
382 lines
14 KiB

# display.py: graphical display setup for the Anaconda GUI
# Copyright (C) 2016
# Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Author(s): Martin Kolman <mkolman@redhat.com>
import os
import subprocess
import time
import textwrap
import pkgutil
from pyanaconda.core.configuration.anaconda import conf
from pyanaconda.core.process_watchers import WatchProcesses
from pyanaconda import isys
from pyanaconda import startup_utils
from pyanaconda.core import util, constants
from pyanaconda import vnc
from pyanaconda.core.i18n import _
from pyanaconda.flags import flags
from pyanaconda.modules.common.constants.services import NETWORK
from pyanaconda.ui.tui.spokes.askvnc import AskVNCSpoke
from pyanaconda.ui.tui import tui_quit_callback
# needed for checking if the pyanaconda.ui.gui modules are available
import pyanaconda.ui
import blivet
from pykickstart.constants import DISPLAY_MODE_TEXT
from simpleline import App
from simpleline.render.screen_handler import ScreenHandler
from pyanaconda.anaconda_loggers import get_module_logger, get_stdout_logger
log = get_module_logger(__name__)
stdout_log = get_stdout_logger()
"Do not load the stage2 image over a slow network link.\n" \
"Wait longer for the X server startup with the inst.xtimeout=<SECONDS> boot option." \
"The default is 60 seconds.\n" \
"Load the stage2 image into memory with the rd.live.ram boot option to decrease access " \
"time.\n" \
"Enforce text mode when installing from remote media with the inst.text boot option.\n" \
"Use the customer portal download URL in ilo/drac devices for greater speed."
def start_user_systemd():
"""Start the user instance of systemd.
The service org.a11y.Bus runs the dbus-broker-launch in
the user scope that requires the user instance of systemd.
if not conf.system.can_start_user_systemd:
log.debug("Don't start the user instance of systemd.")
childproc = util.startProgram(["/usr/lib/systemd/systemd", "--user"])
WatchProcesses.watch_process(childproc, "systemd")
# Spice
def start_spice_vd_agent():
"""Start the spice vdagent.
For certain features to work spice requires that the guest os
is running the spice vdagent.
status = util.execWithRedirect("spice-vdagent", [])
except OSError as e:
log.warning("spice-vdagent failed: %s", e)
if status:
log.info("spice-vdagent exited with status %d", status)
log.info("Started spice-vdagent.")
def ask_vnc_question(anaconda, vnc_server, message):
""" Ask the user if TUI or GUI-over-VNC should be started.
:param anaconda: instance of the Anaconda class
:param vnc_server: instance of the VNC server object
:param str message: a message to show to the user together
with the question
loop = App.get_event_loop()
spoke = AskVNCSpoke(anaconda.ksdata, message=message)
if anaconda.ksdata.vnc.enabled:
if not anaconda.gui_mode:
log.info("VNC requested via VNC question, switching Anaconda to GUI mode.")
anaconda.display_mode = constants.DisplayModes.GUI
flags.usevnc = True
vnc_server.password = anaconda.ksdata.vnc.password
def check_vnc_can_be_started(anaconda):
"""Check if we can start VNC in the current environment.
:returns: if VNC can be started and list of possible reasons
why VNC can't be started
:rtype: (boot, list)
error_messages = []
vnc_startup_possible = True
# disable VNC over text question when not enough memory is available
if blivet.util.total_memory() < isys.MIN_GUI_RAM:
error_messages.append("Not asking for VNC because current memory (%d) < MIN_GUI_RAM (%d)" %
(blivet.util.total_memory(), isys.MIN_GUI_RAM))
vnc_startup_possible = False
# disable VNC question if text mode is requested and this is a ks install
if anaconda.tui_mode and flags.automatedInstall:
error_messages.append("Not asking for VNC because of an automated install")
vnc_startup_possible = False
# disable VNC question if we were explicitly asked for text in kickstart
if anaconda.ksdata.displaymode.displayMode == DISPLAY_MODE_TEXT:
error_messages.append("Not asking for VNC because text mode was explicitly asked for in kickstart")
vnc_startup_possible = False
# disable VNC question if we don't have network
network_proxy = NETWORK.get_proxy()
if not network_proxy.IsConnecting() and not network_proxy.Connected:
error_messages.append("Not asking for VNC because we don't have a network")
vnc_startup_possible = False
# disable VNC question if we don't have Xvnc
if not os.access('/usr/bin/Xvnc', os.X_OK):
error_messages.append("Not asking for VNC because we don't have Xvnc")
vnc_startup_possible = False
return vnc_startup_possible, error_messages
# X11
def start_x11(xtimeout):
"""Start the X server for the Anaconda GUI."""
# Start Xorg and wait for it become ready
util.startX(["Xorg", "-br", "-logfile", "/tmp/X.log",
":%s" % constants.X_DISPLAY_NUMBER, "vt6", "-s", "1440", "-ac",
"-nolisten", "tcp", "-dpi", "96",
output_redirect=subprocess.DEVNULL, timeout=xtimeout)
# function to handle X startup special issues for anaconda
def do_startup_x11_actions():
"""Start the window manager.
When window manager actually connects to the X server is unknowable, but
fortunately it doesn't matter. Wm does not need to be the first
connection to Xorg, and if anaconda starts up before wm, wm
will just take over and maximize the window and make everything right,
fingers crossed.
Add XDG_DATA_DIRS to the environment to pull in our overridden schema
datadir = os.environ.get('ANACONDA_DATADIR', '/usr/share/anaconda')
if 'XDG_DATA_DIRS' in os.environ:
xdg_data_dirs = datadir + '/window-manager:' + os.environ['XDG_DATA_DIRS']
xdg_data_dirs = datadir + '/window-manager:/usr/share'
childproc = util.startProgram(["gnome-kiosk", "--display", ":1", "--sm-disable", "--x11"],
env_add={'XDG_DATA_DIRS': xdg_data_dirs})
WatchProcesses.watch_process(childproc, "gnome-kiosk")
def set_x_resolution(runres):
"""Set X server screen resolution.
:param str runres: a resolution specification string
log.info("Setting the screen resolution to: %s.", runres)
util.execWithRedirect("xrandr", ["-d", ":1", "-s", runres])
except RuntimeError:
log.error("The X resolution was not set")
util.execWithRedirect("xrandr", ["-d", ":1", "-q"])
def do_extra_x11_actions(runres, gui_mode):
"""Perform X11 actions not related to startup.
:param str runres: a resolution specification string
:param gui_mode: an Anaconda display mode
if runres and gui_mode and not flags.usevnc:
# Load the system-wide Xresources
util.execWithRedirect("xrdb", ["-nocpp", "-merge", "/etc/X11/Xresources"])
def write_xdriver(driver, root=None):
"""Write the X driver."""
if root is None:
root = conf.target.system_root
if not os.path.isdir("%s/etc/X11" % (root,)):
os.makedirs("%s/etc/X11" % (root,), mode=0o755)
f = open("%s/etc/X11/xorg.conf" % (root,), 'w')
f.write('Section "Device"\n\tIdentifier "Videocard0"\n\tDriver "%s"\nEndSection\n' % driver)
# general display startup
def setup_display(anaconda, options):
"""Setup the display for the installation environment.
:param anaconda: instance of the Anaconda class
:param options: command line/boot options
xtimeout = int(options.xtimeout)
except ValueError:
log.warning("invalid inst.xtimeout option value: %s", options.xtimeout)
xtimeout = constants.X_TIMEOUT
vnc_server = vnc.VncServer() # The vnc Server object.
vnc_server.anaconda = anaconda
vnc_server.timeout = xtimeout
anaconda.display_mode = options.display_mode
anaconda.interactive_mode = not options.noninteractive
if options.vnc:
flags.usevnc = True
if not anaconda.gui_mode:
log.info("VNC requested via boot/CLI option, switching Anaconda to GUI mode.")
anaconda.display_mode = constants.DisplayModes.GUI
vnc_server.password = options.vncpassword
# Only consider vncconnect when vnc is a param
if options.vncconnect:
cargs = options.vncconnect.split(":")
vnc_server.vncconnecthost = cargs[0]
if len(cargs) > 1 and len(cargs[1]) > 0:
if len(cargs[1]) > 0:
vnc_server.vncconnectport = cargs[1]
if options.xdriver:
write_xdriver(options.xdriver, root="/")
if flags.rescue_mode:
if anaconda.ksdata.vnc.enabled:
flags.usevnc = True
if not anaconda.gui_mode:
log.info("VNC requested via kickstart, switching Anaconda to GUI mode.")
anaconda.display_mode = constants.DisplayModes.GUI
if vnc_server.password == "":
vnc_server.password = anaconda.ksdata.vnc.password
if vnc_server.vncconnecthost == "":
vnc_server.vncconnecthost = anaconda.ksdata.vnc.host
if vnc_server.vncconnectport == "":
vnc_server.vncconnectport = anaconda.ksdata.vnc.port
if anaconda.gui_mode:
mods = (tup[1] for tup in pkgutil.iter_modules(pyanaconda.ui.__path__, "pyanaconda.ui."))
if "pyanaconda.ui.gui" not in mods:
stdout_log.warning("Graphical user interface not available, falling back to text mode")
anaconda.display_mode = constants.DisplayModes.TUI
flags.usevnc = False
flags.vncquestion = False
# check if VNC can be started
vnc_can_be_started, vnc_error_messages = check_vnc_can_be_started(anaconda)
if not vnc_can_be_started:
# VNC can't be started - disable the VNC question and log
# all the errors that prevented VNC from being started
flags.vncquestion = False
for error_message in vnc_error_messages:
# Should we try to start Xorg?
want_x = anaconda.gui_mode and not (flags.preexisting_x11 or flags.usevnc)
# Is Xorg is actually available?
if want_x and not os.access("/usr/bin/Xorg", os.X_OK):
stdout_log.warning(_("Graphical installation is not available. "
"Starting text mode."))
anaconda.display_mode = constants.DisplayModes.TUI
want_x = False
if anaconda.tui_mode and flags.vncquestion:
# we prefer vnc over text mode, so ask about that
message = _("Text mode provides a limited set of installation "
"options. It does not offer custom partitioning for "
"full control over the disk layout. Would you like "
"to use VNC mode instead?")
ask_vnc_question(anaconda, vnc_server, message)
if not anaconda.ksdata.vnc.enabled:
# user has explicitly specified text mode
flags.vncquestion = False
startup_utils.check_memory(anaconda, options)
# check_memory may have changed the display mode
want_x = want_x and (anaconda.gui_mode)
if want_x:
except TimeoutError as e:
log.warning("X startup failed: %s", e)
print("\nX did not start in the expected time, falling back to text mode. There are "
"multiple ways to avoid this issue:")
wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(initial_indent=" * ", subsequent_indent=" ",
width=os.get_terminal_size().columns - 3)
for line in X_TIMEOUT_ADVICE.split("\n"):
anaconda.display_mode = constants.DisplayModes.TUI
anaconda.gui_startup_failed = True
except (OSError, RuntimeError) as e:
log.warning("X or window manager startup failed: %s", e)
print("\nX or window manager startup failed, falling back to text mode.")
anaconda.display_mode = constants.DisplayModes.TUI
anaconda.gui_startup_failed = True
if not anaconda.gui_startup_failed:
do_extra_x11_actions(options.runres, gui_mode=anaconda.gui_mode)
if anaconda.tui_mode and anaconda.gui_startup_failed and flags.vncquestion and not anaconda.ksdata.vnc.enabled:
message = _("X was unable to start on your machine. Would you like to start VNC to connect to "
"this computer from another computer and perform a graphical installation or continue "
"with a text mode installation?")
ask_vnc_question(anaconda, vnc_server, message)
# if they want us to use VNC do that now
if anaconda.gui_mode and flags.usevnc:
# with X running we can initialize the UI interface