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# Copyright (C) 2024 Red Hat, Inc.
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# ANY WARRANTY expressed or implied, including the implied warranties of
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from dasbus.client.observer import DBusObserver
from pyanaconda.core.dbus import SessionBus
from pyanaconda.modules.common.constants.services import MUTTER_DISPLAY_CONFIG
from pyanaconda.core.regexes import SCREEN_RESOLUTION_CONFIG
__all__ = ['MutterDisplay', 'MutterConfigError']
class MutterConfigError(Exception):
"""Exception class for mutter configuration related problems"""
class MonitorId(object):
"""Collection of properties that identify a unique monitor."""
def __init__(self, props):
self.connector = props[0]
self.vendor = props[1]
self.product = props[2]
self.serial = props[3]
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.connector == other.connector and \
self.vendor == other.vendor and \
self.product == other.product and \
self.serial == other.serial
class MonitorMode(object):
"""Available modes for a monitor."""
def __init__(self, props):
self.id = props[0]
self.width = props[1]
self.height = props[2]
self.refresh_rate = props[3]
self.preferred_scale = props[4]
self.supported_scales = props[5]
self.properties = props[6]
class Monitor(object):
"""Represent a connected physical monitor."""
def __init__(self, props):
self.id = MonitorId(props[0])
self.modes = list(map(MonitorMode, props[1]))
self.properties = props[2]
class LogicalMonitor(object):
"""Represent the current logical monitor configuration"""
def __init__(self, props):
self.x = props[0]
self.y = props[1]
self.scale = props[2]
self.transform = props[3]
self.primary = props[4]
self.monitor_ids = list(map(MonitorId, props[5]))
self.properties = props[6]
class LogicalMonitorConfig(object):
"""Logical monitor configuration object"""
def __init__(self, logical_monitor, monitors, x, y, width, height):
"""Creates a LogicalMonitorConfig setting the given resolution if available."""
self._logical_monitor = logical_monitor
self._monitors = monitors
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.scale = logical_monitor.scale
self.transform = logical_monitor.transform
self.primary = logical_monitor.primary
self.monitors = list()
for monitor_id in logical_monitor.monitor_ids:
connector = monitor_id.connector
mode_id = self._get_matching_monitor_mode_id(monitors, monitor_id, width, height)
self.monitors.append((connector, mode_id, {}))
def _get_matching_monitor_mode_id(self, monitors, monitor_id, width, height):
monitor = next(filter(lambda m: m.id == monitor_id, monitors))
for mode in monitor.modes:
if mode.width == width and mode.height == height:
return mode.id
raise MutterConfigError('Monitor mode with selected resolution not found')
def to_dbus(self):
return (
class MutterDisplay(object):
"""Class wrapping Mutter's display configuration API."""
def __init__(self):
self._proxy = MUTTER_DISPLAY_CONFIG.get_proxy()
def on_service_ready(self, callback):
observer = DBusObserver(SessionBus, 'org.gnome.Kiosk')
def set_resolution(self, res_str):
"""Changes the screen resolution.
:param res_str: Screen resolution configuration with format "800x600".
:raises MutterConfigError on failure.
if not self._proxy.ApplyMonitorsConfigAllowed:
raise MutterConfigError('Monitor configuration is not allowed')
(width, height) = self._parse_resolution_str(res_str)
(serial, monitor_props, logical_monitor_props, _) = self._proxy.GetCurrentState()
# Configuration method as described in org.gnome.Mutter.DisplayConfig.xml:
# 0: verify
# 1: temporary
# 2: persistent
persistent_config = 2
monitors = list(map(Monitor, monitor_props))
logical_monitors = list(map(LogicalMonitor, logical_monitor_props))
# Align the monitors in a row starting at X coordinate 0
x = 0
configs = list()
for logical_monitor in logical_monitors:
config = LogicalMonitorConfig(logical_monitor, monitors, x, 0, width, height)
x += width
self._proxy.ApplyMonitorsConfig(serial, persistent_config, configs, {})
def _parse_resolution_str(self, res_str):
if not SCREEN_RESOLUTION_CONFIG.match(res_str):
raise MutterConfigError('Invalid configuration resolution')
[width, height] = res_str.split('x')
return (int(width, 10), int(height, 10))