/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const Cu = Components.utils; const Cc = Components.classes; const Ci = Components.interfaces; // This module exposes a subset of the functionalities of the parent DOM // Registry to content processes, to be used from the AppsService component. this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["DOMApplicationRegistry", "WrappedManifestCache"]; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/AppsUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); function debug(s) { //dump("-*- AppsServiceChild.jsm: " + s + "\n"); } const APPS_IPC_MSG_NAMES = [ "Webapps:AddApp", "Webapps:RemoveApp", "Webapps:UpdateApp", "Webapps:CheckForUpdate:Return:KO", "Webapps:FireEvent", "Webapps:UpdateState" ]; // A simple cache for the wrapped manifests. this.WrappedManifestCache = { _cache: { }, // Gets an entry from the cache, and populates the cache if needed. get: function mcache_get(aManifestURL, aManifest, aWindow, aInnerWindowID) { if (!aManifest) { return; } if (!(aManifestURL in this._cache)) { this._cache[aManifestURL] = { }; } let winObjs = this._cache[aManifestURL]; if (!(aInnerWindowID in winObjs)) { winObjs[aInnerWindowID] = Cu.cloneInto(aManifest, aWindow); } return winObjs[aInnerWindowID]; }, // Invalidates an entry in the cache. evict: function mcache_evict(aManifestURL, aInnerWindowID) { debug("Evicting manifest " + aManifestURL + " window ID " + aInnerWindowID); if (aManifestURL in this._cache) { let winObjs = this._cache[aManifestURL]; if (aInnerWindowID in winObjs) { delete winObjs[aInnerWindowID]; } if (Object.keys(winObjs).length == 0) { delete this._cache[aManifestURL]; } } }, observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { // Clear the cache on memory pressure. this._cache = { }; Cu.forceGC(); }, init: function() { Services.obs.addObserver(this, "memory-pressure", false); } }; this.WrappedManifestCache.init(); // DOMApplicationRegistry keeps a cache containing a list of apps in the device. // This information is updated with the data received from the main process and // it is queried by the DOM objects to set their state. // This module handle all the messages broadcasted from the parent process, // including DOM events, which are dispatched to the corresponding DOM objects. this.DOMApplicationRegistry = { // DOMApps will hold a list of arrays of weak references to // mozIDOMApplication objects indexed by manifest URL. DOMApps: {}, ready: false, webapps: null, init: function init() { this.cpmm = Cc["@mozilla.org/childprocessmessagemanager;1"] .getService(Ci.nsISyncMessageSender); APPS_IPC_MSG_NAMES.forEach((function(aMsgName) { this.cpmm.addMessageListener(aMsgName, this); }).bind(this)); this.cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("Webapps:RegisterForMessages", { messages: APPS_IPC_MSG_NAMES }); // We need to prime the cache with the list of apps. let list = this.cpmm.sendSyncMessage("Webapps:GetList", { })[0]; this.webapps = list.webapps; // We need a fast mapping from localId -> app, so we add an index. // We also add the manifest to the app object. this.localIdIndex = { }; for (let id in this.webapps) { let app = this.webapps[id]; this.localIdIndex[app.localId] = app; app.manifest = list.manifests[id]; } Services.obs.addObserver(this, "xpcom-shutdown", false); }, observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { // cpmm.addMessageListener causes the DOMApplicationRegistry object to // live forever if we don't clean up properly. this.webapps = null; this.DOMApps = null; APPS_IPC_MSG_NAMES.forEach((aMsgName) => { this.cpmm.removeMessageListener(aMsgName, this); }); }, receiveMessage: function receiveMessage(aMessage) { debug("Received " + aMessage.name + " message."); let msg = aMessage.data; switch (aMessage.name) { case "Webapps:AddApp": this.webapps[msg.id] = msg.app; this.localIdIndex[msg.app.localId] = msg.app; if (msg.manifest) { this.webapps[msg.id].manifest = msg.manifest; } break; case "Webapps:RemoveApp": delete this.DOMApps[this.webapps[msg.id].manifestURL]; delete this.localIdIndex[this.webapps[msg.id].localId]; delete this.webapps[msg.id]; break; case "Webapps:UpdateApp": let app = this.webapps[msg.oldId]; if (!app) { return; } if (msg.app) { for (let prop in msg.app) { app[prop] = msg.app[prop]; } } this.webapps[msg.newId] = app; this.localIdIndex[app.localId] = app; delete this.webapps[msg.oldId]; let apps = this.DOMApps[msg.app.manifestURL]; if (!apps) { return; } for (let i = 0; i < apps.length; i++) { let domApp = apps[i].get(); if (!domApp || domApp._window === null) { apps.splice(i, 1); continue; } domApp._proxy = new Proxy(domApp, { get: function(target, prop) { if (!DOMApplicationRegistry.webapps[msg.newId]) { return; } return DOMApplicationRegistry.webapps[msg.newId][prop]; }, set: function(target, prop, val) { if (!DOMApplicationRegistry.webapps[msg.newId]) { return; } DOMApplicationRegistry.webapps[msg.newId][prop] = val; return; }, }); } break; case "Webapps:FireEvent": this._fireEvent(aMessage); break; case "Webapps:UpdateState": this._updateState(msg); break; case "Webapps:CheckForUpdate:Return:KO": let DOMApps = this.DOMApps[msg.manifestURL]; if (!DOMApps || !msg.requestID) { return; } DOMApps.forEach((DOMApp) => { let domApp = DOMApp.get(); if (domApp && msg.requestID) { domApp._fireRequestResult(aMessage, true /* aIsError */); } }); break; } }, /** * mozIDOMApplication management */ // Every time a DOM app is created, we save a weak reference to it that will // be used to dispatch events and fire request results. addDOMApp: function(aApp, aManifestURL, aId) { let weakRef = Cu.getWeakReference(aApp); if (!this.DOMApps[aManifestURL]) { this.DOMApps[aManifestURL] = []; } let apps = this.DOMApps[aManifestURL]; // Get rid of dead weak references. for (let i = 0; i < apps.length; i++) { let app = apps[i].get(); if (!app || app._window === null) { apps.splice(i, 1); } } apps.push(weakRef); // Each DOM app contains a proxy object used to build their state. We // return the handler for this proxy object with traps to get and set // app properties kept in the DOMApplicationRegistry app cache. return { get: function(target, prop) { if (!DOMApplicationRegistry.webapps[aId]) { return; } if (prop in DOMApplicationRegistry.webapps[aId]) { return DOMApplicationRegistry.webapps[aId][prop]; } return null; }, set: function(target, prop, val) { if (!DOMApplicationRegistry.webapps[aId]) { return; } DOMApplicationRegistry.webapps[aId][prop] = val; return; }, }; }, _fireEvent: function(aMessage) { let msg = aMessage.data; debug("_fireEvent " + JSON.stringify(msg)); if (!this.DOMApps || !msg.manifestURL || !msg.eventType) { return; } let DOMApps = this.DOMApps[msg.manifestURL]; if (!DOMApps) { return; } // The parent might ask childs to trigger more than one event in one // shot, so in order to avoid needless IPC we allow an array for the // 'eventType' IPC message field. if (!Array.isArray(msg.eventType)) { msg.eventType = [msg.eventType]; } DOMApps.forEach((DOMApp) => { let domApp = DOMApp.get(); if (!domApp) { return; } msg.eventType.forEach((aEventType) => { if ('on' + aEventType in domApp) { domApp._fireEvent(aEventType); } }); if (msg.requestID) { aMessage.data.result = msg.manifestURL; domApp._fireRequestResult(aMessage); } }); }, _updateState: function(aMessage) { if (!this.DOMApps || !aMessage.id) { return; } let app = this.webapps[aMessage.id]; if (!app) { return; } if (aMessage.app) { for (let prop in aMessage.app) { app[prop] = aMessage.app[prop]; } } if ("error" in aMessage) { app.downloadError = aMessage.error; } if (aMessage.manifest) { app.manifest = aMessage.manifest; // Evict the wrapped manifest cache for all the affected DOM objects. let DOMApps = this.DOMApps[app.manifestURL]; if (!DOMApps) { return; } DOMApps.forEach((DOMApp) => { let domApp = DOMApp.get(); if (!domApp) { return; } WrappedManifestCache.evict(app.manifestURL, domApp.innerWindowID); }); } }, getAll: function(aCallback) { debug("getAll()\n"); if (!aCallback || typeof aCallback !== "function") { return; } let res = []; for (let id in this.webapps) { res.push(this.webapps[id]); } aCallback(res); }, getAdditionalLanguages: function(aManifestURL) { for (let id in this.webapps) { if (this.webapps[id].manifestURL == aManifestURL) { return this.webapps[id].additionalLanguages || {}; } } return {}; }, /** * nsIAppsService API */ getAppByManifestURL: function getAppByManifestURL(aManifestURL) { debug("getAppByManifestURL " + aManifestURL); return AppsUtils.getAppByManifestURL(this.webapps, aManifestURL); }, getAppLocalIdByManifestURL: function getAppLocalIdByManifestURL(aManifestURL) { debug("getAppLocalIdByManifestURL " + aManifestURL); return AppsUtils.getAppLocalIdByManifestURL(this.webapps, aManifestURL); }, getManifestCSPByLocalId: function(aLocalId) { debug("getManifestCSPByLocalId:" + aLocalId); return AppsUtils.getManifestCSPByLocalId(this.webapps, aLocalId); }, getDefaultCSPByLocalId: function(aLocalId) { debug("getDefaultCSPByLocalId:" + aLocalId); return AppsUtils.getDefaultCSPByLocalId(this.webapps, aLocalId); }, getAppLocalIdByStoreId: function(aStoreId) { debug("getAppLocalIdByStoreId:" + aStoreId); return AppsUtils.getAppLocalIdByStoreId(this.webapps, aStoreId); }, getAppByLocalId: function getAppByLocalId(aLocalId) { debug("getAppByLocalId " + aLocalId + " - ready: " + this.ready); let app = this.localIdIndex[aLocalId]; if (!app) { debug("Ouch, No app!"); return null; } return new mozIApplication(app); }, getManifestURLByLocalId: function getManifestURLByLocalId(aLocalId) { debug("getManifestURLByLocalId " + aLocalId); return AppsUtils.getManifestURLByLocalId(this.webapps, aLocalId); }, getCoreAppsBasePath: function getCoreAppsBasePath() { debug("getCoreAppsBasePath() not yet supported on child!"); return null; }, getWebAppsBasePath: function getWebAppsBasePath() { debug("getWebAppsBasePath() not yet supported on child!"); return null; }, areAnyAppsInstalled: function() { return AppsUtils.areAnyAppsInstalled(this.webapps); }, getAppInfo: function getAppInfo(aAppId) { return AppsUtils.getAppInfo(this.webapps, aAppId); }, updateDataStoreEntriesFromLocalId: function(aLocalId) { debug("updateDataStoreEntriesFromLocalId() not yet supported on child!"); } } DOMApplicationRegistry.init();