $(PYTHON) $(HEADERDIR)/support/segenxml.py docs := doc polxml := $(docs)/policy.xml xmldtd := $(HEADERDIR)/support/policy.dtd metaxml := metadata.xml globaltun = $(HEADERDIR)/global_tunables.xml globalbool = $(HEADERDIR)/global_booleans.xml # enable MLS if requested. ifeq "$(TYPE)" "mls" M4PARAM += -D enable_mls CHECKPOLICY += -M CHECKMODULE += -M endif # enable MLS if MCS requested. ifeq "$(TYPE)" "mcs" M4PARAM += -D enable_mcs CHECKPOLICY += -M CHECKMODULE += -M endif # enable distribution-specific policy ifneq ($(DISTRO),) M4PARAM += -D distro_$(DISTRO) endif ifeq ($(DIRECT_INITRC),y) M4PARAM += -D direct_sysadm_daemon endif ifeq "$(UBAC)" "y" M4PARAM += -D enable_ubac endif # default MLS/MCS sensitivity and category settings. MLS_SENS ?= 16 MLS_CATS ?= 1024 MCS_CATS ?= 1024 ifeq ($(QUIET),y) verbose := @ endif M4PARAM += -D hide_broken_symptoms -D mls_num_sens=$(MLS_SENS) -D mls_num_cats=$(MLS_CATS) -D mcs_num_cats=$(MCS_CATS) # policy headers m4support = $(wildcard $(HEADERDIR)/support/*.spt) header_layers := $(filter-out $(HEADERDIR)/support,$(shell find $(HEADERDIR)/* -maxdepth 0 -type d)) header_xml := $(addsuffix .xml,$(header_layers)) header_interfaces := $(foreach layer,$(header_layers),$(wildcard $(layer)/*.if)) local_layers := $(filter-out CVS tmp $(docs),$(shell find * -maxdepth 0 -type d)) local_xml := $(addprefix tmp/, $(addsuffix .xml,$(local_layers))) all_layer_names := $(sort $(notdir $(header_layers) $(local_layers))) 3rd_party_mods := $(wildcard *.te) detected_mods := $(3rd_party_mods) $(foreach layer,$(local_layers),$(wildcard $(layer)/*.te)) detected_ifs := $(detected_mods:.te=.if) detected_fcs := $(detected_mods:.te=.fc) all_packages := $(notdir $(detected_mods:.te=.pp)) # figure out what modules we may want to reload loaded_mods = $(addsuffix .pp,$(shell $(SEMODULE) -l | $(CUT) -f1)) sys_mods = $(wildcard $(SHAREDIR)/$(NAME)/*.pp) match_sys = $(filter $(addprefix $(SHAREDIR)/$(NAME)/,$(loaded_mods)),$(sys_mods)) match_loc = $(filter $(all_packages),$(loaded_mods)) vpath %.te $(local_layers) vpath %.if $(local_layers) vpath %.fc $(local_layers) .PHONY: clean all xml load reload .SUFFIXES: .SUFFIXES: .pp # broken in make 3.81: #.SECONDARY: ######################################## # # Main targets # all: $(all_packages) xml: $(polxml) ######################################## # # Attempt to reinstall all installed packages # refresh: @$(EINFO) "Refreshing $(NAME) modules" $(verbose) $(SEMODULE) -b $(SHAREDIR)/$(NAME)/base.pp $(foreach mod,$(match_sys) $(match_loc),-i $(mod)) ######################################## # # Load module packages # load: tmp/loaded tmp/loaded: $(all_packages) @$(EINFO) "Loading $(NAME) modules: $(basename $(notdir $?))" $(verbose) $(SEMODULE) $(foreach mod,$?,-i $(mod)) @mkdir -p tmp @touch tmp/loaded reload: $(all_packages) @$(EINFO) "Loading $(NAME) modules: $(basename $(notdir $^))" $(verbose) $(SEMODULE) $(foreach mod,$^,-i $(mod)) @mkdir -p tmp @touch tmp/loaded ######################################## # # Build module packages # tmp/%.mod: $(m4support) tmp/all_interfaces.conf %.te @$(EINFO) "Compiling $(NAME) $(basename $(@F)) module" @test -d $(@D) || mkdir -p $(@D) $(verbose) $(M4) $(M4PARAM) -s $^ > $(@:.mod=.tmp) $(verbose) $(CHECKMODULE) -m $(@:.mod=.tmp) -o $@ tmp/%.mod.fc: $(m4support) %.fc @test -d $(@D) || mkdir -p $(@D) $(verbose) $(M4) $(M4PARAM) $^ > $@ %.pp: tmp/%.mod tmp/%.mod.fc @echo "Creating $(NAME) $(@F) policy package" $(verbose) $(SEMOD_PKG) -o $@ -m $< -f $<.fc tmp/all_interfaces.conf: $(m4support) $(header_interfaces) $(detected_ifs) @test -d $(@D) || mkdir -p $(@D) @echo "ifdef(\`__if_error',\`m4exit(1)')" > tmp/iferror.m4 @echo "divert(-1)" > $@ $(verbose) $(M4) $^ tmp/iferror.m4 | sed -e s/dollarsstar/\$$\*/g >> $@ @echo "divert" >> $@ # so users dont have to make empty .fc and .if files $(detected_fcs): @touch $@ $(detected_ifs): @echo "## $(basename $(@D))" > $@ ######################################## # # Documentation generation # tmp/%.xml: %/*.te %/*.if @test -d $(@D) || mkdir -p $(@D) $(verbose) test -f $(HEADERDIR)/$*.xml || cat $*/$(metaxml) > $@ $(verbose) $(genxml) -w -m $(sort $(basename $^)) >> $@ vars: $(local_xml) $(polxml): $(header_xml) $(local_xml) $(globaltun) $(globalbool) $(detected_mods) $(detected_ifs) @echo "Creating $(@F)" @test -d $(@D) || mkdir -p $(@D) $(verbose) echo '' > $@ $(verbose) echo '' >> $@ $(verbose) echo '' >> $@ $(verbose) for i in $(all_layer_names); do \ echo "" >> $@ ;\ test -f $(HEADERDIR)/$$i.xml && cat $(HEADERDIR)/$$i.xml >> $@ ;\ test -f tmp/$$i.xml && cat tmp/$$i.xml >> $@ ;\ echo "" >> $@ ;\ done ifneq "$(strip $(3rd_party_mods))" "" $(verbose) echo "" >> $@ $(verbose) echo "These are all third-party modules." >> $@ $(verbose) $(genxml) -w -m $(addprefix ./,$(basename $(3rd_party_mods))) >> $@ $(verbose) echo "" >> $@ endif $(verbose) cat $(globaltun) $(globalbool) >> $@ $(verbose) echo '' >> $@ $(verbose) if test -x $(XMLLINT) && test -f $(xmldtd); then \ $(XMLLINT) --noout --path $(dir $(xmldtd)) --dtdvalid $(xmldtd) $@ ;\ fi ######################################## # # Clean the environment # clean: rm -fR tmp rm -f *.pp