/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ 'use strict' const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr} = Components; function debug(s) { //dump('DEBUG RequestSyncService: ' + s + '\n'); } const RSYNCDB_VERSION = 1; const RSYNCDB_NAME = "requestSync"; const RSYNC_MIN_INTERVAL = 100; const RSYNC_OPERATION_TIMEOUT = 120000 // 2 minutes const RSYNC_STATE_ENABLED = "enabled"; const RSYNC_STATE_DISABLED = "disabled"; const RSYNC_STATE_WIFIONLY = "wifiOnly"; Cu.import('resource://gre/modules/IndexedDBHelper.jsm'); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Cu.importGlobalProperties(["indexedDB"]); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "appsService", "@mozilla.org/AppsService;1", "nsIAppsService"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "cpmm", "@mozilla.org/childprocessmessagemanager;1", "nsISyncMessageSender"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "ppmm", "@mozilla.org/parentprocessmessagemanager;1", "nsIMessageBroadcaster"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "systemMessenger", "@mozilla.org/system-message-internal;1", "nsISystemMessagesInternal"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "secMan", "@mozilla.org/scriptsecuritymanager;1", "nsIScriptSecurityManager"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "powerManagerService", "@mozilla.org/power/powermanagerservice;1", "nsIPowerManagerService"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "AlarmService", "resource://gre/modules/AlarmService.jsm"); this.RequestSyncService = { __proto__: IndexedDBHelper.prototype, children: [], _messages: [ "RequestSync:Register", "RequestSync:Unregister", "RequestSync:Registrations", "RequestSync:Registration", "RequestSyncManager:Registrations", "RequestSyncManager:SetPolicy", "RequestSyncManager:RunTask" ], _pendingOperation: false, _pendingMessages: [], _registrations: {}, _wifi: false, _activeTask: null, _queuedTasks: [], _timers: {}, _pendingRequests: {}, // This array contains functions to be executed after the scheduling of the // current task or immediately if there are not scheduling in progress. _afterSchedulingTasks: [], // Initialization of the RequestSyncService. init: function() { debug("init"); if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref("dom.requestSync.enabled")) { return; } this._messages.forEach((function(msgName) { ppmm.addMessageListener(msgName, this); }).bind(this)); Services.obs.addObserver(this, 'xpcom-shutdown', false); Services.obs.addObserver(this, 'clear-origin-data', false); Services.obs.addObserver(this, 'wifi-state-changed', false); this.initDBHelper("requestSync", RSYNCDB_VERSION, [RSYNCDB_NAME]); // Loading all the data from the database into the _registrations map. // Any incoming message will be stored and processed when the async // operation is completed. this.dbTxn("readonly", function(aStore) { aStore.openCursor().onsuccess = event => { let cursor = event.target.result; if (cursor) { this.addRegistration(cursor.value, function() { cursor.continue(); }); } } }.bind(this), function() { debug("initialization done"); }, function() { dump("ERROR!! RequestSyncService - Failed to retrieve data from the database.\n"); }); }, // Shutdown the RequestSyncService. shutdown: function() { debug("shutdown"); this._messages.forEach((function(msgName) { ppmm.removeMessageListener(msgName, this); }).bind(this)); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, 'xpcom-shutdown'); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, 'clear-origin-data'); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, 'wifi-state-changed'); this.close(); // Removing all the registrations will delete the pending timers. this.forEachRegistration(function(aObj) { let key = this.principalToKey(aObj.principal); this.removeRegistrationInternal(aObj.data.task, key); }.bind(this)); }, observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { debug("observe"); switch (aTopic) { case 'xpcom-shutdown': this.executeAfterScheduling(function() { this.shutdown(); }.bind(this)); break; case 'clear-origin-data': this.executeAfterScheduling(function() { this.clearData(aData); }.bind(this)); break; case 'wifi-state-changed': this.executeAfterScheduling(function() { this.wifiStateChanged(aSubject == 'enabled'); }.bind(this)); break; default: debug("Wrong observer topic: " + aTopic); break; } }, // When an app is uninstalled, we have to clean all its tasks. clearData: function(aData) { debug('clearData'); if (!aData) { return; } let pattern = JSON.parse(aData); let dbKeys = []; for (let key in this._registrations) { let prin = Services.scriptSecurityManager.createCodebasePrincipalFromOrigin(key); if (!ChromeUtils.originAttributesMatchPattern(prin.originAttributes, pattern)) { continue; } for (let task in this._registrations[key]) { dbKeys = this._registrations[key][task].dbKey; this.removeRegistrationInternal(task, key); } } if (dbKeys.length == 0) { return; } // Remove the tasks from the database. this.dbTxn('readwrite', function(aStore) { for (let i = 0; i < dbKeys.length; ++i) { aStore.delete(dbKeys[i]); } }, function() { debug("ClearData completed"); }, function() { debug("ClearData failed"); }); }, // Creation of the schema for the database. upgradeSchema: function(aTransaction, aDb, aOldVersion, aNewVersion) { debug('updateSchema'); aDb.createObjectStore(RSYNCDB_NAME, { autoIncrement: true }); }, // This method generates the key for the indexedDB object storage. principalToKey: function(aPrincipal) { return aPrincipal.origin; }, // Add a task to the _registrations map and create the timer if it's needed. addRegistration: function(aObj, aCb) { debug('addRegistration'); let key = this.principalToKey(aObj.principal); if (!(key in this._registrations)) { this._registrations[key] = {}; } this.scheduleTimer(aObj, function() { this._registrations[key][aObj.data.task] = aObj; if (aCb) { aCb(); } }.bind(this)); }, // Remove a task from the _registrations map and delete the timer if it's // needed. It also checks if the principal is correct before doing the real // operation. removeRegistration: function(aTaskName, aKey, aPrincipal) { debug('removeRegistration'); if (!(aKey in this._registrations) || !(aTaskName in this._registrations[aKey])) { return false; } // Additional security check. if (!aPrincipal.equals(this._registrations[aKey][aTaskName].principal)) { return false; } this.removeRegistrationInternal(aTaskName, aKey); return true; }, removeRegistrationInternal: function(aTaskName, aKey) { debug('removeRegistrationInternal'); let obj = this._registrations[aKey][aTaskName]; this.removeTimer(obj); // It can be that this task has been already schedulated. this.removeTaskFromQueue(obj); // It can be that this object is already in scheduled, or in the queue of a // iDB transacation. In order to avoid rescheduling it, we must disable it. obj.active = false; delete this._registrations[aKey][aTaskName]; // Lets remove the key in case there are not tasks registered. for (let key in this._registrations[aKey]) { return; } delete this._registrations[aKey]; }, removeTaskFromQueue: function(aObj) { let pos = this._queuedTasks.indexOf(aObj); if (pos != -1) { this._queuedTasks.splice(pos, 1); } }, // The communication from the exposed objects and the service is done using // messages. This function receives and processes them. receiveMessage: function(aMessage) { debug("receiveMessage"); // We cannot process this request now. if (this._pendingOperation) { this._pendingMessages.push(aMessage); return; } // The principal is used to validate the message. let principal = aMessage.principal; if (!principal) { return; } switch (aMessage.name) { case "RequestSync:Register": this.executeAfterScheduling(function() { this.register(aMessage.target, aMessage.data, principal); }.bind(this)); break; case "RequestSync:Unregister": this.executeAfterScheduling(function() { this.unregister(aMessage.target, aMessage.data, principal); }.bind(this)); break; case "RequestSync:Registrations": this.executeAfterScheduling(function() { this.registrations(aMessage.target, aMessage.data, principal); }.bind(this)); break; case "RequestSync:Registration": this.executeAfterScheduling(function() { this.registration(aMessage.target, aMessage.data, principal); }.bind(this)); break; case "RequestSyncManager:Registrations": this.executeAfterScheduling(function() { this.managerRegistrations(aMessage.target, aMessage.data, principal); }.bind(this)); break; case "RequestSyncManager:SetPolicy": this.executeAfterScheduling(function() { this.managerSetPolicy(aMessage.target, aMessage.data, principal); }.bind(this)); break; case "RequestSyncManager:RunTask": this.executeAfterScheduling(function() { this.managerRunTask(aMessage.target, aMessage.data, principal); }.bind(this)); break; default: debug("Wrong message: " + aMessage.name); break; } }, // Basic validation. validateRegistrationParams: function(aParams) { if (aParams === null) { return false; } // We must have a page. if (!("wakeUpPage" in aParams) || aParams.wakeUpPage.length == 0) { return false; } let minInterval = RSYNC_MIN_INTERVAL; try { minInterval = Services.prefs.getIntPref("dom.requestSync.minInterval"); } catch(e) {} if (!("minInterval" in aParams) || aParams.minInterval < minInterval) { return false; } return true; }, // Registration of a new task. register: function(aTarget, aData, aPrincipal) { debug("register"); if (!this.validateRegistrationParams(aData.params)) { aTarget.sendAsyncMessage("RequestSync:Register:Return", { requestID: aData.requestID, error: "ParamsError" } ); return; } let key = this.principalToKey(aPrincipal); if (key in this._registrations && aData.task in this._registrations[key]) { // if this task already exists we overwrite it. this.removeRegistrationInternal(aData.task, key); } // This creates a RequestTaskFull object. aData.params.task = aData.task; aData.params.lastSync = 0; aData.params.principal = aPrincipal; aData.params.state = RSYNC_STATE_ENABLED; if (aData.params.wifiOnly) { aData.params.state = RSYNC_STATE_WIFIONLY; } aData.params.overwrittenMinInterval = 0; let dbKey = aData.task + "|" + key; let data = { principal: aPrincipal, dbKey: dbKey, data: aData.params, active: true }; let self = this; this.dbTxn('readwrite', function(aStore) { aStore.put(data, data.dbKey); }, function() { self.addRegistration(data, function() { aTarget.sendAsyncMessage("RequestSync:Register:Return", { requestID: aData.requestID }); }); }, function() { aTarget.sendAsyncMessage("RequestSync:Register:Return", { requestID: aData.requestID, error: "IndexDBError" } ); }); }, // Unregister a task. unregister: function(aTarget, aData, aPrincipal) { debug("unregister"); let key = this.principalToKey(aPrincipal); if (!(key in this._registrations) || !(aData.task in this._registrations[key])) { aTarget.sendAsyncMessage("RequestSync:Unregister:Return", { requestID: aData.requestID, error: "UnknownTaskError" }); return; } let dbKey = this._registrations[key][aData.task].dbKey; this.removeRegistration(aData.task, key, aPrincipal); let self = this; this.dbTxn('readwrite', function(aStore) { aStore.delete(dbKey); }, function() { aTarget.sendAsyncMessage("RequestSync:Unregister:Return", { requestID: aData.requestID }); }, function() { aTarget.sendAsyncMessage("RequestSync:Unregister:Return", { requestID: aData.requestID, error: "IndexDBError" } ); }); }, // Get the list of registered tasks for this principal. registrations: function(aTarget, aData, aPrincipal) { debug("registrations"); let results = []; let key = this.principalToKey(aPrincipal); if (key in this._registrations) { for (let i in this._registrations[key]) { results.push(this.createPartialTaskObject( this._registrations[key][i].data)); } } aTarget.sendAsyncMessage("RequestSync:Registrations:Return", { requestID: aData.requestID, results: results }); }, // Get a particular registered task for this principal. registration: function(aTarget, aData, aPrincipal) { debug("registration"); let results = null; let key = this.principalToKey(aPrincipal); if (key in this._registrations && aData.task in this._registrations[key]) { results = this.createPartialTaskObject( this._registrations[key][aData.task].data); } aTarget.sendAsyncMessage("RequestSync:Registration:Return", { requestID: aData.requestID, results: results }); }, // Get the list of the registered tasks. managerRegistrations: function(aTarget, aData, aPrincipal) { debug("managerRegistrations"); let results = []; let self = this; this.forEachRegistration(function(aObj) { results.push(self.createFullTaskObject(aObj.data)); }); aTarget.sendAsyncMessage("RequestSyncManager:Registrations:Return", { requestID: aData.requestID, results: results }); }, // Set a policy to a task. managerSetPolicy: function(aTarget, aData, aPrincipal) { debug("managerSetPolicy"); let toSave = null; let self = this; this.forEachRegistration(function(aObj) { if (aObj.data.task != aData.task) { return; } if (aObj.principal.isInIsolatedMozBrowserElement != aData.isInBrowserElement || aObj.principal.originNoSuffix != aData.origin) { return; } let app = appsService.getAppByLocalId(aObj.principal.appId); if (app && app.manifestURL != aData.manifestURL || (!app && aData.manifestURL != "")) { return; } if ("overwrittenMinInterval" in aData) { aObj.data.overwrittenMinInterval = aData.overwrittenMinInterval; } aObj.data.state = aData.state; if (toSave) { dump("ERROR!! RequestSyncService - SetPolicy matches more than 1 task.\n"); return; } toSave = aObj; }); if (!toSave) { aTarget.sendAsyncMessage("RequestSyncManager:SetPolicy:Return", { requestID: aData.requestID, error: "UnknownTaskError" }); return; } this.updateObjectInDB(toSave, function() { self.scheduleTimer(toSave, function() { aTarget.sendAsyncMessage("RequestSyncManager:SetPolicy:Return", { requestID: aData.requestID }); }); }); }, // Run a task now. managerRunTask: function(aTarget, aData, aPrincipal) { debug("runTask"); let task = null; this.forEachRegistration(function(aObj) { if (aObj.data.task != aData.task) { return; } if (aObj.principal.isInIsolatedMozBrowserElement != aData.isInBrowserElement || aObj.principal.originNoSuffix != aData.origin) { return; } let app = appsService.getAppByLocalId(aObj.principal.appId); if (app && app.manifestURL != aData.manifestURL || (!app && aData.manifestURL != "")) { return; } if (task) { dump("ERROR!! RequestSyncService - RunTask matches more than 1 task.\n"); return; } task = aObj; }); if (!task) { aTarget.sendAsyncMessage("RequestSyncManager:RunTask:Return", { requestID: aData.requestID, error: "UnknownTaskError" }); return; } // Storing the requestID into the task for the callback. this.storePendingRequest(task, aTarget, aData.requestID); this.timeout(task, null); }, // We cannot expose the full internal object to content but just a subset. // This method creates this subset. createPartialTaskObject: function(aObj) { return { task: aObj.task, lastSync: aObj.lastSync, oneShot: aObj.oneShot, minInterval: aObj.minInterval, wakeUpPage: aObj.wakeUpPage, wifiOnly: aObj.wifiOnly, data: aObj.data }; }, createFullTaskObject: function(aObj) { let obj = this.createPartialTaskObject(aObj); obj.app = { manifestURL: '', origin: aObj.principal.originNoSuffix, isInBrowserElement: aObj.principal.isInIsolatedMozBrowserElement }; let app = appsService.getAppByLocalId(aObj.principal.appId); if (app) { obj.app.manifestURL = app.manifestURL; } obj.state = aObj.state; obj.overwrittenMinInterval = aObj.overwrittenMinInterval; return obj; }, // Creation of the timer for a particular task object. scheduleTimer: function(aObj, aCb) { debug("scheduleTimer"); aCb = aCb || function() {}; this.removeTimer(aObj); // A registration can be already inactive if it was 1 shot. if (!aObj.active) { aCb(); return; } if (aObj.data.state == RSYNC_STATE_DISABLED) { aCb(); return; } // WifiOnly check. if (aObj.data.state == RSYNC_STATE_WIFIONLY && !this._wifi) { aCb(); return; } if (this.scheduling) { dump("ERROR!! RequestSyncService - ScheduleTimer called into ScheduleTimer.\n"); aCb(); return; } this.scheduling = true; this.createTimer(aObj, function() { this.scheduling = false; while (this._afterSchedulingTasks.length) { var cb = this._afterSchedulingTasks.shift(); cb(); } aCb(); }.bind(this)); }, executeAfterScheduling: function(aCb) { if (!this.scheduling) { aCb(); return; } this._afterSchedulingTasks.push(aCb); }, timeout: function(aObj, aWakeLock) { debug("timeout"); if (this._activeTask) { debug("queueing tasks"); // We have an active task, let's queue this as next task. if (this._queuedTasks.indexOf(aObj) == -1) { this._queuedTasks.push(aObj); } this.maybeReleaseWakeLock(aWakeLock); return; } let app = appsService.getAppByLocalId(aObj.principal.appId); if (!app) { dump("ERROR!! RequestSyncService - Failed to retrieve app data from a principal.\n"); aObj.active = false; this.updateObjectInDB(aObj, () => { this.maybeReleaseWakeLock(aWakeLock); }); return; } let manifestURL = Services.io.newURI(app.manifestURL, null, null); let pageURL = Services.io.newURI(aObj.data.wakeUpPage, null, aObj.principal.URI); // Maybe need to be rescheduled? if (this.hasPendingMessages('request-sync', manifestURL, pageURL)) { this.scheduleTimer(aObj, () => { this.maybeReleaseWakeLock(aWakeLock); }); return; } this.removeTimer(aObj); if (!manifestURL || !pageURL) { dump("ERROR!! RequestSyncService - Failed to create URI for the page or the manifest\n"); aObj.active = false; this.updateObjectInDB(aObj, () => { this.maybeReleaseWakeLock(aWakeLock); }); return; } this._activeTask = aObj; // We don't want to run more than 1 task at the same time. We do this using // the promise created by sendMessage(). But if the task takes more than // RSYNC_OPERATION_TIMEOUT millisecs, we have to ignore the promise and // continue processing other tasks. let timer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer); // We need a wakelock to keep the device alive and we want to release it // only when all the steps are fully completely. This can involve calling // timeout() again if we have something in _queuedTasks. In this scenario // we want to reuse the same wakelock and we receive it as param. // The Wakelock is passed to operationCompleted() because we want to wait // until the data is written into IDB and maybe until all the pending next // tasks are executed too. let wakeLock = aWakeLock ? aWakeLock : powerManagerService.newWakeLock("cpu"); let done = false; let self = this; function taskCompleted() { debug("promise or timeout for task calls taskCompleted"); if (!done) { done = true; self.operationCompleted(wakeLock); } timer.cancel(); timer = null; } let timeout = RSYNC_OPERATION_TIMEOUT; try { let tmp = Services.prefs.getIntPref("dom.requestSync.maxTaskTimeout"); timeout = tmp; } catch(e) {} timer.initWithCallback(function() { debug("Task is taking too much, let's ignore the promise."); taskCompleted(); }, timeout, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT); // Sending the message. debug("Sending message."); let promise = systemMessenger.sendMessage('request-sync', this.createPartialTaskObject(aObj.data), pageURL, manifestURL); promise.then(function() { debug("promise resolved"); taskCompleted(); }, function() { debug("promise rejected"); taskCompleted(); }); }, operationCompleted: function(aWakeLock) { debug("operationCompleted"); if (!this._activeTask) { dump("ERROR!! RequestSyncService - OperationCompleted called without an active task\n"); aWakeLock.unlock(); return; } // One shot? Then this is not active. this._activeTask.active = !this._activeTask.data.oneShot; this._activeTask.data.lastSync = new Date(); let pendingRequests = this.stealPendingRequests(this._activeTask); for (let i = 0; i < pendingRequests.length; ++i) { pendingRequests[i] .target.sendAsyncMessage("RequestSyncManager:RunTask:Return", { requestID: pendingRequests[i].requestID }); } this.updateObjectInDB(this._activeTask, function() { if (!this._activeTask.data.oneShot) { this.scheduleTimer(this._activeTask, function() { this.processNextTask(aWakeLock); }.bind(this)); } else { this.processNextTask(aWakeLock); } }.bind(this)); }, processNextTask: function(aWakeLock) { debug("processNextTask"); this._activeTask = null; if (this._queuedTasks.length == 0) { aWakeLock.unlock(); return; } let task = this._queuedTasks.shift(); this.timeout(task, aWakeLock); }, hasPendingMessages: function(aMessageName, aManifestURL, aPageURL) { let hasPendingMessages = cpmm.sendSyncMessage("SystemMessageManager:HasPendingMessages", { type: aMessageName, pageURL: aPageURL.spec, manifestURL: aManifestURL.spec })[0]; debug("Pending messages: " + hasPendingMessages); return hasPendingMessages; }, // Update the object into the database. updateObjectInDB: function(aObj, aCb) { debug("updateObjectInDB"); this.dbTxn('readwrite', function(aStore) { aStore.put(aObj, aObj.dbKey); }, function() { if (aCb) { aCb(); } debug("UpdateObjectInDB completed"); }, function() { debug("UpdateObjectInDB failed"); }); }, pendingOperationStarted: function() { debug('pendingOperationStarted'); this._pendingOperation = true; }, pendingOperationDone: function() { debug('pendingOperationDone'); this._pendingOperation = false; // managing the pending messages now that the initialization is completed. while (this._pendingMessages.length && !this._pendingOperation) { this.receiveMessage(this._pendingMessages.shift()); } }, // This method creates a transaction and runs callbacks. Plus it manages the // pending operations system. dbTxn: function(aType, aCb, aSuccessCb, aErrorCb) { debug('dbTxn'); this.pendingOperationStarted(); let self = this; this.newTxn(aType, RSYNCDB_NAME, function(aTxn, aStore) { aCb(aStore); }, function() { self.pendingOperationDone(); aSuccessCb(); }, function() { self.pendingOperationDone(); aErrorCb(); }); }, forEachRegistration: function(aCb) { // This method is used also to remove registations from the map, so we have // to make a new list and let _registations free to be used. let list = []; for (let key in this._registrations) { for (let task in this._registrations[key]) { list.push(this._registrations[key][task]); } } for (let i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) { aCb(list[i]); } }, wifiStateChanged: function(aEnabled) { debug("onWifiStateChanged"); this._wifi = aEnabled; if (!this._wifi) { // Disable all the wifiOnly tasks. this.forEachRegistration(function(aObj) { if (aObj.data.state == RSYNC_STATE_WIFIONLY && this.hasTimer(aObj)) { this.removeTimer(aObj); // It can be that this task has been already schedulated. this.removeTaskFromQueue(aObj); } }.bind(this)); return; } // Enable all the tasks. this.forEachRegistration(function(aObj) { if (aObj.active && !this.hasTimer(aObj)) { if (!aObj.data.wifiOnly) { dump("ERROR - Found a disabled task that is not wifiOnly."); } this.scheduleTimer(aObj); } }.bind(this)); }, createTimer: function(aObj, aCb) { aCb = aCb || function() {}; let interval = aObj.data.minInterval; if (aObj.data.overwrittenMinInterval > 0) { interval = aObj.data.overwrittenMinInterval; } AlarmService.add( { date: new Date(Date.now() + interval * 1000), ignoreTimezone: false }, () => this.timeout(aObj, null), function(aTimerId) { this._timers[aObj.dbKey] = aTimerId; aCb(); }.bind(this), () => aCb()); }, hasTimer: function(aObj) { return (aObj.dbKey in this._timers); }, removeTimer: function(aObj) { if (aObj.dbKey in this._timers) { AlarmService.remove(this._timers[aObj.dbKey]); delete this._timers[aObj.dbKey]; } }, storePendingRequest: function(aObj, aTarget, aRequestID) { if (!(aObj.dbKey in this._pendingRequests)) { this._pendingRequests[aObj.dbKey] = []; } this._pendingRequests[aObj.dbKey].push({ target: aTarget, requestID: aRequestID }); }, stealPendingRequests: function(aObj) { if (!(aObj.dbKey in this._pendingRequests)) { return []; } let requests = this._pendingRequests[aObj.dbKey]; delete this._pendingRequests[aObj.dbKey]; return requests; }, maybeReleaseWakeLock: function(aWakeLock) { if (aWakeLock) { aWakeLock.unlock(); } } } RequestSyncService.init(); this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = [""];