
753 lines
28 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "OS",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "UpdateUtils",
var gMainPane = {
* Initialization of this.
init: function ()
function setEventListener(aId, aEventType, aCallback)
.addEventListener(aEventType, aCallback.bind(gMainPane));
#ifdef XP_WIN
// In Windows 8 we launch the control panel since it's the only
// way to get all file type association prefs. So we don't know
// when the user will select the default. We refresh here periodically
// in case the default changes. On other Windows OS's defaults can also
// be set while the prefs are open.
window.setInterval(this.updateSetDefaultBrowser.bind(this), 1000);
// set up the "use current page" label-changing listener
window.addEventListener("focus", this._updateUseCurrentButton.bind(this), false);
#ifdef XP_WIN
// Functionality for "Show tabs in taskbar" on Windows 7 and up.
try {
let sysInfo = Cc["@mozilla.org/system-info;1"].
let ver = parseFloat(sysInfo.getProperty("version"));
let showTabsInTaskbar = document.getElementById("showTabsInTaskbar");
showTabsInTaskbar.hidden = ver < 6.1;
} catch (ex) {}
// The "closing multiple tabs" and "opening multiple tabs might slow down
// &brandShortName;" warnings provide options for not showing these
// warnings again. When the user disabled them, we provide checkboxes to
// re-enable the warnings.
if (!TransientPrefs.prefShouldBeVisible("browser.tabs.warnOnClose"))
document.getElementById("warnCloseMultiple").hidden = true;
if (!TransientPrefs.prefShouldBeVisible("browser.tabs.warnOnOpen"))
document.getElementById("warnOpenMany").hidden = true;
setEventListener("browser.privatebrowsing.autostart", "change",
setEventListener("browser.download.dir", "change",
setEventListener("setDefaultButton", "command",
setEventListener("useCurrent", "command",
setEventListener("useBookmark", "command",
setEventListener("restoreDefaultHomePage", "command",
setEventListener("chooseFolder", "command",
setEventListener("e10sAutoStart", "command",
let e10sCheckbox = document.getElementById("e10sAutoStart");
let e10sPref = document.getElementById("browser.tabs.remote.autostart");
let e10sTempPref = document.getElementById("e10sTempPref");
let e10sForceEnable = document.getElementById("e10sForceEnable");
let preffedOn = e10sPref.value || e10sTempPref.value || e10sForceEnable.value;
if (preffedOn) {
// The checkbox is checked if e10s is preffed on and enabled.
e10sCheckbox.checked = Services.appinfo.browserTabsRemoteAutostart;
// but if it's force disabled, then the checkbox is disabled.
e10sCheckbox.disabled = !Services.appinfo.browserTabsRemoteAutostart;
let uAppData = OS.Constants.Path.userApplicationDataDir;
let ignoreSeparateProfile = OS.Path.join(uAppData, "ignore-dev-edition-profile");
setEventListener("separateProfileMode", "command", gMainPane.separateProfileModeChange);
let separateProfileModeCheckbox = document.getElementById("separateProfileMode");
setEventListener("getStarted", "click", gMainPane.onGetStarted);
OS.File.stat(ignoreSeparateProfile).then(() => separateProfileModeCheckbox.checked = false,
() => separateProfileModeCheckbox.checked = true);
// Notify observers that the UI is now ready
.notifyObservers(window, "main-pane-loaded", null);
enableE10SChange: function ()
let e10sCheckbox = document.getElementById("e10sAutoStart");
let e10sPref = document.getElementById("browser.tabs.remote.autostart");
let e10sTempPref = document.getElementById("e10sTempPref");
let prefsToChange;
if (e10sCheckbox.checked) {
// Enabling e10s autostart
prefsToChange = [e10sPref];
} else {
// Disabling e10s autostart
prefsToChange = [e10sPref];
if (e10sTempPref.value) {
const Cc = Components.classes, Ci = Components.interfaces;
let brandName = document.getElementById("bundleBrand").getString("brandShortName");
let bundle = document.getElementById("bundlePreferences");
let msg = bundle.getFormattedString(e10sCheckbox.checked ?
"featureEnableRequiresRestart" : "featureDisableRequiresRestart",
let title = bundle.getFormattedString("shouldRestartTitle", [brandName]);
let shouldProceed = Services.prompt.confirm(window, title, msg)
if (shouldProceed) {
let cancelQuit = Cc["@mozilla.org/supports-PRBool;1"]
Services.obs.notifyObservers(cancelQuit, "quit-application-requested",
shouldProceed = !cancelQuit.data;
if (shouldProceed) {
for (let prefToChange of prefsToChange) {
prefToChange.value = e10sCheckbox.checked;
let tmp = {};
Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/UpdateUtils.jsm", tmp);
if (!e10sCheckbox.checked && tmp.UpdateUtils.UpdateChannel != "default") {
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.requestE10sFeedback", true);
Services.prompt.alert(window, brandName, bundle.getString("e10sFeedbackAfterRestart"));
Services.startup.quit(Ci.nsIAppStartup.eAttemptQuit | Ci.nsIAppStartup.eRestart);
// Revert the checkbox in case we didn't quit
e10sCheckbox.checked = e10sPref.value || e10sTempPref.value;
separateProfileModeChange: function ()
function quitApp() {
Services.startup.quit(Ci.nsIAppStartup.eAttemptQuit | Ci.nsIAppStartup.eRestartNotSameProfile);
function revertCheckbox(error) {
separateProfileModeCheckbox.checked = !separateProfileModeCheckbox.checked;
if (error) {
Cu.reportError("Failed to toggle separate profile mode: " + error);
function createOrRemoveSpecialDevEditionFile(onSuccess) {
let uAppData = OS.Constants.Path.userApplicationDataDir;
let ignoreSeparateProfile = OS.Path.join(uAppData, "ignore-dev-edition-profile");
if (separateProfileModeCheckbox.checked) {
OS.File.remove(ignoreSeparateProfile).then(onSuccess, revertCheckbox);
} else {
OS.File.writeAtomic(ignoreSeparateProfile, new Uint8Array()).then(onSuccess, revertCheckbox);
const Cc = Components.classes, Ci = Components.interfaces;
let separateProfileModeCheckbox = document.getElementById("separateProfileMode");
let brandName = document.getElementById("bundleBrand").getString("brandShortName");
let bundle = document.getElementById("bundlePreferences");
let msg = bundle.getFormattedString(separateProfileModeCheckbox.checked ?
"featureEnableRequiresRestart" : "featureDisableRequiresRestart",
let title = bundle.getFormattedString("shouldRestartTitle", [brandName]);
let check = {value: false};
let prompts = Services.prompt;
let flags = prompts.BUTTON_POS_0 * prompts.BUTTON_TITLE_IS_STRING +
prompts.BUTTON_POS_1 * prompts.BUTTON_TITLE_CANCEL +
let button0Title = bundle.getString("restartNowButton");
let button2Title = bundle.getString("restartLaterButton");
let button_index = prompts.confirmEx(window, title, msg, flags,
button0Title, null, button2Title, null, check)
switch (button_index) {
let shouldProceed = false;
let cancelQuit = Cc["@mozilla.org/supports-PRBool;1"]
Services.obs.notifyObservers(cancelQuit, "quit-application-requested",
shouldProceed = !cancelQuit.data;
if (shouldProceed) {
// Revert the checkbox in case we didn't quit
onGetStarted: function (aEvent) {
const Cc = Components.classes, Ci = Components.interfaces;
let wm = Cc["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"]
let win = wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");
if (win) {
let accountsTab = win.gBrowser.addTab("about:accounts");
win.gBrowser.selectedTab = accountsTab;
* Preferences:
* browser.startup.homepage
* - the user's home page, as a string; if the home page is a set of tabs,
* this will be those URLs separated by the pipe character "|"
* browser.startup.page
* - what page(s) to show when the user starts the application, as an integer:
* 0: a blank page
* 1: the home page (as set by the browser.startup.homepage pref)
* 2: the last page the user visited (DEPRECATED)
* 3: windows and tabs from the last session (a.k.a. session restore)
* The deprecated option is not exposed in UI; however, if the user has it
* selected and doesn't change the UI for this preference, the deprecated
* option is preserved.
syncFromHomePref: function ()
let homePref = document.getElementById("browser.startup.homepage");
// If the pref is set to about:home, set the value to "" to show the
// placeholder text (about:home title).
if (homePref.value.toLowerCase() == "about:home")
return "";
// If the pref is actually "", show about:blank. The actual home page
// loading code treats them the same, and we don't want the placeholder text
// to be shown.
if (homePref.value == "")
return "about:blank";
// Otherwise, show the actual pref value.
return undefined;
syncToHomePref: function (value)
// If the value is "", use about:home.
if (value == "")
return "about:home";
// Otherwise, use the actual textbox value.
return undefined;
* Sets the home page to the current displayed page (or frontmost tab, if the
* most recent browser window contains multiple tabs), updating preference
* window UI to reflect this.
setHomePageToCurrent: function ()
let homePage = document.getElementById("browser.startup.homepage");
let tabs = this._getTabsForHomePage();
function getTabURI(t) {
return t.linkedBrowser.currentURI.spec;
// FIXME Bug 244192: using dangerous "|" joiner!
if (tabs.length)
homePage.value = tabs.map(getTabURI).join("|");
* Displays a dialog in which the user can select a bookmark to use as home
* page. If the user selects a bookmark, that bookmark's name is displayed in
* UI and the bookmark's address is stored to the home page preference.
setHomePageToBookmark: function ()
var rv = { urls: null, names: null };
var dialog = gSubDialog.open("chrome://browser/content/preferences/selectBookmark.xul",
"resizable=yes, modal=yes", rv,
this._setHomePageToBookmarkClosed.bind(this, rv));
_setHomePageToBookmarkClosed: function(rv, aEvent) {
if (aEvent.detail.button != "accept")
if (rv.urls && rv.names) {
var homePage = document.getElementById("browser.startup.homepage");
// XXX still using dangerous "|" joiner!
homePage.value = rv.urls.join("|");
* Switches the "Use Current Page" button between its singular and plural
* forms.
_updateUseCurrentButton: function () {
let useCurrent = document.getElementById("useCurrent");
let tabs = this._getTabsForHomePage();
if (tabs.length > 1)
useCurrent.label = useCurrent.getAttribute("label2");
useCurrent.label = useCurrent.getAttribute("label1");
// In this case, the button's disabled state is set by preferences.xml.
if (document.getElementById
useCurrent.disabled = !tabs.length
_getTabsForHomePage: function ()
var win;
var tabs = [];
const Cc = Components.classes, Ci = Components.interfaces;
var wm = Cc["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"]
win = wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");
if (win && win.document.documentElement
.getAttribute("windowtype") == "navigator:browser") {
// We should only include visible & non-pinned tabs
tabs = win.gBrowser.visibleTabs.slice(win.gBrowser._numPinnedTabs);
tabs = tabs.filter(this.isNotAboutPreferences);
return tabs;
* Check to see if a tab is not about:preferences
isNotAboutPreferences: function (aElement, aIndex, aArray)
return !aElement.linkedBrowser.currentURI.spec.startsWith("about:preferences");
* Restores the default home page as the user's home page.
restoreDefaultHomePage: function ()
var homePage = document.getElementById("browser.startup.homepage");
homePage.value = homePage.defaultValue;
* Preferences:
* browser.download.useDownloadDir - bool
* True - Save files directly to the folder configured via the
* browser.download.folderList preference.
* False - Always ask the user where to save a file and default to
* browser.download.lastDir when displaying a folder picker dialog.
* browser.download.dir - local file handle
* A local folder the user may have selected for downloaded files to be
* saved. Migration of other browser settings may also set this path.
* This folder is enabled when folderList equals 2.
* browser.download.lastDir - local file handle
* May contain the last folder path accessed when the user browsed
* via the file save-as dialog. (see contentAreaUtils.js)
* browser.download.folderList - int
* Indicates the location users wish to save downloaded files too.
* It is also used to display special file labels when the default
* download location is either the Desktop or the Downloads folder.
* Values:
* 0 - The desktop is the default download location.
* 1 - The system's downloads folder is the default download location.
* 2 - The default download location is elsewhere as specified in
* browser.download.dir.
* browser.download.downloadDir
* deprecated.
* browser.download.defaultFolder
* deprecated.
* Enables/disables the folder field and Browse button based on whether a
* default download directory is being used.
readUseDownloadDir: function ()
var downloadFolder = document.getElementById("downloadFolder");
var chooseFolder = document.getElementById("chooseFolder");
var preference = document.getElementById("browser.download.useDownloadDir");
downloadFolder.disabled = !preference.value;
chooseFolder.disabled = !preference.value;
// don't override the preference's value in UI
return undefined;
* Displays a file picker in which the user can choose the location where
* downloads are automatically saved, updating preferences and UI in
* response to the choice, if one is made.
return this.chooseFolderTask().catch(Components.utils.reportError);
chooseFolderTask: Task.async(function* ()
let bundlePreferences = document.getElementById("bundlePreferences");
let title = bundlePreferences.getString("chooseDownloadFolderTitle");
let folderListPref = document.getElementById("browser.download.folderList");
let currentDirPref = yield this._indexToFolder(folderListPref.value);
let defDownloads = yield this._indexToFolder(1);
let fp = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/filepicker;1"].
fp.init(window, title, Components.interfaces.nsIFilePicker.modeGetFolder);
// First try to open what's currently configured
if (currentDirPref && currentDirPref.exists()) {
fp.displayDirectory = currentDirPref;
} // Try the system's download dir
else if (defDownloads && defDownloads.exists()) {
fp.displayDirectory = defDownloads;
} // Fall back to Desktop
else {
fp.displayDirectory = yield this._indexToFolder(0);
let result = yield new Promise(resolve => fp.open(resolve));
if (result != Components.interfaces.nsIFilePicker.returnOK) {
let downloadDirPref = document.getElementById("browser.download.dir");
downloadDirPref.value = fp.file;
folderListPref.value = yield this._folderToIndex(fp.file);
// Note, the real prefs will not be updated yet, so dnld manager's
// userDownloadsDirectory may not return the right folder after
// this code executes. displayDownloadDirPref will be called on
// the assignment above to update the UI.
* Initializes the download folder display settings based on the user's
* preferences.
// don't override the preference's value in UI
return undefined;
displayDownloadDirPrefTask: Task.async(function* ()
var folderListPref = document.getElementById("browser.download.folderList");
var bundlePreferences = document.getElementById("bundlePreferences");
var downloadFolder = document.getElementById("downloadFolder");
var currentDirPref = document.getElementById("browser.download.dir");
// Used in defining the correct path to the folder icon.
var ios = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"]
var fph = ios.getProtocolHandler("file")
var iconUrlSpec;
// Display a 'pretty' label or the path in the UI.
if (folderListPref.value == 2) {
// Custom path selected and is configured
downloadFolder.label = this._getDisplayNameOfFile(currentDirPref.value);
iconUrlSpec = fph.getURLSpecFromFile(currentDirPref.value);
} else if (folderListPref.value == 1) {
// 'Downloads'
// In 1.5, this pointed to a folder we created called 'My Downloads'
// and was available as an option in the 1.5 drop down. On XP this
// was in My Documents, on OSX it was in User Docs. In 2.0, we did
// away with the drop down option, although the special label was
// still supported for the folder if it existed. Because it was
// not exposed it was rarely used.
// With 3.0, a new desktop folder - 'Downloads' was introduced for
// platforms and versions that don't support a default system downloads
// folder. See nsDownloadManager for details.
downloadFolder.label = bundlePreferences.getString("downloadsFolderName");
iconUrlSpec = fph.getURLSpecFromFile(yield this._indexToFolder(1));
} else {
// 'Desktop'
downloadFolder.label = bundlePreferences.getString("desktopFolderName");
iconUrlSpec = fph.getURLSpecFromFile(yield this._getDownloadsFolder("Desktop"));
downloadFolder.image = "moz-icon://" + iconUrlSpec + "?size=16";
* Returns the textual path of a folder in readable form.
_getDisplayNameOfFile: function (aFolder)
// TODO: would like to add support for 'Downloads on Macintosh HD'
// for OS X users.
return aFolder ? aFolder.path : "";
* Returns the Downloads folder. If aFolder is "Desktop", then the Downloads
* folder returned is the desktop folder; otherwise, it is a folder whose name
* indicates that it is a download folder and whose path is as determined by
* the XPCOM directory service via the download manager's attribute
* defaultDownloadsDirectory.
* @throws if aFolder is not "Desktop" or "Downloads"
_getDownloadsFolder: Task.async(function* (aFolder)
switch (aFolder) {
case "Desktop":
var fileLoc = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/file/directory_service;1"]
return fileLoc.get("Desk", Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
case "Downloads":
let downloadsDir = yield Downloads.getSystemDownloadsDirectory();
return new FileUtils.File(downloadsDir);
throw "ASSERTION FAILED: folder type should be 'Desktop' or 'Downloads'";
* Determines the type of the given folder.
* @param aFolder
* the folder whose type is to be determined
* @returns integer
* 0 if aFolder is the Desktop or is unspecified,
* 1 if aFolder is the Downloads folder,
* 2 otherwise
_folderToIndex: Task.async(function* (aFolder)
if (!aFolder || aFolder.equals(yield this._getDownloadsFolder("Desktop")))
return 0;
else if (aFolder.equals(yield this._getDownloadsFolder("Downloads")))
return 1;
return 2;
* Converts an integer into the corresponding folder.
* @param aIndex
* an integer
* @returns the Desktop folder if aIndex == 0,
* the Downloads folder if aIndex == 1,
* the folder stored in browser.download.dir
_indexToFolder: Task.async(function* (aIndex)
switch (aIndex) {
case 0:
return yield this._getDownloadsFolder("Desktop");
case 1:
return yield this._getDownloadsFolder("Downloads");
var currentDirPref = document.getElementById("browser.download.dir");
return currentDirPref.value;
* Hide/show the "Show my windows and tabs from last time" option based
* on the value of the browser.privatebrowsing.autostart pref.
updateBrowserStartupLastSession: function()
let pbAutoStartPref = document.getElementById("browser.privatebrowsing.autostart");
let startupPref = document.getElementById("browser.startup.page");
let menu = document.getElementById("browserStartupPage");
let option = document.getElementById("browserStartupLastSession");
if (pbAutoStartPref.value) {
option.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
if (option.selected) {
menu.selectedItem = document.getElementById("browserStartupHomePage");
} else {
startupPref.updateElements(); // select the correct index in the startup menulist
* Preferences:
* browser.link.open_newwindow - int
* Determines where links targeting new windows should open.
* Values:
* 1 - Open in the current window or tab.
* 2 - Open in a new window.
* 3 - Open in a new tab in the most recent window.
* browser.tabs.loadInBackground - bool
* True - Whether browser should switch to a new tab opened from a link.
* browser.tabs.warnOnClose - bool
* True - If when closing a window with multiple tabs the user is warned and
* allowed to cancel the action, false to just close the window.
* browser.tabs.warnOnOpen - bool
* True - Whether the user should be warned when trying to open a lot of
* tabs at once (e.g. a large folder of bookmarks), allowing to
* cancel the action.
* browser.taskbar.previews.enable - bool
* True - Tabs are to be shown in Windows 7 taskbar.
* False - Only the window is to be shown in Windows 7 taskbar.
* Determines where a link which opens a new window will open.
* @returns |true| if such links should be opened in new tabs
readLinkTarget: function() {
var openNewWindow = document.getElementById("browser.link.open_newwindow");
return openNewWindow.value != 2;
* Determines where a link which opens a new window will open.
* @returns 2 if such links should be opened in new windows,
* 3 if such links should be opened in new tabs
writeLinkTarget: function() {
var linkTargeting = document.getElementById("linkTargeting");
return linkTargeting.checked ? 3 : 2;
* Preferences:
* browser.shell.checkDefault
* - true if a default-browser check (and prompt to make it so if necessary)
* occurs at startup, false otherwise
* Show button for setting browser as default browser or information that
* browser is already the default browser.
updateSetDefaultBrowser: function()
let shellSvc = getShellService();
let defaultBrowserBox = document.getElementById("defaultBrowserBox");
if (!shellSvc) {
defaultBrowserBox.hidden = true;
let setDefaultPane = document.getElementById("setDefaultPane");
let isDefault = shellSvc.isDefaultBrowser(false, true);
setDefaultPane.selectedIndex = isDefault ? 1 : 0;
let alwaysCheck = document.getElementById("alwaysCheckDefault");
alwaysCheck.disabled = alwaysCheck.disabled ||
isDefault && alwaysCheck.checked;
* Set browser as the operating system default browser.
setDefaultBrowser: function()
let alwaysCheckPref = document.getElementById("browser.shell.checkDefaultBrowser");
alwaysCheckPref.value = true;
let shellSvc = getShellService();
if (!shellSvc)
try {
shellSvc.setDefaultBrowser(true, false);
} catch (ex) {
let selectedIndex = shellSvc.isDefaultBrowser(false, true) ? 1 : 0;
document.getElementById("setDefaultPane").selectedIndex = selectedIndex;