/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const {interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu} = Components; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Log.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Preferences.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Task.jsm"); Cu.import("chrome://marionette/content/driver.js"); Cu.import("chrome://marionette/content/emulator.js"); Cu.import("chrome://marionette/content/error.js"); Cu.import("chrome://marionette/content/message.js"); this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["Dispatcher"]; const PROTOCOL_VERSION = 3; const logger = Log.repository.getLogger("Marionette"); /** * Manages a Marionette connection, and dispatches packets received to * their correct destinations. * * @param {number} connId * Unique identifier of the connection this dispatcher should handle. * @param {DebuggerTransport} transport * Debugger transport connection to the client. * @param {function(Emulator): GeckoDriver} driverFactory * A factory function that takes an Emulator as argument and produces * a GeckoDriver. */ this.Dispatcher = function(connId, transport, driverFactory) { this.connId = connId; this.conn = transport; // transport hooks are Dispatcher#onPacket // and Dispatcher#onClosed this.conn.hooks = this; // callback for when connection is closed this.onclose = null; // last received/sent message ID this.lastId = 0; this.emulator = new Emulator(this.sendEmulator.bind(this)); this.driver = driverFactory(this.emulator); // lookup of commands sent by server to client by message ID this.commands_ = new Map(); }; /** * Debugger transport callback that cleans up * after a connection is closed. */ Dispatcher.prototype.onClosed = function(reason) { this.driver.sessionTearDown(); if (this.onclose) { this.onclose(this); } }; /** * Callback that receives data packets from the client. * * If the message is a Response, we look up the command previously issued * to the client and run its callback, if any. In case of a Command, * the corresponding is executed. * * @param {Array.} data * A four element array where the elements, in sequence, signifies * message type, message ID, method name or error, and parameters * or result. */ Dispatcher.prototype.onPacket = function(data) { let msg = Message.fromMsg(data); msg.origin = MessageOrigin.Client; this.log_(msg); if (msg instanceof Response) { let cmd = this.commands_.get(msg.id); this.commands_.delete(msg.id); cmd.onresponse(msg); } else if (msg instanceof Command) { this.lastId = msg.id; this.execute(msg); } }; /** * Executes a WebDriver command and sends back a response when it has * finished executing. * * Commands implemented in GeckoDriver and registered in its * {@code GeckoDriver.commands} attribute. The return values from * commands are expected to be Promises. If the resolved value of said * promise is not an object, the response body will be wrapped in an object * under a "value" field. * * If the command implementation sends the response itself by calling * {@code resp.send()}, the response is guaranteed to not be sent twice. * * Errors thrown in commands are marshaled and sent back, and if they * are not WebDriverError instances, they are additionally propagated and * reported to {@code Components.utils.reportError}. * * @param {Command} cmd * The requested command to execute. */ Dispatcher.prototype.execute = function(cmd) { let resp = new Response(cmd.id, this.send.bind(this)); let sendResponse = () => resp.sendConditionally(resp => !resp.sent); let sendError = resp.sendError.bind(resp); let req = Task.spawn(function*() { let fn = this.driver.commands[cmd.name]; if (typeof fn == "undefined") { throw new UnknownCommandError(cmd.name); } let rv = yield fn.bind(this.driver)(cmd, resp); if (typeof rv != "undefined") { if (typeof rv != "object") { resp.body = {value: rv}; } else { resp.body = rv; } } }.bind(this)); req.then(sendResponse, sendError).catch(error.report); }; Dispatcher.prototype.sendError = function(err, cmdId) { let resp = new Response(cmdId, this.send.bind(this)); resp.sendError(err); }; // Convenience methods: /** * When a client connects we send across a JSON Object defining the * protocol level. * * This is the only message sent by Marionette that does not follow * the regular message format. */ Dispatcher.prototype.sayHello = function() { let whatHo = { applicationType: "gecko", marionetteProtocol: PROTOCOL_VERSION, }; this.sendRaw(whatHo); }; Dispatcher.prototype.sendEmulator = function(name, params, resCb, errCb) { let cmd = new Command(++this.lastId, name, params); cmd.onresult = resCb; cmd.onerror = errCb; this.send(cmd); }; /** * Delegates message to client or emulator based on the provided * {@code cmdId}. The message is sent over the debugger transport socket. * * The command ID is a unique identifier assigned to the client's request * that is used to distinguish the asynchronous responses. * * Whilst responses to commands are synchronous and must be sent in the * correct order, emulator callbacks are more transparent and can be sent * at any time. These callbacks won't change the current command state. * * @param {Command,Response} msg * The command or response to send. */ Dispatcher.prototype.send = function(msg) { msg.origin = MessageOrigin.Server; if (msg instanceof Command) { this.commands_.set(msg.id, msg); this.sendToEmulator(msg); } else if (msg instanceof Response) { this.sendToClient(msg); } }; // Low-level methods: /** * Send command to emulator over the debugger transport socket. * * @param {Command} cmd * The command to issue to the emulator. */ Dispatcher.prototype.sendToEmulator = function(cmd) { this.sendMessage(cmd); }; /** * Send given response to the client over the debugger transport socket. * * @param {Response} resp * The response to send back to the client. */ Dispatcher.prototype.sendToClient = function(resp) { this.driver.responseCompleted(); this.sendMessage(resp); }; /** * Marshal message to the Marionette message format and send it. * * @param {Command,Response} msg * The message to send. */ Dispatcher.prototype.sendMessage = function(msg) { this.log_(msg); let payload = msg.toMsg(); this.sendRaw(payload); }; /** * Send the given payload over the debugger transport socket to the * connected client. * * @param {Object} payload * The payload to ship. */ Dispatcher.prototype.sendRaw = function(payload) { this.conn.send(payload); }; Dispatcher.prototype.log_ = function(msg) { let a = (msg.origin == MessageOrigin.Client ? " -> " : " <- "); let s = JSON.stringify(msg.toMsg()); logger.trace(this.connId + a + s); };