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# Supported kickstart commands.
# Copyright (C) 2018 Red Hat, Inc.
# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
# the GNU General Public License v.2, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY expressed or implied, including the implied warranties of
# Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the
# GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301, USA. Any Red Hat trademarks that are incorporated in the
# source code or documentation are not subject to the GNU General Public
# License and may only be used or replicated with the express permission of
# Red Hat, Inc.
# Disable unused imports for the whole module.
# pylint:disable=unused-import
# ruff: noqa: F401
# Supported kickstart commands.
from pykickstart.commands.authselect import F28_Authselect as Authselect
from pykickstart.commands.autopart import RHEL10_AutoPart as AutoPart
from pykickstart.commands.bootloader import F39_Bootloader as Bootloader
from pykickstart.commands.btrfs import RHEL10_BTRFS as BTRFS
from pykickstart.commands.cdrom import FC3_Cdrom as Cdrom
from pykickstart.commands.clearpart import F28_ClearPart as ClearPart
from pykickstart.commands.displaymode import F26_DisplayMode as DisplayMode
from pykickstart.commands.driverdisk import F14_DriverDisk as DriverDisk
from pykickstart.commands.module import RHEL10_Module as Module
from pykickstart.commands.eula import F20_Eula as Eula
from pykickstart.commands.fcoe import RHEL10_Fcoe as Fcoe
from pykickstart.commands.firewall import F28_Firewall as Firewall
from pykickstart.commands.firstboot import FC3_Firstboot as Firstboot
from pykickstart.commands.group import F12_Group as Group
from pykickstart.commands.harddrive import F33_HardDrive as HardDrive
from pykickstart.commands.hmc import F28_Hmc as Hmc
from pykickstart.commands.ignoredisk import F34_IgnoreDisk as IgnoreDisk
from pykickstart.commands.iscsi import F17_Iscsi as Iscsi
from pykickstart.commands.iscsiname import FC6_IscsiName as IscsiName
from pykickstart.commands.keyboard import F18_Keyboard as Keyboard
from pykickstart.commands.lang import F19_Lang as Lang
from pykickstart.commands.liveimg import F19_Liveimg as Liveimg
from pykickstart.commands.logging import F40_Logging as Logging
from pykickstart.commands.logvol import RHEL10_LogVol as LogVol
from pykickstart.commands.mediacheck import FC4_MediaCheck as MediaCheck
from pykickstart.commands.mount import F27_Mount as Mount
from pykickstart.commands.network import RHEL10_Network as Network
from pykickstart.commands.nfs import FC6_NFS as NFS
from pykickstart.commands.nvdimm import RHEL10_Nvdimm as Nvdimm
from pykickstart.commands.ostreecontainer import F38_OSTreeContainer as OSTreeContainer
from pykickstart.commands.ostreesetup import F38_OSTreeSetup as OSTreeSetup
from pykickstart.commands.partition import RHEL10_Partition as Partition
from pykickstart.commands.raid import RHEL10_Raid as Raid
from pykickstart.commands.realm import F19_Realm as Realm
from pykickstart.commands.reboot import F23_Reboot as Reboot
from pykickstart.commands.repo import F40_Repo as Repo
from pykickstart.commands.reqpart import F23_ReqPart as ReqPart
from pykickstart.commands.rescue import F10_Rescue as Rescue
from pykickstart.commands.rhsm import RHEL10_RHSM as RHSM
from pykickstart.commands.rootpw import F37_RootPw as RootPw
from pykickstart.commands.selinux import FC3_SELinux as SELinux
from pykickstart.commands.services import FC6_Services as Services
from pykickstart.commands.skipx import FC3_SkipX as SkipX
from pykickstart.commands.snapshot import F26_Snapshot as Snapshot
from pykickstart.commands.sshpw import F24_SshPw as SshPw
from pykickstart.commands.sshkey import F22_SshKey as SshKey
from pykickstart.commands.syspurpose import RHEL10_Syspurpose as Syspurpose
from pykickstart.commands.timezone import RHEL10_Timezone as Timezone
from pykickstart.commands.timesource import F33_Timesource as Timesource
from pykickstart.commands.updates import F34_Updates as Updates
from pykickstart.commands.url import F30_Url as Url
from pykickstart.commands.user import F24_User as User
from pykickstart.commands.vnc import RHEL10_Vnc as Vnc
from pykickstart.commands.volgroup import RHEL10_VolGroup as VolGroup
from pykickstart.commands.xconfig import F14_XConfig as XConfig
from pykickstart.commands.zerombr import F9_ZeroMbr as ZeroMbr
from pykickstart.commands.zfcp import F37_ZFCP as ZFCP
from pykickstart.commands.zipl import F32_Zipl as Zipl
# Supported kickstart data.
from pykickstart.commands.btrfs import F23_BTRFSData as BTRFSData
from pykickstart.commands.driverdisk import F14_DriverDiskData as DriverDiskData
from pykickstart.commands.module import F31_ModuleData as ModuleData
from pykickstart.commands.fcoe import RHEL10_FcoeData as FcoeData
from pykickstart.commands.group import F12_GroupData as GroupData
from pykickstart.commands.iscsi import F17_IscsiData as IscsiData
from pykickstart.commands.logvol import F29_LogVolData as LogVolData
from pykickstart.commands.mount import F27_MountData as MountData
from pykickstart.commands.network import F39_NetworkData as NetworkData
from pykickstart.commands.nvdimm import F28_NvdimmData as NvdimmData
from pykickstart.commands.partition import F29_PartData as PartData
from pykickstart.commands.raid import F29_RaidData as RaidData
from pykickstart.commands.repo import F30_RepoData as RepoData
from pykickstart.commands.snapshot import F26_SnapshotData as SnapshotData
from pykickstart.commands.sshpw import F24_SshPwData as SshPwData
from pykickstart.commands.sshkey import F38_SshKeyData as SshKeyData
from pykickstart.commands.timesource import F33_TimesourceData as TimesourceData
from pykickstart.commands.user import F19_UserData as UserData
from pykickstart.commands.volgroup import RHEL10_VolGroupData as VolGroupData
from pykickstart.commands.zfcp import F37_ZFCPData as ZFCPData