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.\" Title: afGetFrameCount
.\" Author: [see the "AUTHOR" section]
.\" Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets v1.76.1 <http://docbook.sf.net/>
.\" Date: 03/06/2013
.\" Manual: \ \&
.\" Source: Audio File Library 0.3.6
.\" Language: English
.TH "AFGETFRAMECOUNT" "3" "03/06/2013" "Audio File Library 0\&.3\&.6" "\ \&"
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.\" http://bugs.debian.org/507673
.\" http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/groff/2009-02/msg00013.html
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afGetFrameCount, afGetTrackBytes, afGetDataOffset \- get the total sample frame count, length of audio track in bytes, offset of the audio track for a track in an audio file
#include <audiofile\&.h>
AFframecount afGetFrameCount (AFfilehandle file, int track);
AFfileoffset afGetTrackBytes (AFfilehandle file, int track);
AFfileoffset afGetDataOffset (AFfilehandle file, int track);
\fIfile\fR is an audio file handle created by a previous call to \fBafOpenFile\fR(3)\&.
\fItrack\fR is an integer which specifies an audio track within \fIfile\fR\&. All supported file formats contain exactly one audio track per file, so the constant AF_DEFAULT_TRACK should always be used\&.
afGetFrameCount returns the total number of sample frames contained within the specified track of the specified file\&.
Each sample frame of audio consists of a fixed number of samples (equal to the number of audio channels in the track\&. For monaural data, a sample frame consists of one audio sample\&. For stereophonic data, a sample frame consists of a stereo pair\&.
afGetTrackBytes returns the total number of bytes of raw audio data (i\&.e\&., prior to decompression or conversion) in the track\&.
afGetDataOffset returns the offset in bytes of the start of the audio data contained within the specified track of the specified file\&.
afGetFrameCount returns the total number of sample frames in \fItrack\fR\&.
afGetTrackBytes returns the total number of bytes of audio data in \fItrack\fR\&.
afGetDataOffset returns the offset in bytes to the beginning of the audio data in \fItrack\fR\&.
Each of these routines returns \-1 in case of error\&.
Michael Pruett <michael@68k\&.org>