
1278 lines
57 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schemalist gettext-domain="gnome-shell-extensions">
<enum id='org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-panel.dotStyle'>
<value value='0' nick='DOTS'/>
<value value='1' nick='SQUARES'/>
<value value='2' nick='DASHES'/>
<value value='3' nick='SEGMENTED'/>
<value value='4' nick='SOLID'/>
<value value='5' nick='CILIORA'/>
<value value='6' nick='METRO'/>
<enum id='org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-panel.clickAction'>
<value value='0' nick='RAISE'/>
<value value='1' nick='MINIMIZE'/>
<value value='2' nick='LAUNCH'/>
<value value='3' nick='CYCLE'/>
<value value='4' nick='CYCLE-MIN'/>
<value value='5' nick='QUIT'/>
<value value='6' nick='TOGGLE-SHOWPREVIEW'/>
<value value='7' nick='TOGGLE-CYCLE'/>
<enum id='org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-panel.scrollAction'>
<value value='0' nick='NOTHING'/>
<value value='1' nick='SWITCH_WORKSPACE'/>
<value value='2' nick='CYCLE_WINDOWS'/>
<value value='3' nick='PASS_THROUGH'/>
<value value='4' nick='CHANGE_VOLUME'/>
<enum id='org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-panel.hotkeyPrefix'>
<value value='0' nick='Super'/>
<value value='1' nick='SuperAlt'/>
<enum id='org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-panel.hotkeyOverlay'>
<value value='0' nick='NEVER'/>
<value value='1' nick='TEMPORARILY'/>
<value value='2' nick='ALWAYS'/>
<enum id='org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-panel.position'>
<value value='0' nick='BOTTOM'/>
<value value='1' nick='TOP'/>
<value value='2' nick='LEFT'/>
<value value='3' nick='RIGHT'/>
<enum id='org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-panel.proximityBehavior'>
<value value='0' nick='ALL_WINDOWS'/>
<value value='1' nick='FOCUSED_WINDOWS'/>
<value value='2' nick='MAXIMIZED_WINDOWS'/>
<enum id='org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-panel.fontWeight'>
<value value='0' nick='inherit'/>
<value value='1' nick='normal'/>
<value value='2' nick='lighter'/>
<value value='3' nick='bold'/>
<value value='4' nick='bolder'/>
<enum id='org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-panel.hotkeyNumberKeys'>
<value value='0' nick='NUM_ROW'/>
<value value='1' nick='NUM_KEYPAD'/>
<value value='2' nick='BOTH'/>
<enum id='org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-panel.appIconHoverAnimationType'>
<value value='0' nick='SIMPLE'/>
<value value='1' nick='RIPPLE'/>
<value value='2' nick='PLANK'/>
<schema path="/org/gnome/shell/extensions/dash-to-panel/" id="org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-panel">
<key name="panel-position" enum="org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-panel.position">
<summary>Panel position (Deprecated)</summary>
<description>Panel is shown on the Bottom or Top of the screen.</description>
<key name="panel-element-positions-monitors-sync" type="b">
<summary>Sync element positions</summary>
<description>Sync panel element positions on all monitors.</description>
<key name="panel-positions" type="s">
<summary>Panel positions</summary>
<description>Panel positions (JSON).</description>
<key name="panel-element-positions" type="s">
<summary>Panel element positions</summary>
<description>Panel element positions (JSON).</description>
<key type="s" name="panel-lengths">
<summary>Percentages of screen edge for panel to span</summary>
<description>Length of the panels, in percent (JSON).</description>
<key type="s" name="panel-anchors">
<summary>Positions along screen edge</summary>
<description>Where to show the panels if it is not the full length of the screen edge (JSON).</description>
<key type="s" name="panel-sizes">
<summary>Panel sizes</summary>
<description>Sizes of panels, in pixels.</description>
<key type="i" name="panel-size">
<summary>Panel size (Deprecated)</summary>
<description>Set the size of the panel.</description>
<key type="b" name="desktop-line-use-custom-color">
<summary>Override Show Desktop line color</summary>
<description>Replace current Show Desktop button line color</description>
<key type="s" name="desktop-line-custom-color">
<summary>Custom Show Desktop line color</summary>
<description>Custom Show Desktop button line color</description>
<key name="dot-position" enum="org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-panel.position">
<summary>Dot position</summary>
<description>Running indicators are shown on the Bottom or Top of the screen.</description>
<key name="dot-style-focused" enum="org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-panel.dotStyle">
<summary>Style of the running indicator (focused)</summary>
<description>Style of the running indicator for the icon for the currently focused application</description>
<key name="dot-style-unfocused" enum="org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-panel.dotStyle">
<summary>Style of the running indicator (unfocused)</summary>
<description>Style of the running indicator for the icon for applications which are not currently focused</description>
<key type="b" name="dot-color-dominant">
<summary>Running indicator dominant color</summary>
<description>Whether to use the app icon's dominant color for .app-well-running-dot</description>
<key type="b" name="dot-color-override">
<summary>Running indicator color override</summary>
<description>Whether to override the theme background color for .app-well-running-dot</description>
<key type="s" name="dot-color-1">
<summary>Color of running indicator (1 window)</summary>
<description>Customize the color of the running indicator when one window is running for that application</description>
<key type="s" name="dot-color-2">
<summary>Color of running indicator (2 windows)</summary>
<description>Customize the color of the running indicator when two windows are running for that application</description>
<key type="s" name="dot-color-3">
<summary>Color of running indicator (3 windows)</summary>
<description>Customize the color of the running indicator when three windows are running for that application</description>
<key type="s" name="dot-color-4">
<summary>Color of running indicator (4+ windows)</summary>
<description>Customize the color of the running indicator when four or more windows are running for that application</description>
<key type="b" name="dot-color-unfocused-different">
<summary>Unfocused color is different than focused</summary>
<description>Whether to apply a 2nd color scheme to the indicator when the app is not focused</description>
<key type="s" name="dot-color-unfocused-1">
<summary>Color of unfocused running indicator (1 window)</summary>
<description>Customize the color of the unfocused running indicator when one window is running for that application</description>
<key type="s" name="dot-color-unfocused-2">
<summary>Color of unfocused running indicator (2 windows)</summary>
<description>Customize the color of the unfocused running indicator when two windows are running for that application</description>
<key type="s" name="dot-color-unfocused-3">
<summary>Color of unfocused running indicator (3 windows)</summary>
<description>Customize the color of the unfocused running indicator when three windows are running for that application</description>
<key type="s" name="dot-color-unfocused-4">
<summary>Color of unfocused running indicator (4+ windows)</summary>
<description>Customize the color of the unfocused running indicator when four or more windows are running for that application</description>
<key type="i" name="dot-size">
<summary>Running indicator height</summary>
<description>Height of the running indicator line/diameter of window indicator dots</description>
<key type="b" name="focus-highlight">
<summary>Highlight icon of focused application</summary>
<description>Whether to highlight the background of the currently focused application's icon</description>
<key type="b" name="focus-highlight-dominant">
<summary>Highlight icon dominant color</summary>
<description>Base the active window highlight color on that application's icon</description>
<key type="s" name="focus-highlight-color">
<summary>Color of highlight of focused application</summary>
<description>Customize the color of the highlight of the focused application</description>
<key type="i" name="focus-highlight-opacity">
<summary>Opacity of highlight of focused application</summary>
<description>Customize the opacity of the highlight of the focused application</description>
<key type="b" name="stockgs-keep-dash">
<summary>Keep dash</summary>
<description>Whether to keep the stock gnome-shell dash while in overview</description>
<key type="b" name="stockgs-keep-top-panel">
<summary>Keep top panel</summary>
<description>Whether to keep the stock gnome-shell top panel</description>
<key type="b" name="stockgs-panelbtn-click-only">
<summary>Panel menu buttons require click</summary>
<description>Whether to activate the panel menu buttons on hover or on click</description>
<key type="b" name="stockgs-force-hotcorner">
<summary>Force hot corner</summary>
<description>Wheter to force having an Activities hot corner on the primary monitor</description>
<key type="b" name="taskbar-locked">
<summary>Lock the taskbar</summary>
<description>Specifies if the user can modify the taskbar</description>
<key type="b" name="trans-use-custom-bg">
<summary>Override theme background color</summary>
<description>Replace current theme background color for the panel</description>
<key type="s" name="trans-bg-color">
<summary>Custom background color</summary>
<description>Custom background color for the panel</description>
<key type="b" name="trans-use-custom-opacity">
<summary>Custom background color</summary>
<description>Replace current theme background color for the panel</description>
<key type="b" name="trans-use-dynamic-opacity">
<summary>Dynamic opacity</summary>
<description>Enable dynamic opacity</description>
<key type="d" name="trans-panel-opacity">
<summary>Panel opacity</summary>
<description>Custom opacity for the panel</description>
<key name="trans-dynamic-behavior" enum="org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-panel.proximityBehavior">
<summary>Dynamic opacity behavior</summary>
<description>Dictates which window type affects the panel opacity</description>
<key type="i" name="trans-dynamic-distance">
<summary>Distance to change opacity</summary>
<description>The distance a window needs to be from the panel to change opacity</description>
<key type="d" name="trans-dynamic-anim-target">
<summary>Modified panel opacity</summary>
<description>Modified opacity for the panel when a window is near</description>
<key type="i" name="trans-dynamic-anim-time">
<summary>Opacity change duration</summary>
<description>The duration of the animation when the opacity changes</description>
<key type="b" name="trans-use-custom-gradient">
<summary>Custom gradient</summary>
<description>Replace current theme gradient for the panel</description>
<key type="s" name="trans-gradient-top-color">
<summary>Custom gradient top color</summary>
<description>Custom gradient top color for the panel</description>
<key type="d" name="trans-gradient-top-opacity">
<summary>Custom gradient top opacity</summary>
<description>Custom gradient top opacity for the panel</description>
<key type="s" name="trans-gradient-bottom-color">
<summary>Custom gradient bottom color</summary>
<description>Custom gradient bottom color for the panel</description>
<key type="d" name="trans-gradient-bottom-opacity">
<summary>Custom gradient bottom opacity</summary>
<description>Custom gradient bottom opacity for the panel</description>
<key type="b" name="intellihide">
<description>Whether to intelligently hide the panel</description>
<key type="b" name="intellihide-hide-from-windows">
<summary>Only hide from windows</summary>
<description>Dictates if the dash should only hide when in conflict with windows</description>
<key name="intellihide-behaviour" enum="org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-panel.proximityBehavior">
<summary>Intellihide behaviour</summary>
<description>Dictates how to intelligently hide the panel</description>
<key type="b" name="intellihide-use-pressure">
<summary>Intellihide pressure</summary>
<description>To reveal the panel, pressure needs to be applied to the edege of the screen</description>
<key type="i" name="intellihide-pressure-threshold">
<summary>Intellihide pressure threshold</summary>
<description>The pressure needed to reveal the panel</description>
<key type="i" name="intellihide-pressure-time">
<summary>Intellihide pressure time</summary>
<description>The numer of milliseconds that the pressure needs to be applied to reveal the panel</description>
<key type="b" name="intellihide-show-in-fullscreen">
<summary>Intellihide pressure</summary>
<description>Allow the panel to be revealed while an application is in fullscreen mode</description>
<key type="b" name="intellihide-only-secondary">
<summary>Intellihide only secondary</summary>
<description>Whether to only hide secondary panels</description>
<key type="i" name="intellihide-animation-time">
<summary>Intellihide animation time</summary>
<description>The animation time (ms) to hide and reveal the panel</description>
<key type="i" name="intellihide-close-delay">
<summary>Intellihide close delay</summary>
<description>The delay (ms) before hiding the panel</description>
<key type="s" name="intellihide-key-toggle-text">
<summary>Keybinding toggle intellihide</summary>
<description>Keybinding to reveal the panel while in intellihide mode</description>
<key type="as" name="intellihide-key-toggle">
<summary>Keybinding toggle intellihide</summary>
<description>Keybinding to reveal the panel while in intellihide mode</description>
<key type="i" name="intellihide-enable-start-delay">
<summary>Intellihide enable start delay</summary>
<description>The delay before enabling intellihide on start</description>
<key type="s" name="show-apps-icon-file">
<summary>Custom Show Applications icon</summary>
<description>Customize the Show Applications icon</description>
<key type="i" name="show-apps-icon-side-padding">
<summary>Show Applications icon side padding</summary>
<description>Customize the Show Applications icon side padding</description>
<key type="b" name="show-apps-override-escape">
<summary>Override escape key</summary>
<description>Override the escape key to return to the desktop when entering the overview using the Show Applications button</description>
<key type="as" name="show-apps-button-context-menu-commands">
<summary>Show Apps button context menu commands</summary>
<description>Commands to add to the Show Apps button right click menu</description>
<key type="as" name="show-apps-button-context-menu-titles">
<summary>Show Apps button context menu titles</summary>
<description>Titles for commands added to Show Apps button right click menu</description>
<key type="as" name="panel-context-menu-commands">
<summary>Panel context menu commands</summary>
<description>Commands to add to the panel right click menu</description>
<key type="as" name="panel-context-menu-titles">
<summary>Panel context menu titles</summary>
<description>Titles for commands added to panel right click menu</description>
<key type="b" name="show-activities-button">
<summary>Show activities button</summary>
<description>Show activities button on the left hand side of the taskbar</description>
<key type="i" name="showdesktop-button-width">
<summary>Width of show Desktop button</summary>
<description>Customize the width of the show Desktop button</description>
<key type="b" name="show-showdesktop-hover">
<summary>Show desktop on hover</summary>
<description>Show the desktop on mouse hover</description>
<key type="i" name="show-showdesktop-delay">
<summary>Delay show desktop</summary>
<description>Delay before showing the desktop</description>
<key type="i" name="show-showdesktop-time">
<summary>Show desktop animation time</summary>
<description>Window fade animation time when showing the destop</description>
<key type="b" name="show-appmenu">
<summary>Show appMenu button</summary>
<description>Show appMenu on the right hand side of the panel</description>
<key type="b" name="show-window-previews">
<summary>Show window preview</summary>
<description>Show preview of running window on hover of app icon</description>
<key type="b" name="show-tooltip">
<summary>Show tooltip</summary>
<description>Show tooltip on hover of app icon</description>
<key type="b" name="show-running-apps">
<summary>Show running apps</summary>
<description>Show or hide running application icons in the dash</description>
<key type="b" name="show-favorites">
<summary>Show favorites apps</summary>
<description>Show or hide favorite application icons in the dash</description>
<key type="i" name="show-window-previews-timeout">
<summary>Icon enter display time</summary>
<description>Amount of time after entering icon to wait before displaying window preview if icon is not clicked or mouse has not left.</description>
<key type="b" name="peek-mode">
<summary>Enable peek mode</summary>
<description>Peek a window upon hover for some time</description>
<key type="b" name="window-preview-show-title">
<summary>Display title in preview</summary>
<description>Display window title in preview</description>
<key type="b" name="window-preview-manual-styling">
<summary>Window previews manual styling</summary>
<description>This defines if the default window previews styling should be applied</description>
<key name="window-preview-title-position" enum="org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-panel.position">
<summary>Title position</summary>
<description>Position of the window title, close button and icon in preview.</description>
<key type="s" name="window-preview-title-font-color">
<summary>Window previews title font color</summary>
<description>This defines the window preview titles font color.</description>
<key type="i" name="window-preview-title-font-size">
<summary>Window previews title font size</summary>
<description>This defines the window preview titles font size.</description>
<key type="b" name="window-preview-use-custom-icon-size">
<summary>Window previews use custom icon size</summary>
<description>Window previews use custom application icon size.</description>
<key type="i" name="window-preview-custom-icon-size">
<summary>Window previews custom icon size</summary>
<description>Window previews custom application icon size.</description>
<key type="i" name="window-preview-animation-time">
<summary>Window previews animation time</summary>
<description>This defines the window previews animation time.</description>
<key name="window-preview-title-font-weight" enum="org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-panel.fontWeight">
<summary>Font weight of window preview titles</summary>
<description>This defines the font weight of window preview titles. Supported values: inherit (from theme), normal, lighter, bold and bolder.</description>
<key type="i" name="window-preview-size">
<summary>Window previews size</summary>
<description>Preferred window previews size</description>
<key type="b" name="window-preview-fixed-x">
<summary>Fixed aspect ratio X</summary>
<description>This defines if the window previews use a fixed aspect ratio X.</description>
<key type="b" name="window-preview-fixed-y">
<summary>Fixed aspect ratio Y</summary>
<description>This defines if the window previews use a fixed aspect ratio Y.</description>
<key type="i" name="window-preview-padding">
<summary>Window previews padding</summary>
<description>The padding of the window previews</description>
<key type="i" name="window-preview-aspect-ratio-x">
<summary>Aspect ratio X</summary>
<description>The window previews respected aspect ratio X.</description>
<key type="i" name="window-preview-aspect-ratio-y">
<summary>Aspect ratio Y</summary>
<description>The window previews respected aspect ratio Y.</description>
<key type="b" name="window-preview-hide-immediate-click">
<summary>Immediate hide on icon click</summary>
<description>The window previews immediately hide when an application icon is clicked.</description>
<key type="b" name="isolate-workspaces">
<summary>Provide workspace isolation</summary>
<description>Dash shows only windows from the current workspace</description>
<key type="b" name="overview-click-to-exit">
<summary>Close overview by clicking in empty space</summary>
<description>Close overview or app grid by clicking in empty space</description>
<key type="b" name="hide-overview-on-startup">
<summary>Hide overview on startup</summary>
<description>Hide overview on startup, which would be shown by default at gnome startup.</description>
<key type="b" name="group-apps">
<summary>Group applications</summary>
<description>Dash groups the application instances under the same icon</description>
<key type="i" name="group-apps-label-font-size">
<summary>Application title font size</summary>
<description>When the applications are ungrouped, this defines the application titles font size.</description>
<key name="group-apps-label-font-weight" enum="org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-panel.fontWeight">
<summary>Font weight of application titles</summary>
<description>When the applications are ungrouped, this defines font weight of application titles. Supported values: inherit (from theme), normal, lighter, bold and bolder.</description>
<key type="s" name="group-apps-label-font-color">
<summary>Application title font color</summary>
<description>When the applications are ungrouped, this defines the application titles font color.</description>
<key type="s" name="group-apps-label-font-color-minimized">
<summary>Minimized application title font color</summary>
<description>When the applications are ungrouped, this defines the titles font color for minimized applications.</description>
<key type="i" name="group-apps-label-max-width">
<summary>Application title max width</summary>
<description>When the applications are ungrouped, this defines the application titles maximum width.</description>
<key type="b" name="group-apps-use-fixed-width">
<summary>Use a fixed width for the application titles</summary>
<description>The application titles all have the same width, even if their texts are shorter than the maximum width. The maximum width value is used as the fixed width.</description>
<key type="b" name="group-apps-underline-unfocused">
<summary>Display running indicators on unfocused applications</summary>
<description>When the applications are ungrouped, this defines if running applications should display an indicator.</description>
<key type="b" name="group-apps-use-launchers">
<summary>Use favorite icons as application launchers</summary>
<description>When the applications are ungrouped, this defines if running applications stay separate from the favorite icons.</description>
<key type="i" name="primary-monitor">
<summary>Primary monitor index</summary>
<description>Specifies the index of the primary monitor.</description>
<key type="b" name="multi-monitors">
<summary>Display panels on all monitors</summary>
<description>Specifies if a panel is shown on every monitors</description>
<key type="ai" name="available-monitors">
<summary>Available monitors</summary>
<description>Available gnome-shell (Mutter) monitors, internal use</description>
<key type="b" name="isolate-monitors">
<summary>Provide monitor isolation</summary>
<description>Dash shows only windows from the current monitor</description>
<key type="b" name="show-favorites-all-monitors">
<summary>Display the favorites on all monitors</summary>
<description>Specifies if every panel should display the favorite applications. If false, the favorite appplications are only displayed on the primary monitor.</description>
<key type="b" name="customize-click">
<summary>Customize click behaviour</summary>
<description>Customize action on various mouse events</description>
<key type="b" name="minimize-shift">
<summary>Minimize on shift+click</summary>
<key type="b" name="activate-single-window">
<summary>Activate only one window</summary>
<key name="click-action" enum="org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-panel.clickAction">
<summary>Action when clicking on a running app</summary>
<description>Set the action that is executed when clicking on the icon of a running application</description>
<key name="shift-click-action" enum="org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-panel.clickAction">
<summary>Action when shift+clicking on a running app</summary>
<description>Set the action that is executed when shift+clicking on the icon of a running application</description>
<key name="middle-click-action" enum="org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-panel.clickAction">
<summary>Action when clicking on a running app</summary>
<description>Set the action that is executed when middle-clicking on the icon of a running application</description>
<key name="shift-middle-click-action" enum="org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-panel.clickAction">
<summary>Action when clicking on a running app</summary>
<description>Set the action that is executed when shift+middle-clicking on the icon of a running application</description>
<key name="scroll-panel-action" enum="org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-panel.scrollAction">
<summary>Action when scrolling over the panel</summary>
<description>Set the action that is executed when scrolling over the panel</description>
<key type="i" name="scroll-panel-delay">
<summary>Delay between panel mouse scroll events</summary>
<description>Set the minimum delay between panel mouse scroll events</description>
<key type="b" name="scroll-panel-show-ws-popup">
<summary>Show the workspace switch head-up when workspace is changed by scrolling on the panel</summary>
<key name="scroll-icon-action" enum="org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-panel.scrollAction">
<summary>Action when scrolling over a running app</summary>
<description>Set the action that is executed when scrolling over a running application</description>
<key type="i" name="scroll-icon-delay">
<summary>Delay between icon mouse scroll events</summary>
<description>Set the minimum delay between icon mouse scroll events</description>
<key type="i" name="leave-timeout">
<summary>Icon leave preview timeout</summary>
<description>Amount of time to leave preview windows open when the mouse has left the application's icon.</description>
<key type="i" name="enter-peek-mode-timeout">
<summary>Enter window peeking mode timeout</summary>
<description>Amount of time of inactivity to enter the window peeking mode when the mouse has entered a window preview.</description>
<key type="i" name="peek-mode-opacity">
<summary>Window peeking mode opacity</summary>
<description>All windows except for the peeked one have their opacity set to the same value.</description>
<key type="b" name="preview-middle-click-close">
<summary>Middle click preview to close window</summary>
<description>Middle click on the window preview to close that window</description>
<key type="b" name="preview-use-custom-opacity">
<summary>Window previews use custom opacity</summary>
<description>Window previews background use a different opacity from the panel</description>
<key type="i" name="preview-custom-opacity">
<summary>Window previews background opacity</summary>
<description>Window previews use this custom background opacity.</description>
<key type="i" name="tray-size">
<summary>Tray font size</summary>
<description>Set the size of the tray font. (0 for default)</description>
<key type="i" name="leftbox-size">
<summary>Leftbox font size</summary>
<description>Set the size of the leftBox font. (0 for default)</description>
<key type="i" name="appicon-margin">
<summary>App icon margin</summary>
<description>Set the margin for application icons in the embedded dash.</description>
<key type="i" name="appicon-padding">
<summary>App icon padding</summary>
<description>Set the padding for application icons in the embedded dash.</description>
<key type="i" name="tray-padding">
<summary>Tray item padding</summary>
<description>Set the size of the tray padding. (-1 for default)</description>
<key type="i" name="leftbox-padding">
<summary>Leftbox item padding</summary>
<description>Set the size of the leftBox padding. (-1 for default)</description>
<key type="i" name="status-icon-padding">
<summary>Status icon padding</summary>
<description>Set the size of the aggregate (status) menu icon padding. (-1 for default)</description>
<key type="b" name="animate-app-switch">
<summary>Animate running indicator when open/closing/switching applications</summary>
<key type="b" name="animate-window-launch">
<summary>Animate when new window launched</summary>
<key type="b" name="animate-appicon-hover">
<summary>Animate app icon on hover</summary>
<key name="animate-appicon-hover-animation-type" enum="org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-panel.appIconHoverAnimationType">
<summary>App icon hover animation type</summary>
<key type="a{sd}" name="animate-appicon-hover-animation-convexity">
<summary>App icon hover animation curve convexity (1 is linear, more is convex, less is concave)</summary>
<key type="a{su}" name="animate-appicon-hover-animation-duration">
<summary>App icon hover animation duration in milliseconds</summary>
<key type="a{si}" name="animate-appicon-hover-animation-extent">
<summary>App icon hover animation extent (maximum number of animated icons)</summary>
<key type="a{si}" name="animate-appicon-hover-animation-rotation">
<summary>App icon hover animation rotation in degrees</summary>
<key type="a{sd}" name="animate-appicon-hover-animation-travel">
<summary>App icon hover animation travel translation in relation to the app icon size</summary>
<key type="a{sd}" name="animate-appicon-hover-animation-zoom">
<summary>App icon hover animation zoom scale in relation to the app icon size</summary>
<key type="b" name="secondarymenu-contains-appmenu">
<summary>Integrate items from the gnome appmenu into the right click menu</summary>
<key type="b" name="secondarymenu-contains-showdetails">
<summary>Display Show Details to open Gnome Software from right click menu</summary>
<key type="s" name="shortcut-text">
<summary>Keybinding to show the dock and the number overlay.</summary>
<description>Behavior depends on hotkeys-show-dock and hotkeys-overlay.</description>
<key type="as" name="shortcut">
<summary>Keybinding to show the dock and the number overlay.</summary>
<description>Behavior depends on hotkeys-show-dock and hotkeys-overlay.</description>
<key type="i" name="shortcut-timeout">
<summary>Timeout to hide the dock, in seconds</summary>
<description>Sets the time duration before the dock is hidden again.</description>
<key type="i" name="overlay-timeout">
<summary>Timeout to hide the dock, in seconds</summary>
<description>Sets the time duration before the dock is hidden again.</description>
<key name="hotkeys-overlay-combo" enum="org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-panel.hotkeyOverlay">
<summary>Transitivity of the number overlay</summary>
<description>You can choose between NEVER, TEMPORARILY and ALWAYS.</description>
<key type="b" name="hot-keys">
<summary>Super Hot-Keys</summary>
<description>Launch and switch between dash items using Super+(0-9)</description>
<key name="hotkey-prefix-text" enum="org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-panel.hotkeyPrefix">
<summary>Prefix to use for hotkeys</summary>
<description>You can choose between Super or SuperAlt as the prefix for hotkeys.</description>
<key type="b" name="shortcut-previews">
<summary>Show window previews</summary>
<description>When multiple instances of the application are available, show their window previews</description>
<key name="shortcut-num-keys" enum="org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-panel.hotkeyNumberKeys">
<summary>Hotkeys number keys</summary>
<description>Which number keys are used for the hotkeys</description>
<key name="app-ctrl-hotkey-1" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to launch 1st dash app</summary>
Keybinding to launch 1st app.
<key name="app-ctrl-hotkey-2" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to launch 2nd dash app</summary>
Keybinding to launch 2nd app.
<key name="app-ctrl-hotkey-3" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to launch 3rd dash app</summary>
Keybinding to launch 3rd app.
<key name="app-ctrl-hotkey-4" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to launch 4th dash app</summary>
Keybinding to launch 4th app.
<key name="app-ctrl-hotkey-5" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to launch 5th dash app</summary>
Keybinding to launch 5th app.
<key name="app-ctrl-hotkey-6" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to launch 6th dash app</summary>
Keybinding to launch 6th app.
<key name="app-ctrl-hotkey-7" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to launch 7th dash app</summary>
Keybinding to launch 7th app.
<key name="app-ctrl-hotkey-8" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to launch 8th dash app</summary>
Keybinding to launch 8th app.
<key name="app-ctrl-hotkey-9" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to launch 9th dash app</summary>
Keybinding to launch 9th app.
<key name="app-ctrl-hotkey-10" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to launch 10th dash app</summary>
Keybinding to launch 10th app.
<key name="app-shift-hotkey-1" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to trigger 1st dash app with shift behavior</summary>
Keybinding to trigger 1st app with shift behavior.
<key name="app-shift-hotkey-2" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to trigger 2nd dash app with shift behavior</summary>
Keybinding to trigger 2nd app with shift behavior.
<key name="app-shift-hotkey-3" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to trigger 3rd dash app with shift behavior</summary>
Keybinding to trigger 3rd app with shift behavior.
<key name="app-shift-hotkey-4" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to trigger 4th dash app with shift behavior</summary>
Keybinding to trigger 4th app with shift behavior.
<key name="app-shift-hotkey-5" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to trigger 5th dash app with shift behavior</summary>
Keybinding to trigger 5th app with shift behavior.
<key name="app-shift-hotkey-6" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to trigger 6th dash app with shift behavior</summary>
Keybinding to trigger 6th app with shift behavior.
<key name="app-shift-hotkey-7" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to trigger 7th dash app with shift behavior</summary>
Keybinding to trigger 7th app with shift behavior.
<key name="app-shift-hotkey-8" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to trigger 8th dash app with shift behavior</summary>
Keybinding to trigger 8th app with shift behavior.
<key name="app-shift-hotkey-9" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to trigger 9th dash app with shift behavior</summary>
Keybinding to trigger 9th app with shift behavior.
<key name="app-shift-hotkey-10" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to trigger 10th dash app with shift behavior</summary>
Keybinding to trigger 10th app with shift behavior.
<key name="app-hotkey-1" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to trigger 1st dash app</summary>
Keybinding to either show or launch the 1st application in the dash.
<key name="app-hotkey-2" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to trigger 2nd dash app</summary>
Keybinding to either show or launch the 2nd application in the dash.
<key name="app-hotkey-3" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to trigger 3rd dash app</summary>
Keybinding to either show or launch the 3rd application in the dash.
<key name="app-hotkey-4" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to trigger 4th dash app</summary>
Keybinding to either show or launch the 4th application in the dash.
<key name="app-hotkey-5" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to trigger 5th dash app</summary>
Keybinding to either show or launch the 5th application in the dash.
<key name="app-hotkey-6" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to trigger 6th dash app</summary>
Keybinding to either show or launch the 6th application in the dash.
<key name="app-hotkey-7" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to trigger 7th dash app</summary>
Keybinding to either show or launch the 7th application in the dash.
<key name="app-hotkey-8" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to trigger 8th dash app</summary>
Keybinding to either show or launch the 8th application in the dash.
<key name="app-hotkey-9" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to trigger 9th dash app</summary>
Keybinding to either show or launch the 9th application in the dash.
<key name="app-hotkey-10" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to trigger 10th dash app</summary>
Keybinding to either show or launch the 10th application in the dash.
<key name="app-ctrl-hotkey-kp-1" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to launch 1st dash app</summary>
Keybinding to launch 1st app.
<key name="app-ctrl-hotkey-kp-2" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to launch 2nd dash app</summary>
Keybinding to launch 2nd app.
<key name="app-ctrl-hotkey-kp-3" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to launch 3rd dash app</summary>
Keybinding to launch 3rd app.
<key name="app-ctrl-hotkey-kp-4" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to launch 4th dash app</summary>
Keybinding to launch 4th app.
<key name="app-ctrl-hotkey-kp-5" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to launch 5th dash app</summary>
Keybinding to launch 5th app.
<key name="app-ctrl-hotkey-kp-6" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to launch 6th dash app</summary>
Keybinding to launch 6th app.
<key name="app-ctrl-hotkey-kp-7" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to launch 7th dash app</summary>
Keybinding to launch 7th app.
<key name="app-ctrl-hotkey-kp-8" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to launch 8th dash app</summary>
Keybinding to launch 8th app.
<key name="app-ctrl-hotkey-kp-9" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to launch 9th dash app</summary>
Keybinding to launch 9th app.
<key name="app-ctrl-hotkey-kp-10" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to launch 10th dash app</summary>
Keybinding to launch 10th app.
<key name="app-shift-hotkey-kp-1" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to trigger 1st dash app with shift behavior</summary>
Keybinding to trigger 1st app with shift behavior.
<key name="app-shift-hotkey-kp-2" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to trigger 2nd dash app with shift behavior</summary>
Keybinding to trigger 2nd app with shift behavior.
<key name="app-shift-hotkey-kp-3" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to trigger 3rd dash app with shift behavior</summary>
Keybinding to trigger 3rd app with shift behavior.
<key name="app-shift-hotkey-kp-4" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to trigger 4th dash app with shift behavior</summary>
Keybinding to trigger 4th app with shift behavior.
<key name="app-shift-hotkey-kp-5" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to trigger 5th dash app with shift behavior</summary>
Keybinding to trigger 5th app with shift behavior.
<key name="app-shift-hotkey-kp-6" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to trigger 6th dash app with shift behavior</summary>
Keybinding to trigger 6th app with shift behavior.
<key name="app-shift-hotkey-kp-7" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to trigger 7th dash app with shift behavior</summary>
Keybinding to trigger 7th app with shift behavior.
<key name="app-shift-hotkey-kp-8" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to trigger 8th dash app with shift behavior</summary>
Keybinding to trigger 8th app with shift behavior.
<key name="app-shift-hotkey-kp-9" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to trigger 9th dash app with shift behavior</summary>
Keybinding to trigger 9th app with shift behavior.
<key name="app-shift-hotkey-kp-10" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to trigger 10th dash app with shift behavior</summary>
Keybinding to trigger 10th app with shift behavior.
<key name="app-hotkey-kp-1" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to trigger 1st dash app</summary>
Keybinding to either show or launch the 1st application in the dash.
<key name="app-hotkey-kp-2" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to trigger 2nd dash app</summary>
Keybinding to either show or launch the 2nd application in the dash.
<key name="app-hotkey-kp-3" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to trigger 3rd dash app</summary>
Keybinding to either show or launch the 3rd application in the dash.
<key name="app-hotkey-kp-4" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to trigger 4th dash app</summary>
Keybinding to either show or launch the 4th application in the dash.
<key name="app-hotkey-kp-5" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to trigger 5th dash app</summary>
Keybinding to either show or launch the 5th application in the dash.
<key name="app-hotkey-kp-6" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to trigger 6th dash app</summary>
Keybinding to either show or launch the 6th application in the dash.
<key name="app-hotkey-kp-7" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to trigger 7th dash app</summary>
Keybinding to either show or launch the 7th application in the dash.
<key name="app-hotkey-kp-8" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to trigger 8th dash app</summary>
Keybinding to either show or launch the 8th application in the dash.
<key name="app-hotkey-kp-9" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to trigger 9th dash app</summary>
Keybinding to either show or launch the 9th application in the dash.
<key name="app-hotkey-kp-10" type="as">
<summary>Keybinding to trigger 10th dash app</summary>
Keybinding to either show or launch the 10th application in the dash.
<key type="b" name="progress-show-bar">
<summary>Show progress bar on app icon</summary>
<description>Whether to show progress bar overlay on app icon, for supported applications.</description>
<key type="b" name="progress-show-count">
<summary>Show badge count on app icon</summary>
<description>Whether to show badge count overlay on app icon, for supported applications.</description>