
495 lines
14 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"use strict";
module.metadata = {
"engines": {
"Firefox": "*"
const { Toolbar } = require("sdk/ui/toolbar");
const { Loader } = require("sdk/test/loader");
const { identify } = require("sdk/ui/id");
const { getMostRecentBrowserWindow, open, getOuterId } = require("sdk/window/utils");
const { ready, close } = require("sdk/window/helpers");
const { defer } = require("sdk/core/promise");
const { send, stop, Reactor } = require("sdk/event/utils");
const { object } = require("sdk/util/sequence");
const { CustomizationInput } = require("sdk/input/customizable-ui");
const { OutputPort } = require("sdk/output/system");
const output = new OutputPort({ id: "toolbar-change" });
const { cleanUI } = require('sdk/test/utils');
const tabs = require("sdk/tabs");
const wait = (toolbar, event) => {
let { promise, resolve } = defer();
toolbar.once(event, resolve);
return promise;
const show = ({id}) => send(output, object([id, {collapsed: false}]));
const hide = ({id}) => send(output, object([id, {collapsed: true}]));
const retitle = ({id}, title) => send(output, object([id, {title: title}]));
const isAttached = ({id}, window=getMostRecentBrowserWindow()) =>
const isCollapsed = ({id}, window=getMostRecentBrowserWindow()) =>
window.document.getElementById(id).getAttribute("collapsed") === "true";
const closeViaButton = ({id}, window=getMostRecentBrowserWindow()) =>
window.document.getElementById("close-" + id).click();
const readTitle = ({id}, window=getMostRecentBrowserWindow()) =>
exports["test toolbar API"] = function*(assert) {
assert.throws(() => new Toolbar(),
/The `option.title`/,
"toolbar requires title");
assert.throws(() => new Toolbar({ hidden: false }),
/The `option.title`/,
"toolbar requires title");
const t1 = new Toolbar({ title: "foo" });
assert.throws(() => new Toolbar({ title: "foo" }),
/already exists/,
"can't create identical toolbars");
assert.ok(t1.id, "toolbar has an id");
assert.equal(t1.id, identify(t1), "identify returns toolbar id");
assert.deepEqual(t1.items, [], "toolbar items are empty");
assert.equal(t1.title, void(0), "title is void until attached");
assert.equal(t1.hidden, void(0), "hidden is void until attached");
yield wait(t1, "attach");
assert.equal(t1.title, "foo", "title is set after attach");
assert.equal(t1.hidden, false, "by default toolbar isn't hidden");
assert.throws(() => new Toolbar({ title: "foo" }),
/already exists/,
"still can't create identical toolbar");
const t2 = new Toolbar({ title: "bar", hidden: true });
assert.pass("can create different toolbar though");
assert.ok(t2.id, "toolbar has an id");
assert.equal(t2.id, identify(t2), "identify returns toolbar id");
assert.notEqual(t2.id, t1.id, "each toolbar has unique id");
yield wait(t2, "attach");
assert.equal(t2.title, "bar", "title is set after attach");
assert.equal(t2.hidden, true, "toolbar is hidden as specified");
yield wait(t1, "detach");
assert.equal(t1.title, void(0), "title is voided after detach");
assert.equal(t1.hidden, void(0), "hidden is void fater detach");
const t3 = new Toolbar({ title: "foo" });
assert.pass("Can create toolbar after identical was detached");
assert.equal(t3.id, t1.id, "toolbar has a same id");
assert.equal(t3.id, identify(t3), "identify returns toolbar.id");
assert.equal(t3.title, void(0), "title is void before attach");
assert.equal(t3.hidden, void(0), "hidden is void before attach");
yield wait(t3, "attach");
assert.equal(t3.title, "foo", "title is set");
assert.equal(t3.hidden, false, "toolbar is hidden");
yield wait(t3, "detach");
exports["test show / hide toolbar"] = function*(assert) {
const t1 = new Toolbar({ title: "foo" });
yield wait(t1, "attach");
assert.equal(t1.title, "foo", "title is set after attach");
assert.equal(t1.hidden, false, "by default toolbar isn't hidden");
assert.ok(isAttached(t1), "toolbar was actually attarched");
assert.ok(!isCollapsed(t1), "toolbar isn't collapsed");
assert.equal(t1.hidden, false, "not hidden yet");
yield wait(t1, "hide");
assert.equal(t1.hidden, true, "toolbar got hidden");
assert.ok(isCollapsed(t1), "toolbar is collapsed");
yield wait(t1, "show");
assert.equal(t1.hidden, false, "toolbar got shown");
assert.ok(!isCollapsed(t1), "toolbar isn't collapsed");
yield wait(t1, "detach");
assert.ok(!isAttached(t1), "toolbar is no longer attached");
exports["test multiple windows & toolbars"] = function*(assert) {
const w1 = getMostRecentBrowserWindow();
const t1 = new Toolbar({ title: "multi window" });
yield wait(t1, "attach");
assert.equal(t1.title, "multi window", "title is set after attach");
assert.equal(t1.hidden, false, "by default toolbar isn't hidden");
assert.ok(isAttached(t1, w1), "toolbar was actually attarched");
assert.ok(!isCollapsed(t1, w1), "toolbar isn't collapsed");
const w2 = open();
yield ready(w2);
assert.ok(isAttached(t1, w2), "toolbar was attached to second window");
assert.ok(!isCollapsed(t1, w2), "toolbar isn't collabsed");
yield wait(t1, "hide");
assert.ok(isCollapsed(t1, w1) && isCollapsed(t1, w2),
"toolbar is collabsed");
const w3 = open();
yield ready(w3);
assert.ok(isAttached(t1, w1) && isAttached(t1, w2) && isAttached(t1, w3),
"toolbar is attached to all windows");
assert.ok(isCollapsed(t1, w3) && isCollapsed(t1, w3) && isCollapsed(t1, w3),
"toolbar still collapsed in all windows");
const t2 = new Toolbar({ title: "multi hidden", hidden: true });
yield wait(t2, "attach");
assert.equal(t2.title, "multi hidden", "title is set after attach");
assert.equal(t2.hidden, true, "isn't hidden as specified");
assert.ok(isAttached(t1, w1) && isAttached(t1, w2) && isAttached(t1, w3),
"toolbar#1 is still attached");
assert.ok(isAttached(t2, w1) && isAttached(t2, w2) && isAttached(t2, w3),
"toolbar#2 was attached to all windows");
assert.ok(isCollapsed(t1, w1) && isCollapsed(t1, w2) && isCollapsed(t1, w3),
"toolbar#1 is still collapsed");
assert.ok(isCollapsed(t2, w1) && isCollapsed(t2, w2) && isCollapsed(t2, w3),
"toolbar#2 is collapsed");
yield wait(t1, "detach");
assert.ok(!isAttached(t1, w1) && !isAttached(t1, w2) && !isAttached(t1, w3),
"toolbar#1 was detached from all windows");
assert.ok(isAttached(t2, w1) && isAttached(t2, w2) && isAttached(t2, w3),
"toolbar#2 is still attached to all windows");
yield close(w2);
assert.ok(isAttached(t2, w1) && isAttached(t2, w3),
"toolbar#2 is still attached to remaining windows");
assert.ok(isCollapsed(t2, w1) && isCollapsed(t2, w3),
"toolbar#2 is still collapsed");
yield wait(t2, "show");
assert.ok(!isCollapsed(t2, w1) && !isCollapsed(t2, w3),
"toolbar#2 is not collapsed");
yield close(w3);
assert.ok(isAttached(t2, w1), "still attached to last window");
assert.ok(!isCollapsed(t2, w1), "still isn't collapsed");
yield wait(t2, "detach");
assert.ok(!isAttached(t2, w1), "toolbar was removed");
yield cleanUI();
exports["test toolbar persistence"] = function*(assert) {
const t1 = new Toolbar({ title: "per sist ence" });
yield wait(t1, "attach");
assert.equal(t1.hidden, false, "toolbar is visible");
yield wait(t1, "hide");
assert.equal(t1.hidden, true, "toolbar is hidden");
assert.ok(isCollapsed(t1), "toolbar is collapsed");
yield wait(t1, "detach");
const t2 = new Toolbar({ title: "per sist ence" });
yield wait(t2, "attach");
assert.equal(t2.hidden, true, "toolbar persisted state");
assert.ok(isCollapsed(t2), "toolbar is collapsed");
yield wait(t2, "detach");
const t3 = new Toolbar({ title: "per sist ence", hidden: true });
yield wait(t3, "attach");
assert.equal(t3.hidden, false, "toolbar persisted state & ignored option");
assert.ok(!isCollapsed(t3), "toolbar isn1t collapsed");
yield wait(t3, "detach");
yield cleanUI();
exports["test toolbar unload"] = function*(assert) {
// We override add-on id, otherwise two instances of Toolbar host (view.js)
// handling same updates, cause message port is bound to add-on id.
const loader = Loader(module, null, null, {id: "toolbar-unload-addon"});
const { Toolbar } = loader.require("sdk/ui/toolbar");
const w1 = getMostRecentBrowserWindow();
const w2 = open();
yield ready(w2);
const t1 = new Toolbar({ title: "unload" });
yield wait(t1, "attach");
assert.ok(isAttached(t1, w1) && isAttached(t1, w2),
"attached to both windows");
assert.ok(!isAttached(t1, w1) && !isAttached(t1, w2),
"detached from both windows on unload");
yield cleanUI();
exports["test toolbar close button"] = function*(assert) {
const t1 = new Toolbar({ title: "close with button" });
yield wait(t1, "attach");
const w1 = getMostRecentBrowserWindow();
const w2 = open();
yield ready(w2);
assert.ok(!isCollapsed(t1, w1) && !isCollapsed(t1, w2),
"toolbar isn't collapsed");
yield wait(t1, "hide");
assert.ok(isCollapsed(t1, w1) && isCollapsed(t1, w2),
"toolbar was collapsed");
yield wait(t1, "detach");
yield cleanUI();
exports["test title change"] = function*(assert) {
const w1 = getMostRecentBrowserWindow();
const w2 = open();
yield ready(w2);
const t1 = new Toolbar({ title: "first title" });
const id = t1.id;
yield wait(t1, "attach");
assert.equal(t1.title, "first title",
"correct title is set");
assert.equal(readTitle(t1, w1), "first title",
"title set in the view of first window");
assert.equal(readTitle(t1, w2), "first title",
"title set in the view of second window");
retitle(t1, "second title");
// Hide & show so to make sure changes go through a round
// loop.
yield wait(t1, "hide");
yield wait(t1, "show");
assert.equal(t1.id, id, "id remains same");
assert.equal(t1.title, "second title", "instance title was updated");
assert.equal(readTitle(t1, w1), "second title",
"title updated in first window");
assert.equal(readTitle(t1, w2), "second title",
"title updated in second window");
yield wait(t1, "detach");
yield cleanUI();
exports["test toolbar is not customizable"] = function*(assert, done) {
const { window, document, gCustomizeMode } = getMostRecentBrowserWindow();
const outerId = getOuterId(window);
const input = new CustomizationInput();
const customized = defer();
const customizedEnd = defer();
// open a new tab so that the customize tab replaces it
// and does not replace the start tab.
yield new Promise(resolve => {
url: "about:blank",
onReady: resolve
new Reactor({ onStep: value => {
if (value[outerId] === true)
if (value[outerId] === null)
const toolbar = new Toolbar({ title: "foo" });
yield wait(toolbar, "attach");
let view = document.getElementById(toolbar.id);
let label = view.querySelector("label");
let inner = view.querySelector("toolbar");
assert.equal(view.getAttribute("customizable"), "false",
"The outer toolbar is not customizable.");
"The label is not displayed.")
assert.equal(inner.getAttribute("customizable"), "true",
"The inner toolbar is customizable.");
assert.equal(window.getComputedStyle(inner).visibility, "visible",
"The inner toolbar is visible.");
// Enter in customization mode
yield customized.promise;
assert.equal(view.getAttribute("customizable"), "false",
"The outer toolbar is not customizable.");
assert.equal(label.collapsed, false,
"The label is displayed.")
assert.equal(inner.getAttribute("customizable"), "true",
"The inner toolbar is customizable.");
assert.equal(window.getComputedStyle(inner).visibility, "hidden",
"The inner toolbar is hidden.");
// Exit from customization mode
yield customizedEnd.promise;
assert.equal(view.getAttribute("customizable"), "false",
"The outer toolbar is not customizable.");
"The label is not displayed.")
assert.equal(inner.getAttribute("customizable"), "true",
"The inner toolbar is customizable.");
assert.equal(window.getComputedStyle(inner).visibility, "visible",
"The inner toolbar is visible.");
yield cleanUI();
exports["test button are attached to toolbar"] = function*(assert) {
const { document } = getMostRecentBrowserWindow();
const { ActionButton, ToggleButton } = require("sdk/ui");
const { identify } = require("sdk/ui/id");
let action = ActionButton({
id: "btn-1",
label: "action",
icon: "./placeholder.png"
let toggle = ToggleButton({
id: "btn-2",
label: "toggle",
icon: "./placeholder.png"
const toolbar = new Toolbar({
title: "foo",
items: [action, toggle]
yield wait(toolbar, "attach");
let actionNode = document.getElementById(identify(action));
let toggleNode = document.getElementById(identify(toggle));
assert.notEqual(actionNode, null,
"action button exists in the document");
assert.notEqual(actionNode, null,
"action button exists in the document");
assert.notEqual(toggleNode, null,
"toggle button exists in the document");
assert.equal(actionNode.nextElementSibling, toggleNode,
"action button is placed before toggle button");
assert.equal(actionNode.parentNode.parentNode.id, toolbar.id,
"buttons are placed in the correct toolbar");
yield cleanUI();