'use strict'; const { St, Shell, Meta } = imports.gi; const Main = imports.ui.main; const Me = imports.misc.extensionUtils.getCurrentExtension(); const Settings = Me.imports.settings; var DashBlur = class DashBlur { constructor(connections, prefs) { this.connections = connections; this.prefs = prefs; } enable() { this._log("blurring dash"); this.update(); } update() { if (Main.overview.dash.constructor.name == "Dash") { Main.overview.dash.get_child_at_index(0).style = "background-color:rgba(0,0,0," + this.prefs.DASH_OPACITY.get() + ")"; } // set search entry the same opacity as the dash Main.overview._overview._controls._searchEntry.style = "background-color:rgba(0,0,0," + this.prefs.DASH_OPACITY.get() + ")"; } disable() { this._log("removing blur from dash"); if (Main.overview.dash.constructor.name == "Dash") { if (Main.screenShield && !Main.screenShield.locked) { try { Main.overview.dash.get_child_at_index(0).style = null; } catch (e) { this._log(e); } } } Main.overview._overview._controls._searchEntry.style = null; this.connections.disconnect_all(); } _log(str) { if (this.prefs.DEBUG.get()) log(`[Blur my Shell] ${str}`); } };