
306 lines
12 KiB

# anaconda: The Red Hat Linux Installation program
# Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007
# Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import os
import sys
from glob import glob
from tempfile import mkstemp
import threading
from pyanaconda.core.constants import DisplayModes, PAYLOAD_TYPE_RPM_OSTREE, ADDON_PATHS
from pyanaconda.core import constants
from pyanaconda.core.startup.dbus_launcher import AnacondaDBusLauncher
from pyanaconda.modules.common.constants.services import PAYLOADS
from pyanaconda.payload.source import SourceFactory, PayloadSourceTypeUnrecognized
from pyanaconda.modules.payloads.payload.rpm_ostree.flatpak_manager import FlatpakManager
from pyanaconda.ui.lib.addons import collect_addon_ui_paths
from pyanaconda.anaconda_loggers import get_stdout_logger
stdoutLog = get_stdout_logger()
from pyanaconda.anaconda_loggers import get_module_logger
log = get_module_logger(__name__)
class Anaconda(object):
def __init__(self):
self._display_mode = None
self._interactive_mode = True
self.gui_startup_failed = False
self._intf = None
self.ksdata = None
self.additional_repos = None
self.opts = None
self._payload = None
self.mehConfig = None
# Data for inhibiting the screensaver
self.dbus_session_connection = None
self.dbus_inhibit_id = None
# This is used to synchronize Gtk.main calls between the graphical
# interface and error dialogs. Whoever gets to their initialization code
# first will lock gui_initializing
self.gui_initialized = threading.Lock()
# Create class for launching our dbus session
self._dbus_launcher = None
def set_from_opts(self, opts):
"""Load argument to variables from self.opts."""
self.opts = opts
self.additional_repos = opts.addRepo
def dbus_launcher(self):
if not self._dbus_launcher:
self._dbus_launcher = AnacondaDBusLauncher()
return self._dbus_launcher
def payload(self):
# Try to find the payload class. First try the install
# class. If it doesn't give us one, fall back to the default.
if not self._payload:
# Get the type of the DBus payload module if any.
payload_type = self._get_dbus_payload_type()
if payload_type == PAYLOAD_TYPE_RPM_OSTREE:
if FlatpakManager.is_source_available():
from pyanaconda.payload.rpmostreepayload import RPMOSTreePayloadWithFlatpaks
klass = RPMOSTreePayloadWithFlatpaks
from pyanaconda.payload.rpmostreepayload import RPMOSTreePayload
klass = RPMOSTreePayload
elif self.opts.liveinst:
from pyanaconda.payload.live import LiveOSPayload
klass = LiveOSPayload
elif self.ksdata.liveimg.seen:
from pyanaconda.payload.live import LiveImagePayload
klass = LiveImagePayload
from pyanaconda.payload.dnf import DNFPayload
klass = DNFPayload
self._payload = klass(self.ksdata)
return self._payload
def _get_dbus_payload_type():
payloads_proxy = PAYLOADS.get_proxy()
object_path = payloads_proxy.ActivePayload
if not object_path:
return None
object_proxy = PAYLOADS.get_proxy(object_path)
return object_proxy.Type
def get_protected_devices(opts):
specs = []
# methodstr and stage2 become strings in ways that pylint can't figure out
# pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object
if opts.method and SourceFactory.is_harddrive(opts.method):
specs.append(opts.method[3:].split(":", 3)[0])
if opts.stage2 and SourceFactory.is_harddrive(opts.stage2):
specs.append(opts.stage2[3:].split(":", 3)[0])
for additional_repo in opts.addRepo:
_name, repo_url = Anaconda._get_additional_repo_name(additional_repo)
if SourceFactory.is_harddrive(repo_url):
specs.append(repo_url[3:].split(":", 3)[0])
# zRAM swap devices need to be protected
for zram_dev in glob("/dev/zram*"):
return specs
def _get_additional_repo_name(repo):
name, rest = repo.split(',', maxsplit=1)
except ValueError:
raise RuntimeError("addrepo boot option has incorrect format. Correct format is: "
"inst.addrepo=<name>,<url>") from None
return name, rest
def display_mode(self):
return self._display_mode
def display_mode(self, new_mode):
if isinstance(new_mode, DisplayModes):
if self._display_mode:
old_mode = self._display_mode
log.debug("changing display mode from %s to %s",
old_mode.value, new_mode.value)
log.debug("setting display mode to %s", new_mode.value)
self._display_mode = new_mode
else: # unknown mode name - ignore & log an error
log.error("tried to set an unknown display mode name: %s", new_mode.value)
def interactive_mode(self):
return self._interactive_mode
def interactive_mode(self, value):
if self._interactive_mode != value:
self._interactive_mode = value
if value:
log.debug("working in interative mode")
log.debug("working in noninteractive mode")
def gui_mode(self):
"""Report if Anaconda should run with the GUI."""
return self._display_mode == DisplayModes.GUI
def tui_mode(self):
"""Report if Anaconda should run with the TUI."""
return self._display_mode == DisplayModes.TUI
def log_display_mode(self):
if not self.display_mode:
log.error("Display mode is not set!")
log.info("Display mode is set to '%s %s'.",
def add_additional_repositories_to_ksdata(self):
from pyanaconda.kickstart import RepoData
for add_repo in self.additional_repos:
name, repo_url = self._get_additional_repo_name(add_repo)
source = SourceFactory.parse_repo_cmdline_string(repo_url)
except PayloadSourceTypeUnrecognized:
log.error("Type for additional repository %s is not recognized!", add_repo)
repo = RepoData(name=name, baseurl=repo_url, install=False)
if source.is_nfs or source.is_http or source.is_https or source.is_ftp \
or source.is_file:
repo.enabled = True
elif source.is_harddrive:
repo.enabled = True
repo.partition = source.partition
repo.iso_path = source.path
repo.baseurl = "file://"
log.error("Source type %s for additional repository %s is not supported!",
source.source_type.value, add_repo)
def _check_repo_name_uniqueness(self, repo):
"""Log if we are adding repository with already used name
In automatic kickstart installation this will result in using the first defined repo.
if repo in self.ksdata.repo.dataList():
log.warning("Repository name %s is not unique. Only the first repo will be used!",
def dumpState(self):
from meh import ExceptionInfo
from meh.dump import ReverseExceptionDump
from inspect import stack as _stack
from traceback import format_stack
# Skip the frames for dumpState and the signal handler.
stack = _stack()[2:]
exn = ReverseExceptionDump(ExceptionInfo(None, None, stack),
# gather up info on the running threads
threads = "\nThreads\n-------\n"
# Every call to sys._current_frames() returns a new dict, so it is not
# modified when threads are created or destroyed. Iterating over it is
# thread safe.
for thread_id, frame in sys._current_frames().items():
threads += "\nThread %s\n" % (thread_id,)
threads += "".join(format_stack(frame))
# dump to a unique file
(fd, filename) = mkstemp(prefix="anaconda-tb-", dir="/tmp")
dump_text = exn.traceback_and_object_dump(self)
dump_text += threads
dump_text_bytes = dump_text.encode("utf-8")
os.write(fd, dump_text_bytes)
# append to a given file
with open("/tmp/anaconda-tb-all.log", "a+") as f:
f.write("--- traceback: %s ---\n" % filename)
f.write(dump_text + "\n")
def intf(self):
"""The user interface."""
return self._intf
def initInterface(self):
if self._intf:
raise RuntimeError("Second attempt to initialize the InstallInterface")
if self.gui_mode:
from pyanaconda.ui.gui import GraphicalUserInterface
# Run the GUI in non-fullscreen mode, so live installs can still
# use the window manager
self._intf = GraphicalUserInterface(None, self.payload,
# needs to be refreshed now we know if gui or tui will take place
addon_paths = collect_addon_ui_paths(ADDON_PATHS, "gui")
elif self.tui_mode:
# TUI and noninteractive TUI are the same in this regard
from pyanaconda.ui.tui import TextUserInterface
self._intf = TextUserInterface(None, self.payload)
# needs to be refreshed now we know if gui or tui will take place
addon_paths = collect_addon_ui_paths(ADDON_PATHS, "tui")
elif not self.display_mode:
raise RuntimeError("Display mode not set.")
# this should generally never happen, as display_mode now won't let
# and invalid value to be set, but let's leave it here just in case
# something ultra crazy happens
raise RuntimeError("Unsupported display mode: %s" % self.display_mode)
if addon_paths: