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# Copyright (C) 2017 Red Hat, Inc.
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# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
# the GNU General Public License v.2, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY expressed or implied, including the implied warranties of
# Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the
# GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the
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# Red Hat, Inc.
from collections import defaultdict
import re
import gi
gi.require_version("GLib", "2.0")
from gi.repository import GLib
from contextlib import ContextDecorator
from textwrap import dedent
from unittest.mock import Mock, patch
from dasbus.server.template import BasicInterfaceTemplate
from pyanaconda.modules.common.constants.interfaces import KICKSTART_MODULE
from pyanaconda.modules.common.structures.kickstart import KickstartReport
from pyanaconda.modules.common.task import TaskInterface
from dasbus.typing import get_native
class run_in_glib(object):
"""Run the test methods in GLib.
:param timeout: Timeout in seconds when the loop will be killed.
def __init__(self, timeout):
self._timeout = timeout
self._result = None
def __call__(self, func):
def kill_loop(loop):
return False
def run_in_loop(*args, **kwargs):
self._result = func(*args, **kwargs)
def create_loop(*args, **kwargs):
loop = GLib.MainLoop()
GLib.idle_add(run_in_loop, *args, **kwargs)
GLib.timeout_add_seconds(self._timeout, kill_loop, loop)
return self._result
return create_loop
def check_instances(objects, classes):
"""Check if objects are instances of specified classes."""
assert len(objects) == len(classes)
for obj, cls in zip(objects, classes):
assert isinstance(obj, cls)
def clear_version_from_kickstart_string(ks_in):
"""Remove leading line comment with version from kickstart, if present.
:param str ks_in: string with input kickstart
:return str: string with output kickstart
return re.sub(
r"# Generated [^\n]+\n",
def check_kickstart_interface(interface, ks_in=None, ks_out=None, ks_valid=True):
"""Test the parsing and generating of a kickstart module.
:param interface: instance of KickstartModuleInterface
:param ks_in: string with the input kickstart or None
:param ks_out: string with the output kickstart or None
:param ks_valid: True if the input kickstart is valid, otherwise False
callback = PropertiesChangedCallback()
result = None
# Read a kickstart,
if ks_in is not None:
ks_in = dedent(ks_in).strip()
result = KickstartReport.from_structure(
assert ks_valid == result.is_valid()
if not ks_valid:
return result
if ks_out is None:
return result
# Generate a kickstart
ks_out = dedent(ks_out).strip()
ks_generated = clear_version_from_kickstart_string(interface.GenerateKickstart()).strip()
assert ks_out == ks_generated
# Test the properties changed callback.
if ks_in is not None:
callback.assert_any_call(KICKSTART_MODULE.interface_name, {'Kickstarted': True}, [])
return result
class PropertiesChangedCallback(Mock):
"""Mocked callback for the DBus signal PropertiesChanged.
The arguments of the call are unpacked into native values.
def __call__(self, interface, changed, invalid): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
return super().__call__(
interface, {k: v.unpack() for k, v in changed.items()}, invalid
def check_dbus_property(interface_id, interface, property_name,
in_value, out_value=None, getter=None, setter=None, changed=None):
"""Check DBus property.
:param interface_id: instance of DBusInterfaceIdentifier
:param interface: instance of a DBus interface
:param property_name: a DBus property name
:param in_value: an input value of the property
:param out_value: an output value of the property or None
:param getter: a property getter or None
:param setter: a property setter or None
:param changed: a dictionary of changed properties or None
callback = PropertiesChangedCallback()
if out_value is None:
out_value = in_value
# Set the property.
if not setter:
setattr(interface, property_name, in_value)
if not changed:
changed = {property_name: out_value}
callback.assert_called_once_with(interface_id.interface_name, get_native(changed), [])
# Get the property.
if not getter:
getter = lambda: getattr(interface, property_name)
assert getter() == out_value
def check_task_creation(task_path, publisher, task_class, index=0):
"""Check that the DBus task is correctly created.
:param task_path: DBus path of the task
:param publisher: Mock instance of the publish_object method
:param task_class: class of the tested task
:param index: an index of the published object
:return: instance of the task
obj = check_dbus_object_creation(task_path, publisher, task_class, index)
assert isinstance(obj, TaskInterface)
return obj
def check_task_creation_list(task_paths, publisher, task_classes):
"""Check that the list of DBus task is correctly created.
:param task_paths: DBus paths of the tasks
:type task_paths: [str]
:param publisher: Mock instance of the publish_object method
:param task_classes: list of classes of the tested tasks; the order is important here
:return: list of instances of tasks
task_proxies = []
task_count = len(task_paths)
# Check the number of published tasks.
assert task_count == publisher.call_count
assert task_count == len(task_classes)
# Check each published task.
for i in range(task_count):
task_proxy = check_task_creation(task_paths[i], publisher, task_classes[i], i)
return task_proxies
def check_dbus_object_creation(path, publisher, klass, index=0):
"""Check that the custom DBus object is correctly created.
:param path: DBus path of the published object
:param publisher: Mock instance of the publish_object method
:param klass: class of the tested DBus object
:param index: an index of the published object
# A valid index of a call should be less than the number of calls.
assert index < publisher.call_count
object_path, obj = publisher.call_args_list[index][0]
assert path == object_path
assert isinstance(obj.implementation, klass)
assert isinstance(obj, BasicInterfaceTemplate)
return obj
def patch_dbus_publish_object(func):
"""Avoid publishing on dbus. Pass the mock inside the patched function.
This is a shortcut to avoid constant patching with the path.
# TODO: Extend this to patch the whole DBus object and pass in a useful abstraction.
return patch('pyanaconda.core.dbus.DBus.publish_object')(func)
def patch_dbus_get_proxy(func):
"""Patch DBus proxies.
This is a shortcut to avoid creating of DBus proxies using DBus.
return patch('pyanaconda.core.dbus.DBus.get_proxy')(func)
def patch_system_dbus_get_proxy(func):
"""Patch DBus proxies on the system message bus.
This is a shortcut to avoid creating of DBus proxies using DBus.
return patch('pyanaconda.core.dbus.SystemBus.get_proxy')(func)
def patch_dbus_get_proxy_with_cache(func):
"""Patch DBus proxies with a cache.
This decorator will patch the get_proxy method of the DBus class.
The patched method will create and return an instance of Mock for
the given service name and object path and keep it in a cache for
next use. It will return the same instance of Mock for the same
It means that you can use DBus identifiers to set up the state of
DBus modules or to check the current state. It is useful for testing
functions that manipulate with multiple DBus objects.
For example:
network = NETWORK.get_proxy()
network.Connected.return_value = True
bootloader = STORAGE.get_proxy(BOOTLOADER)
bootloader.IsPasswordSet = False
proxies = defaultdict(Mock)
def mock_get(service_name, object_path, *args, **kwargs):
return proxies[(service_name, object_path)]
return patch('pyanaconda.core.dbus.DBus.get_proxy', side_effect=mock_get)(func)
def reset_dbus_container(container):
"""Reset a DBus container.
:param DBusContainer container: a container to reset
container._container = {}
container._published = set()
container._counter = 0
class reset_boot_loader_factory(ContextDecorator):
"""Reset the boot loader factory.
Use this decorator to reset the boot loader factory
for the unit tests that could modify it.
def __init__(self, default_type=None):
self._default_type = default_type
def __enter__(self):
from import BootLoaderFactory
return self
def __exit__(self, *exc):
from import BootLoaderFactory
return False